Department of Psychology
Central Washington University
Ellensburg, Washington 98926
(509) 963-2368; fax (509) 963-2307
702 S. Tamarack St
Ellensburg, WA
(509) 859-3575
Professional Experience
Director of Accreditation, Planning and Assessment
Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences
Dept. of Psychology, Central Washington Univ.(CWU) 1997Associate Professor
Department of Psychology, CWU
Organization Development Program, CWU
Organization Development Program, CWU
Visiting Assistant Professor, Portland State Univ. 1989-1990
Portland, Oregon; Ellensburg, Washington
Specialty Foods Director
Safeway, Inc. Portland, Oregon
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Social & Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Economics and Psychology
Thesis Service
Chaired 99 Master’s degree thesis committees
Served on 82 other Master’s committees
Classes Taught
Central Washington University
Business Administration Department
Management 380
Theories of Management
Management 381
Human Resources Management
Management 385
Organization Theory
Management 481
Organizational Behavior
Management 482
Applied Management and Org. Behavior
Law and Justice Department
LAJ 398
Organization Development Masters’ Program
Psychology 510
Group Process and Team Building
Org. Devel.515
Organization Theory
Org. Devel.520
Organization Development
Org. Devel.566
Applied Research Methods
Org. Devel.575
Quality and Process Control Methods
Org. Devel.590
Interpersonal Simulations
Developmental Psychology
Human Development and the Learner
Social Psychology (online)
Introductory Statistics
Sports Psychology
Leadership and Group Process
Indus./Org. Psychology (online)
History and Systems in Psychology
Aggression and Violence
Psychology of Terrorism
Evolutionary Psychology
Classes Taught, continued
Senior Ventures Program
1) One of America’s Great Generations: the WWII Generation
2) Unhappy Americans in the Midst of Plenty
3) The Past, Present and Future of Humanity
4) The 21st Century and Beyond
5) World War II: the 20th Century’s Most Important Event
6) Modern Day Israel and the Middle East
Management 380
Management 441
Heritage University
Management Information Systems
Organization Theory
Psychology 135
Psychology 148
University of California, Los Angeles
Social Psychology
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Portland State University
Applied Psychology
Issues Interpreting Psychological Data
Social Psychology
Group Process and Structure
Industrial Psychology
Leadership and Social Power
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Marylhurst College
Organizational Behavior
Introductory Statistics
Drug Testing in Organizations
Statistical Analysis
Organizational Analysis
Human Resources Systems
Human Resources Analysis
Human Resources Problems and Productivity
Field Research Methods
Masters Degree Thesis Advising
Organizational Development
Classes Taught, Continued
Psychology 860
Pacific University
Community Psychology/Social Systems
HCA 541
Concordia College
Management for Health Care Professionals
Mt. Hood Community College
Psychology 101
Psychology of Human Relations
Psychology 201,202,203
Introductory Psychology
Psychology 100
Big Bend Community College
Introductory Psychology (online)
Psychology 200
Lifespan Psychology (online)
Facilitations, Seminars and Workshops
Made a presentation on Supervision and Applied Psychology to
the Central Washington University staff supervisors.
Presented a seminar on The Mindset of a Terrorist to
Washington State law enforcement personnel.
Facilitated a group process retreat for the Central
Washington University Army ROTC officers and staff.
Led a workshop on group development stages for the parents
and staff of the Little Valley Cooperative School.
Facilitated the strategic planning retreat of the Kittitas
County United Way Board.
Facilitated conflict resolution meetings of the
Communications Department faculty at Central Washington
Facilitated the meetings of executives and managers at
Goldendale Aluminum Company discussing teambuilding.
Facilitated a Board of Directors of the Kittitas County
Community Public Health and Safety Network meeting,
Ellensburg, Washington.
Facilitations, Seminars and Workshops, continued
Facilitated a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lazy
F Camp and Retreat Center, Ellensburg, Washington.
