AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEM AREAS EFFECTIVE DATES: March 1, 2010 – February 28, 2011 ADOPTED BY: President James Gaudino and President’s Cabinet AUTHORITY: 41 CFR § 60-2.17 (b) Introduction Review of personnel practices and technical phases of compliance reveals when challenges may be present in the following areas: 1) underutilization of affected groups; and 2) possible adverse impact for underutilized groups from application-to-hire as well as at each stage of the recruitment and selection process (i.e., application, preliminary screening for minimum qualifications, interviews, and hires). Adverse impact is defined as a substantially different rate of selection in hiring. The following tables note areas in which adverse impact may have occurred during the recruitment and selection process from November 1, 2008 through October 31, 2009. Only underutilized affected groups (as identified by the 2009 affirmative action plan) are included on the following tables. Summary Availability: Availability is defined as the percentage of minorities or females who have the skills required for entry into a specific job group, or who are capable of acquiring those skills. In analyzing all searches between November 1, 2008 and October 31, 2009, • 32.89% of the time, applicant pools reflected availability for affected groups; • 67.11% of the time, there was an underrepresentation of applicants for affected groups. (Compare these figures with 2007-2009: 47.92% of pool reflected availability; 52.08% did not.) Lack of Applicants: There were no applicants from affected groups in 17.11% (13/76) of total cases, compared to 26.04% (25/96) in 2007-2008. There were no applicants from underrepresented groups listed for positions filled in the following job groups: 1A –Executive (2 hires, 15 applicants) o Disabled Veterans 1B –Administrative (1 hire, 1 applicant) o Females o Total Minorities o Persons of Disability o Vietnam Era Veterans 2C – Coaches (1 hire, 112 applicants) o Disabled veterans 4A–General Office Support (4 hires, 202 applicants) o Persons of Disability o Disabled veterans 5A – Technical/Paraprofessional (1 hire, 22 applicants) o Blacks/African Americans o Hispanics o Persons of Disability o Vietnam Era Veterans Central Washington University Page 1 o Disabled veterans 7C – Food Services (4 hires, 147 applicants) o Disabled Veterans Adverse Impact: Adverse impact is a substantially different rate of selection in hiring, promotion, transfer, training or other employment decisions, which works to the disadvantage of members of an affected group. If such a rate is less than 80% of the selection rate of the group with the highest rate of selection, this will generally be regarded as evidence of adverse impact, and is sometimes referred to as the “80% rule.” This is a general rule used to determine whether members of a particular group or sex are selected at a rate that is less than 80% of the rate at which the group with the highest rate is selected. For the 2008-2009 reporting period, evidence of adverse impact was present when analyzing: Application-to -hire (entire process)—50.68% (37/73) This represents a decrease of 29.32% from 80.00% in 2006-2007. Application stage to preliminary screening stage — 5.55% (4/73) This represents a decrease of 14.45% from 20.00% in 2006-2007. Preliminary screening stage to interview stage — 56.16% (41/73) This represents an increase of 21.16% from 35.00% in 2006-2007. Interview stage to hire stage — 58.90% (43/73) This represents a decrease of 21.10% from 80.00% in 2006-2007. Strategies to address these findings are found in the Action Oriented Programs section of this plan. Central Washington University Page 2 Job Group 1A - Executive Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underutilized Affected Group Underrepresentation of applicants Application-to-Hire Females X X X X Interview Stage Hire Stage X X Persons of Disability Disabled Veterans Preliminary Screening Stage X X X X X Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job group 1A includes: Senior administrators such as the president, chief planning officer, vice presidents and their associate and assistant vice presidents and special assistants, deans and associate and assistant deans, and the executive director of international programs and studies. For 2008-2009, there were 25 positions in this job group. Affirmative action goals for: Females, persons of disability, and disabled veterans. Positions filled during 2008-2009: Two people were hired within this job group: CWU President and interim vice president for business and financial affairs. There were 15 applicants for two positions filled, with one person being a veteran. Areas of concern: Underrepresentation of applicants for females and disabled veterans. All three groups may have experienced adverse impact at hire stage and when conducting “apply-tohire” analysis. Only one person of disability and only two veterans applied and met minimums, one veteran was interviewed and hired. Central Washington University Page 3 Job