Control System Overview April 16, 2007 Hamid Shoaee for the LCLS Controls Group Outline Injector control system installation & commissioning Status update Linac & beyond Summary April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 1 Hamid Shoaee Accomplishments in the past six months Field installation of large amount of cable plant, networking, racks, electronics and software for injector control Development of detailed plans for linac and BC2 installation Coordination and re-planning of undulator control with ANL Development of a conceptual design for X-ray End Stations DAQ and Controls AIP projects for MCC networks upgrade, LCLS MPS and Linac BPM Starting the design of next generation applications software April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 2 Hamid Shoaee The main focus in the past six months has been the installation and commissioning of the injector Controls Installation of the cable plant including trays, long haul DC and I&C cables, terminations, etc. Phase 1 (Apr. ’06 thru Jun. ’06) Phase II (Aug. ’06 thru Dec. ’06, including Christmas holidays) Final terminations were occasionally delayed pending mechanical installations Installation of the electronics racks, loading of crates, electronics chassis, modules, and intra-rack wiring Installation of the Controls software on the front-end computers (IOC) and production servers April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 3 Hamid Shoaee Phase II Installation Scope - Gun to TD11 April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 4 Hamid Shoaee MCC, Networks, Servers, & Workstations Production Systems Delivered Networks at S20 RF Hut & MCC: physical and wireless LCLSDMZ, LCLS private, wireless MCC infrastructure upgrade: power & racks LINUX Servers for applications and EPICS data archiving Control Room Linux Workstation MCC and S20 Laser Room are actively in use for commissioning April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 6 Hamid Shoaee Main Control Center is in full operation All LCLS Safety Systems Are Operational Laser Safety System (LSS) Was needed early to allow laser commissioning PPS Passed many reviews by internal and external reviewers, citizens committees The FIRST SLAC programmable PPS is online and operational BCS Prevents radiation from ‘escaping’ the shielding enclosure Direct measurements of radiation or beam loss Protection of safety-critical collimators and stoppers The need for BCS was identified late, and the system had an aggressive schedule, but was completed and certified in time for ARR approval April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 8 Hamid Shoaee Safety Systems – MPS Interim MPS Using existing linac infrastructure (1553 MPS) Adding new signals and devices for LCLS Interim MPS will be used for gating beam Single Shot Mode Burst Mode Pockels cell and MPS mechanical shutter limit laser rate on cathode LCLS MPS (presentation at break out) Will be used to protect the undulator and photon sections Held conceptual design review, now proceeding to detailed design April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 9 Hamid Shoaee Controls Sub-Systems installed Faraday Cup Cable Plant, Racks, etc. Networking MCC infrastructure Magnet power supply Vacuum Controls LLRF Timing Laser control Laser alignment OTR/YAG image acquisition BPM Toroid Wire Scanners April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 10 Cerenkov monitor Moveable collimator BC1 beamline control Bunch length monitor LSS PPS MPS BCS Gun Temp stabilization Image management Online Models MATLAB interface Hamid Shoaee …and arriving soon BPM acquisition through SCP (SLC-AWARE IOC) Orbit fitting April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 11 Hamid Shoaee LCLS Controls Home Screen Schuh Norum Graphical displays help with identifying components April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 13 Hamid Shoaee Magnet Controls Magnet software tested & in production April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 15 Hamid Shoaee Vacuum System has been in operation over one month with signal in data archiving April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 16 Hamid Shoaee Wire Scanner Control April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 17 D. Murray Hamid Shoaee Movable Beamline successfully exercised this weekend April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 18 Hamid Shoaee Injector LLRF Work Completed Linac Sector 0 RF Upgrade R. Akre D. Kotturi All 3 RF Chassis completed and Installed Sector 20 RF distribution system Phase and Amplitude Controllers (SPAC) - Operational Phase and Amplitude Detectors (PAD) - Operational Phased Locked Oscillator – Use SPPS unit for Turn On LO Generator - Operational Multiplier – 476MHz to 2856MHz - Operational 4 distribution chassis - Operational LLRF Control and Monitor System 1 kW Solid State S-Band Amplifiers – 5 units PADs – 6 Klystron units in Fabrication PADs – Gun, L0A, L0B, L1S –Operational PACs – Gun, L0A, L0B, L1S –Operational Beam Phase Cavity Pill box cavity with 2 probes and 4 tuners – Complete April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 19 Hamid Shoaee Operational Phase & Amplitude Detectors S-Band Ref System Laser Gun L0 (A&B) L1-S April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 20 Hamid Shoaee Operational Phase & Amplitude Controllers S-Band Reference System Laser Gun L0-A L0-B L1-S April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 21 Hamid Shoaee Monitoring front end computers (IOC) April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 22 Hamid Shoaee Injection Laser Control System The injector laser stabilization system includes two feedback loops The first loop includes two mirrors, each with two actuators and one camera. It