Montana State University Associated Students of MSU Senate SUB Conference Room 235

Montana State University
Associated Students of MSU Senate
SUB Conference Room 235
November 5th, 2015
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Senate Speaker, Joshua Soares.
Minutes recorded by Senate Secretary, Mackenzie Johnson.
Roll call: Campbell, Chapman, Dove, Dufner, Jones, Lacy, Leach, Lynn, Manley, Marts, Miller,
O’Keefe, O’Leary, Oswald, Soares, Stimac, Windham, Zoltek.
Absent: Glose, Howell, Murdoch, Sanders.
Review of previous minutes
Dove – Move to approve (seconded)
Minutes approved
Public Comment – None
Presentations – Carmen Mc Spadden and Josh Iverson, Leadership Institute
Mc Spadden - I am Carmen Mc Spadden and we wanted to make sure we stay connected this
semester and next. We will give you a report on what we do here. I am the director of the
Leadership Institute and I get to work with amazing students like you.
Josh Iverson – I am the senior associate of the Leadership Institute. November 16th Alex Sheen is
coming to campus with his program, Because I Said I Would. He speaks about keeping your
promises and following through on your word.
Mc Spadden – We will pass out a reminder sheet. This will remind you in leadership to follow
through with your promises. Alex Sheen calls upon people to make a promise that is selfless.
Like serving on senate, you could view your volunteer time as a resume builder or to serve the
student body. You make that promise every day to this student body. It is a very powerful way to
think about moving the culture of ASMSU as well. The presentation is first come first serve.
Iverson – we will donate two shirts to ASMSU that are super cool
Mc Spadden – we will put a deadline on the sign up because we are getting close to full. There
will be a lot of students there. We have been doing a lot of things and this is an example of this.
We brought in Neil deGrasse Tyson last spring and the students that organized that graduated so
we brought them back to see it. Josh’s responsibility and the other students at the Leadership
Institute plan these things. They are pushed and work hard for you. We do student trainings.
Iverson – We bring in inspirational speakers and trainings for students that focus on leadership
concepts. We have a mentorship program for them as well that are contextually based. There are
a lot of capacities in which we serve.
Mc Spadden – this year focuses on conflict management. We have done team building and
inspiration. The strong personalities in the group shift the context of the group, it is a popular one
in student leadership. We love the idea of teambuilding. We also focus on leading change, and
recognizing diversity.
Lacy – Will there be a recording of the Alex Sheen lecture?
Mc Spadden – Unfortunately contractually we can’t
Miller – Thank you for coming and all that you do for MSU
Mc Spadden – We are so proud to be part of ASMSU. We do a pretty good job of getting the
word out but thank you to your PR department for helping us out. The Procrastinator is also
amazing in supporting us. Our mission to uplift and support MSU
Senate Reports
Campbell – For student outreach we are moving forward with the board on Wednesday. Please
sign the sign-up sheet to stand by the board and pass out food. Dylan Erwin serves on the
Student design board and they are changing it to the student design group. If you are interested in
attending it is November 12th.
Stimac – Yesterday was the monthly classroom meeting and we talked about new classrooms in
the new engineering building. I said senators would be interested in voicing their opinion and
they extended an open invitation for any and all senators that want to attend the next meeting
December 2nd.
Zoltek – at CSAC we talked about the bike taskforce and we talked about the plan for next year
when it comes to bikes on campus. They want bikes on campus to be more fluid. There is a live
webcam for the garage being built so students can watch that.
Windham – SHAC met and discussed the lack of space they have in the health center. Cruzado is
coming to tour the facility on December 9th to look and get an idea of the situation CPS is in and
hopefully lead to renovation or a new building. I told them we would be interested in supporting
that. I asked them to come present to us and talk to us about their space constrictions so we can
have a good idea as the year continues.
Unfinished Business – None
New Business – 2015-R-12 First Reading
Admin Reports
Birky – (Reading of ASMSU Statement for University Council Vote on PCSAP)
Birky - Some context surrounding this statement: Soares, Leach, and I met with admin on
Monday and restated it at university council.
Soares – At the end of the day we put our stamp on things that go to the university and it was
very well done.
Birky – The vote was just o moving from a draft to a final and it was passed. I think you r vote
says that we care about what it says. Let me know how you feel about it. Judicial council met on
Tuesday. This is a new branch of government and we will work out what that relationship is just
be patient and delicate and know that it has an important place we just need to figure out how it
fits. Matt Caires joined and gave them some pointers so I am happy about that meeting and they
will meet again in two weeks. We heard an update on the MSU strategic plan for 2015. We are
making strides though our retention and enrollment. I am serving on a board to increase
retention. The hospitality management major was voted down by faculty senate but this is a good
opportunity for us to resolve that. I believe this degree could benefit the students.
