Syllabus for JOU 101, 201, and 301 (Journalism Lab) Fall 2011

Syllabus for JOU 101, 201, and 301 (Journalism Lab)
Fall 2011
Dr. Tim Nicholas (office)
925-3462 (office)
Each student will write a story for each edition of the Collegian
(that is, one story for each registered hour of lab). These
stories will be published in the Collegian. A total of seven
editions are scheduled for this semester. Meeting and publication
dates are:
1st issue
Sept. 6
2nd issue
Sept. 20
3rd issue
Oct. 4
4th issue
Oct. 25
5th issue
Nov. 8
6th issue
Nov. 22
7th issue
Dec. 6
Note that these are Tuesday dates.
We will meet, usually, on the Monday of the week of publication
dates to take assignments. The next day staff and lab students
are expected to help distribute papers as they are delivered in
the afternoon.
Jenna Correll is editor. Her cell is 601-278-4035. Ben Fritz is
assistant editor. His cell phone is 601-405-5055.
Each lab student will accept assignments from the editors. Do not
accept assignments to write movie or music or book reviews. You
are expected to complete your assignments on time. Prior to
turning in each assignment to Jenna, you must give me a copy.
You may e-mail it to me. Please either include the story in the
main body of the e-mail or attach it as a Word document. Your
stories are due to me on Monday, by noon, the week before
publication dates. If I receive the story after noon, it will
result in points off. If stories are late by a day or more
without a serious reason, the grade will drop substantially. Each
story will receive a number/letter grade. That means if you miss
writing a story, you get a zero for a grade. I will respond to
each of your stories electronically (or in person if you come
by). I will either tell you to send the story on to Jenna as is,
or I will tell you what corrections to make.
You will be graded on your attendance (which is not optional) at
editorial meetings called by the editor and for timely submission
of usable stories. By usable, I mean that the editors should not
have to re-write your work. This includes using appropriate
styling (Associated Press style) and good story structure. If you
are having trouble with a story, please contact me quickly. Do
not turn in your work late.
If one of your stories is not published because of space
considerations, you will not be penalized. But for an “A” in the
class, you must attend all meetings and turn in usable stories on
This is a laboratory. This means we will work together on your
stories. When I receive them, I will make corrections and
suggestions and discuss them with you. The student editors may
make further changes as they deem necessary. Please follow the
suggestions. Grades of “B” “C” “D” and “F” are possible for not
following instructions.
---Please note: "Tuition refund cannot be made on dropped
classes after the first week of classes."
---In order for a student to receive disability accommodations
under Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, he
or she must schedule an individual meeting with the Director
of Student Counseling Services immediately upon recognition
of their disability (if their disability is known they must
come in before the semester begins or make an appointment
immediately upon receipt of their syllabi for the new
semester). The student must bring with them written
documentation from a medical physician and/or licensed
clinician that verifies their disability. If the student has
received prior accommodations, they must bring written
documentation of those accommodations (example
Individualized Education Plan from the school system).
Documentation must be current (within 3 years). The student
must meet with SCS face-to face and also attend two (2)
additional follow up meetings (one mid semester before or
after midterm examinations and the last one at the end of
the semester). Please note that the student may also
schedule additional meetings as needed for support through
SCS as they work with their professor throughout the
semester. Note: Students must come in each semester to
complete their Individualized Accommodation Plan (example:
MC student completes fall semester IAP plan and even if
student is a continuing student for the spring semester they
must come in again to complete their spring semester IAP
Student Counseling Services is located in Alumni Hall Room
#4 or they may be contacted via email at You
may also reach them by phone at