stabilizes laser traveling through a 10-meter tube The second loop includes one mirror with two actuators and adjusts the laser position on the cathode. The IOC reads the image from camera, calculates the laser’s position error and applies a correction to the actuators. The loop operates @ 1 Hz, and the camera is synced to 120Hz. April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 23 Hamid Shoaee Timing System ~ Break out talk Linac main drive line FIDO 119 MHz SLC MPG P N E T SLC events 360 Hz E V G LCLS events I O C I E O V C R P S m N T P E B T April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee TTL TTL-NIM convert. SLC Trigs 24 LCLS Digitizer LLRF BPMs Toroids Cameras GADCs Old klystrons Hamid Shoaee Timing System Progress since October, 2006 Completed Installation in sectors 20 and 21 Commissioning is in progress Finished hardware bench testing Finished PMC-EVR driver EVG sequence RAM programming at 360Hz Timestamp distribution on the EVR IOCs Completed cabling plans and documentation Completed beam-synchronous acquisition April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 25 Hamid Shoaee The injector design optics model is now available online April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 26 Hamid Shoaee MCC Applications & Infrastructure Configuration management (save & restore) Alarm management Error Logs Data archiving Correlations plot Buffeted acquisition Online model Artemis problem tracking Operations and Physics E-logs The SLC-aware IOC provides beam synchronous data to Buffered Acquisition and Correlation Plots from a number of sources AIP network upgrade at MCC for gigabit traffic to support digital control room April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 27 Hamid Shoaee Applications provided in MATLAB Image Management Bunch Length Measurement Emittance and Energy Application Linac & BC2 Controls Installation (Fall ‘07) BC2 installation, similar scope to BC1 Very little engineering development The biggest challenge is meeting the schedule The scope includes Extending the new timing system Safety systems (MPS, BCS) Adding new magnets including pulsed horizontal dipole magnet Adding BPM, x-collimator, OTR screen BPM electronics upgraded (resolution improved) April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 29 Hamid Shoaee Linac & BC2 Controls Installation Schedule Overview: Controls ready 12/3/2007 April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 30 Hamid Shoaee X-Ray End Station DAQ & Controls (Presentation at controls breakout) Developed a conceptual design for end station data acquisition and control Held a Conceptual Design Review Developed a detailed task list and a project plan The AMOS experiment may eventually take data @120Hz producing ~700 MB/second or 2.4 TB/hour or ~58 TB/24 hour The plan is to build on previous experience. Initially use commercial digitizer and COTS CPU for spectrometer data. Use scalable technology developed for LSST for CCD data. Capitalize on years of BaBar experience with hierarchical storage and management of HEP data. ~1 TB/day raw data. ~1 TB/day derived data. ~1.5 PB total Babar data. Extend/integrate several SLAC-developed Java-based technologies for data retrieval and analysis. April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 31 Hamid Shoaee XES Detail – Data Acquisition 1. Channel Access (Ethernet) 2. Beam Line 120 Hz Data 4. MPS (Reflective Memory Fiber) 5. SLAC WAN (Ethernet) 3. EVR (Fiber) 6. DAQ Data to SCCS XES Hutch XES private subnet EELOG 2 Detector Types 2 DAQ Types Spectrometer SBC DAQ XES Controller PC 5 1 Gb E D A Non-RTOS TOF/Momentum Instrument 1 Gb E cPCI ADC G 1 Gb E Visual Data Monitor PC RTOS Spectrometer Monitor EPICS Config PVs Non-RTOS 1 Gb E 1 Gb E 1 Gb E CCD Pixel Detector Beam Line Processor SBC 4 MPS PMC EVR VME 2 Beam Line Data PMC 1 RTOS PPC RTOS E Front End Board 1 Gb E Fast Serial 1 Gb E F CCD Monitor EPICS Config PVs C 1 Gb E 10 Gb Enet Experiment Chamber Channel Access Gateway A. EPICS & Local Control (Hutch Subnet) D. ADC Control & Digitized Data FPGA G 1 Gb E 3 B CE Module DAQ XES Data Cache B. Distributed EVR Hardware Triggers C. Beam Line & Timestamp Data (dedicated Enet) E. Detector Control & Digitized Data F. DAQ Data to Cache April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 32 G. Visual Monitor Data Hamid Shoaee 6 Plans for the Next Six Months Complete the majority of Linac BC2 installation Develop detailed plans for LTU, Undulator installation Complete the design of XES controls, DAQ and data management Complete AIP projects Detailed design for next generation high level applications April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 33 Hamid Shoaee Breakout Session 4 – CONTROLS Location – Redwood A, Bldg 48 Monday, April 16th Time 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm Topic Controls commissioning experience LCLS MPS BPM and Toroid Update 3:00pm Break 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm X-ray End Station (XES) Controls Timing Systems update BC2/Linac Controls Installation Planning Discussion Presenter P. Krejcik S. Norum S. Smith R. Sass S. Allison H. Shoaee Tuesday, April 17th 8:00am MATLAB Applications Software April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 34 M. Zelazny Hamid Shoaee Conclusions The injector control system is online & operational It has taken heroic effort by Controls group to meet the commissioning deadline The plans are in place for linac & BC2 installation We have developed a detailed plan for the undulator control in collaboration with ANL A conceptual design is in place for X-ray End Station data acquisition and control The major risk for the above items is schedule rather than technical complexity April 2007 LCLS Facility Advisory Committee 35 Hamid Shoaee