Group 1B - Administrative Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underutilized Affected Group Underrepresentation of applicants Application-to-Hire Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage Females X X X X X Total Minorities X X X X X Persons of Disability X X X X X Vietnam-era Veterans X X X X X Persons Aged 40 and Over Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job group 1B includes: President: directors of government relations, internal audits and controls, office for equal opportunity, budget planning, institutional research, and athletics. Business & Financial Affairs: directors and managers who report directly to the associate and assistant vice presidents. Also includes managers of the university store and environmental health and safety. Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs: director of continuing education, directors who report directly to the associate vice presidents and the executive director of international studies and programs, the associate director of continuing education, the state coordinator for deaf and hard of hearing services, and assistant to the provost for university centers and community college relations. Vice President for University Relations: directors of public relations and marketing, alumni relations, planned giving, and development opportunities. Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management: directors and senior directors reporting directly to the vice president for student affairs and enrollment management, and the associate and assistant vice presidents, the general manager at KCWU radio, assistant to the vice president for student affairs and enrollment management, and the registrar. For 2008-2009, there were 64 positions in this job group. Affirmative action goals for: Females, total minorities, persons of disability, Vietnam-era veterans, and persons aged 40 and above. Positions filled during 2008-2009: The interim senior director of the student health and counseling center was appointed during the 20082009 reporting year. Central Washington University Page 4 Job Group 2A - Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underutilized Affected Group Underrepresentation of applicants Females X Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage X X Total Minorities Blacks/African Americans Application-to-Hire X X X X Hispanics Persons of Disability X Vietnam-era Veterans X Disabled Veterans X X X X Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job group 2A includes: Faculty members who have tenure, or are on tenure track lines. During the 2008-2009 reporting period, 964 applications were received for 23 filled positions within this Job Group. For 2008-2009, there were 368 positions in this job group. Affirmative action goals for: Females, total minorities, African Americans, Hispanics, persons of disability, Vietnam-era veterans, and disabled veterans. Positions filled during 2008-2009: Twenty-three (23) positions were filled within this job group. Areas of concern: There were 964 applicants for 23 positions (about 42 applicants per position), yet females, African Americans, persons of disability, Vietnam-era veterans, and disabled veterans did not apply in numbers reflective of their availability. Women and disabled veterans may have experience adverse impact at the hire stage. African-Americans, Hispanics, and disabled veterans may have experience adverse impact at the interview stage. Central Washington University Page 5 Job Group 2B - Non-Tenure Track Faculty Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underutilized Affected Group Underrepresentation of applicants Females X Application-to-Hire Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage Total Minorities X X X X Blacks/African Americans X X X X Hispanics X X X X Asian/Pacific Islanders X X X X X X X X Persons of Disability X Persons Aged 40 and Over Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job group 2B includes: Faculty members who have full-time, nine-month appointments to teach academic classes. For 20082009, there were 89 positions in this job group. Affirmative action goals for: Females, total minorities, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian/Pacific Islanders, American Indian/Alaska Natives, persons of disability, and persons aged 40 and over. Positions filled during 2008-2009: During the 2008-2009 reporting period, three people were hired within this job group. All three are Caucasian females, aged 40 and over, with one being a person of disability. Areas of concern: There was an underrepresentation of applicants for females and persons of disability. In analyzing the entire process from application-to-hire, total minorities, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and persons of disability may have experienced adverse impact. Central Washington University Page 6 Job Group 2C - Coaches (Non-Tenure Track Faculty) Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underutilized Affected Group Underrepresentation of applicants