LCLS Beam-Based Undulator K Measurement Workshop Summary Discussion John Arthur SLAC November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Workshop Objective Define a strategy for using spontaneous undulator radiation to measure the K value of every individual LCLS Undulator Segment after installation in the Undulator Hall. To reach the objective, the physics and technologies necessary need to be identified. Workshop discussions will include Usable spectral features of spontaneous radiation Strategies for beam-based K measurements Specifications for suitable instruments Scheduling issues Three Work Packages have been defined and assigned to three different groups. Work described by these Work Packages has been carried out in preparation of the workshop and will be presented and discussed at the workshop. November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Work Package 1: Angle Integrated Measurement Group: B. Yang, R. Dejus Task: Examine robustness of angle-integrated measurements of undulator spectrum. Consider effects of errors in beam alignment, undulator magnet structure, straightness of vacuum pipe, alignment of spectrometer, etc. Consider effects of location of undulator segment being tested. Determine what are realistic values for the precision with which the value of K can be determined for an undulator segment at the beginning, middle, and end of the undulator. This task explores the use of the high-energy edge of the fundamental spectral peak (the third harmonic may also be considered) of a single undulator to measure its K parameter. The measuring spectrometer will be located in the LCLS FEE, roughly 100 m downstream from the final undulator segment. Realistic values for the angular acceptance of the measurement (limited by beam-pipe apertures, or apertures at the measuring point) should be considered. November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur 6 FLUX (10 PHOTONS/nC/0.01%BW) Marking the FEATURES locationOFofLCLS a spectral UNDULATORedge SPECTRUM (n = 1) 1.6 1.4 1.2 Peak Flux = 3.5000 = 13.64 GeV 1 = 8265.7 eV 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 HALF PEAK ENERGY (8267.2 eV) 0.2 Peak Energy We will watch 0.0 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 how the following PHOTON ENERGY (eV) property changes: HALF PEAK PHOTON ENERGY November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur 8500 Effects of Aperture Change (Size and Center) UNDULATOR SPECTRA THRU SQUARE WINDOW C 1.6 1.4 A B K = 3.5000 E = 13.64 GeV APERTURE = 140 mrad (5mm@35m) 1.2 1.0 0.8 30 mrad (5mm@167m) 6 PHOTONS/nC/0.01%BW) FLUX (10 0.6 160 mrad 25 mrad 0.4 X-RAY SPECTRAL FEATURE OBSERVED (OBSERVED THROUGH A SQUARE APERTURE) 8272 HALF-PEAK ENERGY (eV) Plot the half-peak photon energy vs. aperture size Edge position stable for 25 – 140 mrad 100 mrad best operation point Independent of aperture size Independent of aperture center position K/K = 2.4 x 10-4 8270 K/K = 2.4 x 10-5 8268 8266 8264 20 mrad 15 mrad 0.2 10 mrad 0 8000 8050 8100 8150 8250 8300 PHOTON ENERGY (eV) November 14, 2005 Summary 8200 8350 8400 50 100 150 APERTURE (mrad) John Arthur 200 Effects of Undulator Field Errors Electron beam parameters E = 13.640 GeV sx = 37 mm sx’ = 1.2 mrad sg/g = 0.03% Detector Aperture 80 mrad (H) 48 mrad (V) Monte Carlo integration for 10 K particle histories. November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Comparison of Perfect and Real Undulator Spectra Filename: LCL02272.ver; scaled by 0.968441 to make Keff = 3.4996 First harmonic spectrum changes little at the edge. November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Measure fluctuating variables Charge monitor: bunch charge OTR screen / BPM at dispersive point: energy centroid Hard x-ray imaging detector: electron trajectory angle (new proposal) November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Summary of 1-undulator simulations (charge normalized and energy-corrected) Applying correction with electron charge, energy and trajectory angle data shot-by-shot greatly improves the quality of data analysis at the spectral edge. Full spectrum measurement for one undulator segment (reference) The minimum integration time to resolve effective-K changes is 10 – 100 shots with other undulator segment (data processing required) As a bonus, the dispersion at the flag / BPM can be measured fairly accurately. Not fully satisfied: Rely heavily on correction calibration of the instrument No buffer for “unknown-unknowns” Non-Gaussian beam energy distribution ??? November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Differential Measurements of Two Undulators Insert only two segments in for the entire undulator. Steer the e-beam to separate the x-rays Use one mono to pick the same x-ray energy Use two detectors to detect the x-ray flux separately Use differential electronics to get the difference in flux November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Differential Measurement Recap Use one reference undulator to test another undulator simulataneously Set monochromator energy at the spectral edge Measure the difference of the two undulator