Service-Learning in the Physical Sciences: an Oxymoron? 10 years of Service-Learning in Chemistry And How does any of this relate to the symposium focus on Mentoring? Oxymoron Greek word root: oxy = sharp, keen moros= foolish “A deafening silence” Physical scientists at LUC tend to think that their “job” data obtained at the frontier of physical science enquiry Does not lend itself to service either in the abstract sense: “Science for science sake” doable sense: Demands of tier one science is incompatible with “service” Alanah Fitch, Loyola University Chicago In this regard they seem to be responding to a single definition of service 1. an act of helpful activity; help; aid: to do someone a service. That is, their skills are not translatable into a “helpful activity” This definition of service as “helpful” activity leads to two responses 1. Service projects in a loose sense of demonstrations etc. 2. Learning projects in a social context with a loose connection to service Service-Learning in the Physical Sciences: an Oxymoron? 10 years of Service-Learning in Chemistry And How does any of this relate to the symposium focus on Mentoring? 1. The data generated are generally of 2nd, 3rd, or 4th consideration 2. The activity is actually more properly categorized as active-learning in a social context Predictions #1. large number of SL articles and activities fall into the “service = “active” learning in a social context Here there needs to be particular attention to the chemist’s code of conduct In that the work that is performed by the student investigator in the social context Context should be carried out transparently Otherwise one has “used” the community for purely “academic” learning issues. Other definitions of service: as technical knowledge Of “value” to somebody Here the going gets kind of tricky, but it also has some possible Substantial payoffs 2 the supplying or supplier of utilities or commodities, as water, electricity, or . gas, required or demanded by the public. 3 . the providing or a provider of accommodation and activities required by the public, as maintenance, repair, etc.: The manufacturer guarantees service and parts. 4 . the organized system of apparatus, appliances, employees, etc., for supplying some accommodation required by the public: a television repair service. So let’s review my system of categories Against the chemistry SL literature I’ve always liked to categorize and count things Service Learning Chemistry Nursing Remove nursing, Engineering, etc For the sci-finder filter: “service learning” “chemistry” Only three are reviewed articles Why are there so few peer-reviewed articles on SL in chemistry? 1. The time is too much for the competition to basic research grants - predict fewer reports from Ph.D. granting institutions CC B MS Ph.D. So much for my pre-conceived stereotypes! 2. Women are “sugar and spice” and everything nice – i.e. we are much “better” people than men and we “get it” 379 total Individuals as shared authors 131 – unknown gender 131 – male 117 - female 42 Authors of multiple articles 7 – unknown gender 18 – female 17 - male 3 as referenced articles Remainder of this filter = abstracts I am batting 0/2 What about my categories? 1. Service is really “active” learning in a social context 2. Service in a general sense (tutoring, chem. Demos) 3. Service as a technology deliverable Watershed,water waterquality qualityanalysis analysis Watershed, water quality analysis Watershed, K12, Museums, Museums, Native Native American American Outreach Outreach K12, Pb and and As As Pb Mechanics of Doing SL Service as a Technological Deliverable What examples are there of Service-Learning in the 3rd sense? What are the elements that make them work? Who are the kind of people that do this work? 1. Eastern Oregon State Model is a partnership with an agency Anna Cavinato Service-Learning Research Matrix Faculty/Scientist Student Agency “J. Q. Public” Topic Control Sampling Watershed Sampling Analysis Watershed Analysis Quality Assurance Data can be used for policy/scientific analysis 1. Best model within our database would be longitudinal watershed analysis 2. no peer reviewed publications of watershed listed under SL Service as a Technological Deliverable What examples are there of Service-Learning in the 3rd sense? What are the elements that make them work? Who are the kind of people that do this work? 1. Eastern Washington State Model is a partnership with an agency Anna Cavinto 2. SUNY Buffalo model EU Science Shop Joseph Gardella (1 report) Interestingly his activities In this area are not even Mentioned on his departmental home page!- You have to go to a personal homepage I have been courted, but I can not see my institution As supportive without funding Service-Learning Research Matrix Faculty/Scientist Student Agency “J. Q. Public” Topic Control Sampling Analysis Quality Assurance Problem here is generally one of a time mismatch/ Student training and flux means that request fulfillment Depends on academic calendar – when requests are Usually initiated in an “urgent” fashion Who is paying For consumables? Lead Elimination Action Drive West-side Alliance for a Safe Environment (WASTE) Center for Neighborhood Technology Austin Neighborhood Council Homes Pb? Municipal Waste Incinerator Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 Wind Background Soil lead “Shadow” depends on Stack height Decreasing amts Largest deposition Is here Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 Control sampling Students meet with elderly ladies who let them sample soils. The ladies discuss their concerns. Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 Soil Lead in parts per million (ppm) Front 1040 187 440 4822 W. Potomac 4915 W. Kamerling 4833 W. Crystal Back 1800 1850 1431 231 1385 250 150 372 garage Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 Comparison homes, 17 mile away 1133 2808 2620 3067 2900 1538 700 6613 N. Ashland BRICK 439 6729 N. Ashland FRAME Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 Second year: Resample with respect to the wind; also allowing for up and down wind comparisons. Wins a National Award. Luke later goes to Croatia On UN project on Lead dispersion by gasoline Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 North Wind Pattern 32 101 Class final: enter Busch National Env. Award competition – Place third 23 12 346 546 15 Demolished lot Cicero 320 644 m Pulaski 1210 123 Chicago Orr High School 89 82 This data presented To Mayor’s advisory council 42 Washington 0 Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 14 12 > 0.5 mile from incinerator 8 6 < 0.5 mile from incinerator 4 2 0 0 10 0 20 0 30 0 40 0 50 0 60 0 70 0 80 0 90 0 10 50 11 50 12 50 13 50 Frequency 10 PPM Soil Lead Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 Wind Background Soil lead “Shadow” depends on Stack height Decreasing amts Largest deposition Is here Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 Last time: we finally set up an experiment worthy of an An air pollution expert NE NNE N ENE 61 46 E 30 15 0 -15 -30 -46 -61 0 15 30 46 61 SE Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 Article was rejected on grounds of too many sources of error in multiple Partnerships – flag was raised right at the beginning with attribution of the Multitude of UG authors 2.1 ENE 2.08 NE NE 2.06 NE NE E NE NE 2.04 208/206 NNE N ENE NE NE S ENE 2.02 SE E 2 1.98 NE NE S N ENE SE 1.96 1.94 NNE 1.92 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 207/206 Class final: write a scientific journal article Incinerator 1994, 1995, 1998 Issues attribution quality control Here the medical research world is way ahead of us in clinical trials They have tools for meta analysis of multiple sources of patients added singly to the data base But! They also have $$$$$ This will require substantial intellectual activity and funding to get Chem up to speed where this can happen Service as a Technological Deliverable What examples are there of Service-Learning in the 3rd sense? What are the elements that make them work? Who are the kind of people that do this work? 1. Eastern Washington State Model is a partnership with an agency Anna Cavinto 2. SUNY Buffalo model EU Science Shop Joseph Gardella (1 report) 3. Third model is one in which the public presents multiple data and the student is involved in the analysis (~0) reports Service-Learning Research Matrix Faculty/Scientist Student Agency “J. Q. Public” Topic Control Sampling Analysis Quality Assurance Audobon Bird Counts ?????? ????? Data can be used for policy/scientific analysis CITIZEN SCIENCE I love this model – I would like to see us Harness our service-learning for “real” data collection A different focus to “prevention” Percent of Children with Dust in homes Elevated Blood Lead Levels Chicago, 1999 Loyola University Instrumental Methods of Analysis Chemistry Class measurements of Soil lead content ugPb/gsoil <250 250-500 500-1000 >1000 N W E S 1850 Percent of Children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels 1385 250 150 < 5% 5% - 15% 16% - 25% > 25% 5 0 5 Miles 500 ppm = 0.05% by weight lead = amt at which Blood lead level begins to change Alanah Fitch George and Matt’s Portal Vision To be refined at the SETAC/ANCAP meeting Oct 2006 With GLIC community PORTAL Instrumentation Scheduler Shipping Information Access to Instrument Computer Camera Time and activity sensitive passwords Education Related Data Base Target Pesticide Mass Spectral Data Base (Excel format) Searchable Student Blog pop ups Content Modules “Culled from M.S. Ph.Ds, quality tagged Please rank on a scale 0(not easy) -5(very easy) the ease of operation of each of the following 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Using PCAnywhere to turn on the TraceMS at Loyola in Chicago 1 2 3 4 5 Transferring files using PCAnywhere to the TraceMS at Loyola 1 2 3 4 5 Initiating a GCMS run from the transferred file 1 2 3 4 5 How much time did the operations take you? (MINUTES: 5 10 20 30 40 Did the computer “freeze” during the operations? Yes no Did the web server crash during the operations? Yes No Did you bother to note the “bandwidth” during your session? Yes No If so what was the bandwidth? 