IET Department/Program Assessment Plan Program: Safety and Health Management Program Goals 1. Maintain clear, Related Department Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?) Who/What Assessed (population, item) When Assessed (term, dates) Criterion of Achievement (Expectation of how good things should be?) Program applicants meet BS and BAS SHM Each spring 80% of program course consistent, and prerequisites specified in program applicants quarter prerequisites met at time of transparent program degree application application acceptance, 100% paths from application process met within two quarters of 1, 2, 3, 7 1, 2, 4 1, 2 through graduation for effective student progress at all program locations. acceptance Degree programs as University catalog presented in the catalog and SHM website Each fall quarter 100% accuracy 80% satisfaction with advising and the SHM website consistent with documentation Survey of advisees Advisees in all Advising week regarding advising programs each quarter experiences No significant difference of advising value between locations Plan of study maintained Plan of study by for each student in an student and advisor Each quarter 100% of students have current achievable plans SHM program that will lead to successful degree completion Plans published on TAPP forms applicable programs for Each spring 100% coverage for applicable quarter associates degree programs Each fall quarter Favorable summary review of transfer to SHM Survey of mentors on Mentor review forms student internship 80% of students on mentor preparedness summary review Page 1 of 19 Program Goals Related Department Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?) Who/What Assessed (population, item) Review of student Student learning progress toward and outcome program achievement of program level checklists When Assessed (term, dates) Each fall quarter Criterion of Achievement (Expectation of how good things should be?) 100% coverage of student learning outcomes educational objectives 2. Maintain a functional 1, 2, 3, 7 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 6 Survey of graduates one and effective year after graduation combination of programs regarding use of and courses at all information from locations that meets the programmatic coursework Recent graduates Each winter quarter 75% support/use of course 75% support/use of specific skills No significant difference of needs of the safety and program and course value health management between locations profession. Needs analysis by the Industry SHM advisory board Program goals reviewed Program goals by faculty for First year of Report submitted for faculty three year cycle review Each winter 100% inclusion of specified quarter criteria consistency with university, college, department, and ABETASAC Safety criteria Educational objectives University catalog Each winter 100% inclusion of educational published and SHM website quarter objectives in website and catalog Survey of mentors on Mentor review forms Each fall quarter Identify potential KSA student internship deficiencies in programs and preparedness courses to be included in needs analyses Program evaluation- Peer programs, First year of Report submitted to industry Page 2 of 19 Program Goals Related Department Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?) comparison by faculty Who/What Assessed (population, item) industry studies, When Assessed (term, dates) Criterion of Achievement (Expectation of how good things should be?) three year cycle advisory board literature 3. Maintain student Student learning Student learning Each winter 100% inclusion of specified learning outcomes that outcomes reviewed by outcomes quarter criteria in assessment tools assure students are faculty for consistency prepared for careers in with university, college, safety and health department, and ABET- management. ASAC Safety criteria Industry Second year of Report submitted for faculty three year cycle review Each quarter 100% submission of forms 1, 2, 5, 9, 10 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 6 Needs analysis by the SHM advisory board 4. Maintain an effective Continuous Process 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 6 8, 9 Improvement system. Course Quality Courses Improvement form courses are completed by each taught instructor of record at completion of course ABET-ASAC Safety BS Program accreditation ABET review No deficiencies, no more than cycle, initial site five minor issues visit fall 2009 Needs analysis by the Implementation SHM advisory board 5. Maintain the 1, 2, 3, 5 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 6 Established university curriculum establishes general education necessary core math, requirements appropriate science, and general to discipline accurate and education components to published SHM website Third year of 100% coverage, review, and three year cycle evaluation by faculty Winter quarter 100% accuracy Page 3 of 19 Program Goals Related Department Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?) Who/What Assessed (population, item) achieve student learning Transfer plans for SHM website, TAPP outcomes. community college and forms When Assessed (term, dates) Criterion of Achievement (Expectation of how good things should be?) Winter quarter 100% accuracy Winter quarter 100% accuracy direct transfer agreement associates degrees identifying general education requirements appropriate to discipline accurate/published Admission prerequisites SHM website, TAPP to SHM baccalaureate forms, SHM programs accurate and admission form published 6. Faculty sufficient in Spring quarter for 36 credit hour maximum per number and current academic faculty per academic year qualifications to meet year teaching, service, and scholarship expectations of university 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 Faculty teaching load Number of students in Credit hours taught Course enrollment course Day 10 each Enrollment in any course does quarter not exceed 25 for non-DE courses, 35 for DE courses Faculty involvement with Professional Records professional societies Follows university Each faculty will actively review cycle (1-3 participate in one or more