intensity Simulation gives approximately: HISTOGRAM OF DIFFERENCE COUNTS PHOTON ENERGY = 8265.7 eV 6 TOAL COUNTS = 0.644 10 N_avg = 64 (bunches) 1500 K = 3.49999 FREQUENCY K = 3.50001 1000 • To get RMS error K/K < we need only a single shot (0.2 nC)! • We can use it to periodically to log minor magnetic field changes, for radiation damage. • Any other uses? 0.710-4, November 14, 2005 Summary 500 0 -4 -2 0 2 3 4 DIFFERENCE COUNTS (10 PER BUNCH) John Arthur Yang Summary (The Main Idea) We propose to use angle-integrated spectra (through a large aperture, but radius < 1/g) for high-resolution measurements of undulator field. Expected to be robust against undulator field errors and electron beam jitters. Simulation shows that we have sufficient resolution to obtain K/K < 10-4 using charge normalization. Correlation of undulator spectra and electron beam energy data further improves measurement quality. A Differential technique with very high resolution was proposed: It is based on comparison of flux intensities from a test undulator with that from a reference undulator. Within a perfect undulator approximation, the resolution is extremely high, K/K = 3 10-6 or better. It is sufficient for XFEL applications. It can also be used for routinely logging magnet degradation. November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Yang Summary (Continued) Either beamline option can be used for searching for the effective neutral magnetic plane and for positioning undulator vertically. The simulation results are encouraging (resolution ~1 mm in theory for now, hope to get ~ 10 mm in reality). What’s next Sources of error need to be further studied. Experimental tests need to be done. More calculation and understanding of realistic field Longitudinal wake field effect, Experimental test in the APS 35ID More? November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Work Package 2: Pinhole Measurement Group: J. Welch, R. Bionta, S. Reiche Task: Examine robustness of pinhole measurements of undulator spectrum. Consider effects of errors in beam alignment, undulator magnet structure, straightness of vacuum pipe, alignment of pinhole and spectrometer, etc. Consider effects of location of undulator segment being tested. Determine what are realistic values for the precision with which the value of K can be determined for an undulator segment at the beginning, middle, and end of the undulator. This task explores the use of the fundamental spectral peak (the third harmonic may also be considered) of a single undulator, as seen through a small angular aperture, to measure its K parameter. The measuring spectrometer will be located in the LCLS FEE, roughly 100 m downstream from the final undulator segment. Realistic values for the angular acceptance of the measurement should be determined, and the effects of misalignment of the aperture or undulator axis should be carefully considered. November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Basic Layout Basic Scheme Slit width must be small to get clean signal. 2 mm shown. Useg #1 is worst case November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Scan range + / - 1 mm X and Y Aligning the Pinhole Actual beam Axis 0.5, 0.5 Simple 2D scan, one shot per data point, 0.1 mm steps, no multi-shot averaging Error is added to geometry term. November 14, 2005 Summary “Measured” Beam axis 0.33, 0.34 John Arthur Simulated K Measurement November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur 8.26 keV Transmission Grating Sputter-sliced SiC / B4C multilayer P = 200 nm N = 500 D = 100 mm P D 3750 mm Interference Function D 5 m 33 mm thick Single Slit Diffraction Pattern Observed Intensity 100 mm Beam angle E 1 2 10 3 E N November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur 200 nm period x 33 microns works 33 mm 200 nm period diffraction peaks in far-field Waveguide coupling limits us to periods > 200 nm November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Thick Slit 5 cm Ta capped with 1 cm B4C FEL Transmission Grating1st Order Diffraction Spectrometer Peaks Transmission Grating 200 nm Period 100 micron Aperture 4 mm 1 mm 50-100 micron 5m Very high energy photons go through everything Thin Adjustable Slit 1 mm Ta November 14, 2005 Summary YAG Scintillator 50 microns thick 6m John Arthur Monte Carlo Generation of Photons from Near-Field Calculations Photons are aimed at Sven’s near field distributions… … but allowed to reflect off of the vacuum pipe or get absorbed in the breaks November 14, 2005 Summary Slits, gratings and scintillator placed in beam John Arthur Bionta Summary Investigated 100 micron aperture FEL Transmission Grating for use in measuring K Sensitivities are roughly at the limit of what is needed Signal level is too low by at least a factor of 200. More aperture, say 1.4 x 1.4 mm would help. Larger focal distance would allow larger periods Signal:Backgrounds with thin scintillator are at least 1:1 Beam stability and pointing (relative to the 100 micron aperture) will be an issue that is not investigated here November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Work Package 3: Single-Shot Spectral Measurement Group: J. Hastings, S.Hulbert, P.Heimann Task: Assume that a single shot spectral measurement is needed for an LCLS spontaneous undulator pulse. What are the best options for doing the measurement? What spectral resolution can be obtained using these methods? What are the effects of beam jitter, spectrometer misalignment, etc? This task explores the design and performance of x-ray spectrometers capable of providing centroid or edge position with high resolution, on a single-shot of radiation from a single LCLS undulator. The spectrometer will most likely be located in the LCLS FEE, about 100 m downstream from the final undulator segment. November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Possible spectrometers Bent Bragg (after P. Siddons-NSLS) Mosaic crystal Bent Laue Zhong Zhong-NSLS X-ray Grating P. Heimann-ALS, S. Hulbert-NSLS November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Bent Bragg Spectrometer surface normal Strip detector (200 strips) 76 mm Si (422) 2 mm Cu foil November 14, 2005 Summary R=3.9 m John Arthur Und-pinhole distance 200 m Pinhole 2.0 x 0.02 mm2 6. 00E +12 5. 00E +12 4. 00E +12 Ser i es1 Ser i es2 3. 00E +12 Ser i es3 2. 00E +12 1. 00E +12 On axis +0.5 mm 0. 00E +00 7. 75 7. 8 7. 85 7. 9 7. 95 8 8. 05 8. 15 8. 1 8. 2 Photon energy (keV) November 14, 2005 Summary +1.0 mm John Arthur Bent Bragg to do list Simulation considering position dependent spectrum Role of jitter Test K sensitivity with simulated data (including noise) November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Mosaic crystal spectrometer 180-2Q 2 x Mosaic spread 2Q November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Andreas Freund, Anneli Munkholm, Sean Brennan, SPIE, 2856,68 (1996) 24 keV 10 keV November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Mosaic crystal to do list Crystal uniformity ? Ultimate resolution ? Experimental geometry (20 m crystal to detector distance) November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Design criteria Goals Photon energy range: 800 – 8000 eV. Spectral resolution: / < 1 x 10-3 set by the FEL radiation bandwidth Spectral window / > 1 x 10-2 set by the single undulator harmonic energy width Single shot sensitivity for single undulator spectra. Consider damage for FEL radiation November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur LCLS grating spectrometer layout Type M11, M12 G1 Plane elliptical mirrors VLS plane grating Detector Coating and Dimensions blank (mm) material Pt-coated 300 x 50, silicon 300 x 50 Pt-coated silicon 50 x 20 Radius (m) 98, 294 Incidence Grating period Distance angle(°) order from source (m) 88.5 100 89.5 87.991189.3473 1/300 -1 110.3 111.3 One VLS grating in -1 order Length of spectrometer 1.3 m November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Raytracing of the grating spectrometer: 8000 eV 7992 eV 8000 eV Source 90 mm diameter (fwhm) 7992, 8000, 8008 eV or 7600, 8000, 8400 eV At the detector 1.1 mm (h) x 2 mm (v) (fwhm) E = 14 eV (6x102 RP , limited by detector pixel size 13 mm, in FEL case could use inclined detector) November 14, 2005 Summary 8008 eV 7600 eV 800 mm 8000 eV 8400 eV John Arthur Is there single shot sensitivity for spontaneous radiation? Undulator (1) Flux F = 1.4 x 1014 N Qn I = 3 x 106 1/(pulse 0.1% bw) Bandwidth E/E = 1/N = 8.8 x10-3 Divergence sr‘ = /2L = 15 mrad (800 eV) and 4.8 mrad (8 keV) Spectrometer Vertical angular acceptance 60 mrad (800 eV) and 20 mrad (8 keV) Efficiency e = RM1.eG = 0.13 (800 eV) and 0.08 (8000 eV) Flux at detector 2 - 4 x 105, N noise ~ 0.2 % Yes November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Summary: the Grating Spectrograph for the LCLS Photon energy range: 800 – 8000 eV. Resolving power: E/E = 2000 at 800 eV and 300 at 8 keV. For FEL radiation the resolution could be improved with an inclined detector. Spectral window: E/E = 10%. Single shot sensitivity for single undulator spectra. November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Workshop Charge Characterize the spectral features of spontaneous synchrotron radiation that are usable for beam-based K-measurements. Identify the most appropriate strategy for beam-based Kmeasurements. Specify suitable instruments for the identified beam-based Kmeasurement strategy. List expected performance parameters such as resolution of K measurement as function of beam charge, and segment location as well as expected tolerances to trajectory and energy jitter. List any open questions regarding the feasibility of the most appropriate strategy. List the R&D activities, if any, needed before the design of a measurement system can be completed and manufacturing/procurement can start. November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur Response to Charge Are the spectral features robust? Yes. Angle-integrated or pinhole? What’s the difference? For LCLS they are very similar. Need detailed design. Scanning spectrometer or single-shot? Single-shot and scanning. What kind of spectrometer? Crystal or grating? What R&D is needed? Create a PRD giving required specs November 14, 2005 Summary John Arthur