Application-to-Hire Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage X X X Females Hispanics American Indian/ Alaska Native X X X X Persons of Disability X X X X Vietnam-era Veterans X X X X Disabled Veterans X X X X Persons Aged 40 and Over X X X X X Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job group 2C includes: Faculty members who have full-time contracts, at least nine months in duration, to coach interscholastic competitive sports. During the 2008-2009 reporting period, one person was hired within this Job Group: assistant women’s basketball coach. A female was hired in this position. For 2008-2009, there were 13 positions in this job group. Affirmative action goals for: Females, Hispanics, American Indian/Alaskan Natives, persons of disability, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled veterans, and persons aged 40 and over. Positions filled during 2008-2009: During the 2008-2009 reporting period there were 112 applicants for one position filled. Areas of concern: There were no applicants from the following affected group: disabled veterans. Persons of disability and persons aged 40 and over were underrepresented in the applicant pools. In analyzing the entire process from application-to-hire, Hispanics, American Indian/Alaska Native, persons of disability, Vietnam-era Veterans, Disabled Veterans, and persons aged 40 and over may have experienced adverse impact. For groups with applicants, adverse impact was not evident at the preliminary screening stage. Adverse impact may have been present at the interview and hiring stages for Hispanics, American Indian/Alaska Native, persons of disability, Vietnam-era Veterans, disabled veterans, and persons aged 40. Central Washington University Page 7 Job Group 3A - Professional: Student Support Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underutilized Affected Group Underrepresentation of applicants Application-to-Hire Females X X Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage X Blacks/African Americans X X Asian/Pacific Islanders X X Persons of Disability X X X Vietnam-era Veterans X X X Disabled Veterans X X Persons Aged 40 and Over X X X X Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job Group 3A includes: Professionals whose primary job purpose is performing academic support and student services, and whose assignments require either college graduation, or experience of such kind and amount, as to provide a comparable background. For 2008-2009, there were 105 positions in this job group. Affirmative action goals for: Females, African Americans, Asian/Pacific Islanders, persons of disability, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled veterans, and persons aged 40 and over. Positions filled during 2008-2009: During the 2008-2009 reporting period, 13 people were hired within this job group, which includes admissions counselor, academic advisor, tutor/SI coordinator, residence hall coordinator, study abroad advisor, career counselor, and assistant director of student affairs (Westside). Nine females (69.23% of those hired) and one minority (7.69% of those hired) were added to the university’s workforce. Areas of concern: There was an underrepresentation of applicants for females, persons of disability, Vietnam-era veterans, and disabled veterans. In analyzing the entire process from application-to-hire, females, African Americans, Asian/Pacific Islanders, persons of disability, Vietnam-era Veterans, Disabled Veterans, and persons aged 40 and over may have experienced adverse impact. African Americans, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and disabled veterans may have experienced adverse impact at the interview stage. Central Washington University Page 8 Job Group 3B - Professional: Institutional Support Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underutilized Affected Group Underrepresentation of applicants Application-to-Hire Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage X X X X X X X Total Minorities Blacks/African Americans X Asian/Pacific Islanders X Persons of Disability X Persons Aged 40 and Over Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job Group 3B includes: Professional employees whose primary purpose is to perform institutional support activities and whose assignments required either college graduation or experience of such kind and amount as to provide a comparable background. For 2008-2009, there were 179 employees included in this Job Group. Affirmative action goals for: Total minorities, African Americans, Asian/Pacific Islanders, persons of disability, and persons aged 40 and over. Positions filled during 2008-2009: During the 2008-2009 reporting period eight new employees were hired within this job group, one of which was a minority. This included database administrator, retention communication specialist, assistant director communications, web technician, research technician, interim computer support services manager, real-time GPS data analyst, and information technology specialist 2. Areas of concern: African Americans, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and