Instructor Name: Phone: Email: COURSE DESCRIPTION:

Instructor Name: Elizabeth McKinley, M.A., R.D., L.D., NSCA-CPT
Phone: 601-946-8236
To copy class notes and course outline:
Instructor has no set office hours; call in advance.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: KIN 124 Nutrition for Well-Being (1 hour semester credit)
This course is a study of basic nutrition concepts relating to optimum health, proper selection of
foods, and physical activity to meet the needs of the individual through the life cycle.
The mission of Mississippi College is to provide courses, which stimulate the intellectual, spiritual,
social, emotional and physical development of its students. Therefore, this course will offer the most
current and accurate information available on fitness, nutrition, stress and weight management so
that the student will have the resources to enhance his/her well-being.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES: To enable the students to:
A. Discuss the classifications, functions, deficiencies, toxicities, and food sources of
carbohydrates, lipids, protein, vitamins, minerals, and water.
B. Outline the process of digestion, absorption, and metabolism of the nutrients in the body.
C. Gain skills in planning the ideal diet to meet the nutritional guidelines.
D. List the Recommended Dietary Allowances for each of the basic nutrients.
E. Discuss the strategies in maintaining ideal weight (identify procedures in determining
appropriate weight).
F. Evaluate the latest fad diets by a list of nutritional guidelines to determine the adequacy.
G. Discuss the role of behavior modification in weight control.
H. Identify complications accompanying underweight and overweight.
I. Discuss the advantages of exercise for the body.
J. Plan an individual exercise program to maintain fitness in each stage of life.
K. Apply basic principles in the development of nutritionally adequate diets for various stages
throughout the life cycle.
L. Recognize the needs for today’s citizens to learn about nutrition and assume responsibility for
good nutritional choices.
Throughout the semester periodic assignments will be made. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Students are expected to read the chapters and be ready for group discussion.
A. Record a 7-day Food Journal (counts as a test grade). See course outline for due date.
Grades will be calculated based on the following:
Two Unit Tests----------------------------50%
7-day Food Journal---------------------- 25%
Final Exam--------------------------------- 25%
Total---------------------------------------- 100%
*No extra credit given.
The grading scale for the Department of Kinesiology (10 point scale):
F=below 60
INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: Methods and activities for instruction will include:
A. Lecture
B. Discussion
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: It is expected that a student attending Mississippi College will be
scrupulously honest. Unless otherwise indicated all student work must be completed individually
unless other instructed. Plagiarism is presenting the ideas or words of another as one’s own. This
includes purchasing papers, downloading a paper from the Internet, or having someone else prepare
a paper. Plagiarism and cheating will be dealt with in accordance with the policies of the university.
These policies are stated in the current Undergraduate Bulletin, and in University Policy 2.19
(available on the Mississippi College website).
A. Class Absentee/Tardy Policy
Students are allowed one unexcused absence, without question from the course instructor,
for each credit hour of class. The exception to this policy is night classes and/or classes that
meet only once a week which carry two or more hours of academic credit. In this case, one
unexcused absence is allowed. More than the acceptable number of unexcused absences will
lower the semester grade of the student one letter for each extra unexcused absence. For
example, in a three-hour semester course, the student is allowed three unexcused absences.
A fourth unexcused absence will result in lowering the semester grade one letter. If the
student has a semester grade of A and one too many unexcused absences, his/her semester
letter grade will be a B.
 Excused absences must be documented by the student and approved by the instructor. It is
the responsibility of the student to see the instructor to verify an excused absence.
Otherwise, the absence will be considered unexcused.
 Three tardies (five minutes coming in late or leaving class early) will equal one absence. It is
the responsibility of the student to see the instructor after class about changing an absence to
a tardy.
 Regardless of a student’s semester grade, he/she will not receive credit for any course in
which the combined number of absences exceeds the number established by Mississippi
College. Note the following statement from the current Mississippi College Bulletin:
o A student receives a grade of F in any course immediately upon accumulating the
following number of absences whether excused or unexcused:
 12 in semester classes meeting 3 times per week
 8 in semester classes meeting 2 times per week
 4 in semester classes meeting 1 time per week
 6 in summer day classes
 Proportionate numbers in classes on other schedules.
o Absence Appeal. If a student misses more than the number of class periods specified
in university policy and believes that there are reasonable explanations for the
absences, he/she may appeal the absences to the Dean of the School in which the
course is being taught. Students may obtain a Student Absence Appeal Form from the
Dean’s Office.
B. Makeup for Absences: Students are responsible for making up work they miss. If handouts
are given, they should arrange to have another student in the class get their handouts.
Makeup tests are given for excused absences at the end of the semester.
C. Late Assignments: No assignments will be accepted late. However, exceptions will be made
for students who are absent on the due date and the absence is excused. The student must
provide a written excuse the day he/she returns to class.
D. Use of cell phones, pagers, etc. is not allowed in the classroom. The student will
automatically be dismissed from class for non-compliance with this policy.
E. Participation: Students are expected to read materials before attending class and participate
in class discussions and activities.
F. Special Accommodations: In order to receive disability accommodations under Section 505
of the Americans with Disabilities Act, you must schedule an individual meeting with the
Director of Student Counseling Services (SCS) immediately upon recognition of your disability.
If your disability is known, you must go to SCS before the semester begins or make an
appointment immediately upon receipt of this syllabus for this semester. You must bring
written documentation from a medical physician and/or licensed clinician that verifies your
disability. If you have received prior accommodations, you must bring written documentation
of those accommodations, and this documentation must be current (within three years). You
must meet with SCS face-to-face and also attend two additional follow-up meetings. You
must also schedule additional meetings as needed for support through SCS as you work with
the professor throughout the semester. Note: You must come in each semester to complete
the Individualized Accommodation Plan. If these special accommodations are needed, please
contact Dr. Amy Christian at or Dr. Rob Ward at or by phone
at 601-925-7790. Student Counseling Services is located in Alumni Hall Room #4.
Boyle, Marie A. and Long, Sara. (2007). Personal Nutrition, (7th ed.) Belmont, CA.