December 13, 2008 To: From: Re:

December 13, 2008
To: Dr. Tracy Pellett, AVP for Undergraduate Studies
From: Dr. Amy Hoover, Chair Department of Aviation
Re: Actions taken based on recommendations from Dr. Joe Dunlap, external program reviewer,
on 9-10 April, 2007
Dear Dr. Pellett,
The following narrative includes the external program reviewer’s recommendations and corresponding
actions taken by the Department of Aviation.
II. Faculty: Recommendations
Hire two additional tenure-track faculty [one with airline operations and/or maintenance
Action Taken: The department hired one full time non tenure track faculty member fall 2008 to fill a
vacancy; that person has extensive airline operations experience.
Develop procedures that allow faculty participation in FAR Part 141 stage checks, is
considerate of L&I requirements, and is considered part of faculty workloads
Action Taken: CWU Business Services and Contracts worked with the department and developed a
memorandum of understanding with Midstate Aviation for faculty to conduct FAR Part 141 stage
checks. Beginning fall term, 2008 three faculty members are so doing and have conducted 26 stage
checks as of December 13, 2008.
Include FAA unique requirements such as stage checks, simulator instruction, and FAA
appointed Chief Ground Instructor as part of faculty workloads
Action Taken: FAA simulator instruction and FAA Chief Ground Instructor were already a part of
faculty workloads. Flight stage checks were added to faculty workloads fall 2008.
Look to the airlines [retiring captains] and graduate schools as a source of applicants for
faculty positions. Market strengths to prospective faculty; i.e. low cost of living, high
quality of life, great location, and the only four year program in the Pacific Northwest,
Action Taken: This was a part of the department’s strategy when searching the position that was filled
fall, 2008
Examine salary structure and improve entry-level salary
Action Taken: The salary structure was examined and found inadequate, but was not improved.
III. Facilities: Recommendations
CWU has several short and/or long term options available relating to facilities:
 Remain in existing facilities and do nothing
 Remain in existing facilities and expand them
 Construct new facilities at the existing location
 Construct new faculties on the leased land located on Bowers Filed.
 Relocate the program to main campus
That CWU develop a long term strategy consistent with a comprehensive and compelling
vision for the program and university master plan
Consider moving lower division courses back to main campus
Action Taken: The existing airport building suffered from differential settlement of its foundation, a
leaky roof, squeaky floors, periodic flooding, inadequate insulation and soundproofing, temperature
control issues, rodent infestations, perennial invasions of wasps (a student was stung in class), sporadic
plumbing problems with sewage backups and odors, and mold contamination (faculty and staff
suffered from chronic respiratory illnesses) which left it building in a condemned state.
Faculty and staff were relocated to main campus fall term, 2007, on a temporary basis and a new
facility was slated to be in place October, 2008. Due to delays in the CWU Facilities Management
department the building has not been completed and the revised schedule is for it to be in place by
May, 2009.
The flight simulators are also temporarily located in three different buildings on campus. Faculty and
staff are moving to another, more permanent, on-campus site in December, 2008.
All courses are now on the main campus and FAA approval has been granted for courses to be taught
in two different building.
IV. Program/Curriculum: Recommendations
Rename the department to one that represents the more comprehensive nature of the
programs and vision for the future
Action Taken: Flight Technology was a program within the Industrial Engineering Department at the
time of this review. Since then it has achieved department status (Department of Aviation)
Develop a comprehensive and compelling vision for the department and programs based
on demographics, industry and student demand, and university goals
Action Taken: Vision and mission statements, along with action strategies, methods of assessment,
and goals for fiscal and other resources to support those was developed and is periodically under
review (copies of this on request).
Offer more internships/cooperative experiences for management students
Action Taken: This is still an area needing improvement. Beginning fall term, 2008, the Department
has been working with the new CEPS development officer and the new CWU Foundation Grant writer
to explore expanding these possibilities.
Develop closer relationships with two year aviation programs, offer 2+2 degree options,
and offering more upper division courses through University Centers and ITV to remote
Action Taken: The Department expanded to offer all four of its degree specializations at Moses Lake
Center in cooperation with Big Bend Community College. Those programs were approved summer,
2008, and include a transfer agreement for all BBCC students as well as on-site and distance education
coursework so that students may complete their degrees at either campus.
Establish an aviation advisory committee comprised of governmental, industry, and
higher education representatives
Action Taken: This has not yet been done. The CEPS development officer is working with the
Department to identify possible personnel for this committee.
Eliminate the Airway Science Aircraft Systems Management Specialization. This degree
was developed to support employment in the aviation industry and the Federal Aviation
Administration and in many respects is redundant with other flight related degrees
offered. This option has not been well supported by enrollment and is no longer actively
supported by the FAA
Action Taken: The Airway Science Aircraft Systems Management Specialization was eliminated.
