Document 17564892

Enterprise Systems Committee (ESC)
April 7, 2003
Present: Bill Post, Brooke Banks, Don Graham, Len Fisk, Bruce Rowen, Dennis Graham,
Charlie Crabb, Ed Masterson, Kim Williams
1. Wireless Strategy Discussion
A draft of the Wireless Communication Strategy was distributed. The major components of
the strategy were discussed. Information Resources is responsible for electronic
communication resources and wireless users must follow general communicating policies.
Wireless services are subject to the same rules and policies that govern other electronic
communications services at CSU, Chico. The initial rollout will utilize the 802.11b standard,
however, other standards will be supported in the future as they become widely available.
A second draft document entitled Wireless Communication Strategy Decision Document was
distributed to members. This document details four different funding models for deploying
wireless: Centralized funding where the university provides Information Resources
centralized funding for a campus wide or partial implementation and three fee-based options.
Option A would consist of treating the wireless network somewhat the same as the telephone
network where departments pay a monthly service charge per wireless access point. Option
B would include a monthly subscription fee for all those who want to use wireless. The
subscription would cost somewhere between $5 and $15 per month. Option C would be a
combination of both Options A and B where use in offices, classrooms and labs is paid
monthly by the department or unit and public campus areas with wireless access would
require the user to pay a subscription fee.
These scenarios will be sent to cabinet for their comment and an interim model will be
provided to meet immediate wireless needs.
If any department or unit is interest in deploying wireless more quickly than planned, they
are to make the request through User Services. They will pay equipment and installation
2. Peer to Peer File Sharing/Copyright Violation Procedures
A draft document entitled Copyright Infringement Response Procedure was distributed. The
document identifies the procedures that are followed when we receive notices of copyright
violations. Starting July 2003, students who do not respond to our written request for
compliance or repeat the offense will lose network privileges until they comply. They will
also incur a reconnect fee.
3. CMS Audit
CMS Audit Comparable Costs document was distributed. The document shows CSU, Chico
and four other similar size campuses with both HR and Finance implemented. CSU, Chico’s
expenditures on consulting is much less than the other campuses. Also, our projection of total
costs is less. We are putting the money into our own people for backfill rather than bringing
in consultants.
We knew there would be some unhappiness about CMS and the budget crunch has added to
that. In terms of building warehouses for reporting, they are coming up and starting to put
out reports now.
4. Other
No other items were identified for discussion.
5. Adjournment
Due to the time, the meeting was adjourned.