Water and Wastewater System Planning for Small and Medium Utilities Using Prudent Utility Management Practices Florida Rural Water Association 1 Planning Covers a very wide range of Utility Functions Identification of Utility Management Functions Identify the special problems faced by Small and Medium Utilities Describe the Planning Function Identify the Critical Plans for Effective Utility Management Review the Components of Cost of Service Ratemaking Identify Special Florida Planning Issues Identify Specific Utility Plans that Minimize Costs, Protect Revenue, and Ensure Maximum Facility Life Florida Rural Water Association 2 Basic Utility Management Responsibilities Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Monitoring and Controlling Florida Rural Water Association 3 Planning is the Most Critical of the Utility Management Tasks Florida Rural Water Association 4 Planning addresses the Serious Issues faced by Small and Medium Utility Systems Insufficient Revenues Aging Infrastructure Difficulties in Obtaining Financial Assistance Lack of Economy of Scale Limited In-house Management Capabilities New Regulatory Requirements Uncertain Financial Stability because of the lack of Long-Term Utility Planning Florida Rural Water Association 5 Some Reasons for Insufficient Utility Revenues Increases in Chemical and Energy costs Increases in Equipment Maintenance costs Politics and difficulties in Raising Rates Conflicting Priorities for use of Utility Funds No Reserve Funds for needed W/WW improvements Florida Rural Water Association 6 Problems with Aging Infrastructure Antiquated Infrastructure and Facilities Facilities are inadequate to meet current or pending Regulations Useful age of facilities is exceeded Environmental Pressures, i.e. contamination from septic tanks, water quality degradation due to droughts and increasing populations densities, water access restrictions, etc. Florida Rural Water Association 7 Difficulties in Obtaining Financial Assistance for Utility Projects Treatment optimization is not a fundable component in any loan or grant program. Demands for CIPs exceed SRF availability RD grants cover only poverty income designations Loans Applications are often Intimidating, confusing and include cumbersome Paperwork requirements Loan payments often mean significant rate increases for distressed customer base $100,000 is commonly the Threshold for Cost Effectiveness removing critical improvements from consideration Florida Rural Water Association 8 Economies of Scale are Lacking for Small W/WW Systems Smaller Customer Base to spread costs Cost per household are typically already higher than larger systems Smaller Systems are more likely to be under-funded Small systems lack financial, managerial and technical capabilities as compared to the capabilities of larger utility systems Florida Rural Water Association 9 Limitations in Management Capabilities for Small and Medium Sized Utility Systems Management of Small Systems is performed by a few individuals with limited OJT experience Systems are have difficulty documenting and evaluating the needs for improvements Small systems have difficultly operating or maintaining sophisticated equipment or systems Management of infrastructure improvements is either ad hoc or “part-time” Understanding of System Requirements and Regulatory Compliance is generally inadequate Florida Rural Water Association 10 Difficulty with Regulatory Compliance Issues Regulations are Burdensome Regulations are Difficult to Understand Regulations are increasingly stringent and complicated System Facilities often are not Adequate to meet Regulations Uncertain Future Regulations Exacerbate Problems Florida Rural Water Association 11 Lack of Long-Term Planning • • • • • Typically Long-Term Planning is neglected Future impacts of demographic changes are not known or their affects are not identified Lack of Long-Term Planning often is the cause of regulatory non-compliance Most systems bogged down coping with current issues (putting out fires) Pending Regulations are often not known Florida Rural Water Association 12 Capabilities of System Operators Regulations are often Confusing How Regulations apply to operated Facilities are not Clear Operator training did not include newer technologies Succession Planning for current system operation does not exist and often there is no backup Often there are changes in operating services or personnel based on unforeseen conditions There are few opportunities to upgrade operator training Labor shortages in coverage and in backup exist Florida Rural Water Association 13 Some Very Recent Examples of Regulatory Changes Disinfection By-Products Rule (TTHM and HAA5 compliance) New IDSE Requirements Biological Compliance Testing and CT Calculations Groundwater Rule Total Coliform Rule Future Arsenic and Fluoride requirements Florida Rural Water Association 14 Planning for Small and Medium Utilities “In preparing for battle I have found that plans are useless but planning is indispensable.” Dwight D. Eisenhower Florida Rural Water Association 