Led a workshop on Entrepreneurial Counseling Skills for the
Washington State Small Business Development Center
directors, Yakima, Washington.
Delivered seminars and workshops on conflict management
to various departments at Central Washington University,
Ellensburg, Washington.
Participated in a Case Manager in Service Training Grant
awarded to the Yakima County Department of Education, where
I conducted the workshops on Effective Leadership and
Conflict Management, Yakima, Washington.
Delivered seminars in Assertive Communication, Conflict
Resolution, and Time Management delivered to the Washington
State Firefighters Maintenance Association, Ellensburg,
Led a workshop on Conflict Resolution for at-risk youth for
the Yakima Valley Community College Continuing Education
Department, Ellensburg, Washington.
Delivered a seminar on Conflict Management to the Washington
State Parks Department employees, Ellensburg, Washington.
Delivered seminars in organizational analysis to Japanese
middle management executives enrolled in the Ames
International Business Executive Program, Concordia College,
Portland, Oregon.
Manuscripts Under Review and In Preparation
Stahelski, A. Political Centrism and Political Extremism. In
Stahelski, A. Understanding Democracy Contradictions through
Statistical Tools. In preparation.
The Interaction of Cooperators and Competitors in a Conversational Simulation of the Prisoners Dilemma Game (Harold H.
Kelley, Committee Chairperson).
Books and Book Reviews
Stahelski, A. “Statistics for the Statistically
Challenged: The Statistical Concepts You Need to Understand to Pass a Statistics Course” (2012) Create Space.
Stahelski, A. & Patch, M. (2009) “Dark Conversions:
Transforming Normal Individuals into Sociopathic Killers”
National Social Science Press.
Stahelski, A. (2006) Review of Terror In the Name of God, by
Jessica Stern, Cultic Studies Review, V. 5, No. 1.
Stahelski, A. (1989) Market Research for Entrepreneurs.
Oregon Small Business Development Center Publications,
Portland, Oregon.
Refereed Publications
Radeke, M. & Stahelski, A. (2015) “You’re Smiling, You Must
Be an Extrovert: The Use of Photographs to Assess
Facial Expressions and Personality Traits. National
Social Science Journal, 44, (1) pp. 48-61.
Schepman, S. & Stahelski, A. (2009) “The Relationship
Between ADHD Symptoms, Maximization and Regret” The
National Social Science Journal, 32(1), pp. 45-51.
Schepman, S., Stahelski, A., Lapsley, R. & Pigeon, N.
(2006) “Role of Mood and Style of Dress On
Performance Appraisal” Review of Business Research,
6, (3) pp. 190-201.
Schepman, S., Stahelski, A., Bennett, S. & Owens, M. (2004)
“Using Feedback to Improve Human Performance in a
Correctional Setting” Review of Business Research,
3 (1) pp. 88-94.
Refereed Publications, continued
Stahelski, A.(2004). “Terrorists Are Made, Not Born:
Creating Terrorists Using Social Psychological
Conditioning” The Journal of Homeland Security, March
Schepman, S., Fennerty, D. & Stahelski, A. (2003) “The
Group Development Metric: An Applied Measurement Tool”
The National Social Sciences Journal, 20(2), pp. 113117.
Moses, T., Stahelski, A. & Knapp, G. (2000) "Effects of
Attribute Control Charts on Organizational Performance"
Journal of Organization and Behavior Management, 20,1
Jessup, P. & Stahelski, A. (1999) "The Effects of a Combined Goal Setting, Feedback and Incentive Intervention on Job Performance in a Manufacturing Environment"
Journal of Organization and Behavior Management, 19,3,
Moses, T. & Stahelski, A. (1999) "A Productivity Evaluation
of Teamwork at an Aluminum Manufacturing Plant." Group
and Organization Studies, 24,3, 391-412.
Patch, M., Hoang, V. & Stahelski, A. (1997) "The Use of
Metacommunication in Compliance: Door-in-the-Face and
Single Request Strategies." Journal of Social
Psychology, 137, 1, 88-94.
