Planning of features and functionalities for an inter-system protocol analyser

Planning of features and functionalities for
an inter-system protocol analyser
> Author: Petri Ylläsjärvi
> Supervisor: Professor Sven-Gustav Häggman
> Instructor: Markus Ahokangas M.Sc.(Tech.)
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
> Introduction
> Research method – literature study
> Research method – interviews
> Product concept creation
> Product concept testing
> Conclusions
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
> Motivation for the thesis
– Customer requirements for inter-system (2G & 3G)
– New possible business potential in 3GPP Release
5 features such as (e.g.):
• High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA)
• IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
> Research problem
– Define features and functionalities for an InterSystem Protocol Analyser (ISPA) tool
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Research method – literature study
> GERAN features
– GERAN Iu mode
> UTRAN features
– Iur-g interface
– IP transport in UTRAN
> Core Network (CN) features
– Multiple CN nodes (Iu flex)
> QoS and protocol analysis tools
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Research method - interviews
> Discussion sessions with 8 interviewees were
performed during two months
> Customer interviews were left out
– Difficult to get answers (time)
– Extensive protocol analysis knowledge required
> Manufacturer representatives who are working closely
with customers were interviewed instead
– 38 question concerning different areas were asked
> Feasible results achieved
– It was easy to form an initial product concept
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Product concept creation
> Four feature and
functionality segments
were defined
– A clear structure for the
product concept
> Only main features were
defined for each segment
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Capacity & Performance segment
HW platform
High performance PC with monitoring line adapters - all models.
Operating System
Regular commercial Operating Systems (Windows® 2000 & XP, Unix® and
Linux®) are used.
ISPA tool’s SW
The ISPA application/program on normal Operating System.
Monitoring line adapter HW
Adapter cards for PCI bus, in-card processors for data pre-processing. An
Adapter Box for laptops.
Timestamp accuracy
Better than 100 ns resolution.
Transmission modes supported by adapters
PDH (E1, T1, J1), SDH (STM-1, STM-4), SONET (OC-3, OC-12),
Channelised SDH/SONET, Ethernet 10/100/1000.
Monitoring line types supported
Copper cable, coaxial cable, optical fibre, LAN cable (twisted pair) – all
typical connector types.
Transport modes supported
Max amount of monitoring lines per adapter
8 E1s/T1s/J1s, 4 STM-1s or 1 STM-4, 4 Ethernet connections.
Max amount of monitoring lines per ISPA
48 E1s/T1s/J1s, 24 STM-1s or 6 STM-4s, 24 Ethernet connections.
Max data throughput from monitoring lines
Up to 1 Gbps (depending on PC performance) for capturing without
Load sharing
Distributed monitoring with 5 ISPA tools possible.
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
An open HW platform
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Distributed monitoring
> Load sharing in monitoring
is achieved by using
“distributed monitoring” –
– Master-Slave principle
> Excellent solution for
remote monitoring etc…
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Decoding segment
Interfaces supported in
decoding (3GPP)
All interfaces specified in 3GPP specifications Release 99, Release 4 and Release 5 for
both 2G (2,5G) and 3G.
Other interfaces than 3GPP
IP based interfaces including all major application protocols (IETF and others). CDMAone
and CDMA 2000 interfaces (ANSI).
Vendor proprietary interface /
protocol decodings
All major vendors supported around the world.
Protocol stack flexibility
Custom decoding stacks can be built by users.
Deciphering on Abis, Gb and Iub interfaces supported.
Decoding presentation
Bitmask, Hexadecimal and text format. Single line per message - presentation also
Protocol resolution
With help of coloured protocol layers. Colours can be changed.
Decoding depth
Up to single bit/parameter. Decoding depth can be changed.
History Buffer
Fast access data memory buffer for real-time monitoring.
Export capabilities of the
decoded messages
Into text, html, pdf and Word™ doc files.
Multimedia decoding
Voice, (Enhanced) SMS, WAP2.0, MMS and 3GPP 3G-324M traffic decodings are
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
MultiMedia Decoding - window
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Applications segment
Call Trace (CT)
All interfaces in GERAN, UTRAN and CN are supported in CT.
CT correlation between different interfaces is possible. “General
manager” of the ISPA tool.
CAll Statistics (CAS)
Statistics presentation of the different KPIs. User defined KPIs
also supported.
Radio Interface
Measurements (RIM)
For radio interface related measurements (BLER, BER etc…).
Measurement reporting in both graphical and statistical format.
For both GERAN and UTRAN. Possibility to synchronize
measurements with a Test Mobile.
Quality of Service (QoS)
PS service verification on all applicable interfaces. Correlation of
the measurements with offered QoS (according to signaling) also
Latency Time
Measurements (LTM)
For measuring e.g. call establishment time. Cumulative latency
time over many interfaces also possible.
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Call Trace application
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Application example: CAS application
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Application example: RIM application
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Usability segment
Simple and clear UI
Windows® application based UI. By right-clicking the mouse action menus are
opened etc… Intuitive UI.
Versatile Helps
Very detailed helps are available. Lots of use case examples. Advanced and
detailed protocol help.
Automatic configuration
Interface configuration can be done automatically with help of connection
scanner. Decoding stack selection is automated.
Data management
Good data pre- and post-filtering options. Monitoring screen and applications can
be customised. Data and measurement visualisation. Search options.
Data traps
Message, IE, parameter level traps can be done. Multiple trap actions are
Data export
All information can be exported to external devices. Many different export file
formats are supported. Easy integration into different automated test
HW configuration can be changed easily. Different HW platforms are supported.
Multi-environment support
Multiple technologies and vendor proprietary implementations are supported in
the ISPA tool.
Centralised SW update
SW update server can be in the big test laboratories.
Remote control
Remote use over LAN. Multi-user capability.
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
User Interface of the ISPA tool
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
Product concept testing
> Two discussion sessions were performed
– To find out missing features
– Get feedback for the concept etc…
> As one of the results, a new product structure
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
> Research approach is effective but couple of
obstacles exist
– Customer interviews require lots of effort and time
– Lack of suitable literature
> Emerged research topics for the future
– IP convergence and Telecom protocol analysers
– WLAN and CDMA2000 integrations with the 3GPP
systems and their testing with protocol analysers
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi
> All research objectives were achieved
> The competitive product concept for the protocol
analysis tool market was created
– Some features are going to be implemented into
real products in the near future
1 Feb 2005
Petri Ylläsjärvi