Soares – Is the strategic plan available online?
Birky – Yes. Questions?
Soares – Have they pressured students for a way in or no?
Birky – Admin went head to head with faculty and students will be the balance. I don’t want us
to make uninformed decisions but get informed then weigh in. Sub advisory board met to discuss
safety and security and Sub Pub. Butch is on board we just need mandate from this body so
please voice for the students. Alcohol Policy Taskforce is working with the Sub Pub to make
policies. If you have questions ask Garrett. I am meeting with the registrar to validate reading
days, dead week, and modifying the calendar so students aren’t so stressed out. It would be nice
to have a resolution or mandate.
Windham – I would like to recognize Senator Blake Dufner
Brough – Thank you Madison Lacy for bringing me this personality testing website for free. It is
awesome at telling you how we work together and I’d like to do that with you people.
Campbell – What’s the difference between true colors and Myers Briggs?
Brough – There are more possibilities and options with this and less reductive than true colors.
They are fun and helpful. We are doing great.
Capp – PR is trying to get a ride-along for Latenight and do filming. You basically ride around
with drunk people.
Soares – Maybe we should discuss this after senate for logistics
Capp – I went to university athletic council and we had an idea to look at their code of ethics to
help form ours. I will have a copy of that soon for that taskforce to look at. I get to sit on NCAA
exit interviews. It is a busy month for them. Program director meetings went well. CE needs
work because their most recent event didn’t go so well. Political action is writing a grant to
increase voter turnout. We went to a financial education meeting and if you guys are interested in
that please come it’s pretty interesting. Steering committee is doing a share the table deal which
is a pilot program where students and faculty cook a meal together to open discussion and form
bonds. They give you a basket of food and you have to cook it together. Best part is it’s a new
month so new employee and senators of the month. Student employee of the month is Megan
Henke. Senator of the month is Geneva Zoltek. Congrats everyone. Levi and I will be going to
Not In Our State.
Cowles – just met with student program directors and everything is looking great. CE can use
assistance. I am talking to kids looking for a project on the climbing wall, not boulder. If you are
interested we are meeting Friday 3-3:45. Two weeks will be a financial report from me. Data will
be up to last week. We will start budgeting the week after that then we will hit the ground
running in the spring.
Soares – Mo, our club sports advisor, needs to get in touch with the steering committee members
to get the turf field rolling. Manly and Dufner were appointed to that. Please get in touch with
them to get the plans moving forward. Judiciary committees are making progress. Instead of
bringing pieces to this body we will go with one big document. We finished with article 3 and
are moving to article 4. This helps us advise fee based programs. If you have comments please
bring forth recommendations. Chelsey Wilson needs volunteers for Can the Griz. You solicit
people to donate food they just bought outside grocery stores. Please sign up to help and
volunteer to beat the Griz. We beat them 14 years in a row.
Dove – Finance board did not meet this week but will meet next week and opposite for funding
board. We approved two documents. We fixed the funding board mix up. Ethics met and we had
good discussion.
Brough – We just had an extra person appointed to the board and had to let her go.
Kirby – Justices were sworn in Tuesday night. Had a debrief of what is expected. Charlie and
Audrey committed to once a semester. It is sporadic times for the first year. Our next meeting is
the 17th.
Senate Announcements
Campbell – Next Friday is the concert of the main MSU band from 7-7:30. It will be fun I will
be playing clarinet and crying during the last song.
Windham – Today is the 5th of November which is a lot of cool British revolutionary holiday
things. If you want to join feel free.
Manly – John Deere Ag expo is going on. Volunteer.
Lacy – Campbell, where is the concert?
Campbell – Howard hall
Okeefe – 6:30 pm tomorrow there is a comedy show in the Blackbox theatre. Student tickets are
$10, non are $20. It is about breaking Native American stereotypes.
Brough – A few things to get involved with: Christmas party is coming up and I nominate
senator Dufner. We need a date. We have two dates available and we need a poll on that. Next is
Sub Advisory Committee meeting, SUB is open 24 hours during dead week and we talked about
making an event of it like Tacos at 10. Butch would sponsor food if we advertise.
Campbell – As far as tacos and tutors, have you talked to SmartyCats?
Brough – We could totally do it we just need to call the right people and make it happen
Okeefe – Would the food be free?
Brough – To students yes. Cat/Griz viewing party needs a party planner also.
Stimac – Are we doing a white elephant gift exchange?
Brough – It’s up to Dufner
Dufner – that’s a very merry idea
Soares – The Christmas party is a fricken blast.
O’Leary – move to adjourn (seconded)
Meeting adjourned 6:53 pm