Focus on program quality rather than growth until adequate facilities and faculty are
available to support growth
Action Taken: The Department is in the process of acquiring two new, state-of-the art FAA approved
flight simulators, including a CRJ regional jet and a twin-engine aircraft with Glass cockpit
technology. Faculty are current revising the curriculum to incorporate airline style training in these
aircraft to include systems, operations, and CRM.
V. Students: Recommendations
Develop an alumni tracking system
Action Taken: The Department is working with the CEPS Development Officer and is developing an
alumni database and tracking system. The Department website also has an area for alumni.
 Utilize strengths and future market demand to market programs
Action Taken: The Department is developing several venues to meet the needs of various target
markets, including general aviation and international opportunities. One example is the current
contract with Vietnam Airlines for students in the Aviation Maintenance Management Degree which is
being used as a model to market to other airlines and industry.
Address facility issues
Action Taken: See number III above.
VI. Equipment and Instructional Media: Recommendations
Develop and implement a fee structure that provides develops resources over time to
replace aging flight simulators rather than relying on capital project resources or
certificates of participation
Action Taken: The Department submitted a new fee structure for simulators and flight training as
part of the university package that went for legislative approval this year and should be in place fall
term, 2009. The new fee structure will generate appropriate revenue to support maintenance and
service contracts for the new equipment and other related instructional needs.
Replace and/or upgrade existing fleet of simulators and flight training devices
Action Taken: See number IV above.
Improve relationship with Mid-State Aviation. CWU should not consider acquiring a
fleet of university owned aircraft. The long term effect of acquisition, maintenance,
replacement, operational costs, and managing flight training operations are too costly in
fiscal and human resources for CWU to sustain
Action Taken: The current relationship with Midstate Aviation is much improved and is good.
Midstate has new management for their flight department and CWU personnel are working closely
with those individuals to address issues of student progress, quality of instruction, scheduling, and
other issues that arise. This improved relationship is evidenced by the high level of flight training
success and substantial improvement over previous year’s performance.
Provide a student computer lab to support Flight Technology students
Action Taken: This has not happened to date due to the temporary physical location of the
Department. When the Department moves to Black Hall in December, 2008, students will have access
to both PC and MacIntosh computer labs in that building. Additionally, computer labs will be
integrated into the new flight simulator training facility at the airport that is slated to be in place by
May, 2009.
VII. Mid-State Aviation: Recommendations
That CWU:
 That CWU acquire copies of agreements between other college and universities that
utilize vendors to deliver flight training as a basis for comparison. The University
Aviation Association may be able to assist:
University Aviation Association
3410 Skyway Drive
Auburn, AL 36830-6444
(334) 844-2434
Action Taken: The Department is in the process of doing this in conjunction with the start of
discussions regarding the RFP for the next flight training contract (see below).
The existing contract between CWU and Mid-State Aviation will be open for renewal in
2-3 years. Open discussions with Mid-State to remedy this situation and clarify who has
responsibility and authority for oversight of curriculum, faculty qualifications, and
student progress. CWU must be involved to ensure that curriculum delivered by MidState Aviation meets university criteria, that instructors meet university requirements,
and student progress must be monitored [faculty involvement in flight stage checks
remedy this situation].
Action Taken: The Department has begun a conversation and will be undergoing a series of
meetings with CWU Business Services and Contracts, as well as Midstate Aviation owner and chief
flight instructors, to ensure the RFP for the new contract will satisfy these and other requirements.
Develop an A-6 agreement with Mid-State Aviation in accordance with criteria outlined
in Policy A-6 NWCCU.
Action Taken: This was done and an agreement between the University and Midstate Aviation
became effective spring term, 2008.
VIII. Library Resources: Recommendations
Allocate a library resource budget to the Flight Technology Department
Action Taken: The Department has a library resource budget that is used for texts, periodicals, and
other media upon request. Additionally, all CWU library NACO charts, both IFR and VFR, are now
archived with the Department upon their expiration date.
Assess and determine the need for additional publications relating to aviation psychology
and crew performance
Action Taken: This is done on an ongoing basis through faculty review and requests for resources.
IX. Information Literacy: Recommendations
Once a decision is made regarding facility disposition a student computer lab be made
available for flight technology students at that location.
Action Taken: See number VI above.
That flight simulators be replaced or upgraded to reflect state-of-the-art systems with
current data bases
Action Taken: See number IV above.
X. Budget: Recommendations
That Departmental Goods and Services budget be increased by $5,000
Action Taken: The budget request was made and denied.
Thank you Dr. Pellett for your attention in these matters; if you require supporting documentation or
reports for any of the areas specified above please contact me.
Amy L. Hoover
Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Aviation