Academic Technology Advisory Council Minutes Monday, May 4, 2015 Barge 304, 2:00-3:00

Academic Technology Advisory Council Minutes
Monday, May 4, 2015
Barge 304, 2:00-3:00
Christopher Schedler, Tina Short, Sue Noce, Lizzie Brown (for Ping Fu), Greg Harvill, Ron
Tidd, Melanie Palm, Laura Portolese Dias, Fillip Jagodzinski, Josh Welsh
Patricia Cutright, Ginger McIntosh, Tracy Pellett, Natalie Lupton, Bill Thelen, Michael
Review of Meeting Minutes 4/20/15
a. M. Palm moved to approve, G. Harvill seconded, minutes approved.
II. Information Items
a. Task Force Updates
i. Proctoring
1. Closed faculty survey, had 183 responses, 25% response rate.
(a) Going to have a meeting 5/8 to review the results and also drafting a survey to go to
students about proctoring as well.
ii. Clickers
1. Faculty survey is available now, 10 responses, only went to faculty who have been using
clickers in the past. Survey goes through 5/6.
(a) Discussed the option of having a clickers survey for students as well, but would need
to target it to students who have used in past.
iii. DE ITV
1. Had a meeting and reviewed the transition plan, in the process of setting up to have
vendors come and demonstrate alternatives to ITV such as Cisco WebEx, Polycom, and
Skype for Business.
iv. E-text books task force has not yet met.
v. Faculty 180
1. F. Jagodzinski will be leaving the university at the end of the academic year. Will need to
find a new COTS rep and chair for Faculty 180 Task force.
2. Task force meets once per month currently, eventually once or twice per quarter, to
discuss new features that should be a part of Faculty 180.
(a) C. Andrews is the working lead.
(b) J. Welsh volunteered to be the new chair of Faculty 180, L. Portolese Dias
volunteered, if J. welsh is unable to chair Faculty 180 in addition to being ATAC chair
next year.
b. EISC Update
i. Approved two business cases, a strategic planning online system, presented by Jim
DePaepe, the new Executive Director of Accreditation and Planning.
(a) Looking to have it implemented by September 2015, as well as having single sign-on.
ii. Approved project management services for an update to credit card payment data security.
1. Currently at 2.0 compliance and trying to go to 3.0 by the end of the calendar year,
which involves making sure that all business processes and procedures are in place.
2. Will make sure all the different vendors that are across campus and centers that use
credit cards are all using same business processes and procedures.
iii. Reviewed business case template, adding some terminology around who owns the project
and who will own data going forward. Also, going to make sure all business cases are vetted
through IS Networks and Operations, Enterprise Applications, and Security.
iv. Discussed the way campus-wide technology purchases are made
1. Business case structure goes through ATAC, BTAC, and EISC,
2. There is another system for purchasing where all technology purchases have to have IS
sign off on requisitions. A. Bohman went through and reviewed that process and looked
at whether there are points of integration. Will review RCW for state requirements.
v. Student village is getting a wireless update paid for with Student Tech Fee funds.
vi. Discussed portraits that people can put into various systems such as Canvas, TeamDynamix,
Outlook, etc. and desire to have a standard portrait requirements. Need broader discussion
around identity management and security, particularly for online and distance education.
Action: L. Brown will meet with G. Hopkins to discuss the E-textbooks task force.
III. Project Status Updates
a. Academic building wireless upgrades should be done this quarter.
b. Point of sale system for Wildcat shop has been postponed until October, vendor was unable to
meet deadlines.
c. MediaAmp video portal had kickoff meeting and is moving forward with discussion of
incorporating live streaming into the portal, as well as upgrading the technology on campus to
allow live streaming of events.
IV. Computer Support and Services Info
a. Bootcamp
i. Talked with C. Pratz about issues that came up and discussion of discontinuing Bootcamp
support on campus; Bootcamp allows computers to boot into PC or MAC operating systems.
1. Having a hard time supporting machines with dual boot in classrooms because IS can’t
manage or update them remotely. Suggested it would be good to have a single platform
in all classrooms.
(a) Currently 70 computers with dual boot on campus out of 260 total
(b) No decision has been made yet, but PC would likely be the standard.
ii. Mobile Devices and Apps
1. C. Pratz said S. Thompson in purchasing had signed a contract so that departments could
get iPads for the whole department, as well as volume purchase apps with a procard. IS
won’t be managing mobile devices, and apps would need to be distributed through the
department’s own centralized computer.
iii. Computer Labs
1. Randall Hall received funding for 22 iMacs and those computers have been received.
2. Black Hall received iMacs for two labs.
3. Shaw-Smyser had two labs with 78 PC’s approved, but they haven’t been received yet.
V. IS Organizational Changes
a. Merged Auxiliary Services into Information Services; Auxiliary supports dining hall, ticket sales,
and student services, while working at the direction of Richard DeShields, with 6 staff and 13
databases, desktop support for both PC and MAC.
b. Nate Hill will be new Manager for Client and Auxiliary Technology Services.
c. Service Delivery Director will be a new open position that will be recruited, modeled after ITIL
standards, with three reporting managers.
VI. DE/ITV Transition
a. Looking at vendors over the next 6 weeks, with the direction that we want to go in terms of ITV
and implementing new technologies, while still maintain ITV over the next year-and-a-half of the
b. Looking to upgrade classrooms on Ellensburg campus and centers that are priorities for DE
c. Staff for distance education will be moving into Multimodal Learning to provide support for
faculty and students.
d. New technology would be for multisite synchronous collaboration with the potential to bring
students in through video conferencing and reach students who weren’t at one of the centers.
e. Likely will be a project as there is going to be a business case when a vendor is chosen, licensing,
and upgrades for technologies. Developed this Summer.
Next Meeting:
Monday, May 18, 2015
Barge 304, 2:00-3:00