Document 17560912

Central Washington University
Assessment of Student Learning
Department and Program Report
Please enter the appropriate information concerning your student learning assessment activities for this year.
College: COTS
Program: MS Applied Behavior Analysis
Prepared by: Sadie Lovett
Department: Psychology
Program: MS
Academic Year of Report: 2014-2015
1. What student learning outcomes were assessed this year, and why?
In answering this question, please identify the specific student learning outcomes you assessed this year, reasons for
assessing these outcomes, with the outcomes written in clear, measurable terms, and note how the outcomes are
linked to department, college and university mission and goals.
For the 2014-2015 academic year, all four of student learning outcomes were assessed because these outcomes
represent different but equally important facets of the student’s professional repertoire. The student learning
outcomes for the Applied Behavior Analysis program as well as a summary of the related department, college, and
university goals are shown in Appendix 1.
2. How were they assessed?
In answering these questions, please concisely describe the specific methods used in assessing student learning.
Please also specify the population assessed, when the assessment took place, and the standard of mastery (criterion)
against which you will compare your assessment results. If appropriate, please list survey or questionnaire response
rate from total population.
A) What methods were used?
B) Who was assessed?
C) When was it assessed?
Please refer to Appendix 1 which identifies the student learning outcomes for the Applied Behavior Analysis
program for a summary of the methods of assessment employed, which students will be assessed, and when the
assessments will take place. A variety of different assessment methods are used to evaluate student learning
including GPA, faculty evaluations, and internship supervisor evaluations. Assessments are conducted on graduate
students in their first and second years in the program. Five first-year students and two second-year students were
3. What was learned?
In answering this question, please report results in specific qualitative or quantitative terms, with the results linked
to the outcomes you assessed, and compared to the standard of mastery (criterion) you noted above. Please also
include a concise interpretation or analysis of the results.
Student learning outcomes, criterion of mastery, and assessment results are presented in the table below.
Student Learning
1. Students will
demonstrate mastery of
the content areas
identified on the
Behavior Analysis
Certification Board
(BACB) Fourth Edition
Task List.
Criterion of Mastery
Assessment Results
Non Academic Criteria
1. Five 1st-year students completed the new post-test at
the end of Spring quarter 2015. The average score was
65.13%. This item is discussed in greater detail below,
as this was the first time this instrument was used.
1. A score of 80% or
higher on the post-test.
Method: Direct; knowledge,
2. Three former students took the BCBA exam in the
2014-15 year. Two of the three students successfully
passed the exam (a 67% pass rate).
2. At least 80% of
graduates will pass the
BCBA certification exam
on their first attempt.
Method: Direct; knowledge,
3. All students maintained a 3.0 or higher GPA for the
2013-2014 academic year.
- Five 1st-year students had an average GPA of
- Two 2nd-year students had an average GPA of
Academic Criteria
3. Cumulative GPA 3.0 or
higher. Method: Indirect;
knowledge, performance
4. No students received grades lower than a B during
this report period.
4. No grade lower than a B
in all required and elective
courses. Method: Indirect;
knowledge, performance
2. Students will
demonstrate mastery of
basic clinical skills in at
least one applied setting.
Non-Academic Criteria
1. A positive PSY 590
evaluation from the on-site
internship supervisor (i.e.,
a rating of 4 or 5 on the
Midterm and Final
Evaluations provided by
Cooperative Education).
1. Two 2nd-year students were evaluated by their on-site
internship supervisors. The majority of items on the
midterm and final evaluations received ratings of 4 or 5
(Good or Excellent). During winter and spring quarters,
both students received ratings of 3 (Average) on
dependability and attitude. During spring quarter,
professionalism, proficiency with computers, and
ability to problem solve were rated as Average for both
students. One student received a rating of 2 (Fair) on
working on a team in spring quarter.
Method: Direct; knowledge,
performance, attitudes
Academic Criteria
2. Both 2nd-year students completed the designated
learning objects during each quarter of their internships
and received grades of S.
2. Satisfactory completion
of all learning objectives
and activities specified for
inclusion in PSY 590 (S or
U grade). Method: Direct;
knowledge, performance
3. Students will
maintain a professional
disposition and behave
Non-Academic Criteria
1. A minimum rating of
“satisfactory” by
instructors and supervisors
(i.e., a rating of at least 3
on a 5-point Likert scale).
1. Ratings for professional disposition were collected
for 1st-year students at the end of each quarter in which
a required course was taken. For all but one evaluation,
all 1st-year students were rated as 3 (satisfactory) or
higher on professional disposition. One student
received a rating of 2 (needs some improvement) on
Interpersonal relations/teamwork.
Method: Direct; performance,
4. Students will
demonstrate competence
Non-Academic Criteria
in applied research
1. At least 25% of students
in each cohort will author
or co-author a presentation
at a local, regional, or
national conference
1. The following professional presentations were
- Source presentations: One 2nd-year
- National presentations: One graduated student
For the 2013-2015 cohort (2nd years), this is a 50%
presentation rate. For the 2012-2014 (graduated
students), it is now a 100% presentation rate for that
Method: Direct; knowledge,
*Note: Our students can usually present nationally only
after graduating because the submission deadline for
their conference is quite early in their 2nd year.
