Page 1 of 10 Club Senate Funds Request Procedures READ CAREFULLY!!!!! PLEASE READ AND COMPLETE THE STEPS BELOW IN THE PRESCRIBED MANNER. NOTE THAT FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE PROPER SEQUENCE AND CORRECT TIMELINE OUTLINED IN THE SENATE BI-LAWS WILL RESULT IN THE DENIAL OF FUNDING. STEP 1: Fill out the Funds Request form completely that is included in this packet. o A recognized club at CWU can only request funds from Club Senate for travel, registration, advertising, hotel, room or equipment rental, and guest speakers. Please see the second page for a description of these items to make certain that your request falls within the guidelines. o Remember there is only one request per event. The maximum allocation for a funds request per academic year is $2,000, with no more than $1,500 a quarter, and no more than $300 per person. All allocations are subject to availability of funds and approval of all regulating bodies. o If you have trouble filling out a packet please contact the Club Senate Treasurer for help. STEP 2: A SIGNATURE FROM SURC ACCOUNTING is to be attained before turning in the packet to the Club Senate Treasurer. STEP 3: Return the completed Funds Request packet with the requested information to the Club Senate Office in SURC 236. This form must be returned THE FRIDAY prior to the Funds Council meeting that you will be requesting at. It is you responsibility to find out when these meeting times are. Meeting times are available for pickup in SURC 236 or online at STEP 4: Attend a Funds Council meeting to present your request. This should be done by a representative of club leadership that is knowledgeable about your event. The council will review your packet and decide if your request falls within the Senate Constitution guidelines. o If your request is $200 or less and your club is non-religious, funds can be approved by the Funds Council alone. STEP 5: Attend Club Senate and request funds. This is if your request exceeds $200 and is below $2,000. o If a request is approved for Motor Pool, please reserve your vehicle as soon as possible. You need to contact SURC/Club Accounting before contacting Motor Pool. STEP 6: REPORT BACK to Club Senate the very first meeting following your event. It is your responsibility to know when you need to report back, we will not call upon you. If you miss your report back the funds WILL NOT BE RELEASED. STEP 7: Turn in all relevant receipts with a copy of your Release Form to SURC/Club Accounting within TWO WEEKS of your REPORT BACK. If your club fails to turn in your receipts within two weeks of the due date, your club will lose the allocated funds. o Please notify the Club Senate Treasurer if any changes are to be made to a request after it has been approved. This includes mode of transportation, destination, listed travelers, speaker, etc. o Please notify the Club Senate Treasurer if your event is canceled. Be sure to notify Motor Pool 48 hours in advance if it applies to your request. Page 2 of 10 Club Senate Can Only Fund the Following: Requested Funding MUST fit into one of the below categories to be eligible. Expenses that do not fall into the below categories (including food expenses) are not eligible for Club Senate Funding. Travel: Travel includes all possible ways you can get to and from a club event. (e.g.: plane, bus, train, and vehicle) If you are using a vehicle, you may use your own or borrow one from motor pool. Registration: This covers all entering costs for a club event. Guest Speakers: These are all non-University related people who are brought in to speak at a club-sponsored event. If your club requests more than $500, you are required to work with Campus Life (SUB 214) to create a Personal Services Contract for your speaker. Hotel: Hotel costs can be covered while a club is participating in a club event such as a conference or workshop. Hotel can only be reimbursed if it is more than 50 miles away from Ellensburg. Advertising: CWU recognized club advertising costs must be paid to a professional business organization such as Campus Life or the Copy Shop. Advertising does not include tangible office supplies or copying costs. Also, Club Senate cannot pay for advertising costs that go towards a club fundraiser. Room and Equipment Rentals: This encompasses meeting rooms, venues, and rental equipment for club hosted events. If at any time you have a question about the funding request process, please contact VP Clubs and Organizations, or Senate Treasurer in SURC 236 or by leaving a message at All requests fall under the discretion of State and University laws, policies and regulations for the State funds that support Club Senate. ALL REQUESTS ARE HONORED ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS ONLY Page 3 of 10 Club Senate Funds Request Form Club/Organization ________________________________________________________ Club Advisor ____________________________ Phone number ___________________ Club Senator_____________________________ Phone number___________________ Club President ____________________________ Phone number___________________ Date of Event Start: _____________________ Date of Event End: _____________ TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTING: $___________________ Directions: Please complete pages 1 through 4 fully. If your club is traveling, you are also required to complete pages 5-8. In addition to this packet, you must also include the following!! Before the Funds Council will consider processing your request, a written description MUST accompany this form. A written description of the event and how it will benefit your members. * If the request is for a guest speaker or advertising, explain the purpose and whom to pay. *If the request is for travel, a Travel