UTAC Friday, February 20, 2009 10:00am MLIB 338 ATTENDING TEAM MEMBERS AND GUESTS x x x x x x x x x x x Joe Alexander Debra Barger Jeff Bell Scott Claverie Pedro Douglas Kathy Fernandes Robyn Hafer Ben Juliano Beth Kissinger Jarrett Morgado Bill Post Jerry Ringel Frederica Shockley Phyllis Weddington Joel Zimbelman Jan Costenbader x x x x x x x x x Brooke Banks Andi Beach Aaron Bowen Terry Curtis Carolyn Dusenbury Lorraine Gardiner Ryan Jones Meredith Kelley Ben Levitt Jaime Nelson Linda Post Tom Rosenow Mike Spiess Joe Wills Darrell Bartlett Gayle Hutchinson DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Approval of meeting notes from November 21, 2008 Approved; no changes. 2. Additions/Changes to Agenda Ben added the Draft Desktop Refresh Resolution to the agenda between items #5 and #6. 3. IT Status Sheet Review/Discussion (Ben Juliano) Ben introduced the SS for February; no questions from the committee. Ben reminded the committee that faculty and staff can get a Wildcat Google Mail account, in addition to their regular Exchange accounts. We are not specifically supporting the entire suite of Google Apps at this point, because not everything is currently accessible. PeopleSoft Financials 9.0 will be going live during Spring Break. The Financials module will be down from March 12 – March 16th. Reminded the committee that Brio is being replaced by INSIGHT reporting in late spring. Terry Curtis asked about outsourcing server hosting off-campus. Is it legal? A larger conversation is needed, but there are HR issues as well as confidentiality issues that would need to be addressed. May follow up with a subgroup to continue discussion. Mike Spiess volunteered to be involved, as he has had experience with outsourcing. 4. Information Security Audit Review (Brooke Banks) Brooke shared the PowerPoint presentation that she gave to Academic Senate in late January showing a highlevel summary of 28 key audit findings. These 28 findings are summarized into five areas: Information Security Policy, Governance Structure, Decentralized Servers & Applications, Web Application Security, and Technical Control. Brooke will be going to Cabinet on March 2 nd to further discuss the changes Information Security is making in response to the audit findings. Brooke also gave a brief update on the CSU System-wide Policy. Chico will be adopting some of the policies to replace or create campus policies. Brooke directed the committee to the ISEC Web page where policy documents are kept http://www.csuchico.edu/ires/security/index.html. 5. Campus Forms Update (Phyllis Weddington) Phyllis reported that the forms group had begun working with HR last fall to improve forms on the HR Web site, and from there the forms issue turned into a bigger discussion about what tools to use, where data is stored, etc. The group has started “Phase One” to start creating better forms for Web use across campus, but there are many problems and issues associated with the forms topic. Further discussion with the committee will occur as the forms group learns more. Bill Post said that we are going to be putting effort and resources into this topic and UTAC will need to be involved in the long run for infrastructure building. 6. 7. 8. Linda Post reported that we have gotten some movement from the Chancellor’s Office about digital authorization; more information will follow as it’s available. Draft Desktop Refresh Resolution (Ben Juliano) Ben distributed a handout titled “Resolution Supporting Continuation of the Campus Computer Refresh Project” and asked the committee to review and provide feedback. Bill Post clarified that it is the Academic Affairs Computer Refresh Program – the Campus version has not been passed. Future agenda item “Effects of Faculty Purchasing Sub-Standard Computers.” Blackboard Vista Statistics and Wimba Pilot (Kathy Fernandes) Kathy presented the spring 2009 schedule for the Technology in Learning and Teaching (TILT) symposiums. All sessions are streamed live using Wimba so anyone can attend the session. Kathy then presented “Vista Fall 2008 Statistics” in total and by college, with bar graphs visualizing the data. A “Clicker Update” showing clicker usage for fall 2008 and spring 2009, and results from the fall 2008 Faculty Clicker Survey was also distributed Clicker Evaluations and New Technologies (Jan Costenbader/Freddie Shockley) Jan shared PowerPoint presentation on student perceptions on using technology in the classroom, surveying both the broad use of technology and the specific use of clickers. Most students gave agreeable responses. A teacher who is experienced in using clickers is preferred and results in students having a better perception of the usefulness of clickers. Jan showed the TurningPoint online store https://store.turningtechnologies.com/index.cfm. Jan reported that we are piloting “responseware” (also called “soft clickers”), a Web-based program that operates over internet or cellular devices instead of the TurningPoint hardware. It can be used from any Web browser and is less expensive than the “hard” clicker while working just as well. Mike Spiess asked about support for “soft clickers” and Jan said that figuring that out is part of the pilot. Currently, there are 11 students involved in the pilot. Freddie has been using the e-Instruction clicker for the past several semesters instead of the TurningPoint clicker and has been happy with the results. She presented her survey called “Which Clicker Survey” in which 16 students took part (out of 26 students eligible to participate). Her results showed that students liked the eInstruction clicker. Bill Post would like to see more information and to drill down on the data about student satisfaction with clickers. Joe Alexander reported that the iPod touch has the capability to act as a clicker as well – we need to have a broader discussion about these kinds of devices. Mike Spiess added that if we were to revisit our choice in clickers in the future, additional research with standardized surveying is absolutely necessary. TO DO LIST SUMMARY # Task 1. Suggest agenda items for future meetings based on IT Strategic Plan 2. Form sub-committee for Forms focus sessions FUTURE MEETINGS Date: March 27, 2009 Responsible Party Committee Due Date Ongoing Bill Post, Committee Spring 09 Time: 10am Place: MLIB 338 Status