UTAC Friday, January 19, 2007 MLIB 338

Friday, January 19, 2007
MLIB 338
Bob Alber
Brooke Banks
Jeff Bell
Brigette Bucke
Carolyn Dusenbury
Dave Foreman
Don Graham
Debbie McElroberts
Sandy Parsons
Linda Post
Tom Rosenow
Mike Spiess
Phyllis Weddington
Joe Alexander
Debra Barger
Sarah Blackstone
Scott Claverie
Kathy Fernandes
Lorraine Gardiner
Marc Langston
Randy Miller
Bill Post
Jerry Ringel
Frederica Shockley
Margaret Stoner
Jaime Nelson
Approval of meeting minutes from December 15, 2006
Approved with no changes.
Additions/Changes to Agenda
Moved Anti-Spam and Whitelisting items up in agenda.
IT Status Sheet Review/Discussion
Mike Spiess introduced the Status Sheet for January. Scott Claverie spoke about the ITRP Rollout Schedule
and kickoff meetings in January. Bill Post said that there may be IT projects going on outside of IRES that
can get on the Status Sheet as well by sending information to Jaime Nelson. Mike asked UTAC faculty
members to spread the word amongst faculty that the Portal is now pointing to both WebCT and Vista.
Anti-Spam Update (Jerry Ringel)
Jerry reviewed what has been done so far to control the recent onslaught of spam as well as discussing how
CSUC has been blacklisted by Comcast due to our practice of forwarding spam along with legitimate email
to student’s outside ISP’s. Jerry introduced Brigette Bucke, manager of Enterprise Systems, who explained
the spam rating system and the two spam-filtering options CSUC is considering. One option is to retain spam
in the student’s Wildcat email account instead of forwarding it on to an outside ISP; the other option is to
delete spam if it rates 5 or higher on the spam scale without retaining or forwarding the mail. Jerry and
Brigette also explained vendor solutions for spam management; they have narrowed it down to three choices
and will soon make a decision. Funding for new solution has been identified and other CSUs have had great
success with these filtering programs. Trouble with zip attachments was briefly discussed and put on the list
of future agenda items.
Whitelisting ISPs (Tom Rosenow/Jerry Ringel)
Tom explained the problems Enrollment Management in particular (and the campus in general) are having
with ISPs blacklisting email coming from CSUC. Many prospective students and alumni are not getting
emails from CSUC due to this blacklisting. Whitelisting our domain/IP address with ISPs will help solve this
difficult problem, but there are no guarantees that all mail will always get delivered. Brigette explained that
there are two ways to become whitelisted with an ISP: negotiate directly with each ISP, or use a broker such
as Habeas to negotiate for us. This is a campus wide and system wide problem and CSUC does not yet have a
process in place to solve it. It was suggested that a sub-group be formed to do more research on this issue.
Accessible Technology Initiative – ATI (Sandy Parsons)
Sandy introduced the Accessible Technology Initiative and briefly went over the legislative and policy
background of the issue. Frederica Shockley asked specifically what faculty need to do in order to meet the
guidelines of the initiative. Sandy responded that the Web Accessibility team will be holding trainings and
providing support for faculty in the coming months. Sandy then reviewed the ATI and ADA web pages.
Wireless Infrastructure Plan (Scott Claverie)
Committee members were asked in December to review the campus Wireless Infrastructure Plan for this
month’s meeting in order to discuss if the plan is ready to move out of draft stage and on to ITEC.
Interference from “rogue” wireless networks that departments have set up outside of campus wireless is an
issue that will need to be resolved before full implementation of campus wireless, but they need not be
banned at present time. Bill Post would like to have further discussion about this plan with Scott and Mike
Moved to table PC v Mac Platform issue to February meeting. Meeting adjourned at 11:30am.
Agenda Items for Future Meetings (Mike Spiess)
 PC v Mac Platform Issue
 E-portfolios
 Online form procedure/online signatures
 Inter-campus collaboration on Learning Management Systems content
 Email attachment issues (zip files)
Create sub-group to research whitelisting
Discuss Wireless Plan with Scott & Mike
Date: February 16, 2007
Responsible Party
Due Date
Bill Post
Time: 10am
Place: MLIB 338