Course Prefix & Number Course Title: General Education Outcome and Assessment Form Natural Sciences Breadth Area: Fundamental Disciplines of Physical and Biological Sciences General Education Outcome Course Outcome NS1. Demonstrate how scientific discovery and research contribute to our lives. NS2. Recognize the natural sciences as a system in which observations and measurement must ultimately verify theories that explain and predict natural phenomena. NS3. Distinguish between data and analysis. NS4. Apply mathematical and quantitative skills to solve problems in the natural sciences. NS5. Engage in systematic critical thinking (analysis, inference, evaluation, induction, deduction). FDPBS1. Make inquiry-driven laboratory and/or field observations. Faculty Senate – General Education Committee 2014 How will the course satisfy this outcome? How will this outcome be assessed (summative) and what is the measure of success? FDPBS2. Rigorously describe and analyze fundamental processes and components of one or more natural systems. How will assessment data be collected and how will data inform course? Faculty Senate – General Education Committee 2014