Westport Central School District Regular Board of Education Meeting Place: Teacher Resource Room Thursday, November 12, 2015 Time: 6:30 PM OFFICIAL MINUTES 1. Call to Order at: 6:31 AM A. Roll Call √ Alice LaRock Jim Carroll - absent Dwayne Stevens - absent B. Introduction of Attendees Also Present: Cynthia Ford-Johnston, Superintendent Jana Atwell, District Clerk Sharlene Petro-Durgan, District Treasurer by: President LaRock √ Tom Kohler √ Sue Russell Visitors: Karen Kearns Chris Mazzotte Jeff Schwoebel Heather Olson C. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Financial a) Introduce Cash Flow Chart – Sharlene Petro-Durgan The members of the Board will receive a new monthly financial report which ties directly to the treasurer’s report. It will contain current monthly financial data with historical data listed for other months from the year prior until actual data is received. This report will be helpful in projecting for year’s end. b) Resolved that the Board of Education accepts and approves the following financial reports: - Warrant Report 3D Dated 9/23/15 - Warrant Report 3E Dated 9/30/15 - Warrant Report 4A Dated 10/7/15 - Warrant Report 4B Dated 10/14/15 - Warrant Report 4C Dated 10/21/15 - Warrant Report 4D Dated 10/28/15 - Treasurer’s Report for Multi-Fund Month of September 2015 - Multi-Fund Bank Account Reconciliation as of 9/30/15 - Payroll Bank Account Reconciliation as of 9/30/15 - Cafeteria Profit & Loss Statement September 2015 - Budgetary Transfer Report from 10/1/15 to 10/31/15 - Extra-classroom Activity Fund from 9/1/15 to 9/30/15 Motion: Tom Kohler Seconded: Sue Russell Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept 3. Public Comment (15 minutes) Our agenda offers two Public Comment sections, one at the beginning of the meeting and the other at the end. At this time we have set aside a 15 minute period giving anyone in the audience time to share their thoughts with us. Please raise your hand and be acknowledged by the Board President. When called upon, please identify yourself and give your address, limiting your comments to three (3) minutes. Your opinions, ideas and concerns will be considered and taken under advisement. a) 2015-16 Basketball Program – Chris Mazzotte Mr. Mazzotte expressed his concerns regarding the lack of a junior varsity boys basketball team this year. Additional financial information will be obtained and the Board will be canvased at a special Board meeting on November 16th to determine the prospect of a team for the 2015-2016 school year. b) Jeff Schwoebel Mr. Schwoebel thanked the Board for their diligence and consideration of his application for varsity girls basketball coach. He also expressed his concerns regarding the current basketball program. Mr. Schwoebel was invited to enter into executive session at the end of the meeting to further address his concerns. 4. CSE Recommendation Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the approval of the CSE recommendation for the following student ID #P05-14-15, 004-15-16, 005-15-16 and 011-13-14. Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept 5. Reports/Presentations A. Superintendent’s Report - Website Update – Website trainings have been scheduled next week. The goal is to have the new website online in January. - Study Update – All requested information has been provided for the transportation study. Willsboro has joined WCS and ELCS in the merger feasibility study for the opportunity to provide a three way comparison. We expect to receive the building condition survey report in December. - Grade 3-8 Assessments Update – A resolution was passed at Plattsburgh City Schools regarding grades 3-8 testing. Because the resolution contained the wording “within the extent of the law”, there is no actual effect from the passing of this resolution. The Commissioner has promised to shorten the tests and make it so teachers can use the data from the test in a timely manner to assist students with their learning. - Sports Update – This Saturday, Jonathan Gay will be competing in State finals at Monroe and the Griffins boys varsity soccer team will be competing in Middletown. Best of luck to all of the student athletes. Spring sports will present a full merger with ELCS - Notification of Gift – A $300 anonymous gift was recently received with specific designation for the climate summit projects. - Smart School Bond Investment Plan – Work continues on the financial planning for this money. The Board can expect to have the plan presented at their January or February meeting. We are eligible for $198,000 which will be designated for hardware and security. - Emergency Go Home Early Drill 12/23/15 – We will be hosting a drill that will be done differently than in previous years. The drill will be completed as if we were in a true scenario and will require the faculty and staff to remain. - 2016-2017 Budget Timeline – A timeline will be presented next month. - Board Retreat – The date to host a retreat will be discussed at the January Board meeting. The retreat will provide an opportunity to focus on transition and expectations for a shared superintendent. Mr. Osborne will be invited to attend the retreat. B. Principal’s Report - Our recycling efforts have been incredible exceeding our anticipated rate of recycling. Mr. Meyer recommends that we move to a twice monthly pick-up for $115 versus the current once monthly pick-up of $60. - With the need for additional space several offices have been relocated including the Principal’s office, Cafeteria Manager’s office and Faculty Room. - Mr. Meyer is working in collaboration with the teachers to define what student improvement actually looks like within their classroom and how to involve students in the process. - Teachers are working on organizing their curriculum by subject area which is part of a larger project of aligning curriculum Kindergarten through 12th grade. C. Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds Report – No report at this time. D. Board Committee Reports - Character Education Committee 10/26/15 – No report at this time. - Technology Committee 11/2/15 – The committee is working on implementation of the new website and planning for the Smart Schools bond. - Joint Study 11/12/15 – Meeting was postponed. 