Montana State University Associated Students of MSU Senate SUB Conference Room 235

Montana State University
Associated Students of MSU Senate
SUB Conference Room 235
September 24, 2015
Meeting Called to order at 6:00 by Senate President, Joshua Soares
Minutes recorded by Senate Secretary Holly Capp
Roll Call: Sanders, Manley, Oswald, Jones, Glose, Leach, Dufner, Lynn, Chapman, Windham,
Murdoch, O’Leary, Senate President Soares, Marts, Senate Vice President Dove, Howell,
Stimac, O’Keefe, Lacy, Zoltek
Approval of Minutes:
Howell- move to approve. (seconded)
o Vote: 16-0
o Resolved: Minutes from September 17, 2015 approved.
Public Comment: John Trapp: Requested to have a sooner availability of senate meeting
minutes. Says that he tried getting the minutes several times and was given “excuses”. Would
like senate to reconsider their policy of only releasing approved minutes as it is not convenient
for the public—thinks that it would create more public comment. Also encourages posting the
agenda so that he and others can be involved.
Presentations: Dr. Chris Kearns & Dr. Matthew Caires-PCSAP Presentation
Reporting out on the President’s Commission Substance Abuse Prevention that they have
been working on the last 30 months.
Need student input. This committee is looking at the future of student’s wellness and how
the university can prevent substance abuse for future students. “This was started simply
because it was the right thing to do, not because there was a crisis, which is remarkable.
The idea of preventing harm has been there since higher education began. We have
grown in size and we set out to cultivate more participation including tailgating. If
anyone has been to a football game, they have seen a difference between first and third
quarters. Most of this is attributed to fans going to tailgate and not returning back into the
game. This is a result of building up our athletics and tailgate cultures. Now we are in a
different environment, and must think of how to prevent this.”
The president set up a committee that included experts, students, faculty, staff, fans,
various consultants to identify areas that might need to evaluate for future work. The
report online details what these recommendations are, would encourage each to look at
these. It is expected that three of them will be controversial 1) campus/community
coalition 2) State of Montana privacy law/parental notification (Montana and Oregon
have more restrictive laws about notifying parents in state law, rather than national) 3)
evaluating alcohol processes at sporting events and the potential idea of selling alcohol
within the stadium. Suggesting at looking at tailgate and re-entry policies and possibly
distributing beer within the stadium. The entire draft policy is available online. Also have
the option to make comments. Want to know what everyone thinks so that the best
decision can be made. Will be taking feedback for the next few weeks until they finalize
the draft. Will be presented to president Cruzado after.
o Soares: Would the privacy act require state legislation?
 Most likely. The Commissioner of Higher Education is very interested in
o Soares: Would this be a lobbyist priority in the next session?
 Probably, but it is very early to determine that.
o Soares: Has enforcement of tailgating been effective in the season this year?
 Very difficult. Most are not students, but rather middle-aged fans. There
are specific rules of when tailgating ends, but very hard to enforce.
o Soares: Encourages looking at the numbers that this policy might provide. Rules
are sufficient as is, suggested that maybe just the enforcement is needed.
 This is not attempt at prohibition, more so harm prevention as there are
 many consequences associated with substance abuse.
o Howell: Thanked speakers for coming. Who are you thinking the stakeholders
will be involved with coalition? Would this be a continuous board?
 Thinking of a larger committee that has a mix of students, staff,
community members, tavern and business owners, a and other areas are
affected that can create a clearing house for issues that should be
discussed. Yes—so far it is planned for quarterly but also sub committees
that will meet on a regular basis.
 Kearns: Really excited about this. Chance to create a partnership on issues
that matter both to students and the community. Typically don’t see this
happening and it is a unique process. Great opportunity for students.
o Chapman: where would we point constituents that may be interested in this?
 Kearns: We are some what doing road shows, would love to come talk to
various groups. Direct them right to the website by leaving comments.
“We hope that there will be a community/campus coalition”
o Lacy: What is insight and what support are you looking for?
 Insight is the program we have on campus for students that have had
issues with substances. Evaluated the current location and have potential
to look at changes including location, curriculum, if it is effective, etc.
There is a current support group for students facing struggles.
o Leach: Do we have statistics to any of this?
 Yes, we have been doing alcohol edu for 9 years. Students do learn but
there is a question of if behavior changes after taking the courses. We can
definitely have someone come and present this data if interested.
o Leach: Is there any research going on about correlation between this program and
behavior change?
Yes, but it is very hard to measure. We are still looking into how do we
exactly create this. We are closer than we have been, but we will not
completely answer this question even with these changes.
o Howell: what does a house mentor look like?
 Currently sororities have a housemother and one fraternity with a mentor.
This model appears to be successful. Would like fraternities to have a grad
student that would reside in the chapter and give continuous support.
Administration Reports:
President Gwynn Simeniuk- Spoke about update on live Bobcat update. The editorial is
finished, but does not find it appropriate to have it published. Will not be happening. Romney
renovation meeting happened for Long Range Building Plan, talked about how much it would
cost, and how to make it another legislative initiative. Be sure to talk to Senator Campbell if
there are any questions. Senate pictures will be at 5:30. Resignation will be effective next week
after the Senate meeting. Feels that Birky will lead the organization with confidence, have every
faith that the goals will be accomplished. Want to thank everyone for their support, continue to
be impressed by the maturity of this body. Hope that this organization can gain the faith of
students. Open to discuss this with anyone if there are any questions or concerns.
