Document 17556862

MAT 207
Prerequisites: MAT 101, 210 or the equivalent.
A study of elementary statistics for non-majors with an introduction to probability. Emphasis is
placed on student understanding and interpretation of statistical data and computation using
calculators and computers.
Professor: Dr. Melinda Gann
Text: Essentials of Statistics by Mario F. Triola, 5th ed.
Calculator TI 83 or 84 is required
Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
-correctly define and use statistical terms
-draw and interpret graphs of various types, including scatter plots
-compute measures of central tendency, dispersion and position
-use probability as a tool in statistical evaluation
-compute probabilities from a binomial probability distribution
-develop information from a normal probability distribution
-state and use the Central Limit Theorem
-make point and interval estimates
-test hypotheses
-compute correlation and regression
-explain how statistics are used in a variety of realistic situations
-evaluate statistical citations for correctness and completeness
Academic Integrity:
Honesty and integrity are basic virtues expected of all students at Mississippi
College. The Mississippi College Undergraduate Catalog lists the policies and penalties for
plagiarism and cheating.
Learning Environment:
The method of instruction may include lecture, group problem solving, individual problem
solving, demonstrations, computer lab assignments, quizzes and examinations. Each student is
expected to have a copy of the text, a calculator, writing materials, and an open mind. Group
work is allowed on homework. On tests, quizzes, and outside assignments, the work must be the
student's own, and no cheating will be tolerated. Students are encouraged to see the professor for
extra help when needed.
A student will automatically receive a course grade of F immediately upon accumulating
8 absences in a TR class (excused or unexcused). Please remember that three tardies constitute
one unexcused absence. Also, note that students are responsible for material and assignments
when absent. Homework assignments are posted on Moodle each day after they are assigned in
class. Thus, when you are absent, please check Moodle for your assignment.
Assessment of the student’s progress will be made through quizzes and examinations as well as
through homework and class feedback. There will be approximately 3 examinations (worth 100
points each), and pop quizzes (worth ten points each). A comprehensive final will be given at the
end of the semester that is worth 200 points. You are expected to take the tests at the assigned
times. Make-up tests will be given only with prior notification of absence and professor
approval. If an exam is missed due to illness, a doctor’s excuse will be necessary to receive a
make-up exam. All make-up exams will be given at the end of the semester. Partial credit may
not be awarded on make-up exams. No make-up pop quizzes are given.
Grades will be assigned on total points as follows:
90 - 100% of the total points = A
80 -89% of the total points = B
70-79% of the total points = C
60 -69% of the total points = D
below 60% of the total points = F
Disability Accommodation:
In order for a student to receive disability accommodations under
Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, he or she must schedule an individual
meeting with the Director of Student Counseling Services immediately upon recognition of
their disability (if their disability is known they must come in before the semester begins or
make an appointment immediately upon receipt of their syllabi for the new semester). The
student must bring with them written documentation from a medical physician and/or licensed
clinician that verifies their disability. If the student has received prior accommodations, they
must bring written documentation of those accommodations (example Individualized Education
Plan from the school system). Documentation must be current (within 3 years). The student must
meet with SCS face-to face and also attend two (2) additional follow up meetings (one mid
semester before or after midterm examinations and the last one at the end of
the semester). Please note that the student may also schedule additional meetings as needed for
support through SCS as they work with their professor throughout the semester. Note:
Students must come in each semester to complete their Individualized Accommodation Plan
(example: MC student completes fall semester IAP plan and even if student is a continuing
student for the spring semester they must come in again to complete their spring semester IAP
plan).Student Counseling Services is located on the 4th floor of Alumni Hall) or they may be
contacted via email You may also reach them by phone at 601-925-7790.
Early Alert System:
Mississippi College has adopted the practice of finding students early in the
semester who may be exhibiting behaviors that could ultimately have a negative impact on their
academic progress. These behaviors are often called “red flag” behaviors and include, but are not
limited to, excessive absences, poor test grades, and lack of class participation or evidence of
non-engagement. Identifying these behaviors early gives the instructor the opportunity to raise
the “red flag” on behalf of a particular student so that the student can take the appropriate action
to redirect his/her progress. The system alerts the student, the student’s advisor, and the Office
of Student Success. These messages are intended to help a student recognize an area of concern
and to encourage him/her to make some choices to improve the situation. When a student
receives an Early Alert message, the student should quickly make an appointment to talk with
his/her professor about the situation. Also, students can make full use of the Office of Student
Success to set academic goals and connect to campus resources
Note: The last day to drop a course this semester is Friday, March 18th.
Students cannot withdraw after that date with a W (passing) unless the three following criteria
are met:
1) extenuating circumstances (clearly outside the student’s control)
2) passing the course at the time of withdrawal
3) does not have excessive absences at the time of withdrawal
Office Hours:
During the following times I make a concentrated effort to be available in my office. Please be
aware of the fact that I have committee meetings and emergencies do arise. Thus, it may be wise
to call my office prior to coming or to schedule an appointment in advance to ensure your time is
maximized. Other times are available by appointment.
MWF: 9:00 – 9:50 am, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
TR: 9:30 -11:30 am
Office: MCC 318
Phone: 601-925-3941
Final Exam Time: Tuesday, May 3rd at 8:00 am
NOTE: Cell phones are NOT allowed in class. If a student has a cell phone in class, he/she
will be asked to immediately leave class, and will not be allowed to return to class until I
have spoken with his/her advisor.