1-5 5-20 20-50 50-100 kbps Did you turn on the lab camera to watch the real time events at the GCMS computer? Describe in words what you saw? Select words that best fit your reaction while viewing the lab during your sample “run” “Bored, amused, very cool, fun, uninteresting” Do you have a partner in your experiment? What is the sex of your partner? M F What tribe or ethnicity are you? Your partner? Where are you operating the instrument from? What is the name of your home school? What class are you associated with? Is your instructor in the room with you now? Is there a technician at the Loyola lab now? Where did you acquire the information necessary to construct a methods file? Did your instructor approve your methods? How did he/she convey to you the strengths and/or weaknesses of your method? What were the problems that your instructor indicated about your methods? Do you have a computer at home? Does your partner have a computer at home? How much time do spend on the web per week? Rank the amount of time that you spent controlling the remote instrument Rank the amount of time your partner spent controlling the remote instrument Before you turned on the camera describe how you imagined the instrument to look What size did you imagine the GCMS to be before you turned on the web camera? How many samples are you running? How much time did it take you to prepare them? Do you have an idea of the concentrations of POPS that you will find in your sample? Why? Describe in words the main difference between how you imagined the instrument to look “Public” Database • Pesticides • N-alkanes • LEAD East African and Midwestern Searchable Pesticide dispersion Data base Google Earth “Aha moment” Portal translator GIS Arcsoft David Goldblatt, Center for Urban Research and Learning 6 y = 1.965x - 4.3233 R2 = 0.996 2 5 2 Pbaqueous 4 nA 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 uL of 500 ppm standard added 2 Pbadded TraceDetect Donated ASV instrument Pb2+ Pb2+ + 2 Pbaqueous Fe x Oy M n colloid Pb Fe x Oy colloid n M aqueous Alanah Fitch Pb 2 aq 2e Pbo Pb 2 aq Pb 4 2e 2 Pb 2 aq 4 NaB(C2 H5 ) 4 Pbo PbC2 H5 4 4 BC2 H5 3 4 Na Light, air sensitive Soil extract Reaction to be done Buffered to By T.A., faculty Get cation 300 uL heptane + 10 uL STEB 2 mL Hot plate digestion Of soils, nitric acid, H2O2 Pull off 100 uL heptane With STEB; seal septum; Store for GCMS Run GCMS remotely, Or in lab King High School College Preparatory AP Chemistry Class Mr. Daniel Morales-Doyle Bronzeville area of Chicago Homes – 1880s Shared soil sampling lab with Loyola Honors Chem Lab class GPS measurements for GIS mapping Service as a Technological Deliverable What examples are there of Service-Learning in the 3rd sense? What are the elements that make them work? Who are the kind of people that do this work? 1. Eastern Washington State Model is a partnership with an agency Anna Cavinto 2. SUNY Buffalo model EU Science Shop Joseph Gardella (1 report) 3. Third model is one in which the public presents multiple data and the student is involved in the analysis (~0) reports When I grow up I want to be like: GIS model of lead in soils in New Orleans How many research professors of Chemistry bring this kind of background Into the field? How do we mentor them into the field? Howard Mielke is a professor in the College of Pharmacy of Xavier University in New Orleans and native of Minnesota. In the 1960’s, he served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Malawi, Africa. He obtained his MS in biology and his Ph.D. in biogeography at the University of Michigan. He began his urban lead research in 1971 while teaching at the University of California, Los Angeles, and continued these studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and Macalester College in Minnesota and the Center for Regional and Urban Affairs at the University of Minnesota. H. W. Mielke, Xiaver University in New Orleans, None of his work shows up under a search for service learning I did not intentionally design this symposium to have women speak about mentors Telemachus son of King Ulysses searched for his father under the care of Mentor Essentially conflict here for me I only work “scientifically” “Greek” Men – a man (publications) as a control freak tor – who thinks Difficult to delegate Les Adventures de Telemaque, 1699 by Francois de Salignac de La Mothe-Fenelon, 1616-1715 Mentor was went on a journey with the son of to find the missing King Most of us can only go on a few such trips The reason why labs specialize to the point of not being able to respond to a public call for service? A few thoughts on “factory” science Synergism to create exciting science. Large groups facilitate rapid science advances??? Small groups facilitate more risk taking???? How does one mentor the grad student Good mentors – small groups? Frank Stevenson (Agronomy) – doable science Tim Nieman UIUC chemistry – doable chemistry DHE – modeling a methodology; allowed me to wander Larry Faulkner –reading grants and the PPO talk Ted Kuwana – described as allowing lots of wanderings Bits and pieces here and there – no one model? For intellectual, emotional, and financial support of my various adventures For Lessons in humility For unconditional love For time management and shared ideals For reminding me not Everyone thinks the Way I do