years) safety-related professional organization Diversity of education Follows university 100% of learning outcomes and experience covers review cycle (1-3 covered by faculty education or each learning outcome years) experience Professional Records Page 4 of 19 Program Goals Related Department Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?) Who/What Assessed (population, item) When Assessed (term, dates) Criterion of Achievement (Expectation of how good things should be?) Adjunct instructors meet Professional Records Follows university 100% of adjunct instructors minimum university and review cycle (1-3 possess at least two of program requirements years) safety-related education at the masters level professional safetyrelated credential, or Participation in scholarly safety-related experience Follows university Each faculty member will work appropriate to review cycle (1-3 present original research once safety years) every three years in or at a Professional Records safety-related publication or seminar Faculty participate in Follows university Each faculty member will service and other review cycle (1-3 conduct or participate in one professional activities to years) service related safety activity Professional Records maintain knowledge of every three years. the safety and health management discipline 7. Facilities 1, 4, 6 1, 5 1, 2, 3, 4 Number of students in Students classroom Equipment maintained in Equipment Day 10 each Enrollment in any course does quarter not exceed classroom limits Spring quarter 100% of equipment operating safe working order Equipment demonstrated correctly Equipment Spring quarter 100% of equipment consistent in class consistent with with contemporary use in contemporary use practice Page 5 of 19 Program Goals Related Department Goals 8. Support and 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, resources from various 9, 10 Related College Goals 1, 3, 4, 5 Related University Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?) Who/What Assessed (population, item) When Assessed (term, dates) Criterion of Achievement (Expectation of how good things should be?) Professional development Professional Records Follows university Each faculty will attend one or resources used to review cycle (1-3 more course content related or sources are utilized to enhance program years) learning outcome related improve the equipment, knowledge base materials, and Foundation account knowledge of the program. classes or seminars Foundation account Spring quarter Account balance not diminishing sufficient to repair and all equipment and resources and/or replace equipment needed available and in good and materials as needed working order to meet program objectives Professional development Follows university Each faculty utilizes more than resources used to review cycle (1-3 half of the available funds to enhance program years) attend one or more classes or Professional Records seminars related to program knowledge base goals, course content, or learning outcomes 9. Maintain SHM program in accordance with applicable ABET- 1, 5, 7 1, 4 1, 2, 4, 5 Applicable ABET-ASAC program criteria met Program criteria Year preceding Applicable program criteria are ABET-ASAC self- addressed in self study report study report ASAC program criteria. Page 6 of 19 IET Student Learning Outcome Assessment Plan Preparation Form Program: Safety and Health Management Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) 1. Graduates will be able to apply knowledge of Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals 2, 3, 5 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 Related College Goals 1, 2, 4 Related University Goals 1, 2, 4, 6 Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) Rubric-based evaluation of projects and SHM 351/2/3 F/W, W/S, Successful S annually completion of examinations including application of algebra and statistics mathematics, SHM projects 471/2/4/5/7 80% on math related science, and applied questions on exams sciences. Rubric-based evaluation of projects and SHM 377, S, W, F Successful examinations including application of 472, 477 annually completion of chemistry projects 80% on math related questions on exams Rubric-based evaluation of projects and examinations including application of biology SHM 472 Winter Successful annually completion of projects 80% on math related questions on exams Page 7 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) Rubric-based evaluation of projects and SHM 351, 471 F/W, F Successful annually completion of examinations including application of physics projects 80% on math related questions on exams Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses Quarterly 75% positive response improvement 2. Graduates will be able to design and 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 6 Examination on data manipulation and SHM 351 presentation Fall/Winter 80% correct answers annually on data manipulation conduct experiments, as well as to analyze questions Examination on data analysis SHM 352/3 and interpret data. W/S, S 80% correct answers annually on data analysis questions Rubric-based evaluation of project work SHM F, W, W, S, Completion of including data collection design and data 471/2/4/5/7 F annually project to client interpretation Rubric-based evaluation of project work specifications SHM 485 including data interpretation Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses Spring Completion of annually project Quarterly 75% positive response improvement Page 8 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) 3. Graduates will be Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, able to formulate Related College Goals 1, 2, 4 Related University Goals 1, 2, 4, 6 10 Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Examination of design, process, life Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) SHM 352 W/S 80% correct answers annually on terminology cycle terminology knowledge or design a system, questions process, or program to meet desired needs. Rubric-based evaluation of project work SHM F, W, S, S, Completion of to develop a written safety program. 371/3/5/7/9 W annually project to client specifications Rubric-based evaluation of project work SHM F, W, W, S, Completion of including project design, proposal, 471/2/4/5/7 F annually project to client performance, and final specifications report/presentation of project to audit performance Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses Quarterly 75% positive response improvement 4. Graduates will be able to function on 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 6 Peer evaluation of group participation SHM W, F/S, S, F 80% positive skills 321/3/5/7 annually response on peer multidisciplinary (students take teams. one) review form Page 9 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) Examination of team membership SHM 351/2/3 F/W, W/S, 80% correct answer responsibility knowledge (bacc. S annually on team questions on students take final exam three, minor/certific ate students take two) Peer evaluation of team participation SHM F, W, S, S, 80% positive skills 371/3/5/7/9 W annually response from team (bacc. members on students take participation and three, role minor/certific ate students take two) Team member evaluation of leadership SHM F, W, W, S, 80% positive skills 471/2/4/5/7 F annually response from team (bacc. members on team students take leadership/managem three, ent minor/certific ate students take one) Page 10 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Peer evaluation of participation on Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) SHM 485 Spring 80% positive annually response from team multidisciplinary team members Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses 75% positive Quarterly response improvement 5. Graduates will be able to identify and solve applied 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 6 Rubric-based evaluation of student Winter, 80% correct application of science knowledge to Spring, application specific safety and health challenges. Winter SHM 373/7/9 science problems. annually Rubric-based evaluation of student SHM 471/2/7 analysis of science knowledge to Fall, Winter, 80% correct analysis Fall annually specific safety and health challenges. Rubric-based evaluation of student SHM 485 synthesis of knowledge into complex Spring 80% correct annually synthesis Summer 80% positive mentor annually response of student problem-solving situations. Mentor evaluation of problem-solving SHM 490 work. internship Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses Quarterly 75% positive response improvement Page 11 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) 6. Graduates will be able to consider Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 Related College Goals 1, 2, 4 Related University Goals 1, 2, 4, 6 Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Examination of fundamental ethical Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) SHM 351/2/3 F/W, W/S, 80% correct S annually response on knowledge professional and examination ethical question(s) responsibility and apply to their work. Rubric-based evaluation of project and SHM F, W, S, S, 80% correct examination of student application of 371/3/5/7/9 W annually application Rubric-based evaluation of project and SHM F, W, W, S, 80% correct examination of student application of 471/2/4/5/7 S annually application SHM 485 Spring 80% correct annually response on professional and ethical responsibility knowledge to program development professional and ethical responsibility knowledge to auditing Examination of application of ethical knowledge to scenarios examination question(s) Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses Quarterly 75% positive response improvement Page 12 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) 7. Graduates will be able to communicate Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 Related College Goals 1, 2, 4 Related University Goals 1, 2, 4, 6 Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Examination of knowledge and rubric- Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) SHM 351/2/3 Fall, Winter, 80% correct based evaluation of written Spring response on communication annually examination effectively. question(s) 80% correct application to project Rubric-based evaluation of written SHM F, W, S, S, 80% correct program 371/3/5/7/9 W annually application Rubric-based evaluation of proposal and SHM F, W, W, S, 80% correct report project skills 471/2/4/5/7 S annually application Examination of knowledge and rubric- SHM 351/2/3 Fall, Winter, 80% correct Spring response on annually examination based evaluation of presentation skills question(s) 80% correct application to project Rubric-based evaluation of program SHM F, W, S, S, 80% correct presentation 371/3/5/7/9 W annually application Page 13 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) Rubric-based evaluation of proposal and SHM F, W, W, S, 80% correct report project presentation skills and 471/2/4/5/7 S annually application Student course closeout reflective All students in Quarterly 75% positive survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses client interaction skills response improvement 8. Graduates will have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of solutions in a global and societal context. 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 6 Rubric-based evaluation of student SHM F, W, W, S, Completion of contextualization of project to client 471/2/4/5/7 S annually project to client culture and needs Rubric-based evaluation of written specifications SHM 481 summary of professional seminar of Winter 80% correct annually application Spring 80% correct annually application Summer 80% positive mentor annually response of student industry presenters Rubric-based evaluation of application SHM 485 of knowledge to multidisciplinary project Mentor evaluation of student SHM 490 contextualization of knowledge to internship setting internship Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses Quarterly 75% positive response improvement Page 14 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) 9. Graduates will Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, recognize the need Related College Goals 1, 2, 4 Related University Goals 1, 2, 4, 6 Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Rubric-based evaluation of written Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) SHM 481 Winter 80% correct annually application Spring 80% correct annually application Summer 80% positive mentor annually response Quarterly 75% positive summary of professional seminar of 10 for and an ability to industry presenters engage in life-long Rubric-based evaluation of self- learning. SHM 485 directed learning within the context of multidisciplinary teamwork Mentor evaluation of student SHM 490 engagement of life-long learning Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses response improvement 10. Graduates will be able to apply their knowledge of contemporary issues of safety and health management to their work. 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 6 Rubric-based evaluation of written SHM 481 summary of professional seminar of Winter 80% correct annually application Spring 80% correct annually application Summer 80% positive mentor annually response industry presenters Rubric-based evaluation of application SHM 485 of contemporary safety and health management issues within the context of multidisciplinary teamwork Mentor evaluation of student application of knowledge SHM 490 Page 15 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) Student course closeout reflective All students in Quarterly 75% positive survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses response improvement 11. Graduates will 2, 3 be able to use the 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 6 10 Examination of knowledge of SHM W, F/S, S, F 80% correct techniques, skills, and tools 321/3/5/7 annually response on SHM 351/2/3 F/W, W/S, techniques, skills, and modern examination question(s) S annually scientific and technical tools necessary for professional Rubric-based evaluation of application SHM F, W, W, S, 80% correct and use of techniques, skills, and tools 471/2/4/5/7 S annually application to project practice. Mentor evaluation of student use of SHM 490 techniques, skills, and tools Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses Summer 80% positive mentor annually response Quarterly 75% positive response improvement 12. Graduates will be able to anticipate, recognize, and evaluate hazardous conditions and practices affecting people, property, 2, 3, 9 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 Examination of student knowledge of SHM W, F/S, S, F 80% correct hazardous conditions and potential 321/3/5/7 annually response on outcomes of exposure examination question(s) 80% correct application to project Page 16 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) SHM 351 Fall/Winter 80% correct and the Examination of knowledge of incident environment. investigation and rubric-based response on evaluation of those skills and application examination of hazard recognition question(s) 80% correct application to project Rubric-based evaluation of application SHM 352 skills to pre-incident evaluation and Winter/Spri 80% correct ng application anticipation of potential outcomes Rubric-based evaluation of anticipation SHM F, W, S, S, 80% correct of effects of hazardous conditions and 371/3/5/7/9 W annually application Rubric-based evaluation of student SHM F, W, W, S, 80% correct skills in hazard evaluation 471/2/4/5/7 S annually application Mentor evaluation of student use of SHM 490 Summer 80% positive mentor annually response of student response measures hazard management knowledge internship Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses Quarterly 75% positive response improvement Page 17 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) 13. Graduates will Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals 2, 3, 9 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, be able to develop Related College Goals 1, 2, 4 Related University Goals 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 10 and evaluate Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) Examination of student knowledge All students in Spring 80% correct regarding risk management principles SHM 353 annually response on examination and practices appropriate question(s) strategies designed to mitigate risk. Rubric-based evaluation of application SHM F, W, S, S, 80% correct of risk mitigation to project to develop 371/3/5/7/9 W annually application to written program project Rubric-based evaluation of application SHM F, W, W, S, 80% correct of risk analysis and modeling to client 471/2/4/5/7 S annually application to project Rubric-based evaluation of application project SHM 485 of risk management in a Spring 80% correct annually application to multidisciplinary project Mentor evaluation of student use of risk project SHM 490 management practices during internship Summer 80% positive mentor annually response of student internship Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses Quarterly 75% positive response improvement 14. Graduates will be able to apply principles of safety 2, 3, 9 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 Rubric-based evaluation of client- SHM F, W, S, S, Project completed to driven, non-classroom based project to 371/3/5/7/9 W annually client specifications develop written program Page 18 of 19 Student Learning Outcomes (performance, knowledge, attitudes) Related Program Goals Related Departmental Goals Related College Goals Related University Goals Method(s) of Assessment (What is the assessment?)* Who Assessed (Students from what courses – population)* * When Assessed (term, dates) *** Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of Achievement (How good does performance have to be?) and health in a non- Rubric-based evaluation of client- SHM F, W, W, S, Project completed to academic setting driven, non-classroom based project to 471/2/4/5/7 S annually client specifications through an intern, design, propose, conduct, and report SHM 490 Summer 80% positive mentor annually response of student cooperative, or supervised experience. Mentor evaluation of overall student internship performance internship Student course closeout reflective All students in survey of knowledge, skills, and value all courses Quarterly 75% positive response improvement Page 19 of 19