MINUTES OF MEETING: 27th March 2015
Present: Jon Drori, Michele Carlisle, Nicky Edwards, Joanna Mackle, Clare Hughes, Simon Walker,
Aileen Walker, Lee Bridges, John Angeli (Parliamentary Video Services Project), Gary Hart (SACPE
secretary), Alasdair MacKenzie (former secretary)
Apologies: Lord Allan, Sir Keith Ajegbo, Mike Saunders, Rita Clifton
1) Matters arising from last meeting
 The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
2) Broadcasting Update
John Angeli gave a presentation to SACPE on developments and improvements to Parliament TV:
Parliament still records proceedings on tape, running in parallel with a server; delivered over fibre
to a data centre.
Parliamentary proceedings recorded in high quality.
Although deemed ground-breaking in 2002, it has not kept up with technology and is being
Updated service uses a HTML5 player now with lists of options, e.g. full screen, audio only,
capability to share and download via MP3, a “share area” which allows us to select a particular
part of a debate
Not a huge amount of publicity yet but members are using it.
Certain members have tweeted from inside the Chamber
Organisations have linked to debates
In May, there will be a live log from Commons and Lords Chambers, which will note name, party
and constituency of members, providing a constant feed to the outside world via search engines
which will allow people to know what’s going on, create RSS feeds, share clips etc.
It was felt that the ability to grab images in real time will give a real sense of what’s happening in
both Chambers.
There will also be an ‘event guide’ consisting of 20 channels of output, making Parliament TV
easier to navigate and understand.
Statistics will be generated in real time so we can see the number of users at any one time.
Any news organisation can take more footage and information from Parliament.
Video will be available for mobiles and tablets.
This provides a big opportunity to allow local audiences to access material relevant to them.
Organisations such as ‘They Work For You’, Govt Depts. can tap in and draw up to date
It is felt that the reporting of Parliament at local and regional level is starting to dissipate. This
could be an opportunity for local organisations to embed the video, eg local newspaper sites, local
bloggers. The only barrier would be the cost to Parliament, which would not be astronomical. It
was felt that this might be a cost worth paying.
Different camera angles will be introduced into the Commons Chamber in May, when the House
has returned.
It was felt that the two new cameras, positioned behind the Speaker’s chair, will show much more
intense, engrossing images and give a truer picture of how the Chamber actually feels.
3) Follow up actions on Citizenship letters
Letters have been sent to the Education spokesperson at each of the political parties represented
in Parliament.
Responses received so far from the SoS Education (Conservative), Labour, SNP, DUP, Sinn Fein
have mainly been positive and in agreement with the principles outlined in the initial letter.
4) Restoration and Renewal
Options appraisal to be published with associated costs in June / July.
The 3 options are:
o Partial decamp
o Full decamp
o Restore and renewal
Joint Committee to be set up: “Member Consultation and Public Engagement”
Project Board will internally take forward work streams.
It was felt that SACPE should still comment on the consultation
SACPE members have considerable expertise in market research, contributions which will be
helpful to the Joint Committee.
Information about R&R will still be circulated to SACPE members, as it will still be helpful to have
‘outside’ influences.
Nothing will happen until Joint Committee is set up and it hopes to respond by the end of the year
ACTION – SACPE members to comment upon Joint Committee consultations as and when issues arise.
5) AOB
6) Reflections
Members reflected on the role, value and achievements of SACPE over the last five years.