Director of Operations, Marianne Brough- Have made an ambitious plan for the transition.
This will take work from all so that the plan is successful. We will be able to move forward on
this. Have three assignments for senators:
1) Between Monday 28th- Thursday 1st talk to the VP candidate and see how one feels about
them and that they are suitable.
2) October 1st-October 8th- quick ideas…what can ASMSU do that will matter to the student
3) October 8th- attend the Open House and be a part of the new vision
Vice President Levi Birky- Addressed transition plan—situation is not ideal. This will be a
transition not just for him, but for all. Asked Cruzado how do you make the best out of bad
situations? She said to “look inward into why you lead.” We are elected to serve the students.
Leadership style will be different than that of Simeniuk’s. Does not inspire, but will support you
as much as possible. Wants to unlock the potential of others, asking for all to step up. Have a lot
of trust to build back up with the student body. Went in depth about transition plan. Will be
looking for VP- criteria includes candidate having external and internal experience, face that the
administration recognizes, compliments leadership style. Want everyone to talk to this candidate
so that one knows how to vote. Also have a PR task force that will help with some recovery.
Having a quick win plan to show the student body that the organization can serve. Need to
rejuvenate team building. Will prepare quick win handout for the Open House that will be
October 8th from 11-1. October 9th Birky and VP candidate will present their vision. Will be
keeping same platform, but some changes may need to be made. Value driven task forces will
also be established, including discussing what is the due process? In week three, will continue on
with business as is. Need to continue to engage students and promote what ASMSU does. Know
this is an ambitious timeline, but would like to move past his quickly.
**Windham: Recognize Glose and Senate Vice President Dove
Business Manager John Cowles- Received blinds and trash cans this week, office remodel is
officially done. Will be putting a keypad on the program directors office. Finished up one on
ones with program directors. Elections are going well, Campus Entertainment is still
transitioning. Spirit is doing well, over budget from the block party. Arts & Exhibits is on track,
would appreciate support for Upheaval. Productions is doing well and have done several
community events. The Procrastinator has already met about 40% of the annual goal. Everything
is going well.
President of Senate Joshua Soares- OAE needs three student leaders for Service Saturdays.
Bon Fire is tonight and the parade is on Saturday. Talk to Dr. Kearns and Dr. Caires to work on
the PCSAP. Don’t forget to vote in elections! Starting Tuesday will be looking at the agenda
release process. Looking forward to establishing a due process to satisfy the public. Using
discretionary funds will be a good way of using quick wins.
Vice President of Senate Allie Dove- Met with stakeholders about Gender Inclusivity housing
to discuss the issues and concerns. Hoping to have options for housing in Fall 2016, however it
will take a lot of work. Would like to individually talk to constituents about how they feel.
Senate Reports:
Howell: Arts & Exhibits has been doing well and have made some changes that have
been successful. Encourage senators to check out the Exit Gallery and get involved.
Chapman: Went to EHHD student council meeting and talked with Dean about various
issues, discussed possible scholarship.
Dufner: Bon fire is tonight. There is a chalk art contest.
Leach: Met with President’s Executive Council on three agenda items. Also met with
club leadership in the College of Business to see how ASMSU can be incorporated with
the school.
Murdoch: Met with Recreational Sports and Fitness and discussed the possible plans for
turf near Roskie and a possible name change for that organization.
Windham: went to mental health task force. There is a plan to get the word out about
what resources are available on campus. Will have a presentation in the future. If anyone
is interested, would love more students to be a part of this. KGLT received a $5,000
Glose: Went to University Facilities Planning Board, reported on the installation of
holiday lights permanently on Montana Hall and the dining hall remodel success, another
TEAL classroom and some parking pavements. Also looking at reevaluating Long Range
Building Plan.
Unfinished Business:
o Glose: move to approve (seconded)
 Glose: friendly amendment line 2 to read “for the adoption and
implementation” and change line 37 from “eight” to “sixteen”
 Leach: Is this appointed by the president with consultation from PR?
 Vice President Birky: This will be co-chaired, but president has
final say.
 Windham: Are these paid employees or volunteers?
 Zoltek: Volunteers.
 Windham: Do we expect there to be enough interest to fill spots?
 Zoltek: Yes, there were more than 16 applicants.
 Dufner: If there were a potential 16 people applying from the same
residence hall, would there be a better way to find representation such as
two representatives from each residence hall, etc.?
 Sanders: have created saturation for this and during the application
process, they are making sure that there is diversity.
 Jones: friendly amend line 23 to read” ambassadors must have paid the
student activity fee”
 Role Call Vote, 17-0, 1 abstains
New Business: none
Senate Announcements
Sanders: started Film club to view and discuss movies. Welcome to come every Tuesdays
at 6 in the VCB 182.
Howell: Talk About It Bozeman is coming up to listen to the candidates talk about issues
on Wednesday October 14th from 6-8 pm at Taco Montes. #tacoboutitbozeman
Encourages everyone to go vote.
Glose: recognizes Business Manager Cowles
o Encourages revision before presenting a resolution.
Jones: clarification on hashtag
Glose: move to adjourn (seconded)
Meeting Adjourned at 7:31 by Senate President Joshua Soares.