Stahelski, A. & Paynton, C. (1995) "The Effect of Status
Cues on Inferred Power and Influence Strategy Choices."
Journal of Social Psychology, 135, 5, 553-560.
Stahelski, A. & Patch, M. (1993) "The Effect of the
Compliance Strategy Choice Upon Perception of Power."
Journal of Social Psychology, 133, 5, 693-698.
Geis, L. & Stahelski, A. (1991) "An Evaluation of a Community College Supervisor Training Program." The
Journal of Staff, Program, & Organization Development,
9, 3, 132-140.
Refereed Publications, continued
Stahelski, A. & Tsukuda, R. (1990) "Predictors of Cooperation on Healthcare Teams." Small Group Research,
21, 2, 220-233.
Stahelski, A., Frost D. & Patch, M. (1989) "Use of Socially
Dependent Bases of Power: French and Raven's Theory
Applied to Workgroup Leadership." Journal of Applied
Social Psychology, 19, 4, 283-297.
Frost, D. & Stahelski, A. (1988) "The Systematic Measurement of French and Raven's Bases of Social Power in
Workgroups." Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18,
5, 375-389.
Proceedings and Reprints
Schepman, S., Guckel, A. & Stahelski, A. (2009). The RelaTionship Between Burnout, Negative Affectivity and
Organizational Behavior” Proceedings of the IAAB 2009
Annual Conference, 6(1) pp. 276-280.
Schepman, S., Stahelski, A. & Fennerty, D.(2008). “The Relationship Between ADHD Symptoms, Maximization and
Regret” Proceedings of the National Social Science
Association Conference.
Fennerty, D., Schepman, S. & Stahelski, A. (2008). “The
Impact of No Child Left Behind Highly Qualified
Standards on Rural and Remote Schools” Proceedings of
The National Social Science Association Conference.
Stahelski, A. (2007) “The Effects of a Process Control
Improvement Intervention on Fiscal Performance in a
Correctional Facility” Proceedings of the IABE-2007
Annual Conference, Volume III, number 1.
Proceedings and Reprints, continued
Stahelski, A. (2005) “Terrorists Are Made, Not Born:
Creating Terrorists Using Social Psychological
Conditioning” Entire article reprinted in the Family
Action Information Resource News, February, Issue 1,
10-13; Entire article also reprinted in Cultic Studies
Review, Vol.4, No. 1, p.30-40; entire article also reprinted on the International Cultic Studies Association Website.
Frost, D., Criqui, J., Stahelski, A. & Perrin, N.
(1992) "A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Two Competing Social Power Models." Abstract printed
in a special issue of the International Journal of
Grants Received
Department of Education. Ethnic Minority Student Research
Experience. $47,122.00. 1994 and 1995.
Stahelski, A. & Radeke, M. (2015). “Facial Expressions and
Inference Groupings.” Western Psychological Association.
Radeke, M. & Stahelski, A. (2015). “The Assessment of
Personality Traits Using Facial Expressions: What Do We
Infer About Happy, Sad and Angry Faces?” Rocky Mountain
Psychological Association.
Pelligrini, K., Benner-Kenagy, C., Stahelski, A., Radeke, M.
(2015). “The Influence of Family Upbringing on the Facial
Inference Process” SOURCE Conference.
Stahelski, A. (2015). “Can Knowledge of Body Language
Improve Your Leadership Skills?” Center for Leadership and
Community Engagement.
Stahelski, A. (2014). “Resilience: A Psychological
Perspective.” Cascade Hazards Institute.
Radeke, M. & Stahelski, A. (2014). “The Use of Photographs
to Assess Facial Expressions and Personality Traits.”
Western Psychological Association.
Presentations, continued
Radeke, M., Stahelski, A., Buchanan, K., Davis, M., Garriot,
J. & Hanson, M. (2014). “Are You and Extrovert or an
Introvert: What Does the Face Say? SOURCE, Central
Washington University.
