Document 17569438

Interplay: Science - Society
Thus far you have looked at
The areas in dark blue
Fitch, Alanah, Yunlong Wang, Sean
Mellican, and Susan Macha: Lead Lab
Teaching Instrumentation with One
Analyte. Analytical Chemistry, 1996,
Dec. 1, 727A.
Interplay: Science - Society
Now you need to consider
The areas in Hot Pink
Fitch, Alanah, Yunlong Wang, Sean
Mellican, and Susan Macha: Lead Lab
Teaching Instrumentation with One
Analyte. Analytical Chemistry, 1996,
Dec. 1, 727A.
Designing a Standard Operating Procedure
1. You know how to select an instrumental method
2. You know how to create a calibration curve
3. You know how to assess the “precision” of the calibration curve
4. How are you going to assess the accuracy of your
1. Sampling
2. Digestion
5. How are you going to confirm the stability of the instrument?
Dates and responsible parties
Laboratory certification
Validated method
Document chain of custody
Instrument drift is monitered
Not the same as calibrated –
for example checking gas flows,
magnet capacity, intensity of
the voltage for a source lamp, etc
Controls to document
Worker/instrument/method capacity
Validated method
Internal standards
Based on your previous work
1. How many separate digestions will you need to do on your sample to assess
the precision of digestion?
2. How will you confirm that the digestion procedure does not add lead to the
final answer?
3. How will you confirm if your individual ability to perform the digestion is
The answer to these questions results in a standard
Operating procedure.
cosmetologists consult the literature search lists I have posted to
determine which articles you need to retrieve from off campus. This needs
to be done today in order to have the information back by the weekend
For Friday: “loyola is killing us group” – consult the labs on the web page to find
the standard operating procedure for dust wipe sampling and