Westport Central School District Regular Board of Education Meeting


Westport Central School District

Regular Board of Education Meeting

Place: Teacher Resource Room Thursday, December 10, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM

OFFICIAL MINUTES at: 7:05 PM 1. Call to Order

A. Roll Call

√ Alice LaRock Jim Carroll - absent

√ Dwayne Stevens

B. Introduction of Attendees by: President LaRock

√ Tom Kohler

√ Sue Russell

Also Present: Cynthia Ford-Johnston, Superintendent

Jana Atwell, District Clerk

Sharlene Petro-Durgan, District Treasurer

Joshua Meyer, Principal

Visitors: Kim Matthews

Karen Kearns

Joanne Mazzotte

Cathy Brankman

Abby Seymour, Director of Student Support Services Mary Mandy

C. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Financial

Resolved that the Board of Education accepts and approves the following financial reports:

Warrant Report 5A Dated 11/3/15

Warrant Report 5B Dated 11/10/15

Warrant Report 5C Dated 11/18/15

Warrant Report 5D Dated 11/24/15


Treasurer’s Report for Multi-Fund Month of October 2015

Multi-Fund Bank Account Reconciliation as of 10/31/15

Payroll Bank Account Reconciliation as of 10/31/15

Cafeteria Profit & Loss Statement September - October 2015

Budgetary Transfer Report from 11/1/15 to 11/30/15

Extraclassroom Activity Fund from 10/1/15 to 10/31/15

WCSD Cash Flow Chart July – November 2015

Motion: Tom Kohler Seconded: Sue Russell

3. Public Comment (15 minutes)

Yes: 4 No:0 Abstain: 0 Accept

Our agenda offers two Public Comment sections, one at the beginning of the meeting and the other at the end. At this time we have set aside a 15 minute period giving anyone in the audience time to share their thoughts with us. Please raise your hand and be acknowledged by the Board President. When called upon, please identify yourself and give your address, limiting your comments to three (3) minutes. Your opinions, ideas and concerns will be considered and taken under advisement.

A letter was distributed to the Members of the Board by Cathy Brankman on behalf of the WEA membership. The letter thanked the Board for their continued support of the teacher’s contract and respectfully requested that the WCS complaint policy be followed.

4. CSE

A. Director of Student Support Services Report

Abby Seymour, Director of Student Support Services, was officially introduced to the members of the

Board and delivered a report which included a snapshot of student support services and an overview of her first few months at WCS.

B. Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the approval of

the CSE recommendation for the following student ID #008-14-15.

Motion: Dwayne Stevens Seconded: Sue Russell Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept

5. Reports/Presentations


Superintendent’s Report

Website Update – We anticipate a “live” date in January with additional resources and information to be added shortly thereafter.

JV Basketball Program Update – Sufficient funds and pledges have been secured to maintain the program. Kudos to Mr. Phillips for his hard work. The fall sports award ceremony will be held on Saturday, December 12 th

at ELCS.

Smart Schools Bond Investment Plan – WCS will receive a total allocation of $195,196.

Superintendent Ford-Johnston presented the Smart Schools Investment Plan to the members of the Board (initial step) and explained the process required to obtain approval from NYS

Education Department to fund, request reimbursement, fund the next phase and continue until the project is complete and funds are depleted. (See attached.)

2016-2017 Budget Timeline – A timeline for the development of the proposed 2016-17 spending plan was distributed. There will be five budget workshops with the first being held on January

14, 2016.

Clinton-Essex-Warren-Washington School Board Association Meeting 1/7/16 – Please advise

Jana if attending.

School Psychologist – It is anticipated a CVES itinerant psychologist will begin in January.

Affordable Care Act – Information is currently being reviewed by the Human Resources

Department at FEH BOCES.


Principal’s Report

Meetings and topics covered the past month have included: o Shared Decision Making – literacy and composition, a K-12 event o Character Education – introduce one character trait per quarter for grades K-6 o Faculty – curriculum outlines and alignment

The elementary music concert was a huge success.

Currently working on an update of the practical application.


Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds Report

A safety inspection is scheduled for this month with Jeff Sisson.

Per a new law, carbon dioxide detectors have been ordered with installation required to be completed before July 2016.