persons of disability did not apply in numbers reflective of national availability. Total minorities and persons of disability may have experienced adverse impact at the interview stage. Persons aged 40 and over did well at all phases of the process. Central Washington University Page 9 Job Group 4A - General Office Support Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underutilized Affected Group Underrepresentation of applicants Application-to-Hire Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage Total Minorities X X X Blacks/African Americans X X X Hispanics X X X American Indian/ Alaska Native X X X X X X X X X Persons of Disability X X Vietnam-era Veterans X X Disabled Veterans X X X X Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job Group 4A includes: All persons whose assignments typically are associated with general clerical activities which are not specifically secretarial in nature (examples: administrative assistants, fiscal technicians, sales clerks, library workers not classified as librarians, mail services employees, cashiers, and credential evaluators). For 2008-2009, there were 100 employees included in this Job Group. Affirmative action goals for: Total minorities, African Americans, Hispanics, American Indian/Alaska Native, persons of disability, Vietnam-era veterans, and disabled veterans. Positions filled during 2008-2009: During the 2008-2009 reporting period, 4 people were hired within this job group. This included a textbook clerk, building coordinator, fiscal technician, and conference facilitator. Areas of concern: There was an underrepresentation of applicants for Vietnam-era veterans. There were no applicants for persons of disability and Disabled Veterans. Adverse impact may have been present for persons of disability and Disabled Veterans at the preliminary screening stage. Adverse impact may have occurred for all groups when conducting application-to-hire analysis. Central Washington University Page 10 Job Group 4B - Clerical Support Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underutilized Affected Group Underrepresentation of applicants Application-to-Hire X Asian/Pacific Islanders American Indian/ Alaska Native X X Persons of Disability X X Vietnam-era Veterans X X Disabled Veterans X X Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage X X X X X X X Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job Group 4B includes: Employees whose assignments are typically secretarial in nature. Personnel are responsible for internal and external communications, recording and retrieval of data and/or information and other paperwork required in an office. (Examples: secretaries, office support supervisors, office assistants, program coordinators, and data entry operators.) For 2008-2009, there were 187 employees included in this Job Group. Affirmative action goals for: Asian/Pacific Islanders, American Indian/Alaska Native, persons of disability, Vietnam-era veterans, and disabled veterans. Positions filled during 2008-2009: During the 2008-2009 reporting period, 23 people were hired within this job group from 1331 applicants. Areas of concern: American Indian/Alaska Native, persons of disability, Vietnam-era Veterans, and Disabled Veterans did not apply in numbers reflective of their availability in Yakima and Kittitas counties. Adverse impact may have occurred for all groups when conducting application-to-hire analysis. Central Washington University Page 11 Job Group 5A - Technical/Paraprofessional Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underrepresentation of applicants Application-to-Hire Total Minorities X X Blacks/African Americans X X Hispanics X X Asian/Pacific Islanders X Underutilized Affected Group Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Females American Indian/ Alaska Native Persons of Disability X X X X X Vietnam-era Veterans X X X X X Persons Aged 40 and Over Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job Group 5A includes: People whose assignments require specialized knowledge or skills which may be acquired through experience or academic work such as is offered in many two-year technical institutes (examples: computer programmers and operators, drafters, engineering aides, junior engineers, mathematical aides, licensed practical nurses, dieticians, photographers, radio operators, scientific assistants, technical illustrators, and technicians). Also included are persons who perform some of the duties of a professional or technician in a supportive role, which usually require less formal training and/or experience normally required for professional status. For 2008-2009, there were 54 employees included in this Job Group. Affirmative action goals for: Females, total minorities, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian/Pacific Islanders, American Indian/Alaska Native, persons of disability, Vietnam-era veterans, and persons aged 40 and over. Positions filled during 2008-2009: During the 2008-2009 reporting period, one employee was hired within this Job Group, a Caucasian