Scanlon, A., Schepman, S., Stein, S. & Stahelski, A. (2014)
“Smile Preferences among High and Low Self-Monitors” Western
Psychological Association.
Stahelski, A., Radeke, M., Schepman, S. & Stein, S. (2013)
“Assessing Personality Characteristics from Facial
Photographs” National Social Science Association.
Schepman, S., Stahelski, A., & Radeke, M. (2013) “Assessing
Pro-social and Antisocial Characteristics from Facial
Photographs” Rocky Mountain Psychological Association.
Stahelski, A., (2012) “The Two Faces of Power” Alpha Kappa
Psi business fraternity.
Stahelski, A., Schepman, S. & Stein, S. (2012) “Getting Away
With Genocide” National Social Science Association.
Dike, A., Williams, W., Loverro, I. & Stahelski, A. (2012)
“Paraphilias: Behavior, Acceptability and the Internet”
Western Psychological Association.
Rae, J., Manweller, M. & Stahelski, A. (2012)”Severing Bonds
Between Voter and Incumbent: How Population Growth Increases
Voter Alienation” Western Psychological Association.
Rae, J. & Stahelski, A. (2011) “A Proposed Analysis of Cult
Leaders and Dictators” National Social Science Association.
Schepman, S., Stahelski, A. & Stein, S. (2011) “Correlates
of Burnout for Social Workers” National Social Science
Stahelski, A., Schepman, S. & Guckel, A. (2010) “Reducing
Recidivism with Correctional Facility Interventions”
National Social Science Association.
Stahelski, A., Stein, S., Schepman, S. & Morris, T. (2010).
“Cultural Predictors of Medical Care Coverage: A Global
Challenge” International Association of Business Education.
Presentations, continued
Mundt, J. & Stahelski, A. (2008). “Empathy and Bullying”
Central Washington University’s Symposium on University
Research and Creative Expression.
Mundt, J. & Stahelski, A. (2008). “Empathy as a Predictor in
Three Types of Bullying” American Counseling Association.
Stahelski, A. (2008). “Industrial-Organizational Psychology
and Real Life” Central Washington University Psychology
Stahelski, A., Fennerty, D. & Schepman, S. (2008)
“Guantanamo Bay Detainees and the Hearts and Minds Campaign”
National Social Science Association.
Fennerty, D., Stahelski, A. & Schepman, S. (2008) “The
Impact of the No Child Left Behind Highly Qualified
Standards on Rural and Remote Schools” National Social
Science Association.
Stahelski, A., Schepman, S. & Kelley, K. (2007). “Process
Control Improvement in a Corrections Facility” International Association of Business and Economics
Stahelski, A. (2007) “How Cults Create Human Evil” Central
Washington University Social Science Lecture Series
Schepman, S., Neibusch, R., Stahelski, A. (2007) “The
Relationship Between Burnout and Negative Affectivity for
Police Officers” European Applied Business Research Conference.
Stahelski, A., Tate, W., Radeke, M. (2007) “Violence and
Cults” Western Psychological Association.
Stahelski, A., Puffer, A., Schepman, S., Kelly, K. (2007)
“The Effects of an Organization Development Intervention
In a County Corrections Facility” Western Psychological
Stahelski, A. (2007) “Charismatic Leadership” Central
Washington University Center for Excellence in
Stahelski, A., Patch, M. & Radeke, M. (2006) “A Cult Continuum of Violence Propensity” National Social Science
Presentations, continued
Schepman, S., Stahelski, A. & Lapsley, R. (2006) “The Role
Of Mood and Style of Dress in a Performance Appraisal”
International Academy of Business and Economics.
Jones, S., Sabol, C., Schepman, S., Fendell, E., Stein, S.,
Stahelski, A. (2006) “The Relationship Between Burnout,
Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Negative
Affectivity” Western Psychological Association.
Stahelski, A. & Patch, M.(2005) “Dark Conversions: A Model
Of Cult Induced Violence” National Social Science
Association Regional Conference.