A seminar will be held in March to introduce new regulations and safety requirements for drama clubs and stage equipment.

Installed railings going down to the playground.

A total of seven buses have passed inspection including two in November.

A radiator, exhaust system and alternator were replaced in bus 45.

The front steps of the bus (main door area) were completely replaced in bus 41.

During the holiday break maintenance staff will be concentrating on the boiler controls.

A new law next year will require 3-point seat belts on all buses. It is estimated that this will cost approximately $10,000 to convert each bus with no grandfather clause for buses currently used.


Board Committee Reports

Character Education Committee 11/16/15 – A book will be introduced with each character trait beginning with empathy.

Safety Committee 11/17/15 – Discussion included safety issues throughout the building and grounds with a concentration on formalizing an evacuation drill to be held on December 23 rd .

5. Long Range Planning

Administrative Structure o Superintendent/Administrative Positions 1/14/10, 9/9/10, 10/7/10, 11/9/10, 3/13/14,

4/10/14, 6/11/15, 12/10/15 – ELCS Superintendent Scott Osborne will be invited to enter into executive session at our January 14 th

Board of Education meeting. A Board retreat also including Superintendent Osborne will be scheduled for Saturday, January 23 rd

to brainstorm and discuss where we are going, our focus and vision. o Meeting with Area Superintendents & Board Presidents 12/16/10, 1/13/11, 9/15/11,

10/13/11, 11/10/11, 12/13/11, 3/1/12, 3/14/13, 9/12/13, 4/10/14, 5/8/14, 11/19/14

Shared Services o Funding Assistance 7/6/09, 12/12/13, 5/8/2014 (Crest Solar), 6/12/14 o Sharing Services Between Districts 1/8/13, 2/14/13, 3/14/13, 4/11/13, 5/7/13, 6/13/13,

7/11/13, 8/8/13, 10/10/13, 12/12/13, 6/12/14, 10/9/14, 8/13/15, 9/10/15, 10/1/15

6. Minutes

Resolved that the Board of Education does hereby approve the minutes of the meeting of the Board of

Education held on - November 12, 2015 (Regular Meeting) as presented

- November 16, 015 (Special Meeting) as presented

Motion: Dwayne Stevens Seconded: Sue Russell Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept

7. New Business

A. Personnel

1. Resignation – Markwica

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the acceptance of the resignation as submitted by Don Markwica from his position as boys modified basketball coach for the 2015-2016 school year.

Motion: Dwayne Stevens Seconded: Sue Russell Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept

2. Extra-curricular Appointments – Markwica, Mitchell, Mazzotte, Mason, Borden & French

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the appointment of the following extra-curricular positions for the 2015-2016 school year at the stipend per the current WEA

Contract Article 25 section 11: a) Don Markwica – Boys JV Basketball Coach b) Chloe Mitchell – Shot Clock Operator c) Chris Mazzotte – Boys Modified Basketball Coach d) Ed Mason – Shot Clock Operator e) Irwin Borden Jr – Volunteer Assistant Girls Modified Coach f) Sharmyn Seitz – Basketball Game Timer g) Judy French – Basketball Game Chaperone

Seconded: Dwayne Stevens Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept Motion: Sue Russell

3. Appointment – French

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the appointment of

Judy French to the permanent full-time position of Secretary to Guidance Department and Business Office

(civil service position typist) effective December 28, 2015.

Motion: Dwayne Stevens Seconded: Sue Russell Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept

4. Child Rearing Leave

5. Intent to Retire

6. Request to End Employment

7. Tenure

8. Leave of Absence Request

9. Termination

10. Elimination of Position

B. Miscellaneous

1. Affordable Care Act

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the approval of the following resolution for the Affordable Care Act:

WHEREAS, the Westport Central School District maintains a group health plan for its employees (“health plan”); and

WHEREAS, the Westport Central School District is required to offer coverage under its health plan to eligible full-time employees pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) effective in 2015; and

WHEREAS, the Westport Central School District employs persons for variable hours whose full-time status must be determined pursuant to guidance issued under the ACA beginning on July 1, 2015,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Westport Central School District hereby is, authorized and directed to establish and maintain procedures for the purpose of compliance with the ACA, including but not limited to the following:


