Course Prefix and Number: Learner Outcome Math 461 Activity (optional) Date: 01/05/2015 Assessment Analyze a given algebraic structure to determine if it satisfies an axiomatic system. Students will complete problems on homework, quizzes and exams that require the use of the axioms for algebraic systems such as groups, rings, and fields. Write correct proofs within an algebraic axiomatic system. Students will write proofs involving groups, rings, and fields on homework, quizzes and exams. Choose necessary and/or sufficient conditions guaranteeing the truthfulness of mathematical statements. Students will provide conditions guaranteeing the truth of mathematical statements about algebraic structures. Assess a problem to determine which theorems to combine to write a correct proof. Students will choose appropriate theorems written in terms of groups, rings, and fields to common number systems such as modular arithmetic, the integers, and the real numbers. It should be noted that MATH 461 and 462 form a sequence of courses that are taken together. They share common learner outcomes since the content is distributed across the three courses and the order of coverage may vary. 10/14