15 Components of System Planning Establishing Goals and Objectives Collecting and Evaluating Pertinent Information Identifying and Setting Priorities Identifying and Comparing options and alternatives Devising both short-term and long-term strategies Developing Contingency Plans Preparing Budgets, Developing Policies and Procedures to achieve Planning Goals Florida Rural Water Association 16 Utility Planning Concerns Present Resources Future Resources – Budget (Monies) – Financial Capability – Human Resources – Facility (Staff) – Assets (Facilities and Equip.) Rehabilitation and Replacement – New Facility Needs Staffing Florida Rural Water Association 17 Types of Plans Covered in this Presentation Organizational Plan Financial Plan – Operation and Maintenance Plan (O&M Budget) – Asset Management Plan – Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) – Financing Plan – Personal Services Plan Preventative Management and Energy Management Plan Florida Rural Water Association 18 Organizational Plans Florida Rural Water Association 19 The Organizational Plan Primary Plan of an Organization Defines organization’s structure, the system of activities, authority relationships and provides the linkage for effective collaborative planning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Establishes Unity of Command Identifies Clear Lines of Authority Defines the Divisions of Labor Identifies Employee and Group Responsibilities Identifies Formal Lines of Communications Florida Rural Water Association 20 Financial Plans Florida Rural Water Association 21 The Components of Financial Planning Revenue Forecasting – Rate Planning based on the Cost of Providing Services (Cost of Service Study) – Borrowing Plans such as Bonds and Short Term Securities Cost and Performance Tracking Comfort Zone: - Operating Budget - Personal Services Budget Performing tasks in areas - Capital Improvement Plan where we have experience Financial Plan Maintenance and knowledge that provides – Asset Management Plan obstacle to effective utility management. – Water Conservation Plan Florida Rural Water Association 22 Rate Planning Florida Rural Water Association 23 Typical Cost Components Funded by Utility Rates Govt. Transfers Florida Rural Water Association 24 Sources of Revenues for a Water System Operating Revenues – – – – – Non-Operating Revenues Water sales Connection Fees Impact Fees Late payments Reconnection fees – – – – Interest on checking acct. Interest on reserve acct. Equity Buy-In fees Capital Recovery Fees Florida Rural Water Association 25 Major Sources of Utility Revenue are Rates and Connection Fees Operating Revues Non-Operating Revenues Water Connection Rates Fees (Typically Recover (Typically Recover Cost of WTP) all other Costs) Florida Rural Water Association 26 Objectives of a Rate Analysis Identifies Current and Future Cost Variables Uses Most Current Utility Information Sets Upfront Reasonable Objectives Uses AWWA Methodology and GAAP Standards Sets Water Revenue meeting current requlatory Requirements Identifies Operating , Debt Service and Replacement Fund Requirements Sets sustainable Capacity Charges and Service Fees Provides Utility with Statistical Performance information for gauging success Florida Rural Water Association 27 FRWA Comprehensive Rate Analysis & Rate Design Water Systems are evaluated in Technical, Managerial and Financial Areas Water Rates are Analyzed using FRWA Model This provides cost coverage, repairs, equity to customers, CIP needs, population analysis and needs for grants and loans Capital Needs are Analyzed using DWSFR USF Methodology to build replacement and annual annuity analysis building basic “asset management” program FRWA assists utility in obtaining needed funds Florida Rural Water Association FRWA Provides Assistance to Utility Boards in Developing Prudent LongTerm Capital Program 28 Setting Water Rates (AWWA M1) Determine the full cost of doing business by calculating your costs. Determine your current revenues. Consider your reserve requirements to ensure you have enough funds to cover your asset rehabilitation and repair costs as well as unexpected costs during the next 5 years. Calculate how much money you need to collect from customer charges to cover your costs and fully fund your reserve account. Evaluate appropriate rate structures and distribute the variable costs component to the various customer classes in accordance with their requirements for service. Implement the rates. Review and adjust your rates so they recover from each class of customer, within practical limits, the cost to serve them Florida Rural Water Association 29 Customer Related Costs of Providing Water Service Supply and Transmission Costs – average cost of supply and transmission to customer, i.e. electricity, chemicals & labor Commodity Cost - Costs that vary proportionately with the amount of water provided under average consumption; typically based on size of meter (proportioned by meter size) Capacity Cost - Costs that are incurred to meet the maximum demand (Peak demands have much higher