Grad Council Meeting Minutes November 4, 2013 SURC 301 3:30-5 PM In attendance: Archer, Kevin; Andonie, Razvan; Brammer, Robyn; D’Acquisto, Leo; Dowd, Duane; Drake, George; Gabriel, Anthony; Gabriel, Kara; Herman, Daniel; Johnson, James; Lovett, Sadie; Mathias, Kirk; Mattinson, Chris; Murataya, Rodrigo; Olson, Darren; Rivera, Dion; Robinson, Scott; Robison, Steve; Sheeran, Lori; Shiver, Todd; Spybrook, Janet 1. Minutes from October 7, 2013 were approved 2. Dean’s Statement a. Introduction of Robyn Brammer as the new associate dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research b. Assessment of graduate programs – Administration is data driven. Will gather data centrally first then gather from departments. This information will be used to find strengths and weaknesses of programs and information to make programs stronger. Accreditation visit information from departments will work. c. Recruitment and Marketing – Robyn explained the new communication plan when the Graduate School receives inquiries, as well as mining GRE search service for individuals interested in our programs. The graduate school has money available for individual programs and their recruitment plans. Kevin requested that programs submit proposals. d. Assistantships were discussed. Kevin urged programs to submit proposals to request bumps in stipends or adding additional assistantships. e. Grad school association will be funded as a club for the first year 3. Chair’s Statement a. Contracts with CWU and outside entities need to be reviewed by grad council b. Policies need to be in place to deal with these contracts c. Call or e-mail Dion with any issues; can let your colleagues know 4. Committee Reports a. Academic-Individual Studies in the process of being approved b. Curriculum-working on program modification for Law and Justice. M.S. Public Administration program proposal should be submitted to the committee this week c. Procedures-approved 20 graduate faculty; maintained status for associate; if they have not published/researched after five years they move back to “special” d. Henry motioned to discuss associate and special categories at the next meeting. Chris seconded it. 5. Election of Procedures committee chair a. Henry nominated Anthony Gabriel; Leo D’Acquisto seconded it; all were in favor 6. Issues of concern for graduate faculty a. Thesis regulations document –pagination issue – remove request from regulations that the first page number is at the bottom of the page while the remainder page numbers are the top 7. New Business a. Mission Statement/Definitions of Graduate Council was presented. E-mail Dion within a couple weeks regarding suggestions for the mission statement. Definition of the Graduate Council: The Graduate Council at Central Washington University is the faculty council that is responsible for setting policy in terms of the academic standards of graduate programs, the curriculum offered by the graduate programs, procedures governing who may be part of the graduate faculty, minimum admission standards for students to the graduate school, and other issues that relate to faculty governance of the graduate programs. The council may serve in advisory capacity at the request of graduate students, graduate faculty, university administration, or others requiring advice on issues that involve the graduate school and/or graduate programs. The Graduate Council seeks to support the School of Graduate Studies and Research at Central Washington University in both mission and vision of the school. The Graduate Council is comprised of the graduate coordinators of graduate programs that been properly vetted and approved by the Graduate Council, the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research , and the Faculty Senate. The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, the Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, and the Provost sit in an ex officio capacity on the council. Other non-voting members may sit on the council if the council deems it appropriate (i.e. graduate students). The chair of the council and the chair of the standing committees (Academic Standards Committee, Curriculum Committee, and the Procedures Committee) are elected to two year terms by members of the council. Chair of Graduate Council serves as the chair of the council’s executive committee with the chairs of the other standing committees making up the rest of the executive council. The Chair of the Academic Standards Committee serves as the vice chair of the council. Mission Statement for the Graduate School The mission of the School of Graduate Studies and Research is to prepare graduate students for enlightened, responsible, and productive lives. The school facilitates the community of scholars among faculty and students; encourages the advancement of knowledge and service through innovation, research, and creative expression; oversees sponsored research and active research programs; and facilitates the missions of the Office of Graduate Studies and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Vision Statement for the Graduate School The School of Graduate Studies and Research (SGSR) will guide CWU programs toward nationally recognized graduate education and research. SGSR is dedicated to developing new scholars, researchers and practitioners who will become leaders in academic discourse, discovery, creative expression, innovation, and service. If we need it the mission statement for the Office of Graduate Studies is below: The Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) provides leadership and direction for the University's graduate programs. It assists in creating environments that will ensure the highest quality graduate programs in keeping with the University's overall mission of teaching, research, and public service. In working with graduate students, faculty, scholars, and departments, the primary roles of SGSR are to (1) promote and support graduate education, creative expression, scholarship and research; (2) recruit, admit, support, and matriculate qualified students of all racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds; (3) assess and assure the excellence of CWU graduate programs; and (4) work in concert with the Graduate Council to strengthen and review programs, policies, faculty development, and academic standards.