Herbold, J., Schepman, S., Matheson, M., Sorells, R. &
Stahelski, A. (2005) “The Development of the MultiCultural Assimilation Scale” Western Psychological
Stahelski, A. (2004) “Change Management in Community
Organizations” Washington State Prevention Summit.
Jewett, N. & Stahelski, A. (2004) “A Revenue Cycle Process
Analysis Model” Physical Therapy Association of Washington.
Schepman, S., Stahelski, A., Bennett, S. & Owens, M. (2004)
“Performance Improvement in a Correctional Setting”
International Academy of Business And Economics.
Schepman, S. & Stahelski, A. (2004) “Force Field Analysis:
Reducing Resistance to Change in a University Setting”
The Lewin Memorial Conference.
Stein, S., Stahelski, A., Schepman, S. & Arowolo, K. (2004)
“The Effects of Military Training on Collectivist and
Individualist Awareness”, Rocky Mountain Psychological
Stein, S., Stahelski, A., Schepman, S. & Selberg, A. (2004)
“The Role of Mood and Style of Dress in Performance
Appraisal”, Rocky Mountain Psychological Association.
Schmitt, C., Tarvin, D. & Stahelski, A. (2003) “Leadership
And Strategic Management on the Edge” The MSOD Professional
Development Conference.
Fairchild, M., Richins, L. & Stahelski, A. (2003) “Strategic
Management and Organization Development” Organization
Development Institute World Conference.
Presentations, continued
North, D.T., & Stahelski, A. (2003) “Communicating Public
Value: Stakeholder Surveys” State Of Washington Internal
Quality Consultants Association.
Presentations, continued
Schepman, S., Stahelski, A., Bennett, S. & Owens, M. (2003)
“Using Feedback to Improve Human Performance in a
Correctional Setting” American Society of Business and
Behavioral Sciences.
Schepman, S., Stahelski, A. & Fennerty, D. (2003) “The ReLationship Between Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction
for Research laboratory Employees” National Social Science
Association Conference.
Stahelski, A., Schepman, S. & Haverstick, D. (2003) “The
Effects of a Nontraditional Intervention on Juvenile
Offender Behavior” Western Psychological Association.
Stahelski, A., Schepman, S. & Thomas, K. (2003) “The Effect
iveness of a Training Intervention on Police Behavior
In High Risk Situations” Western Psychological Assn.
Buford, A., Barnes, S. & Stahelski, A. (2002) “The TeamBuilding Intervention Reviewed” MSOD Professional
Development Conference.
Schepman, S., Stahelski, A. & Fennerty, D. (2002) “The Group
Development Metric: An Applied Measurement
Instrument”National Social Science Association.
McKenna, B., Stahelski, A. & Schepman, S. (2000) “Retirement
and Organizational Interventions” Organization Development
Institute Conference.
Myrick, L., Stahelski, A. & Schepman, S. (1999) “Work-life
issues and Organization Development” Organization
Development Institute Conference.
Russell, G., Stahelski, A. & Schepman, S. (1999) “Distance
Learning as an Organization Development Intervention”
Organization Development Institute Conference.
Presentations, continued
Broderson, M. & Stahelski, A. (1999) "Differential Physiological Reactions to Spatial Invasion” Western Psychological
Schepman, S., Moses, T. & Stahelski, A. (1999) “An Analysis
of the Efficacy of Attribute Control Charts as a
Quality Improvement Tool” Fifth International Conference
of the Decision Science Institute
Kauhamia, D.,
Future Search
for Tomorrow”
Stahelski, A. & Schepman, S. (1998)
Development and the Social Change Agent: Using
to Develop Common Ground to Set a Course
Organization Development Institute
Bottman, P., Stahelski, A. & Schepman, S. (1998) “Outsourcing and Organization Development” Organziation Development
International Conference.
Smith, W. & Stahelski, A. (1998) “Physiological and Nonverbal Reactions to Personal Space Invasion” Western
Psychological Association.
