Strategic Plan 2014 College of Arts and Humanities Page 1 UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 1. TEACHING AND LEARNING UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 1.1.1 Create and maintain high quality academic programs Annual Assessment Report of Student Learning Outcomes 100% of degree programs document implementatio n of changes to address issues raised by assessment info and program review suggestions ; Departments and Programs All programs increasingly document improvement as a result of changes Signature/uniq ue status in state or region Departments and programs will have at least one undergrad Ensure that all departments and programs have sound assessment plans linked to new university plan; ensure that all departments and programs collect meaningful information from assessment and discuss it collectively; 97% of degree programs (all but one) documented implementing changes based on assessment results Continued mentoring on and monitoring of assessment Departments, Programs and College Be sure departments and programs are aware of their counterparts at peer institutions; Only 9.7% indicated improvement based on changes implemented. The other 90% haven’t had changes in place long enough to measure improvement $10,000 for nice promotional materials is essential for marketing our U ndergrad Programs Art – opportunity to study broad range of studio arts, including traditional crafts Comm – Public Relations – unique BA in state Page 2 degree that is unique or signature as compared to peer institutions in the state or region; CAH will have at least three unique or signature grad programs within three years departments should make known on websites and in reports their signature/unique status programs English – online interdisc writing program – u nique in state History – outstanding mentoring of undergrad research Music – signature program, espec in music education Phil and Relig Studies – emphasis on research and required service learning Theatre – only BFA degree in state and only musical theatre program World Languages – only ASL program; only Russian major east of Cascades; unique heritage track for heritage Spanish speakers Grad Programs Teaching Innovation Summer Grants Maintain at least two teaching innovation grants @ $2,500 each College Maintain or enhance summer revenue Graduation Rates Ensure that our CAH graduation rate is at or above the College Continue working to improve advising, scheduling, and retention $5,000 per year Art – only jewelry & metalsmithing program in state Music – unique hybrid masters of music ed Theatre – only theatre studies degree in state Have had 2 available until this past summer when we had one; goal is to restore two this summer; summer funds cut because had to use for instruction Page 3 CWU rate 1.1.2 Promote Interdepartm ental programming and collaboration College Themes Interdisciplinar y Program Funding Course Offerings All departments and programs will use annual college theme to link classroom and out-ofclassroom activities Enhance funding for interdisciplinar y programs so that costs of all interdisciplinar y prefix courses covered Encourage more linking of skills classes to student interests or majors Departments, Program and College Keep college themes website upto-date; ensure that all college series incorporate the theme Allocate at least $3,000 for theme related activity – for publicity, guest travel, etc. 7 of 8 depts used the theme – communication did not; 1 of 4 interdisc programs used the theme – LLAS. But the museum which is not in our college linked often to our theme and college projects College Build ntt faculty funding by making strong case for general education funding $50,000 in additional ntt funds to cover interdisc course offerings – roughly 90 units per year for which we have no dedicated base funding Did not get dedicated base funding, but did fund our interdisc courses that were scheduled Departments and College Make time in Chairs Council Meetings to discuss such linkages 5 or our 8 depts doing linked courses: 4 have special UNIV 101 sections for majors; ENGL 101 and 102 sections reserved for specific majors (music, art, theatre, STEP); ENGL 347 reserved for ITAM; Single group of students registered for theme linked ENG 102 and 105 classes; Eng 301 and Anth 351 linked writing and visual projects; music linked with math for a Page 4 100-level math skills course for music majors; theatre offering Ethnic drama for ITAM majors and Intro to Theatre for BAS students online This student learning goal is in all plans, and all depts. and programs are assessing this goal. 1.1.3 Each degree Departments and Continued Ensure that Annual program/speci Programs mentoring on and students Assessment alization links monitoring of develop Reports to this assessment disciplinary outcome in specific their student competencie leaning s for success outcomes plan in their fields UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1.2 Enhance the effectiveness of student support services. Unit Outcomes 1.2.1 Improve advising of current and potential CAH students Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Department 2 and 4-year plans and career information handouts All departments provide advisors with 4-year plans for each program/ specialization, as well as career information handouts Faculty advising in the arts starts with freshmen; hire at least Departments and College Continuing discussions at Chairs Council of the importance of these plans; now that plans are done, we need to work with the Dual Admission person to get them in the TAPP format Departments and College Work with student success so advisers send freshmen arts students to faculty for advising; partner More dedicated CAH program advising by Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment All depts. developed such plans and have