The American West Steve Herman: Instructor e-mail:

GEOG 106-02: The American West
Steve Herman: Instructor
Fall 2014
Monday 6-8:50PM; Butte 101
Office: Butte 508 (530) 898-5285
Office Hours: Monday 8:50 – 9:50PM
A. Course Description:
In this course, we will explore the geography of the American West, emphasizing how various cultural groups
have each made a unique imprint on the western landscape. The focus will be on the American West’s
human and historical geography, though the physical setting will be explored as well. This is an approved
General Education course as well as an approved US Diversity course.
B. Course Objectives/Goals:
1. To broaden knowledge about the contributions and perspectives of various racial, class, religious,
ethnic, and gender groups over the course of the history of the American West.
2. To gain a clearer understanding of the arrangement of locations in the American West.
3. To introduce students to the use of geographical perspectives and methods of analysis, as applied to
the study of the American West.
4. To improve reasoning and communication skills, especially regarding the history and geography of the
American West.
5. To use the arena of The American West as a medium for the extension of reasoning, speaking, and
writing skills.
C. Course Materials:
1. American West Map Packet (used to prepare for map quizzes, available in class)
2. Recommended Books: Goode’s World Atlas; Reisner, Marc, A Dangerous Place and Cadillac Desert
D. Course Requirements:
1. Examinations: Two exams will be administered this term, a midterm and a final. The mid-term will be
October 13. The final exam (non-comprehensive) is December 15, 8PM
2. Map Quizzes: Students are expected to attain competence in their knowledge of American West
place locations. Students will be assigned map completion exercises on a regular basis. Quizzes
based on these homework tasks will be administered at the beginning of seven class meetings. (See
* in weekly schedule below) A comprehensive map quiz will be given in class on Dec. 8.
3. Book Review: An in-class written book review will occur on Nov. 10. More information in class.
4. Media Review: A brief review of a recommended movie is due by October 27. More information will
be given in class.
5. Attendance: Absence usually has a detrimental impact on one's grade. It is difficult to compensate
for what is lost when lectures, discussions, films, etc. are missed. Also students should note that
quizzes and exams may not be made up unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor. See
you in class!
E. Grading:
1. Grades will be determined by simple percentages, as follows: (There will be no curved grading.)
93 - 100% = A
77 - 79% = C+
90 - 92% = A73 - 76% = C
87 - 89% = B+
70 - 72% = C-
83 - 86% = B
60 - 69% = D
80 - 82% = B0 - 59% = F
2. The maximum value of each assignment (or aggregate of assignments) are as follows
(totaling 500 points):
First Exam:
Second Exam:
Map Quizzes:
Book Review:
Media Review:
150 points (30% of total course points)
150 points (30%)
100 points total (20%)
70 points total (14%)
30 pts. (6%)
F. Weekly Schedule (tentative): (* - map quiz)
August 25 – Intro./What is Geography?
Sept. 1 – Labor Day Holiday
Sept. 8 – What is the Am.West?/sub-regions
Sept. 15* – Phys. Geog /Map Quiz: ID/MT
Sept. 22* – Native Americans/MQ: CO/WY
Sept. 29* – Exploration/MQ: UT/NV
Oct. 6* – Colonization/ MQ: AZ/NM
Oct. 13 – Exam One
Oct. 20* – USA 1800’s and 1900’s/MQ: OR/WA
Oct. 27 – Media Review due /1900’s: Early Industries
Nov. 3* – Natural Resources/ MQ: California
Nov. 10 – in-class Book Review/Water and Development
Nov. 17* – Water and Development/ MQ: Alaska and Hawaii
Nov. 24 – THANKSGIVING WEEK (no class)
Dec. 1 – Population
Dec. 8 – AmWest Map Quiz /Industry and Resource Use
Dec. 15 -- (8PM) Final Exam
G. CSUC Academic Integrity Statement (
California State University, Chico is committed to a campus culture that takes pride in
fostering an environment of academic integrity, academic freedom, and high-quality
learning environments. These efforts will be guided by the following statement:
The students, faculty, administrators, and staff of CSU, Chico are committed to a culture of
honesty in which members of the community accept responsibility to uphold academic
integrity in all they say, write, and create.
Any case involving violation of the University’s Academic Integrity policy will be turned
over to Student Judicial Affairs.