Moses, T., Stahelski, A. & Schepman, S. (1998) “The Effects
of the Introduction of Problem solving Teams on Productivity
in an Aluminum Plant” Neveda Conference on Organization
Jessup, P. Stahelski, A. & Schepman, S. (1998) “The Effects
of a Combined Motivation Intervention on Productivity
in a Manufacturing Setting” Institute for Behavoiral
and Applied management.
Schepman, S. & Stahelski, A. (1997) "The Effects of Learned
Helplessness on Performance Efficacy and Control
Expectancies: A Laboratory Experiment." Academy of Business
Greene, S. & Stahelski, A. (1997) "Effects of AIDS Related
Stigma on Physiological and Nonverbal Behavior."
Western Psychological Association.
Presentations, continued
Janowsky, K. & Stahelski, A. (1997) “Downsizing and Total
Quality Management: Organization Development as a
Common Link to Successful Concurrent Implementation”
World Organization Development Conference.
Brandes, D. & Stahelski, A. (1996) “Change and the SocialPsychological Contract: Cultivating a Resilient Work
Force” World Organization Development Conference.
Washington, R. & Stahelski, A. (1996) "The Effects of Verbal
and Nonverbal Communication in Response to Personal
Space Invasion." Mcnair Research Conference.
Smith, W., Steers, N. & Stahelski, A. (1996) "Resource Exchanges Between Physically Mismatched Romantic and Nonromantic Dyads." American Psychological Society.
Greene, S., Griggs, P. & Stahelski, A. (1996) "The Effect of
Stigma on the Nonverbal Reactions of Non-stigmatized
Individuals." Western Psychological Association.
Paynton, C. & Stahelski, A. (1994) "The Impact of an Asymetrical Relationship on the Intended Choices of Power
Bases and Influence Tactics." Western Psychological
Paynton, C. & Stahelski, A.J. (1993) "Relation of Status to
the Choice of Power and Influence Strategies."
Western Psychological Assn.
Smith-Mills, W. & Stahelski, A.J. (1993) "The Impact of
Similarity Type on the Development of Attraction in
Dyadic Relationships." Western Psychological Assn.
Ursino, A. & Stahelski, A.J. (1993) "Observational Validation of Self Assessed Leadership Style." Western
Psychological Association.
Stahelski, A. J. (1992) "The Effects of the Agent's Choice
of Influence Strategy Upon the Perception of Power."
Western Psychological Association.
Presentation, continued
Frost, D. E., Criqui, J., Stahelski, A. J. & Perrin, N.
(1992) A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Two Competing
Social Power Models." International Congress of
Paynton, C. & Stahelski, A. (1992) "Comparisons of the Use
of Influence and Power Strategies." Western Psycholoical
Peckham, S. & Stahelski, A. (1992) "The Relationship of
Nonverbal Cues and Physical Distance." Western
Psychological Association.
Reed, E. & Stahelski, A. (1992) "Ranking Predictors of
Attraction in Nonromantic and Romantic Relationships."
Western Psychological Association.
Stahelski, A. J. (1991) "Social Power Use in Multiple Request Strategies." Western Psychological Association.
Geis, L. & Stahelski, A. J. (1990) "Is it Worth 100 Billion:
an Evaluation of a Community College Training Program"
National Council for Staff, Program, and Organizational
Stahelski, A. J., Mitchell, R. M. & Tsukuda, R. (1990) "The
Comparitive Impact of Selected Group Input Variables on
Group Process Skills in Interdisciplinary Health Care
Teams: a Field Study" West Coast Conference for Small
Group Research.
Stahelski, A. J. & Frost, D. E. (1988) "Cooperation and
Competition in Workgroups" Western Psychological
Stahelski, A. J. & Patch, M. E. (1988) "The Attributional
Impact of Ability and Effort on Helping Behavior"
Western Psychological Association.
Stahelski, A. J. & Frost, D. E. (1988) "Cooperation, Competition and Leader-member Relations in Workgroups."
