1/3/2011 2010 Project Report for Oregon Nursery Research Regulatory Committee of ODA Testing Plant Health Evaluation Tools Submitted By: Chal Landgren, OSU Christmas tree Specialist, North Willamette Research and Extension Center, Aurora OR. 97002. Phone 503. 678-1264 Ext. 114 FAX 503. 678-5986 E-mail chal.landgren@oregonstate.edu Project Assistance Provided by: Mike Kapsimalis, NWREC Nursery Intern- Field Data Collection and Testing Dr. Jim Owen, Nursery Specialist- Data Analysis Judy Kowalski, Nursery Technician- Plant Monitoring Dr. Ryan Contreras, Assistant Professor- Chlorophyll Testing Project Background and Review There are a number of plant evaluation tools for field crops and shade trees used to gauge plant health, nutrient status or color. Devices such as SPAD, Ping, BRIX meters, various goggles (infrared), digital imaging techniques like NDVI etc. are currently used with varying degrees of success on other crops. Few of these have been used on conifers. Thanks to an OAN/ODA grant in 2009, we had conifer plant material (Nordmann fir and Blue Spruce) with known past histories and documented levels of foliar nutrients and growth. These are located at NWREC and provide excellent test cases to evaluate these tools. In addition, a number of field sites provide access to plants with known nutrition levels. Materials and Methods Our first task was an evaluation of the types of “tools” to use in the more detailed plant analysis. The tools we considered for conifer analysis were the following: CM 1000 Chlorophyll Meter PING and SPAD Meters Digital hand-held Refractometers (Brix type Meters) GreenSeeker (NDVI) Various color charts Plant Stress Detection Glasses These “hand held” field tools would then be used in reference to laboratory evaluations of plant tissue testing, Chlorophyll monitoring and visual/physical assessments. The first challenge was determining which tools could be used with or adapted to evaluation of conifer needles; in our case, Nordmann fir and Blue Spruce. Needles, unlike leaf surfaces, are rather opaque, waxy, round and narrow. Given that a number of the devices require either penetrating light or a restriction of ambient light interference, the PING and SPAD meters were deemed inappropriate for conifer use and abandoned. The CM 1000 Chlorophyll type meters are dependent on ambient light reflection and thus time of day and sun angle influence the readings. This limitation suggested that inconsistent readings would further limit use on conifers. The GreenSeeker device is an active sensor emitting light at 2 specific wavelengths and measuring the light reflected from the target and then calculating a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) based on a ratio between the two wavelengths. The device has been used successfully in measuring the N status of grass seed trials and other in crops. With the active sensor, we hoped that time of day, sun intensity and other variables would show minimal variation. We continued then with further evaluations using the GreenSeeker. Digital hand-held Refractometers (Brix type Meters) are commonly used to evaluate sugar content of fruit. There are a few Christmas tree growers advocating their use in conifers. We selected this tool for further evaluation. Color charts and Plant Stress Detection Glasses were also selected for additional evaluation as they are simple and easily used. To summarize, we selected the following tools for further testing GreenSeeker Digital hand-held Refractometers (Brix type Meters) Color Charts Plant Stress Detection Glasses In the evaluation of these devices, we used containerized Nordmann fir and Blue Spruce grown in unheated greenhouses at the North Willamette Research and Extension Center. These trees had a known fertilization history (soil and foliar) and each individual plant has known foliar nutrient contents, measured growth and development values and on selected individuals, measured needle Chlorophyll and Carotenoid Content (averaged from 3 sample levels on each tree). The tools were also evaluated at 2 field sites with known fertilization histories. GreenSeeker Evaluation Methods This tool is traditionally used above the crops canopy with the laser pointed towards