5. Long Range Planning – None at this time. Administrative Structure o Superintendent/Administrative Positions 1/14/10, 9/9/10, 10/7/10, 11/9/10, 3/13/14, 4/10/14, 6/11/15 o Meeting with Area Superintendents & Board Presidents 12/16/10, 1/13/11, 9/15/11, 10/13/11, 11/10/11, 12/13/11, 3/1/12, 3/14/13, 9/12/13, 4/10/14, 5/8/14, 11/19/14 Shared Services o Funding Assistance 7/6/09, 12/12/13, 5/8/2014 (Crest Solar), 6/12/14 o Sharing Services Between Districts 1/8/13, 2/14/13, 3/14/13, 4/11/13, 5/7/13, 6/13/13, 7/11/13, 8/8/13, 10/10/13, 12/12/13, 6/12/14, 10/9/14, 8/13/15, 9/10/15, 10/1/15 6. Minutes Resolved that the Board of Education does hereby approve the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Education held on - October 1, 2015 (Regular Meeting) as presented - October 13, 2015 (Special Meeting) as presented Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept 7. New Business A. Personnel 1. Extra-curricular Appointments – Morrison, Hoff, Loher & Schwoebel Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the appointment of the following extra-curricular positions for the 2015-2016 school year at the stipend per the current WEA Contract Article 25 section 11: a) Barry Morrison – Volunteer Assistant Boys Varsity Basketball b) Janet Hoff – Basketball Game Chaperone c) Erica Loher – Sophomore Class Advisor d) Jeff Schwoebel – Volunteer Assistant Boys Varsity Basketball Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept 2. Appointment – Pastore & Nelson a) Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the appointment of Tom Pastore as a (non-certified) substitute teacher at a daily rate of $68 effective October 27, 2015. Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept b) Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the appointment of Amy Nelson who is professionally certified (Wisconsin) in areas of 6-12 choral music and Pre-K – 12 general music to the non-tenured eligible positon of part-time (.5) music teacher effective November 16, 2015. Base salary for the 2015-2016 school year will include $44,388 (step 16) and credit hours upon receipt of all transcripts. The total salary will be pro-rated at half-time and based upon 137 work days. Motion: Sue Russell 3. Child Rearing Leave 4. Resignation Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept 5. Intent to Retire 6. Request to End Employment 7. Tenure 8. Leave of Absence Request 9. Termination 10. Elimination of Position B. Miscellaneous 1. Facility Use Requests – Markwica, D Carroll & Mason Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the approval of the Facility Use Request as submitted by: a) Chris Markwica on behalf of Sunday evening basketball for the use of the gym for the purpose of hosting community basketball on Sundays at 6 PM beginning November 15, 2015, b) Dee Carroll on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce for the use of the library or classroom for the purpose of hosting a Chamber of Commerce meeting on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 from 8 – 9:30 AM, and c) Ed Mason on behalf of the Westport Youth Commission for the use of the auditorium for the purpose of hosting biddy basketball on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3 – 5:30 PM beginning November 17, 2015. Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept 2. Substitute Rates – Discussion A list of current regional substitute rates was distributed to Board members for their information. 3. Section VII Merger Application – Indoor Track Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the approval of the Section VII merger application for indoor track. (Note: there is no cost to the District as the expense is covered by the parents.) Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept 4. Increase Budget Code (2630-220-00 Computer Hardware-Aided) Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the authorization to increase the budget code for computer hardware – aided (2630-220-00) by $587 to purchase equipment that is necessary to maintain the educational programs at Westport Central School. Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept C. Policies Administration of Medication (#7513) and Students with Life-Threatening Health Conditions (#7521) – Revisions Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the revision of policies #7513 and #7521 as recommended by Erie I Policy Services. Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler 8. Additional Items to Discuss None at this time. Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept 9. Public Comment (15 minutes) Our agenda offers two Public Comment sections, one at the beginning of the meeting and the other at the end. At this time we have set aside a 15 minute period giving anyone in the audience time to share their thoughts with us. Your opinions, ideas and concerns will be considered and taken under advisement. Questions or concerns needing an explanation or further information will be addressed at our next regular meeting. Karen Kearns thanked the Board for following the WEA contract and the District’s complaint policy. Tom Kohler presented the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED, Westport Central School recognized the 100th anniversary of the presentation by Albert Einstein of the Theory of General Relativity to the Prussion Academy of Sciences on November 25, 1915. Motion: Tom Kohler Seconded: Sue Russell Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept 10. Executive Session (#6) The medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation. Jeff Schwoebel was invited to attend Executive Session. In: 8:20 PM Accept Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Out: 8:57 PM Accept Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 0 No action taken. 11. Adjournment Time: 8:58 PM Motion: Tom Kohler Seconded: Sue Russell Next Meeting: Regular Meeting Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 6:30 PM in the Teacher Resource Room Minutes are not official until approved by the Board. Date approved by the BOE: December 10, 2015 ___________________________________________ Jana Atwell, District Clerk