Publications for Stephanie Donald 2016

Publications for Stephanie Donald
Branding Cities: Cosmopolitanism,
Parochialism, and Social Change. London:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Morris, R., Deavin, G., Donald, S., Coleman, R.
(2016). Eco-engineering in urbanised coastal
Donald, S. (2009). Education, class and
adaptation in China's world city. Chinese Journal
of Communication, 2(1), 25-35.
consideration of social values. Ecological
Management and Restoration, 17(1), 33-39. <a
ore Information]</a>
Donald, S., Zheng, Y. (2009). Introduction:
Post-Mao, Post-Bourdieu: Class and Taste in
Contemporary China. PORTAL Journal of
Multidisciplinary International Studies, 6(2),
Publications for Stephanie Donald
Morris, R., Deavin, G., Donald, S., Coleman, R.
(2016). Eco-engineering in urbanised coastal
systems: consideration of social values.
Ecological Management and Restoration, 17(1),
33-39. <a
ore Information]</a>
Donald, S., Richardson, I. (2013). Project:
Function and Error in Media Research. In
Charlton McIlwain (Eds.), Philosophy, Method
and Cultural Criticism, (pp. 159-175). New
Jersey: Hampton Press, Inc.
Donald, S. (2010). China and Revolution:
History, Parody and Memory in Contemporary
Art. University Art Gallery, Sydney University,
Sydney, Australia: University Art Gallery.
Donald, S. (2010). Global Beijing: 'The World' is
a violent place. In Christoph Lindner (Eds.),
Globalization, Violence and the Visual Culture
of Cities, (pp. 122-134). Oxon, UK: Routledge
imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S. (2010). Tang Wei: Sex, the City and
the Scapegoat in Lust, Caution. Theory, Culture
and Society: explorations in critical social
science, 27(4), 46-68. <a
238">[More Information]</a>
Donald, S., Dirndorfer Anderson, T., Spry, D.
(2010). Youth, Society and Mobile Media in Asia.
London, United Kingdom: Routledge imprint of
Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S., Zheng, Y. (2009). A Taste of class:
manuals for becoming woman. Positions: East
Asia Cultures Critique, 17(3), 489-521.
Donald, S. (2009). Anachronism, apologetics and
Robin Hood: televisual nationhood after TV. In
Turner, Graeme;Tay, Jinna (Eds.), Television
Studies After TV: Understanding Television in
the Post-Broadcast Era, (pp. 125-136). Oxon:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S., Kofman, E., Kevin, C. (2009).
Donald, S., Kofman, E., Kevin, C. (2009).
Introduction: Processes of Cosmopolitanism and
Parochialism. In Stephanie Hemelryk Donald,
Eleonore Kofman, Catherine Kevin (Eds.),
Branding Cities: Cosmopolitanism,
Parochialism, and Social Change, (pp. 1-13).
London: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S. (2009). Stripes and my country or, on
not being at home. In Stephanie Hemelryk
Donald, Eleonore Kofman, Catherine Kevin
(Eds.), Branding Cities: Cosmopolitanism,
Parochialism, and Social Change, (pp. 139-155).
London: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S. (2009). Taste and the Hierarchy in
China's Cities. In Mary Farquhar (Eds.),
Twenty-first Century China: Views from
Australia, (pp. 156-168). Newcastle, UK:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Benewick, R., Donald, S. (2009). The State of
China Atlas: Mapping the World's
Fastest-Growing Economy. United Kingdom:
University of California Press.
Donald, S., Ghosh, D., Goodall, H. (2009).
Water, Sovereignty and Borders in Asia and
Oceania. Oxon, UK: Routledge imprint of
Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S. (2008). Children, Media and Regional
Modernity in the
Asia Pacific. In Kirsten Drotner, Sonia
Livingstone (Eds.), The International Handbook
of Children, Media and Culture, (pp. 299-313).
UK: Sage Publications.
Donald, S., Voci, P. (2008). China: Cinema,
Politics and Scholarship. In James Donald,
Michael Renov (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of
Film Studies, (pp. 54-73). UK: Sage
Carter, C., Donald, S. (2008). Editors'
Introduction: Children, Media, and Conflict.
Journal of Children and Media, 2(3), 197-199.
Balnaves, M., Donald, S., Shoesmith, B. (2008).
Media Theories & Approaches: A Global
Perspective. United Kingdom: Palgrave
Publications for Stephanie Donald
Donald, S. (2008). No place for young women:
class, gender, and moral hierarchies in
contemporary Chinese film. Social Semiotics,
18(4), 467-479. <a
9946">[More Information]</a>
Zheng, Y., Donald, S. (2008). Richer than before
– the cultivation of middle class taste: education
choices in urban China. In David S G Goodman
(Eds.), The New Rich in China: Future rulers,
present lives, (pp. 71-82). London: Routledge.
Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2007). Competing
regions: The chromatics of the urban fix. In
Gina Marchetti, Tan See Kam (Eds.), Hong Kong
Film, Hollywood and the New Global Cinema:
No film is an island, (pp. 193-205). UK:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S., Spry, D. (2007). Mobile Me:
Approaches to mobile media use by children and
young people. Mobile Media Conference 2007,
Sydney: University of Sydney.
Donald, S. (2007). Out on a Limb?: Urban
Traumas on the West Pacific Rim. In Alan
Marcus, Dietrich Neumann (Eds.), Visualizing
the City, (pp. 127-142). UK: Routledge imprint
of Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2007). Tourism and
the Branded City: Film and Identity on the
Pacific Rim. England: Ashgate.
Gammack, J., Donald, S. (2006). Collaborative
Methods in Researching City Branding: Studies
From Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Sydney.
Tourism, Culture and Communication, 6(3),
Donald, S. (2006). The idea of Hong Kong:
Structures of attention in
the City of Life. In Christoph Lindner (Eds.),
Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from
modern annd contemporary culture, (pp. 63-73).
UK: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2005). Drawing
Sydney: Flatlands and the Chromatic Contours of
a Global City. Scan (Sydney): journal of media
arts culture, 2(1), 1-11.
Donald, S. (2005). Little Friends: Children's
Film and Media Culture in China. UK: Rowman
& Littlefield Publishers Inc.
Donald, S. (2005). The Ice Storm: Ang Lee,
Cosmopolitanism and the
Global Audience. In Greg Elmer, Mike Gasher
(Eds.), Contracting Out Hollywood: Runaway
Productions and Foreign Location Shooting, (pp.
140-156). Lanham, USA: Rowman & Littlefield
Publishers Inc.
Donald, S., Gammack, J. (2004). Branding
Cities: a case study of collaborative
methodologies in Cultural, Film, and Marketing
research. Cultural Studies Association of
Australasia (CSAA) Conference 2004, Perth,
WA: Murdoch University.
Gammack, J., Donald, S. (2004). Establishing
Identity: Collaborative Methodologies in Film
and Tourism. International Tourism and Media
Conference 2004, Melbourne, Australia: Tourism
Research Unit, Monash University.
Donald, S. (2004). Little Friends: Children and
creative consumption in the People’s Republic of
China. International Journal of Cultural Studies,
7(1), 45-53.
Donald, S. (2004). LOVE, PATRIOTISM, AND
2003-2004. The Passionate City: International
Symposium, Melbourne: RMIT Publishing
Donald, S. (2004). Women and technology in the
teaching profession:
Multi-literacy and curriculum impact. In Anne
E. McLaren (Eds.), Chinese Women - Living and
Working, (pp. 131-146). UK: Routledge Curzon
imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Chu, Y., Donald, S., Witcomb, A. (2003).
Children, media and the public sphere in Chinese
Australia. In Gary D. Rawnsley, Ming-Yeh T.
Rawnsley (Eds.), Political Communications in
Greater China: The Construction and Reflection
of Identity, (pp. 261-274). UK: Routledge
Curzon imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Gao, M., Donald, S., Shaoquan, Z. (2003).
National Sovereignty versus Moral Sovereignty:
The Case of The Australian Reporting of
Taiwan. Media Asia: an Asian mass
communication quarterly operations index,
30(1), 22-30.
Benewick, R., Donald, S. (2003). Treasuring the
Word: Mao, Depoliticisation and the Material
Present. In Robert Benewick, Marc Blecher,
Sarah Cook (Eds.), Asian Politics in
Development: Essays in Honour of Gordon
White, (pp. 65-82). London: Frank Cass.
Donald, S. (2002). Children's Day: The
Fashionable Performance of Modern Citizenship
Publications for Stephanie Donald
in China. In Wendy Parkins (Eds.), Fashioning
the Body Politic: Dress, Gender and Citizenship,
(pp. 205-216). UK: Berg Publishers.
Donald, S. (2002). Crazy Rabbits! Children's
Media Culture. In Stephanie Hemelryk Donald,
Michael Keane, Yin Hong (Eds.), Media in
China: Consumption, Content and Crisis, (pp.
128-138). UK: Routledge Curzon imprint of
Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S., Keane, M., Hong, Y. (2002). Media
in China: Consumption, Content and Crisis. UK:
Routledge Curzon imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S., Keane, M. (2002). Media in China:
New Convergences, New Approaches. In
Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Michael Keane,
Yin Hong (Eds.), Media in China: Consumption,
Content and Crisis, (pp. 3-17). UK: Routledge
Curzon imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Keane, M., Donald, S. (2002). Responses to
Crisis: Convergence,
content industries and media governance. In
Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Michael Keane,
Yin Hong (Eds.), Media in China: Consumption,
Content and Crisis, (pp. 200-211). UK:
Routledge Curzon imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Donald, S., Richardson, I. (2002). The English
Project: Function and Error in Media Research.
Inter Sections: the journal of global
communications and culture online, 2(5),