For variable-hour employees, the Westport Central School District shall establish a 12-month standard measurement period beginning May 1 and ending the following April 30;


The initial measurement period for new variable-hour employees shall be the 12-month period beginning on the date of hire and ending on the anniversary date thereof;


The administrative period following the standard measurement period is the period beginning May

1 and ending June 30;


The administrative period for new hires will begin at the end of the initial measurement period and end the first of the month following 30 days after the anniversary of hire, at which point the initial stability period shall begin;


The stability period, during which time a variable-hour employee’s status as eligible or ineligible for health plan coverage is fixed, is the period beginning July 1 and ending June 30.

Motion: Dwayne Stevens Seconded: Sue Russell Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept

2. Inventory Additions & Disposal

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the addition and disposal of the following inventory items as noted:

Nikon CoolPix L840 camera Tag #A00369734 Serial #30063050 (addition)

Nikon D3200 Tag #A00369735 Serial #3940126 (addition)

iPad 2 16Gb

iPad Air 2 64 GB

Tag #A00369736 Serial #DMRMP015F182 (addition)

Tag #A00369737 Serial #DMPQN2L2GSVW (addition)

Dell Optiplex 620

Dell Optiplex 620

Dell Optiplex 270

HP Officejet 7210

Tag #A00019213 Serial #53P3V71 (disposal – outdated)

Tag #A00019174 Serial #65R8XB1 (disposal – outdated)

Tag #A00019441 Serial #BLK6F51 (disposal – outdated)

Tag #A00019221 Serial #N/A (disposal – outdated)

Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept

3. Donation

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the acceptance of a monetary donation from Camp Dudley.

Motion: Dwayne Stevens Seconded: Sue Russell

4. Facility Use Request – Westport Youth Commission

Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the approval of the

Facility Use Request as submitted by Ed Mason on behalf of the Westport Youth Commission for the use of the gym on January 16, February 6 and February 13, 2016 from 9 AM – 1 PM for the purpose of hosting home biddy basketball games, and the use of the gym and auditorium on February 27, 2016 from 9 AM –

3 PM for the purpose of hosting a biddy basketball tournament.

Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0

5. Request for Bus and Mileage Donation – Westport Youth Commission


Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the donation of a bus and mileage for the 2016 Youth Commission Ski/Ride Program at Whiteface for the following dates:

January 10, 24 & 31, February 7, March 6 & 13, 2016. Driver cost will be paid by the WYC.

Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler

6. Appointment of Additional Legal Representation

Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept

Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the Board of Education the appointment of attorney Ed Sarzynski of firm Hogan, Sarzynski, Lynch, DeWind & Gregory, LLP for the 2015-2016 school year at a rate of $194 per hour.

Motion: Sue Russell Seconded: Tom Kohler Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Accept

C. Policies

8. Additional Items to Discuss

Tom Kohler, “Kudos to the elementary grades and music teacher, Amy Nelson, on an outstanding elementary music concert this evening”.

Dwayne Stevens, “Kudos to the modified girls’ basketball team and their coach, Keith Lobdell, on a good game this afternoon.”

January’s Board of Education meeting will begin at 5:45 PM with budget workshop #1 immediately followed by the regular meeting.

9. Public Comment (15 minutes)

Our agenda offers two Public Comment sections, one at the beginning of the meeting and the other at the end. At this time we have set aside a 15 minute period giving anyone in the audience time to share their thoughts with us. Your opinions, ideas and concerns will be considered and taken under advisement.

Questions or concerns needing an explanation or further information will be addressed at our next regular meeting.

Keith Lobdell thanked the Board for allowing him the opportunity to coach the girls’ modified basketball team this season and for appointing Irwin Borden as a volunteer assistant. He also expressed concerns regarding scheduling conflicts and students having to choose between events.

10. Adjournment

Time: 8:55 PM Motion: Dwayne Stevens Seconded: Tom Kohler

Next Meeting: Regular Meeting Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 6:30 5:45 PM in the Teacher Resource


Minutes are not official until approved by the Board of Education.

Date Approved: January 14, 2016


Jana Atwell, District Clerk
