Bible 120 New Testament

Bible 120 New Testament
James is paranetic. Can’t determine the life situation out of which James
came. It is moral, ethical, material that applies to human life. It is probably a
body of material that developed in the church and was not localized.
Is James theology? Luther said it was “right strawy.” Stagg disagrees.
He says that it is full of theology: his doctrine of God, understanding of man,
money, real worship, origin of original sin.
James is ethics (oughtness) and theology. We have our first trace of
James in early 3rd century in pseudoepigraphic, non-canonical writing. Origin
attests this work. He gained acceptance for it in the East. Jerome gained
“James” acceptance for in the West.
Who is James? (1:1) Leading tradition is that he is a writer in Jerusalem
and the brother of Jesus. Can’t be established or discredited. Does the book
reflect the synagogue in the city or the rural milieu? There are several
illustrations of farm situations.
James doesn’t have an “outline,” it is full of ethical and moral principles.
There is no direct conflict with Paul’s emphasis on faith. There is some tension
between the two, but we have different voices here. Paul came out of a legalism
background – ritualistic. When Paul says that salvation is not by works, he
means not by ritual law. He fought libertinism by saying that we are under moral
demand. James is not fighting the legalism battle, but he is talking about fruitspersonal chastity, charity to other people in need- is talking of works. To Paul
this would be fruits of the spirit. James rejects the fallacy of faith as creedal
belief. James says that faith and works are inseparable, if the faith is authentic.
(Faith is not creedal affirmation)
Doctrine in James is meant to issue in ethical, changed living. It speaks
hard to those who have made peace with wealth in the midst of poverty. One’s
attitude toward money has a lot to do with his attitude toward people. It speaks
hard to those who have made peace with war. The outcome of such a situation
is frustration and defeat. James speaks hard to those who put their trust in
Bible 120 New Testament
orthodoxy, not having been tested. James warns against discrimination against
little people.
James is addressed to people up to their ears in theological jargon but not
up to their ankles in Christian living.
Chapter One
“Twelve tribes” here means the whole Christian community, the “New
Israel of God.”
1:2-8 Faith and constancy, steadfastness. James pleads for the life that holds
out, is steadfast. 2:4 salvation is wholeness. Man should not be two-faced,
Poverty and wealth. Wealth is the problem, poverty the sadness. Humble
man should remember his true worth. 1:10 warns rich man not to think he is
superior because he is wealthy. All material and wealth is transitory.
Temptation and sin. Each one is tempted by his own desires, being
lured out and trapped. Temptation and desire, when it has conceived, produces
sin; sin when it reaches its end conceives death. God does not tempt men.
Tests come as part of every day life. If we sin, don’t pass the buck off to anyone
else. We took the bait and got caught.
Sin begins when one says “yes,” and makes a commitment to evil.
Every gift comes from God.
God never changes his stance. He sees all.
God purposefully begat us to inaugurate a new kind of creation (be a first
fruit of all His created things)
Have the gentleness to receive the implanted word of God that has the
power to give us life.
Be slow to speak and to come to anger. Be quick to hear and
receive the word to save us.
Be doers of the word and not hears only. This is like a man who
looks in a mirror and then goes out and forgets what he looks like.
One must continue in law, not a forgetful hearer but a doer.
Bible 120 New Testament
True worship means charity and chastity. This is what God judges
us on; our attitude toward other people.
Chapter Two – warning against partiality
Don’t be partial on the basis of externals.
We become judges of evil
If we are partial then we work sin
Partiality is included with murder and adultery as transgressions of
the law
Judgment is severe on the one not merciful
2:14ff Faith, without works is dead. Authentic faith and its fruits are inseparable
Ridicules those whose faith is only creedal orthodoxy. Abraham’s faith
was validated by obedience; Rachel’s faith validated in works
Chapter Three – The tongue, wisdom, and teachers
Teachers have greater responsibility because they use their tongues more.
Tongue is potent for good and evil. It is a warning to teachers. They have more
to answer for. The tongue has great potentiality for good and evil. Discipline is a
key here. It is easier to tame wild animals than to tame the tongue.
3:7-9 The tongue cannot authentically praise God and curse man.
The tongue will reflect the true character of its user. Mark of a wise
man: 3:13-18 character
The wise man is the gentle man.
Don’t brag about your wisdom if you have strife in your heart
Wisdom from above is holy, peaceful, gentle, subject to persuasion, full of
many and good fruits, unhypocritical, impartial.
The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace to those seeking peace
Chapter 4 – warns against friendship with the world; warns against family fights
and local fights; the source of wars and fighting is egocentric
Bible 120 New Testament
You desire, you do not have; frustration then war breaks out. You don’t
have because you have not learned to live in openness to the one who gives.
“Whoever wishes to be friend of the world is enemy of God”
Judging one another; do not speak against one another. We’re
tempted to play God and judge others. Absorption in business (4:13-16) is
idolatry, men trying to be God over one’s own life and presumption in business.
Chapter 5 – Warning to the rich (5:1-6)
They appear fine but are really rotten. They run over everybody. They grow rich
off the labors of little people who die after being exploited. But they cannot run
over or buy off God. Wealth is the problem.
the prayer of faith will save the sick. It is a community of concern that
helps the sick