National Social Science Association.
Presentations, continued
Stahelski, A. J. & Frost, D. E. (1987) "Modern Managers Move
Away from the Carrot and Stick Approach." Western Psychological Association.
Patch M. E. & Stahelski, A. J. (1987) "Situational Salience
as a Determinant of Expectations in Experimental Games."
Western Psychological Association.
Stahelski, A. J. & Frost, D. E. (1987) "Leadership Behavior
and Cooperation as Applied to Educational and Classroom
Settings. National Social Science Association.
Frost, D. E. & Stahelski, A. J. (1986) "Systematic Measurement of Social Power Bases of Power in Workgroups."
American Psychological Association.
Performance management system creation and assessment for
the Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, Yakima,
Program evaluation for Kittitas County Assault Prevention/
Anger Management Workshops, Ellensburg, Washington.
Performance management analysis and climate assessment for
the Kittitas County Action Council, Ellensburg, Washington.
Restructuring analysis for Golden Northwest Aluminum
Company, The Dalles, Oregon, and Goldendale, Washington.
Survey construction and survey data analysis for the Upper
Grant Conservation District, Ephreta, Washington.
Statistical performance and productivity assessment for
Goldendale Aluminum Company, Goldendale, Washington.
Program development, facilitation and implementation of a
Total Quality Management intervention in the North Pacific
region of the CH2MHILL engineering company; resulting in
teamwork and statistical process control training for all
employees, Seattle, Washington.
Consulting, continued
The development and implementation of a testing procedure
evaluating the group process and leadership competencies of
interns subjected to teambuilding at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, Portland, Oregon.
Curriculum development of a series of courses on group
process for the Accelerated Degree Program, Department of
Business and Management, Concordia College, Portland,
The development of interviewing, questionnaire construction,
and other market research skills among high-tech
entrepreneurs and venture capitalists for the Center for
Entrepreneurial Ventures, Oregon Small Business Development
Corporation, Portland, Oregon.
Counseling, facilitation and consulting services given to
displaced workers attempting to start their own businesses
for the Dislocated Workers Project, Portland, Oregon.
Market research questionnaire development, focus group
interviewing, data analysis and report generation for
Grandma Pfiffers, Inc., Portland, Oregon.
Consulting, continued
The development and implementation of a stress reduction
program for administrators and teachers at the Albina
Headstart Program, Portland, Oregon.
Facilitated the employee creation of a vison statement for
the Yakama Nation Gaming Commission, Topennish, Washington.
Presented a seminar on “Why Americans Are Hated” to the
Central Association of Lifelong Learning, Ellensburg,
Presented on Cults to the Douglas Honors College at Central
Washington University.
Led a workshop on post-incident stress reduction for
employees of the City of Ellensburg Public Works Department.
Nominated for an Excellence in Teaching Award, College of
Business, Central Washington University, 2003.
American Society of Business and Behavioral Society Award
for Best Paper (Organizational Behavior track), 2003
National Conference.
United States Army ROTC Selected Leadership Symposium
Participant, Ft. Knox, Kentucky, 2002.
Certificate of Appreciation
Central Washington University, 1996.
Certificate of Appreciation
Concordia College, 1992.
Professional and Academic Achievement Award
Marylhurst College, 1988.
Robert Sutton, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic
Pacific Northwest University of
Health Sciences
Yakima, WA 98901
Mary Radeke, Ph.D.
Psychology Dept.
Central Washington Univ.
Ellensburg, WA 98926
(509) 963-2367
Michael E. Patch, Ph.D.
Psychology Dept.
California State University
Eastbay Hayward, CA 94542
Stephanie Stein, Ph.D.
Psychology Dept. (Chair)
Central Washington Univ.
Ellensburg, WA 98926
(509) 963-1653
Philip Backlund, Ph.D.
Communications Dept.
Central Washington Univ.
Ellensburg, WA 98926
(509) 963-1852