female aged 40 and over. The position was Early Childhood Program Specialist 2. Areas of concern: There were no applicants for African Americans, Hispanics, persons of disability, Vietnam-era Veterans, and Disabled Veterans. When analyzing the entire process, from application-to-hire, and at the interview stage and hiring stage, all but females and persons aged 40 and over may have experienced adverse impact. Central Washington University Page 12 Job Group 6A - Skilled Crafts Job Group 6A includes: Positions whose assignments typically require special manual skills and a thorough, comprehensive knowledge of the processes involved in the work, which are acquired through on-the-job training and experience, apprenticeship, or formal training programs (examples: mechanics and repairers, electricians, skilled machinists, carpenters, typesetters, and upholsterers). For 2008-2009, there were 54 employees included in this Job Group. During the 2008-2009 reporting period, there were no applicants or new employees hired within this Job Group. Job Group 7A - General Maintenance Job Group 7A includes: Persons whose assignments require limited degrees of previously acquired skills and knowledge and workers who perform duties which contribute to the upkeep of facilities, grounds, vehicles, and equipment (examples: grounds workers, maintenance custodians and mechanics, utility workers, trades helpers, vehicle drivers of all sorts). For 2008-2009, there were 29 employees included in this Job Group. During the 2008-2009 reporting period, there were no applicants or new employees hired within this Job Group. Central Washington University Page 13 Job Group 7B - Custodial/Caretaking Services Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underutilized Affected Group Underrepresentation of applicants Total Minorities X Hispanics X Asian/Pacific Islanders X Persons of Disability X X Disabled Veterans X X Application-to-Hire Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage X X X X X X X X X Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job Group 7B includes: Employees whose assignments require limited degrees of previously acquired skills and knowledge, and those who perform duties which result in, or contribute to, the comfort, convenience, and hygiene, of personnel, the student body, or research animals (examples: custodians, sports equipment handlers, early childhood program aides). For 2008-2009, there were 72 employees included in this Job Group. Affirmative action goals for: Total minorities, Hispanics, Asian/Pacific Islanders, persons of disability, and disabled veterans. Positions filled during 2008-2009: During the 2008-2009 reporting period, 7 people were hired within this Job Group, including one minority and one female. Areas of concern: There was an underrepresentation of applicants for all groups. Hispanics may have experienced adverse impact in all areas but the preliminary screening stage. When analyzing the entire process, persons of disability and Disabled Veterans may have experienced adverse impact at all stages. Central Washington University Page 14 Job Group 7C - Food Services Potential for Adverse Impact Exists Underrepresentation of applicants Application-to-Hire Total Minorities X X Blacks/African Americans X X Hispanics X X American Indian/ Alaskan Natives X X Persons of Disability X Vietnam-era Veterans Underutilized Affected Group Preliminary Screening Stage Interview Stage Hire Stage X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Disabled Veterans X X X X X Persons Aged 40 and Over X X Females X X Note: X indicates adverse impact may be present. Job Group 7C includes: Employees whose assignments require limited degrees of previously acquired skills and knowledge, and duties which result in or contribute to the feeding of students, staff, and other publics. For 2008-2009, there were 28 employees included in this Job Group. Affirmative action goals were present for females, total minorities, African Americans, Hispanics, American Indian/Alaskan Natives, persons of disability, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled veterans, and persons aged 40 and over. Positions filled during 2008-2009: During the 2008-2009 reporting period, 4 people were hired within this Job Group. Areas of concern: Only females applied in numbers reflective of their availability. There were no applicants for Disabled Veterans. When analyzing the entire process, from application-to-hire, and at the hiring stage, all but females may have experienced adverse impact. Central Washington University Page 15 Job Group 7D - Police Services Job Group 7D includes; Persons whose assignments require limited degrees of previously acquired skills and knowledge, and who perform duties which result in, or contribute to, the well-being of persons and/or property on the university campus. For 2008-2009, there were 13 employees included in this Job Group. During the 2008-2009 reporting period, there were no applicants or new employees hired within this Job Group. Central Washington University Page 16