A COURSE IN MATHEMATICS FOR SECONDARY STUDENTS By Sanjay Dev Spring 1992 This book is designed as a text for a one-semester course. Its purpose is to develop in a clear, rigorous and unified way the nature of mathematics. The student who has completed two years of high school algebra is adequately prepared to begin the study of this book. The student who acquires a reasonable degree of proficiency in and understanding of the material presented in this text is prepared to begin the study of precalculus. The material has been organized so that, in general, one section is one lesson. The pace can be varied to meet the requirements of individual classes, but the development is highly structured and except for the omission of a section here or there, as basically review, the topics should be taken in sequence. Each section is followed by a list of exercises designed to give the student an opportunity to evaluate his or her understanding of the basic material. The terminology and notation adopted is in common use. The greatest strength of this book is its adherence to sound mathematical concepts. A student who masters the concepts in this book is ready to progress either into a scientific area or an area of business, education or the humanities.