Academic Criteria
2. Thesis chair and
committee members
approve defense. Method:
2. Successful thesis defenses were recorded for one of
the two 2nd-year students.
Direct; knowledge,
Based on these assessment results, we can draw the following conclusions:
 Overall, student learning outcomes were met for the past academic year, and GPA for all students remains
above 3.0.
 Posttest performance for first-years was below criterion; however, some limitations of this instrument were
observed in the administration process. These limitations will be discussed in question 4 below.
 Three students sat for the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) examination, and two of these
students passed their exams (a 67% pass rate). The average pass rate reported by the Behavior Analysis
Certification Board for 2014 is 60% (range 11-100% when examining pass rates by individual universities).
Our current 67% pass rate is below our goal of 80%; however, a pass rate slightly above the international
average is fairly good for our first group of graduates to take this exam.
 Internship supervisors have improved in completing their midterm and final evaluation forms for students
(only one supervisor completed these in the previous reporting period). The evaluations of clinical skills
that were collected indicate satisfactory performance in most areas. There were a few target areas in which
students were rated below our specified criterion, and this items will be addressed in question 4 below.
 Results of faculty ratings of student professionalism indicate the current students are performing well in
these skills. Only one student received a rating of “Needs Some Improvement”, and this was addressed
individually with the student.
 The 25% presentation rate for students was exceeded through participation in SOURCE as well as national
 One 2nd year student continues to work on her thesis into a third year.
4. What will the department or program do as a result of that information?
In answering this question, please note specific changes to your program as they affect student learning, and as they
are related to results from the assessment process. If no changes are planned, please describe why no changes are
needed. In addition, how will the department report the results and changes to internal and external constituents
(e.g., advisory groups, newsletters, forums, etc.).
As mentioned above, some limitations were observed related to the post-test instrument used to assess
student mastery of the BACB 4th Edition Task List material. This post-test is meant to reflect potential
performance on the BCBA certification examination, which contains one question related to each item on
the task list. The initial post-test included as part of program assessment was deemed to be a poor measure
of student performance. This post-test was replaced with the “BCBA & BCaBA Practice Exam Booklet”,
which contains a practice BCBA exam. Feedback from students indicated that questions in this exam
booklet contains some terminology not covered in our course sequence as well as several abbreviations for
terms that are not covered in our course sequence. Following more detailed review of the booklet by the
program director, it was determined that the booklet does indeed contain some information not required for
inclusion in an ABA course sequence as well as some poorly worded, potentially confusing question items.
As modification of this material could be a violation of the copyright, a different post-test assessment will
need to be considered. There are several other practice exams currently on the market; however, they
cannot be guaranteed to provide accurate representations of the actual certification exam. Furthermore, the
program director is currently not permitted to create a mock exam for students as she is certified by the
Behavior Analysis Certification Board. The ABA program committee is planning to meet to discuss the
issue of the post-test in winter quarter. Because the best indicator of success of the ABA program is
performance on the actual BCBA exam, an additional post-test may not be necessary if an accurate mock
exam cannot be provided and if students continue to pass the BCBA exam. Another alternative to be
considered is to select various assessments from each course that cover the content areas on the task list and
report performance on those assessments in place of a post-test.
Response rates from internship supervisors have improved since last year. The two internship students
received some ratings of 3 (Average) and one rating of 2 (Fair) from their supervisors. Throughout the
academic year, the internship supervisors keep the program director informed of progress, and supervisors
and faculty were targeting these performance deficits individually with students. Based on the areas
identified by internship supervisors, skills related to professionalism (including dependability, attitude and
working as part of a team) are being considered for specific inclusion in coursework. There is also a PSY
505 course that covers professional issues for students in the Experimental Psychology course that is being
considered as a potential course for ABA students to address these areas. The ABA program committee
will also discuss the possibility of altering the internship so that it is graded instead of S/U. A graded
internship with clear criteria for expectations related to professionalism and other areas of performance
may be a motivator for students to work on these skills.
5. What did the department or program do in response to last year’s assessment information?
In answering this question, please describe any changes that have been made to improve student learning based on
previous assessment results. Please also discuss any changes you have made to your Assessment Plan or assessment
Based on the results of the previous program assessment, the post-test was replaced with the “BCBA & BCaBA
Practice Exam Booklet”; however, it does appear that further refinements or a replacement of this post-test will be
necessary. As planned, the program director made a slight modification to the paperwork she covers with the on-site
internship supervisors in order to provide reminders to complete the midterm and final evaluations for students, and
supervisors are not completing this documentation.
The 2014-15 academic year was the first year with an officially approved course sequence by the Behavior Analysis
Certification Board following an extensive curriculum change. This is also the first year in assessing students using
these revised learning outcomes.
