Honorarium Payment Form

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Foundation Administration
Honorarium Payment Form
An honorarium is a payment for services for which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set.
It is a “thank you” gesture of goodwill and appreciation. It is not a previously agreed upon
payment for services. These services are not ongoing or continuous.
Please complete the information requested below and have the individual complete a Payee Date
Record form. We must have this form on file in order to process the honorarium payment.
According to the Internal Revenue Service regulations, the amount of an honorarium is taxable.
A 1099 form will be issued if all payments to the individual exceed $600 in a calendar year.
SSN: (last 4 numbers)
Service Rendered:
Date of Service:
I certify that the above services were completed, that the payment is appropriate to the service
performed, and that the payment is a “thank you” gesture of goodwill and appreciation.
Project Director’s Signature
Rev 2/2007