costs) Customer Related Cost - The costs that are associated with serving customers independent of the amount of water they use Public Fire Protection. The cost of hydrants and the oversizing of water mains and reservoirs to provide fire flows. Taxes, Surcharges and GF Transfers. Costs include state & city utility taxes, customer billing audits utility maintenance. Florida Rural Water Association 30 Cost of Service Study used in Designing Fair, Equitable and Sustainable Rates • Determine current expenses for residential, commercial and industrial classes of customers. • Estimate short and long-term facility needs based on identified development, historical trends and economic indicators. • Establish Construction Schedules, Capital Needs (cash flows), cash, interest payments and interest ratios to be maintained required by Bond Requirements. • Estimate operating revenue and non-operating expenses • Rates are allocated to individual classes of customers that fairly allocates charges to those using the service Florida Rural Water Association 31 Preparing the Financing Plan Debt Service Coverage (Bonds Outstanding) Cash Funding of the Capital Improvement Program (Typically ~30%) Rate Stabilization Fund (Minimizes Rate Shock) Cash Targets Maintained (Available Working Capital) Variable Rate Debt for Short-Term Securities (Commercial Paper) Florida Rural Water Association 32 Asset Management Concepts Defining all Facilities by type, age and condition Defining and Identifying Status by category Determining Sustainable Level of Service Identifying Critical Assets Defining CIP and O&M Strategies Using Asset Management to determine costs Identifying Long-Term Funding Strategies Developing Rates and a Budgeting Plan Florida Rural Water Association 33 The Water Conservation Plan Water System Operations Training Water Conservation Strategy Development – – – – Performing Water System Audits Performing Water System Rate Analysis Engaging Water Performing Leak Detection Managers Identifying Drought Management Responses Performing W/WW Energy Reduction Investigations (discussed later) Florida Rural Water Association 34 Direct Benefits of Water Conservation Programs Locates, corrects and eliminates illegal taps Institutes water audits and institute leak detection programs that reduce Water Loss levels < 10%. Evaluates water meters for efficiency and institute cost effective replacement programs Trains meter readers in leak and illegal connections Evaluates User fees, deposits and other charges Improves timeliness and effectiveness of customer collections policies Adds new customers to existing underutilized facilities Initiates Cooperative purchases for metes, pipe and standardizes equipment Florida Rural Water Association 35 O&M Budget Plan Florida Rural Water Association 36 Purpose and Use of an O&M Budget All businesses rely on proper budgeting and financial management to monitor and control expenses Because Growth, Aging of Facilities and Equipment, External Constraints and Environmental Regulations affect the budget conformance, the budget is always a planning tool A Budget can be a short or long-term plan that anticipates future expenditures based on estimated variables A Budget prioritizes financial needs using actual expenses and trends from prior year(s) in “line items” The line items are then monitored to identify extraordinary expenses and their causes and to determine future needs Florida Rural Water Association 37 Use of a Line Item Budget Column # Act # 100 Item Supply & Equip 120 1 Budget Exp. 2 Budget 3 4 Projections Request Previous Yr 5-Yr. AVE Current Yr. Curr-Previous Yr’ly Projection Proj-Prop Budget Request Request Bud-Req Maint Supplies $13,900 2.5% $14,700 10.6% $15,380 4.6% $ 15,800 7.4% 130 Small Tools $6,500 0.6% $ 6,700 3.1% $6,432 (1.1%) $ 6,500 (3.0%) 140 Safety Equip $3,200 1..3% $ 3,300 3.1% $14,700 459%* $ 3,300 0.0% Totals $23,600 2.3% $24,700 4.1% $36,512 54.7% $25,600 3.6% *140 Extraordinary Expense Necessary to Replace Confined Space DO Meter Florida Rural Water Association 38 The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Florida Rural Water Association 39 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Development Process Identification of the needs for capital improvements Development of the CIP (typically 20 years) Prioritization of capital projects Scheduling of the Projects (typically 5 year horizon) Identification of Funding Sources Determining Borrowing Schedules Florida Rural Water Association 40 Major Capital Improvement Program CIP Categories Source Water Improvements (Wells) Water Treatment Improvements Water Storage and Pumping Improvements Water Transmission Improvements Water Distribution Improvements Replacement and Rehabilitation Relocation of Pipelines Pipeline Improvements including Upsizing New Development Water Service (Meters and Appurtenances) Florida Rural Water Association 41 CIP Project Management using a Five Year (Short-Term) Window ESSENTIAL: Project needed to meet water demand from new development or essential for the maintenance of the water system.. Water demands or infrastructure conditions if not completed there is the risk of being unable to provide water to its new and existing customers. These Projects are included in the First year Schedule. REQUIRED: A project that is important for providing water service to customers yet timing of construction is not as critical as an essential project. Required projects are generally found in the last four years of the plan. External factors such as the pace of new development or the condition of existing infrastructure may delay or accelerate the timing of project construction. These Projects are included in the 5-yr. window. DEFERRABLE: Projects are not immediately critical to the operation of the water system. Expenditures in this category generally require a business case study or specific criteria to be met before spending can occur. Contingent spending is deferrable and covers emergency replacement. These projects are long-term and Florida Rural Water Association 42 are placed beyond window. CIP Line Item Budget Example Typically 5 Yrs. FERC Acct Major Category Current YR FY 2009 FY 2010 Project Total 100 Water Treatment Improvements 1 Filter #6 Improvements 2 Clarifier #3 Upgrade 100 Totals $230,000 $474,000 $538,0000 $ 67,000 $230,000 $1,242,000 $ 67,000 $541,000 $538,000 $1,309,000 Main Street Ext. $24,700 $365,000 200 Totals $24,700 $365,000 $389,700 $565,700 $903,000 $1,698,700 500 Water Transmission Improvements 3 Capital Budget Totals $230,000 Florida Rural Water Association 43 Capital Project Management Florida Rural Water Association 44 Capital Improvement Program and Technical Capacity Demonstration • Is Peak Demand Day > 85% of Permitted Capacity and: • • • • • • • Have Boil Water Notices been issued? Are there Notices of Violations? Are there Regulatory Agreements? Is the System under a Formal Consent Orders? Have all Regulatory Issues been Resolved? Is both Capacity and type of facilities adequate? Do Operator(s) have proper Licenses for needed treatment levels? Florida Rural Water Association 45 Environmental Pressures on Existing Facilities Florida Rural Water Association 46 Florida’s Population Growth Leads to Stressed Water Supplies 30 10 Population 2005 PWS 37% of use – 6.5 BGD 2025 PWS 43% of use – 8.5 BGD 25 Population (millions) Water Use (BGD) Water Use 20 15 5 10 5 0 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Florida Rural Water Association 47 Florida’s Ground Water Supplies and Projected Water Shortages 5,691 Public Water Systems use 10,160 Ground Water Supply Wells Water Resource Caution Areas Withdrawals in Water Resource Caution Areas results in upwelling of water from lower zones and higher dissolved solids content Ground water supplies are already scarce in some areas of Florida. Ground water withdrawals are are projected to result in critical water supply problems in the next 20 years. These problems include public water degradation of water quality for public use, significant declines in lake levels and drying of wetlands within these areas. Florida Rural Water Association 48 Florida Droughts are Common and Sometimes Severe Six Droughts Since Year 2000 Florida Rural Water Association 49 Changes in Land Use Intensify the Effects of Drought Florida Rural Water Association 50 Capital Investment Considerations Costs for new facilities will be the driving factor for rate increases for the next 20 to 30 years. Have alternatives to construction that are more cost effective been evaluated? Operational operating assistance are not fundable under loan or grant programs The fees paid to engineering consultants are based on a percentage of the constructed cost CIPs should be evaluated thoroughly Florida Rural Water Association 51 DBPs Non-Compliance Caused by Operational Mistakes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Creating Disinfection By-Product Problems 11. 12. Not Measuring Cl/NH2Cl Location Residuals Chlorinating Aerator Dosing Cl in combination with NH2Cl Selecting Anhydrous NH3 Making DBPs so the GAC Unit can remove them Flushing before Sampling Not Trending DPBs Dosing with old Cl Growing Organics in Ion exchanger, clearwell or tanks Not Taking DBP Sample at POE Not Fluctuating Tank Levels Not knowing water quality at individual wells Florida Rural Water Association 52 Responsibilities in a Constructed Project Owner – Managing the Construction Project, Financially Responsible for Project Costs and for its efficient operation Engineer – Technically Responsible for Design, Specifying of Materials and Quality of Finished Product Contractor – Responsible for Methods used to Construct Project in Conformance to Plans and Specifications Florida Rural Water Association 53 Project Management • Project Management is the Process used to Enhance the Probability of Project Success by providing Leadership using Successful Techniques for Planning, Scheduling, Budgeting and Controlling a Constructed Project. • The objective of Project Management is to Build a Quality Product that meets the Owner’s Expectations, at the Lowest Cost according to a set