6. Questions or suggestions concerning Assessment of Student Learning at Central Washington University:
Appendix 1: Psychology Student Learning Outcomes (2014-2015)
Program: M.S. Program in Applied Behavior Analysis
Student Learning
knowledge, attitudes)
Related CWU
Strategic Outcome(s)
Method(s) of Assessment
(What is the assessment?)*
Who Assessed
(Students from what
courses - population)**
When Assessed
(term, dates)***
1. Students will
demonstrate mastery of
the content areas
identified on the
Behavior Analysis
Certification Board
(BACB) Fourth Edition
Task List.
1.1.1 Students will
achieve programmatic
learning outcomes.
Non-Academic Assessment
For assessments 1, 3, &
4, First year ABA
End of Spring
quarter for
assessments 1, 3,
Non Academic Criteria
graduation for
assessment #2
2. At least 80% of graduates will pass the
BCBA certification exam on their first
1. Post-test including items
from all areas of the BACB
Fourth Edition Task List.
2. BCBA certification
For assessment 2,
program graduates
Academic Assessments
3. Overall GPA
4. Class grades
Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of
Achievement (How good does
performance have to be?)
1. A score of 80% or higher on the posttest.
Academic Criteria
3. Cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher.
2. Students will
demonstrate mastery of
basic clinical skills in at
least one applied setting.
1.1.1 Students will
achieve programmatic
learning outcomes.
Second-year ABA
students enrolled for
PSY 590
End of each
quarter enrolled
in PSY 590
1. Cooperative Education
(PSY 590) Evaluation
Academic Assessments
2. PSY 590 learning
objective performance
3. Students will maintain
a professional
disposition and behave
1.1.1 Students will
achieve programmatic
learning outcomes.
1. ABA Professional
Behavior and Disposition
Survey completed by
4. No grade lower than a B in all required
and elective courses.
Non-Academic Criteria
1. A positive PSY 590 evaluation from the
on-site internship supervisor (i.e., a rating
of 4 or 5 on the Midterm and Final
Evaluations provided by Cooperative
Academic Criteria
2. Satisfactory completion of all learning
objectives and activities specified for
inclusion in PSY 590 (S or U grade).
First and second-year
ABA students
End of Fall,
Winter, and
Spring quarters
Non-Academic Criteria
1. A minimum rating of “satisfactory” by
instructors and supervisors (i.e., a rating of
at least 3 on a 5-point Likert scale).
Student Learning
knowledge, attitudes)
Related CWU
Strategic Outcome(s)
Method(s) of Assessment
(What is the assessment?)*
Who Assessed
(Students from what
courses - population)**
When Assessed
(term, dates)***
1. First and second-year
ABA students
1. End of each
1. Participation in research
presentations at
2. Second-year ABA
2. End of
Standard of Mastery/ Criterion of
Achievement (How good does
performance have to be?)
faculty instructors or
internship supervisors.
4. Students will
demonstrate competence
in applied research
1.1.1 Students will
achieve programmatic
learning outcomes.
3.1.2 Sustain the
number of courses that
include research,
scholarship, and
creative expression
skills as key outcomes.
Non-Academic Criteria
1. At least 25% of students in each cohort
will author or co-author a presentation at a
local, regional, or national conference
Academic Criteria
Academic Assessments
2. Thesis oral defense
2. Thesis chair and committee members
approve defense.
Appendix 2: ABA Professional Behavior and Disposition Survey
Quarter & Year:
Please rate the student on each item using the scale below. Data from all faculty respondents will be
averaged, and generalized feedback will be provided to the student. When completed, please return this
form to Dr. Sadie Lovett (MS 7575).
Rating Scale
No opportunity to observe/ Don’t know
Needs substantial improvement/unsatisfactory
Needs some improvement/ Somewhat lower than expected
Very good/ Better than expected
Superior/Greatly exceeds expectations
Oral Communication: Expresses self clearly & effectively
Written Communication: Writes in an organized/clear fashion;
effectively uses scientific writing (e.g. APA).
Problem Solving/Critical Thinking: Effectively analyzes
situations/problems and conceptualizes solutions.
Data-oriented: Uses data to conceptualize problems, generate
solutions, and evaluate outcomes.
Dependability/Time Management: Reliably follows through on
tasks; completes assignments in a timely manner.
Independence/Adaptability: Functions with minimal
supervision & initiates activities when appropriate; adapts
effectively to the demands of a situation
Interpersonal Relations/Teamwork: Relates effectively to
colleagues/faculty; works and collaborates well with others
Respect for Diversity: Respects all human differences;
demonstrates the sensitivity to work with diverse groups.
Self-awareness: Shows realistic awareness of strengths &
weaknesses and how this impacts professional functioning.
Responsiveness to Feedback: Is open to feedback and responds
appropriately and in a timely manner
Professional Ethics: Follows ethical guidelines; is aware of
ethical issues as they relate to research/professional settings.
Professional Appearance: Presents self professionally in terms
of language, demeanor, dress, and disposition.
Rating (circle one)
Please list any concerns about this student’s performance or general comments below: