CWU - STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE MATHEMATICS CORE THEME: 1. TEACHING AND LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Results/Findings Suggested (Baseline levels, Performance Reporting Initiatives Analysis Improvements trends, comparison Outcomes Level Unit groups) Indicators (Criterion) Outcome Assessment Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget The department will serve its students in both its majors and in general education courses through excellence of instruction. Course Assessment. Program Assessment. Portfolio Assessment. Senior/Postgraduation Survey. All programs will meet Programmatic Criterions of Achievement. General Education classes will meet Quantitative & Symbolic Reasoning, Critical Thinking Goals and Student Learner Outcomes. CWU Assessment Department. CWU Institutional Research. Program Directors. Increase ratio of T/TT to NTT faculty with at least two new TT positions to provide a stable and knowledgeable cadre of instructors able to contribute to recruitment and growth in the majors. One of these positions should be in Math Education and the other should be in Actuarial Science. Arrange department facilities to allow all faculty offices to be housed in the same building so as to facilitate internal communication. Increased funding to the department for TT positions. Data not available Increased prioritization of the department’s need to secure adequate office and meeting space. Appropriation of a classroom in our building to create a student lounge. Increased summer revenues to pay for professional development opportunities. Secure space adequate to accommodate student Revised 08/03/12, p. 1 collaboration and learning. Increase opportunities for professional development – both internally and externally OBJECTIVE 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Level (Criterion) Budget/Resource Analysis Results/Findings (Baseline levels, trends, comparison groups) Suggested Improvements Outcome Assessment Outcomes Indicators Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget CORE THEME: 2. INCLUSIVENESS AND DIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Results/Findings (Baseline levels, trends, comparison groups) Suggested Improvements Outcome Assessment Outcomes Indicators Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Results/Findings Suggested Outcome (Baseline levels, Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Improvements Assessment trends, comparison Outcomes Level groups) Indicators (Criterion) Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget The department will recruit as mathematics majors, minors, or faculty, Application data. On par with institutional ratios. Registrar’s Office. Institutional Research. Human Resources. Increase ratio of T/TT to NTT faculty with at least two new TT positions to provide a stable and knowledgeable Increased funding to the department for TT positions. Funding for creation and distribution of promotional University levels: Females: 50.2% AfricanAmericans: 2.9% Asian: 6.2% Hispanic/Latino: 6.7% We have done a good job of matching the university’s gender and racial diversity with our students. Revised 08/03/12, p. 2 persons who reflect the cultural, racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of our region, nation, and world. cadre of instructors able to contribute to recruitment and growth in the majors. One of these positions should be in Math Education and the other should be in Actuarial Science. materials. The data is not available to compare faculty diversity. Math Major levels: Females:49.2% AfricanAmericans: 0.8% Asian: 4.4% Hispanic/Latino: 8.0% Multi-racial: 11.2% Native American: 0.4% Pacific Islander: 0.4% White: 68.8% Unknown: 6.0% Military: 3.6% Focused marketing of the Math Honors and the Actuarial Science programs. Focused advertising of major and minor’s possibilities in general. OBJECTIVE 2.3: Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Level (Criterion) Multi-racial: 9.8% Native American: 0.7% Pacific Islander: 0.4% White: 66.1% Unknown: 7.1% Military: 3.0% Budget/Resource Analysis Results/Findings (Baseline levels, trends, comparison groups) Suggested Improvements Outcome Assessment Outcomes Indicators Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget Revised 08/03/12, p. 3 CORE THEME: 3. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION OBJECTIVE 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression activities. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Budget/Resource Results/Findings Suggested Outcome (Baseline levels, Performance Reporting Unit Strategies/ Analysis Improvements Assessment trends, comparison Outcomes Level Initiatives groups) Indicators (Criterion) Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget Students and Faculty will demonstrate excellence in scholarship through presentations and/or publications. All interested students will be given the opportunity to participate in and present research projects. Student participation in SOURCE and regional mathematics meetings. Faculty workloads and activity reports Meeting or exceeding departmental expectations for hiring, tenure and promotion. Establish and maintain a baseline of current scholarly production in the department. No student will be involuntarily excluded participation in at least one research project. SOURCE committee. COTS Dean. Increase ratio of T/TT to NTT faculty with at least two new TT positions to provide a stable and knowledgeable cadre of instructors able to contribute to recruitment and growth in the majors and guide undergraduate research projects. One of these positions should be in Math Education and the other should be in Actuarial Science. Increased funding to the department for TT positions Increased prioritization of department need to secure adequate office and meeting space. Appropriation of a classroom in our building to create a student lounge. Ensure adequate Goods & Services budget to guarantee support for student and faculty travel to conferences. Undergraduate student research presented at SOURCE 2013: 14 oral presentations 3 poster presentations. All faculty who were evaluated during the 2012/13 AY met or exceeded departmental expectations for hiring, tenure and promotion for scholarly production. Expand department facilities to allow all faculty offices to be in the same building so as to facilitate internal Revised 08/03/12, p. 4 communication. Secure adequate space so as to accommodate student collaboration and learning. Continued support of the Math Honors Program. OBJECTIVE 3.2 Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Results/Findings Suggested Outcome (Baseline levels, Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Improvements Assessment trends, comparison Outcomes Level groups) Indicators (Criterion) Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget CORE THEME: 4. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Results/Findings Suggested (Baseline levels, Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Improvements trends, comparison Outcomes Level groups) Indicators (Criterion) Criterion Outcome Assessment Strategies/Activities Budget Revised 08/03/12, p. 5 OBJECTIVE 4.2 Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Results/Findings (Baseline levels, trends, comparison groups) Suggested Improvements Outcome Assessment Outcomes Indicators Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget OBJECTIVE 4.3 Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Budget/Resource Results/Findings Suggested (Baseline levels, Performance Reporting Strategies/ Analysis Improvements trends, comparison Outcomes Level Unit Initiatives groups) Indicators (Criterion) Criterion Outcome Assessment Strategies/Activities Budget CORE THEME: 5. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP OBJECTIVE 5.1 Maximize the financial resources to the university, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Results/Findings Suggested Outcome (Baseline levels, Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Improvements Assessment trends, comparison Outcomes Level groups) Indicators (Criterion) Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget The department will be granted and will maintain an adequate Goods & Services budget to guarantee day-to-day delivery of services and to support student and faculty Departmentlevel budget reports. The department will be able operate with a positive budget balance throughout the year while being able to reasonably support student and faculty travel to academic Department Chair Enhanced funding from university into the Goods & Services budget. Increased funding to department for goods as well as services. Increase summer school offerings and enrollment. Revised 08/03/12, p. 6 needs. conferences and technology requests. OBJECTIVE 5.2 Develop and implement enrollment management and marketing plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the university. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Results/Findings Suggested Outcome (Baseline levels, Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis Improvements Assessment trends, comparison Outcomes Level groups) Indicators (Criterion) Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget The department will develop and maintain a focused and effective recruitment plan for all majors and programs. Enrollment in our majors and programs. Increase in enrollment in the BS and Actuarial Science majors. Increase in enrollment in Lynnwood program. Increased enrollment in the graduate program. Maintenance of Ellensburg Math Ed program. Program Directors. Department Chair. Continued support for the development of the Math Honors Program. Continued support for the Act Sci and the Lynnwood programs. Release time to staff/faculty for planning. Funding to pay for creation and distribution of promotional materials. Considering all math-related majors, enrollment has remained relatively constant. Continued collaboration with the Office of Public Affairs. OBJECTIVE 5.3 Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Results/Findings (Baseline levels, Performance Reporting Unit Initiatives Analysis trends, comparison Level groups) (Criterion) The department will be able to Ratio of TT faculty to NTT faculty. Reductions in current reliance upon NTT faculty Data segregated by program within the math department is not available. Department Chair. Institutional Increase ratio of T/TT to NTT faculty with at least two new Increased funding to department for TT faculty. Suggested Improvements Outcome Assessment Outcomes Indicators Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget The department ratio has remained relatively constant Revised 08/03/12, p. 7 adequately staff all classes with qualified personnel. to more closely match similar departments within COTS. Research. Human Resources. TT positions to provide a stable and knowledgeable cadre of instructors able to contribute to recruitment and growth in the majors. One of these positions should be in Math Education and the other should be in Actuarial Science. over the last several years. OBJECTIVE 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Outcomes Indicators Expected Responsible Key Budget/Resource Results/Findings Suggested Outcome (Baseline levels, Performance Reporting Unit Strategies/ Analysis Improvements Assessment trends, comparison Outcomes Level Initiatives groups) Indicators (Criterion) Criterion Strategies/Activities Budget The department will continue, or increase as appropriate, the utilization of technology in our classrooms and offices. The department will consolidate office space into a single building. Establish and maintain baseline amount of technology available. Program Directors. Construct a list of essential technology necessary and establish replacement or upgrade costs. Increased summer revenues to pay for necessary technology purchases. Staff/faculty release time for planning. The number of buildings housing mathematics faculty members The number of buildings housing mathematics faculty will be less than two. Department Chair. Expand department facilities to allow all faculty offices to be in the same building so as Increased prioritization of department need to secure adequate office and meeting space. The number of buildings housing mathematics faculty has remained constant at 3 (4 if you count part- Revised 08/03/12, p. 8 A meeting area for students and faculty will be established The number of rooms devoted full time to accommodate student collaboration and learning. The number of rooms devoted full time to accommodate student collaboration and learning will be greater than zero. to facilitate internal communication. Secure adequate space so as to accommodate student collaboration and learning. Appropriation of a classroom in our building to create a student lounge. time assignments or after the completion of Science Phase II) The number of rooms devoted full time to accommodate student collaboration and learning remains constant at zero. Revised 08/03/12, p. 9