California State University, Chico BS in Architecture Program Self-study 2010-2015 Contact Person: Frank L. Wright, Jr. Vice Provost for Architectural Planning and Evaluation California State University, Chico Chico, California 95929-0110 Phone: 530-898-0000 Fax: 530-898-0000 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Certification .................................................................................................................... iii Acknowledgments (Optional) ....................................................................................... Quick Program Facts. .................................................................................................... iv Executive Summary ....................................................................................................... v List of Exhibits ................................................................................................................ vi Articulating a Collective Vision I. Mission and Program Goals .................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Mission Statement ........................................................................................ 1.2 Appropriateness of Mission Statement.......................................................... 1.3 Program Goals ............................................................................................. 1.4 Performance Indicators and Evidence .......................................................... 1.5 Diversity ....................................................................................................... Articulating a Collective Vision Summary .............................................................. 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 Organizing for Learning II. Curriculum ............................................................................................................. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2-1 Program Student Learning Outcomes ........................................................... Program Curriculum...................................................................................... Assessment of Program Effectiveness.......................................................... Faculty Development .................................................................................... Student Involvement .................................................................................... 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 III. Faculty Resources................................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Sufficiency of Faculty Resources .................................................................. Deployment of Faculty Resources ................................................................ Faculty Development Activities .................................................................... Faculty Scholarship and Creative Activity Profile ......................................... Faculty Planning Process ............................................................................. 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 IV. Students as Partners in Learning ......................................................................... 4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Student Characteristics ................................................................................. Student Understanding of Requirements ...................................................... Student Retention ......................................................................................... Student Engagement in Scholarship – Creative Activity ................................ Extra-curricular Activities .............................................................................. Revised Spring 2016 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 V. Other Learning-Enabling Resources ..................................................................... 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5-1 Fiscal Resources Sufficiency and Alignment................................................. Staff Personnel Sufficiency and Professional Qualifications .......................... Sufficiency of Student Support Resources .................................................... Sufficiency of Information Resources ............................................................ Sufficiency of Academic Technology Resources........................................... 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 Organizing for Learning Summary. ........................................................................ 5-7 Becoming a Learning Organization VI. Commitment to Learning and Strategic Improvement ............................................ 6-1 6.1 Mission Statement Review Process ............................................................. 6-1 6.2 6.3 Program Effectiveness Monitoring and Improvement Processes .................. Leadership Commitment to Improvement ..................................................... 6-2 6-3 Becoming a Learning Organization Summary. ...................................................... 6-5 VII. Appendices ........................................................................................................... 1.0 2.0 Required Data Elements Evidence Templates Revised Spring 2016 CERTIFICATION We, the chair and faculty coordinator respectively of the Department of Architecture, do certify that the information contained in this Five-Year Self Study Report presents a fair and accurate description of the BS in Architecture at the California State University, Chico. FOR THE DEPARTMENT: _________________________________________________ Dr. Frank L. Wright, Chair Date: ______________________________ FOR THE DEPARTMENT FACULTY: _________________________________________________ Dr. Christopher Wren, Faculty Coordinator Date: ______________________________ Revised Spring 2016 Quick Program Facts Samples: Revised Spring 2016 Executive Summary The BS Program in Architecture was established … Revised Spring 2016 List of Exhibits Revised Spring 2016 Articulating a Collective Vision: Mission and Program Goals Criteria for Review 1.1 The program has a clear and published mission statement. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 1- 1 Articulating a Collective Vision: Mission and Program Goals Criteria for Review 1.2 The program mission is appropriate for higher education and consonant with the mission, values and strategic priorities of the department, college and university. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 1- 2 Articulating a Collective Vision: Mission and Program Goals Criteria for Review 1.3 The program has developed and widely disseminated its program goals. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 1- 3 Articulating a Collective Vision: Mission and Program Goals Criteria for Review 1.4 The program has developed and begun to use key indicators and sources of evidence to ascertain the level of achievement of its mission and goals. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 1- 4 Articulating a Collective Vision: Mission and Program Goals Criteria for Review 1.5 Consistent with its purpose and character, the program demonstrates an appropriate response to the increasing diversity of society and the student body in its curriculum, co-curriculum, and hiring. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 1- 5 Articulating a Collective Vision (Summary) Content Area 1: Articulating a Collective Vision This content area centers on the degree to which the program sets goals and obtains results in student learning at both the program and course levels that are: a) clearly stated and widely understood by students, faculty, and other stakeholders; b) appropriate for the type and level of program offered; c) adequately assessed; and, d) continuously improved based on assessment results. Overall Program Performance Reflective Thoughts on Overall Program Performance in Content Area 1 Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 1- 6 Organizing for Learning: Curriculum Criteria for Review 2.1 The program has specified its expected learning outcomes and they have been widely shared among its members, including faculty, students, staff, and – where appropriate – external stakeholders. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 2- 1 Organizing for Learning: Curriculum Criteria for Review 2.2 The program’s curriculum content and standards address program goals and learning outcomes. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 2- 2 Organizing for Learning: Curriculum Criteria for Review 2.3 The program has established processes for assessing student learning outcomes, has established benchmarks for student performance, documented levels of student learning, and provides examples of the use of assessment results for program improvement. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 2- 3 Organizing for Learning: Curriculum Criteria for Review 2.4 The program actively supports faculty development aimed at strengthening pedagogical practice and innovation. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 2- 4 Organizing for Learning: Curriculum Criteria for Review 2.5 The program actively involves students in learning and provides them with appropriate feedback about their performance and how it can be improved. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 2- 5 Organizing for Learning: Faculty Resources Criteria for Review 3.1 The program maintains faculty sufficient to provide stability and integrity of the curriculum and ongoing quality improvement for program offerings. Faculty workload is aligned with program mission. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 3- 1 Organizing for Learning: Faculty Resources Criteria for Review 3.2 The deployment of faculty resources reflects the mission and program goals. Students in the program and/or its subunits have the opportunity to receive instruction from appropriately qualified faculty. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 3- 2 Organizing for Learning: Faculty Resources Criteria for Review 3.3 The program maintains appropriate and sufficiently supported faculty development activities designed to improve teaching and learning consistent with program mission and goals. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 3- 3 Organizing for Learning: Faculty Resources Criteria for Review 3.4 Faculty members make scholarly/creative contributions and service to the community on a continuing basis appropriate to the program’s mission. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 3- 4 Organizing for Learning: Faculty Resources Criteria for Review 3.5 Faculty size, composition, qualifications, and development activities result from a comprehensive faculty planning process. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 3- 5 Organizing for Learning: Students as Partners in Learning Criteria for Review 4.1 The program recruits, enrolls, supports, and graduates a diverse and high-quality student population. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 4- 1 Organizing for Learning: Students as Partners in Learning Criteria for Review 4.2 Students understand the requirements of the program and receive timely, useful, and regular information and advising about program requirements. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 4- 2 Organizing for Learning: Students as Partners in Learning Criteria for Review 4.3 Retention policies for the students are consistent with the objective of producing high quality graduates. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 4- 3 Organizing for Learning: Students as Partners in Learning Criteria for Review 4.4 The program engages students directly in scholarship/creative activity and service to the community, consonant with program purpose and character. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 4- 4 Organizing for Learning: Students as Partners in Learning Criteria for Review 4.5 The program’s extra-curricular activities are appropriate in content and standards to the mission/goals of the program. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 5- 1 Organizing for Learning: Other Learning-Enabling Resources Criteria for Review 5.1 Fiscal resources are effectively aligned with the mission and objectives, are appropriately diversified, and are sufficiently developed to support and maintain the level and kind of program offerings both now and in the foreseeable future. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 5- 2 Organizing for Learning: Other Learning-Enabling Resources Criteria for Review 5.2 The program employs staff personnel sufficient in number and professional qualifications to maintain its operations and to support its mission and program goals. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 5- 3 Organizing for Learning: Other Learning-Enabling Resources Criteria for Review 5.3 The program’s student support services resources are sufficiently coordinated and supported to fulfill its mission and educational purposes. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 5- 4 Organizing for Learning: Other Learning-Enabling Resources Criteria for Review 5.4 The program holds, or provides access to, information resources sufficient in scope, quality, currency, and kind to support its academic offerings and the scholarship of its members. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 5- 5 Organizing for Learning: Other Learning-Enabling Resources Criteria for Review 5.5 The program’s academic technology resources are sufficiently coordinated and supported to fulfill its educational purposes and provide key academic and administrative functions. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 5- 6 Organizing for Learning (Summary) Content Area 2: Organizing for Learning This content area centers on the alignment of program assets and characteristics with the goal of producing high levels of student learning. This requires a review of curriculum, pedagogy, mode of delivery, faculty recruitment and development, scholarship in support of improved teaching and learning, information resources, student services and co-curricular activities, and resources and facilities. Overall Program Performance Reflective Thoughts on Overall Program Performance in Content 2 Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 5- 7 Commitment to Learning and Strategic Improvement Criteria for Review 6.1 Describe anticipated changes in the mission statement and program goals. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 6-7 Commitment to Learning and Strategic Improvement Criteria for Review 6.2 The program employs a deliberate set of processes to assess program effectiveness, track results over time, and use the results of these assessments to revise and improve structures and processes, curricula and pedagogy. (see CFR 2.3) Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 6-7 Commitment to Learning and Strategic Improvement Criteria for Review 6.3 The program leadership is committed to improvement based on the results of processes of assessment, inquiry, and evaluation. Program Performance Evidentiary Exhibit(s) Reflective Comments Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 6-7 Becoming a Learning Organization (Summary) Content Area 3: Becoming a Learning Organization This content area centers on the degree to which the program has developed systems—to assess its own performance and to use the information to improve student learning over time—that reflect the input of stakeholders, identify key dimensions of performance, and are based on standards of evidence that prominently feature educational results. The general objective of this section of the Self-Study Report is to demonstrate that the program has clear, well-established policies and practices for gathering and analyzing information that leads to a culture of evidence and improvement. Overall Program Performance Reflective Thoughts on Overall Program Performance in Content 3 Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format 6-7 Appendices Content Area 1: Required Data Elements Required Program Data Elements Academic Program Review Element Descriptor CFR FTES Profile Program FTES; UD, LD, Grad; Percent taught by TT and PT; 5.0 Majors Profile Primary majors, secondary majors; concentrations; degrees awarded 4.1 FTEF Profile Annualized FTEF by category; leaves and reimbursed FTEF. 3.1 3.5 Faculty Profile Faculty qualifications; appt date, current rank, year tenured; date of last review 3.2 3.5 Teaching Loads Teaching load in terms of number of courses, number of students; number of SCH; number of preps; number of new preps. Number of web courses. 3.2 Individual (Supervised) Instruction Number of supervised students by category; number of theses--undergraduate and graduate. 3.1 Service Load Committee service at all levels; office hours; student contact hours per week. 3.1 AWTU Profile AWTUs granted by code; reimbursed vs. unreimbursed; number and percent of faculty with AWTU; total AWTU. 3.3 Faculty Output of Scholarship / Creative Activity Faculty scholarly / creative output by category; use to create totals 3.4 Scholarship and Creative Activity Average productivity by category over time 3.4 FTE Staff Profile Annualized True Full-Time Equivalent Staff devoted to the Program 5.2 Budget Profile: Sources Sources of Program Funding: General Fund; Lottery Funding and Foundation Dollars (Grants and Contracts and Fundraising) 5.1 Uses of Funds: Expenditures in major categories by funding category 5.1 5.0 Budget Profile: Uses Required Data Elements Spreadsheet Five-Year Program Self-Study Report Format A-1