ABRI Agreement 2013-2014 University of Louisville Department of Special Education


ABRI Agreement


By participating in ABRI (Academic and Behavioral Response to


Our school agrees to the following:


University of Louisville

Department of Special Education

Monthly Implementation Team Meetings

Establish monthly meeting schedule for the school year and inform

ABRI staff of schedule.

Conduct meetings in accordance with the meeting schedule.

Academic and Behavioral Data

Submit behavioral data reports from Infinite Campus and/or SWIS the first week of every month.

Submit academic data including course failure reports from Infinite

Campus, universal screening data, or any other pertinent diagnostic information at least three times per year.

Goal Setting and Plan Revision

Develop an RtI plan at the beginning of the school year.

Review the goals at each meeting.

Evaluate progress and adjust goals as appropriate.


Name of School


School Representative




ABRI Representative



ABRI Agreement 1