the ground; we had to adapt the tool for use on conifers. With the wide range of plant heights we found it impractical to hold the laser above a tree, which in field production is usually between 5’-12’. Next, we decided to hold the device parallel to the side of the tree and take readings. Our concern however, was whether or not the laser would be disrupted by the suns influence or the space between trees. One study (Kim, 2010) suggested that there was no significant effect observed within 0-60 degree zenith angle as indicated by the limited variation in NDVI responses. With this information, we decided it would be accurate to hold the GreenSeeker on a side angle and measure a 2’ swath with the sensor head 2’ away from tree. This worked, but we found wildly varying reading using the device in a hand-held manner. In other words, we found that the sensor head angle and distance to the plant surface remained a critical variable, especially on younger and open grown trees. To compensate, we mounted the GreenSeeker to a fixed wagon platform so that the laser would be two feet from the tree canopy and measure from the base of the lowest branches and two feet above. Using the wagon gave much more replicable data. In dense field grown situations on larger trees this variable was less noticeable. Digital hand-held Refractometers (Brix Meters) Evaluations A local Christmas tree grower has developed a theory that low Brix readings (<12) suggests trees are more susceptible to pest problems while higher Brix readings means insects such as aphids can not process complex sugars and thus less likely to have insect infestations. We visited with this grower to observe his evaluation methods and eventually fabricated our own device to extract liquid from needles for Brix testing. Color Charts Past evaluations of fertilizer responses in conifers resulted in comparing a number of color evaluation “systems” such as Munsell, Royal Horticulture Society Color Fans and various paint store color chips. From these we determined that the range of needle colors in most conifers are best represented and matched with the Royal Horticulture Color Fan System. This system also is one of the few that is supported by a computer graphing and evaluation process. Plant Stress Detection Glasses We purchased a pair of these purple glasses (designed by NASA, the ad said) to see if they offered any evaluation assistance. In testing we simply put the glasses on and observed the same trees with and without the glasses to evaluate any “added value”. Results GreenSeeker: Once a system was developed to stabilize the sensor head, we were able to obtain consistent measurements with repeated evaluations. As tables 2 and 3 illustrate, the range of NDVI readings varied widely between trees with the same fertilization treatments. Nor were the readings suggestive of foliar N levels, plant color, vigor or Chlorophyll/Carotenoids as illustrated best in table 3. In short, the NDVI readings showed variation, but were not related to any consistent standard of plant health. In summary, NDVI readings on conifers seem to offer little predictive value relative to foliar N % or Chlorophyll content. Brix: After a number of broken plant presses needed to extract liquid from needles, we developed a prototype model that worked quite well. Yet we found with continued evaluations that we were getting very different readings from drops and the beginning of pressing compared to the end. The first few drops showed lower readings, the middle drops were a little higher, and the last drops to come out were very thick and usually had a high Brix reading. To compensate, we developed a process for mixing the samples. This provided more consistent results. However on further evaluation we found large daily variation in Brix readings taken from the same trees (table 1). In another trial, we compared Brix readings from aphid infested trees and trees without aphids. No difference were noted. Table 1. Brix values over 8 hours DF needles AM AM AM PM PM PM 9.6 13.5 17.2 10.2 8.4 16.5 In summary, Brix measures on conifers were of little diagnostic value, varied widely during the day, from tree to tree and not correlated to plant health. Color Rating In