them on the web for students and advisors. This is espec important for dual admission. $50,000 plus benes We were successful in the realignment process in obtaining a full-time advisor for music, our largest and most complex major in terms of Page 5 faculty and professional advisors one dedicated CAH advisor over next three years requirements. This is important for accreditation. with student success on hiring an advisor dedicated to CAH UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 2. INCLUSIVENESS AND DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.1 Enhance the environment of inclusiveness for faculty, staff, and students Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment Done. The Observatory Solicit at least six met several times and volunteers from developed a new program CAH to be on the for this coming year observatory, and focused on generational include our differences. Inclusiveness and Diversity Council College Liaison Katrina Whitney UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.2 Increase faculty, staff, and student diversity by active programs of recruitment and retention for members of underrepresented groups. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 2.1.1 Build a more diverse college community Observatory of Diversity Accomplishme nts Observatory of Diversity is reactivated in AY 2012-13 College 2.2.1 Build a more diverse college community Observatory of Diversity accomplishme nts Observatory of Diversity is reactivated in AY 2012-13 College Solicit at least six volunteers from CAH to be on the observatory, and include our Inclusiveness and Ditto Page 6 Diversity Council College Liaison Katrina Whitney College demographics Increase numbers of faculty and students from underrepresen ted groups by 10% in next three years College Ensure that job ads indicate an openness to inclusiveness $5,000 in recruiting monies for travel Data not available for faculty; for students from underrepresented groups, increased nearly 13.3% from 330 to 374; veterans increased 45% from 20 to 29. Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment Work to build large and diverse applicant pools Recruit in high schools and community colleges with large underrepresented student populations UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 2.3: Ensure that CWU has an inclusive and diverse curriculum Unit Outcomes 2.3.1 Improve students’ knowledge of human cultures and diversity for success in a global society Indicators Expected Performance Level (Criterion) Indicator/Performance Level Reported By Annual Assessment Reports Each degree program/ specialization links to this outcome in their student leaning outcomes plan All degree programs have courses that address diversity and Departments and Programs Continued mentoring on and monitoring of assessment This student learning goal is in all plans, but not necessarily being assessed every year. Departments, Programs and College Compile list of current courses that integrate diversity /inclusiveness All of our degree programs have such courses. In fact, all but music have many courses focusing on diversity and inclusiveness issues. Music has one. Course Catalog Key Strategies/ Initiatives Page 7 inclusiveness issues issues UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 3. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.1 Increase the emphasis on and the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in research, scholarship, and creative expression activities. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 3.1.1 Enhance support for faculty, student and staff research and creative activity Summer School Profits Workload Plans Fund all worthy applications for faculty travel funding in a given year Provide at least 3 summer research/creat ivity grants of $2500 each 10% of tenured and tt faculty have sabbaticals, research leaves, or more than 6 units of scholarship/cr eative work each year College Departments and College Provide adequate summer revenue with strategic course offerings, as well as summer enrichment programs, workshops, camps, etc. Continue to mentor faculty on sabbatical and grant proposals; enhance teaching efficiencies to free up time for scholarship When possible, raise travel funding amounts by at least $100 per type of travel; no college should have to spend summer money on instruction; summer grants are $7,500 per year Funded all travel requests and raised funding amounts per trip by $100, thanks to funds from the grad school. Have been providing 3 summer grants, but had only 2 this past summer. Will try to restore the third this summer. Summer funding cut because had to use for instruction. 17.8% had such things in 2012-13; Page 8 Student scholarship and creative work presentations, on and off campus Each department and program has at least 5% of its majors participating each year in research/creat ive work presentations SOURCE Committee; Departments and Programs Invite Source Committee Chair to CAH Chairs meeting to strategize about enhancing CAH participation; integrate SOURCE into as many classes as possible; ensure that students are aware of opportunities to present, perform, exhibit on campus and off Continued mentoring on and monitoring of assessment Given the performance and presentation invitations we receive, our college should have a budget of at least $50,000 per year for student travel, to supplement S & A funding Get grant information to faculty whenever possible; provide grant writing workshops, if $2,000 per year for workshops Most of our programs have more than 5% of majors participating in presentations – the arts have 100% of majors participating. Only Asia-Pacific Studies and language programs other than Spanish have less than 5% participating. In plans, but few assessed 3.1.2 Each degree Departments and this past year. Should Facilitate Annual program/ Programs encourage more depts. disciplinary Assessment specialization and programs to assess and Reports links to this this goal this year or next. interdiscipli outcome in nary their student integrative leaning learning for outcomes plan creative inquiry UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 3.2 Increase the external funding received for research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 3.2.1 Enhance support for faculty, student and staff Grant Submission Data Increase submissions for internal and external funding by 5% each year Graduate Studies Office External Submissions: 3 in FY 12 and 2 in FY 13. We need to encourage more submission activity. Internal Submissions 6 in 2011-12; 1 in 2012- Page 9 research and creative activity 13 – need to encourage more submissions needed UNIVERSITY CORE THEME: 4. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.1 Enhance the commitment and the level of cooperation between the university and external communities. Unit Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Outcomes Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 4.1.1 Improve visibility of the college Website content and design College TV Show – Arts and Humanities are Central 90 % of CAH websites are informative, user-friendly, relatively error free, and up to date; at a minimum, faculty, program, events and good news info should be current At least three new shows aired each academic year Departments, Programs and College Ensure adequate training in the new web content management system; each department and program identifies one or more persons responsible for web maintenance College Show is used to highlight CAH programs, faculty, student and alumni work A .5% website and social media staff person for CAH is essential – the person’s other .5% should be recruitment and marketing $50,000 plus benes All departments and programs except one have a user-friendly and up to date website. Comm site has even translated key pages into Spanish! Have aired at least three shows each year since the tv show started. Page 10 Press Coverage Social Media 4.1.2 Enhance students’ civic knowledge and engagement locally and globally for responsible citizenship Annual Assessment Reports All major college news gets campus, community and regional press coverage The college and all departments have a social media presence PR Office and College Work to ensure that the PR office is aware of all major college news; keep up our good news website page College and Departments Obtain PR interns if needed and provide mentoring on social media Each degree program/ specialization links to this outcome in their student leaning outcomes plan Departments and Programs Continued mentoring on and monitoring of assessment College programs receiving adequate press coverage, thanks to assistance from PA. A .5 fte website and social media staff person for CAH is essential – the person’s other .5 fte should be recruitment and marketing $50,000 plus benes UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.2 Increase participation in university sponsored life-long learning opportunities. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) All departments and programs and the college have a social media presence – facebook at least. Some are on twitter and Youtube. Many student clubs also have social media presence This student learning goal is in plans, but was not assessed this past year. Should encourage assessment of this goal in next year or two. Art, Comm, FVS, & Theatre best at internships. Engl and Phil and Relig Stu have grown internships in last few years, and phil/relig studies just added a service learning requirement to their program. History, Music and World Langs should work to increase internship experiences for students. Outcome Assessment Page 11 This goal is in all plans and Each degree Departments and Continued being assessed each year. program/ Programs mentoring on and specialization monitoring of links to this assessment outcome in their student leaning outcomes plan UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 4.3 Enhance the efforts of members of the university community to strengthen the economic base of the region and state. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 4.2.1 Develop students’ intellectual and practical skills for lifelong learning Annual Assessmen t Reports CORE THEME: 5. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.1 Maximize the financial resources to the University, and assure the efficient and effective operations of the University through financial stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 5.1.1 Develop a climate of fundraising in the college Endowed Scholarship s Ensure that each department has at least one endowed scholarship Development Office and College Work to identify potential donors in Communication, the only dept without an endowed Every dept but Comm has an endowed scholarship Page 12 scholarship Sponsorshi ps Interactions with Alumni Student Credit Hours and College Revenue Increase sponsorship funding each year by 5 to 10%; we have about $150,000 in in-kind sponsorship each year but only $6,000 in cash. We should have at least $25,000 in cash. Each department will bring an alum back for college alumni day, Dean and Development Officer will increase interactions with alums on campus and off Enhance schs and college revenue with entrepreneuria l efforts in areas of College Work with University Advancement on more coordinated sponsorship plan Departments, College, Development Officer Work closely with new Director of Alumni Relations; Central Administration and College Work more closely with international programs, Margaret Badgley, and the multi-modal task force; develop Increased comp Hotel rooms from 24 to 34; increased Yellow Church catering from $1,000 to $1,500. We spend about $2,000 on alumni day, and should budget another $2,000 to bring alums back at other times Very successful alumni day; DO has increased visits to alums to identify potential donors and alumni day participants; very successful trip to WA DC – many alumni day prospects, and this year’s distinguished alum a result of that trip. Dean has followed up with 4 alumni day folks about advisory board, and two have joined and attending the recent meeting. No portal yet from internatl programs for new initiatives and no faculty led study abroad programs in CAH this year; new online writing degree to start fall 13; Page 13 enhanced non-profit internationaliz proposals for the organization management ation, new innovation certificate and will be online; certificates, fund new Asian and Latin online American Business education, or certificates; collaborated with programs at 4 colleges on new global centers, over cultural competency next three certificate – all to start fall years 2013. UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.2 Develop and implement enrollment management and marking plans that meet the enrollment objectives of the university. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) Realignment data show CAH Must at least the only college in which double tuition waiver funding so every single dept has grown in majors and total students that all programs served between 2010 and have some waiver 2012. money; $10,000 to $15,000 needed for program promotional materials; $20,000 per year needed for recruitment travel UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.3 Ensure the University has human resources necessary to accomplish all university objectives. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Key Strategies/ Budget/Resource Outcome Assessment Performance Level Reported By Initiatives Analysis Level (Criterion) 5.2.1 Departments and Programs will sustain or grow enrollments, depending on resources and capacity Numbers of majors, minors, graduate students, and student fte All degree programs will sustain major numbers; programs with capacity and resources will steadily grow majors IR, Department and College Each department and program will have a recruitment and retention plan; programs will reach out to high schools and community colleges when possible Page 14 Just completed 9 tt searches We will need an successfully; still have 7 tt additional lines not replaced as of fall $250,000 in ntt salary monies plus 2013. Goal is to do at least 5 tt searches this year, benes at least including two that will turn ($150,000 next historically ntt lines into tt year and $100,000 lines (Russian and Comm the next) in order Studies). to do replacement searches – 9 searches this year (2 art, 1 English, 2 history, 2 music, 1 theatre arts, 1 world languages), 5 the following year (2 Comm, 1 English, 2 art); Obtained a new staff person Enhance College and Use program Our growth in in music in the realignment College staffing in Departments review and growth student numbers process – a full time advisor/ Staff critical areas data to make case in tech heavy and areas of to the disciplines (music, recruiter. Provided additional support to FVS in growth over administration with communication, sound area by splitting an ntt next three strategic initiative fvs, theatre arts), position between theatre arts years proposals combined with and fvs. other divisions cutting back on tech services make additional staffing critical for several programs. Clear staffing needs in music, theatre shops, gallery, communication (lab tech), and advising – total of 4 fte at least UNIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 5.4 Provide the facility and technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the university objectives, 5.3.1 Increase CAH share of resources and match resources to growth Tenured and TT faculty numbers Fill all tt faculty vacancies in the college in the next three years; turn stable full time ntt positions into tt ones where there is strong demand; obtain new lines in areas of growth College Keep making the case for dedicated general education funding; submit outstanding strategic initiative proposals for new money; maintain or increase schs in all departments and programs Page 15 while maximizing sustainability and stewardship. Unit Outcomes Indicators Expected Indicator/Performance Performance Level Reported By Level (Criterion) 5.4.1 College equipment and facilities will be maintained and upgraded as needed Regular inspection of equipment and facilities Equipment and facilities will be safe, functional and up-to-date College, departments and facilities management Key Strategies/ Initiatives Budget/Resource Analysis Outcome Assessment Departments maintain an equipment replacement and facilities needs list, and make appropriate offices aware of needs University needs to have equipment/facilitie s lines in its overall budget; Win Win computer program should be in place at all times Huge improvement with new CWU license for adobe software, which means we will automatically receive upgrades – key for art and comm. Serious equipment needs remain in music, theatre, art and FVS – hope to see program fees or central funding for big ticket items. Progress on less expensive items: FVS Director obtained annual Nikon camera loan valued at $80,000. Art purchased $15,000 in new equipment; History purchased a digital camera and sound recorder; theatre purchased new production computer running digital sound software; WL purchased hand held gaming consoles that allow students to practice language skills and a new photocopier/scanner; phil and relig studies created a new office space and is replacing old desks and chairs; and music received improvements to their building that addressed wear and tear issues. So 7 of 10 depts/programs making upgrades/improvements/ purchases. Page 16