Schedule. • To accomplish this the Owner must assume a strong Management Role Florida Rural Water Association 54 The Project Planning Time Line Controlling Quality and Cost Florida Rural Water Association 55 Reducing Project Costs through Design Refinement Florida Rural Water Association 56 Major Considerations in the use of a Consulting Engineer Beware of Delegating Control of Projects to the Engineer Evaluate how well does Consultant’s Recommendations meet Owner’s Basic Requirements Beware of “Scope Creep” (Right-Size Your Project!) Beware of " Newest Technology" Projects Beware of Slick Proposals and Flashy Brochures and Professional Presenters Beware of Too Eager and Ready Solutions Insist on a Predesign Report for Larger Projects! Florida Rural Water Association 57 Evaluating Consulting Engineer Qualifications Engineering project manager, engineering team composition and compatibility Experience of design office and location of work to be performed Ability to furnish the required services in a timely manner & team member workload Engineering approach, ability to adhere to project scope Current Schedule Of Hourly Billing Rates List Available Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Facilities that includes list of Sub-Consultants List of Clients / Utility Systems Florida Rural Water Association 58 Personal Services Plan Florida Rural Water Association 59 Preparing a Personal Services Budget List Employee Roster of Full Time and Part Time Equivalents (line item) Identify Pay Grade, Anticipated Pay Grade and Anticipated Base Pay Determine Direct Yearly Compensation Sum Total Florida Rural Water Association 60 Other Personal Service Expenses Included in PS Budget • • • • • • • Temporary Salaries Overtime Pay Training Working Out or Class Straight Time Other Personnel Expenses Other Employee Allowances (Bonuses) Health Insurance Florida Rural Water Association 61 Preventative Maintenance Programs Florida Rural Water Association 62 Types and Acceptable Ranges for a Preventative Maintenance Program Predictive Maintenance (~ 60%) - Vibration Monitoring - Infrared Heat Monitoring - Electrical Monitoring (Volts and Amps) - Flows & Pressure Monitoring - Laser Alignment - Wear/Corrosion Monitoring - Ultrasonic Testing Preventative Maintenance (~ 40%) - Performed on Regular Schedule - Performed by Hours of Use Planned Maintenance - Performed based on History - Performed based on Performance Drop Breakdown Maintenance (< 20%) 3% to 10% of original Equipment cost per yr. is spent on Maintenance in US Florida Rural Water Association 63 Evolution of a Total PM Program Phase 1 Install PM System T I Phase 2 Stabilize Mean Time Between Equipment Failures M E Phase 3 Lengthen Equipment Life Phase 4 Periodically Restore Deterioration Phase 5 Predict Equipment Life Florida Rural Water Association 64 Energy Management Programs Florida Rural Water Association 65 Energy Monitoring and Energy Surveys The Goals are Twofold, reduce energy and/or reduce costs Identifies the amount Energy used in a facility by major equipment Identifies Energy Costs and Tariffs Evaluates Alternatives for Reducing Energy Use – Identify how energy is used – Identify points of wasted energy – Identifies opportunities for improving operating techniques – Identifies Savings by Replacing Inefficient Equipment Identifies Cost Effectiveness of Energy Alternatives Florida Rural Water Association 66 Components of a Typical Electric Bill Basic Service Fee ($/mo) Demand Charge ($/kW) (Typically based on Highest 15 minutes/year) Power Factor ($/kvar) Energy Charge ($/kWh) Florida Rural Water Association 67 Listing of Energy Consuming Equipment in Water Plant Florida Rural Water Association 68 Energy Requirements by Process Typically 80 – 85% of Energy Use in a Water Treatment System is for Pumping Florida Rural Water Association 69 Reducing Energy Use or Costs with Pumping Equipment Shifting Power Consumption from On-peak to Off-peak hours (Demand Limiting) Adding Storage for Off peak/Emergency pumping Use of Efficient Pumping Programs Replacing older motors with high efficiency motors (cost 15 – 20% more). Adding or replacing eddy-speed drives with variable frequency drives (VFDs) Using Effective Instrumentation and Controls. Managing operations by the efficient use of available storage and highefficiency motors Operating Emergency Generators for Peak-Clipping when no or little storage is available. Shifting Rates to Another Category (Master Metering) Florida Rural Water Association 70 Energy Use for Space Heating & Cooling and Lighting are Major Users in Commercial Building Florida Rural Water Association 71 In Conclusion System Planning is the most critical aspect of operating a water and wastewater utility The planning methods discussed in this presentation lead to efficient and sustainable operations at the lowest cost to the utility Assistance in any of the topics discussed in this presentation are available by contacting Florida Rural Water Association at 850-668-2746 or on the WEB at: http.//www@frwa.net Florida Rural Water Association 72