contrast with NDVI and Brix measurements, color rating closely matched plant Chlorophyll and N%. Briefly, the darker the green hue, the higher the Chlorophyll value and N% Plant Stress Detection Glasses The glasses provided a somewhat disorienting view due to the off-color view of the plant. They were unable to distinguish foliar N levels or Chlorophyll. However, we found them quite good at detecting necrotic needles from healthy needles, so were useful in detecting Current Season Needle Necrosis, dying branches and so on. Conclusions Many of the plant health evaluation devices that have been developed for and used on grasses or leafy plants appear unsuited to conifers. The most immediately promising device that we investigated was the GreenSeeker. After many months of field usage and a number of modifications, the device does not appear to provide readings that correlate with tissue N, plant Chlorophyll or apparent plant vigor/color. Likewise, Brix readings on Nordmann fir, Douglas-fir and noble fir are highly variable from tree to tree and change through the day. The utility of this measure as a predictor of tree health or N status is highly dubious. The human eye and a good color chart (such as the Royal Horticultural Color fan) are actually excellent tools at evaluating plant vigor and health. The addition of the stress detection glasses, may assist in detecting dead or necrotic tissue, but have little utility beyond that. Table 2. Selected data comparing treatments with Chlorophyll, NDVI, N and color ratings Nordmann Fir # Treat Rep Des 1 r 1 CRF-Osmocote+F1 18-5-9 6 r 2 8 r 10 Chloro(mg/g weight) dry Carot (mg/g dry weight) NDVI N% B (ppm) RHS rating x y Y 2.16 0.38 0.83 2.11 9.2 147A 0.33 0.4 8.1 CRF-Osmocote+F1 18-5-9 1.85 0.32 0.76 2.09 15.3 147A 0.25 0.28 42.3 3 CRF-Osmocote+F1 18-5-9 2.40 0.40 0.64 2.23 9.8 147A 0.33 0.4 8.1 b 1 CRF-Osmocote 18-5-9 2.00 0.34 0.56 2.2 5.1 147A 0.33 0.4 8.1 13 b 2 CRF-Osmocote 18-5-9 1.51 0.26 0.73 1.73 5.3 137B 0.327 0.414 12.6 16 b 3 CRF-Osmocote 18-5-9 2.40 0.37 0.79 2.09 4.9 147A 0.33 0.4 8.1 19 w 1 Untreated Control 0.69 0.14 0.69 0.86 4.5 146A 0.335 0.349 53.5 20 w 2 Untreated Control 0.67 0.15 0.79 0.82 4.5 144A 0.382 0.501 20.9 22 w 3 Untreated Control 0.72 0.16 0.78 1 5 146B 0.363 0.436 18.2 25 g 1 Foliar/All Helena (F1) w/exclusion 1.19 0.21 0.81 0.84 7.6 144A 0.382 0.501 20.9 26 g 2 Foliar/All Helena (F1) w/exclusion 0.51 0.12 0.84 0.9 7 146A 0.366 0.447 11.8 31 g 3 Foliar/All Helena (F1) w/exclusion 0.36 0.09 0.71 0.67 13.3 153A 0.429 0.48 35.4 33 y 1 Foliar/Wilbur-Ellis 138-8 0.74 0.15 0.70 1.14 6.1 146A 0.366 0.447 11.8 35 y 2 Foliar/Wilbur-Ellis 138-8 0.63 0.13 0.54 0.87 4.7 146A 0.366 0.447 11.8 38 y 3 Foliar/Wilbur-Ellis 138-8 0.61 0.12 0.78 0.89 5.7 146B 0.363 0.436 18.2 44 p 1 Foliar/HelenaKayphol,CoBo,PhosC alZn 0.61 0.13 0.69 0.77 16.4 144A 0.382 0.501 20.9 45 p 2 Foliar/HelenaKayphol,CoBo,PhosC alZn 0.64 0.17 0.83 0.72 8.1 151A 0.411 0.476 42.5 46 p 3 Foliar/HelenaKayphol,CoBo,PhosC alZn 0.453420 0.103905 0.774 0.74 15.3 144A 0.382 0.501 20.9 Treat = Tag Color ID Des = Description of treatment Chloro = Chlorophyll Content (mg/g dry tissue weight) Carot = Carotenoid Content (mg/g dry tissue weight) RHS rating = Royal Hort. Science Color Chart x, y, Y = C.I.E. co-ordinates Table 3. Summary of Average Values for Nordmann fir at NWREC by treatment (see table above for row label treatments.) Row Labels b g p r w y Values Average of Chloro (mg/g dry weight) 1.97 0.69 0.57 2.13 0.70 0.66 Average of Carot (mg/g dry weight) 0.32 0.14 0.13 0.37 0.15 0.14 Average of NDVI 0.69 0.79 0.77 0.74 0.75 0.67 Average of N % 2.01 0.80 0.74 2.14 0.89 0.97 Average of B (ppm) 5.10 9.30 13.27 11.43 4.67 5.50 References Kim, Y, D.M. Glenn, J. Park, H.K. Ngugi, B.L. Lehman. 2010. Active Spectral Sensor Evaluation under Varying Conditions. 2010 ASABE Meeting Presentation. Paper #1009111. Cregg, B., et. al. 2004. Chlorophyll Florescense and needle chlorophyll concentration of fir (abies sp) seedlings in response to pH. Hort Sciencr 39(5) pgs 1121-1125 Murdock, L. Call, D. Janems, J. 2004 Comparison and use of chlorophyll meters on wheat (reflectance vs transmittance/absorbance AGR-181 Univ. of Kentycky Cooperative Extension Service