Authorization (“T.A.”) is required prior to your trip in order to receive funding. Please contact SURC Accounting for instructions on how to complete this step. ( , or 509-963-1328 ) As the President/Advisor for the club/organization named above, I hereby state that the facts found on/with this request are presented fairly and truthfully to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understood the attached sheet entitled “Club Senate Funds Request Procedures” and have verified the completeness of this Funds Request Form. ____________________________ Club President’s Signature ____________________________ Club Advisor’s Signature __________________ Date Page 4 of 10 Alcohol Guidelines and Agreement As a recognized club or organization of the ASCWU, you are representing Central Washington University at all times. Keep this in mind while attending, promoting and planning all events. Your club or organization should be aware of the potential risks of the use of alcohol during trips and / or meetings. The club/organization and its members are responsible for their actions while on trips and activities and are expected to act in a responsible manner that is consistent with the laws of the United States, Washington State and Central Washington University. The use of State vehicles to transport alcohol, or to transport persons to and from establishments with the primary purpose of selling alcohol, is prohibited. It is expected that all recognized Central Washington University clubs/organizations will behave in a responsible manor in regards to drinking and driving, and will work to assure a safe ride home for those intoxicated. The Senate for Student Organizations wants to promote the idea of “Responsible Freedom” and allow clubs/organizations to participate in any activity in which they choose. However, we ask you to remember that you are representing Central Washington University in all activities in which you participate. I hereby agree to follow the above guidelines ____________________________________ Club President (Please Print) ______________________________ Club President’s Signature Page 5 of 10 ITEMIZED BUDGET: Please Include ALL COSTS and ALL FUNDRAISED DOLLARS Related to your event EXCEPT food costs. Cost Category Registration Costs Guest Speaker Honorarium Airfare Hotel Advertising Room/Equipment Rental CWU Motor Pool Other Transportation Description/Type/Location Cost + + + + + + + + SUBTOTAL: Club Account Dollars Other Fundraised Money - Other Fundraised Money - TOTAL AMOUNT NEEDED: LIST OF EVENT PARTICIPANTS: Participant Name: STUDENT ID # Phone Number: CWU E-Mail (Indicate if not a Student) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. * If more participants than 16, please list on an additional sheet the names, ID #’s and phone #’s for each. SURC Accounting Official: ____________________________________ Date: __________ Page 6 of 10 QUESTIONS FOR FUNDS COUNCIL 1. What is the total cost of the intended event? (Note: This does not include funds required for food or any other item not funded by Senate money. This is the total cost of the event, not the total amount of money you are requesting from senate. This number should be the same as your “Cost Sub-Total” on the Itemized Budget Section of the Form.) $__________________________________ 2. How much money is the club spending out of its club account? This does not include funds required for food. $__________________________________ 3. How much money is projected that each participating member will pay out of pocket if Senate Funding is allocated? This does not include funds required for food. $__________________________________ 4. What different fundraisers has your club done for this event? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 5. How much monetary support has your club received for this event from other entities? $__________________________________ Page 7 of 10 TRAVEL ITINERARY Clubs utilizing Club Senate funding for an event that requires travel must complete the below form as part of the funding request process. This form must be completed and submitted with the funds request packet and any updates must be made prior to departure on trip/activity. If your event does not require travel, please disregard the remaining pages. The itinerary information is for the purpose of establishing emergency contact with the group and participants. This form must be completed for all domestic travel in the United States. For travel internationally, or to rural areas please contact the Senate Treasurer for more information on additional university approval that may be required. Club Name: _______________________________________________ Designated Traveling Group Leader: ___________________________________________ Cell Phone: Date of Departure: Email Address: Date of Return: Location Traveling to: Please list your advisors name and cell phone if he/she is attending as well: Advisor: _________________________________ Cell Phone: Email Address: TRANSPORTATION ITINERARY INFORMATION: Air Travel: Airline: Departing Flight Number(s): Returning Flight Number(s): _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 of 10 ACCOMMODATIONS INFORMATION: Lodging Accommodations: Name of Lodging: Location of Lodging: Phone Number of Lodging: Duration of Lodging: _________________________________________________________ ***If lodging at multiple locations during the trip please attach a supplemental list of the above information for each location of lodging. If staying in an outdoor location, please list the exact physical location by being as specific as possible: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ DAILY ITINERARY INFORMATION: Description of Day Itinerary: Please summarize below your anticipated itinerary for each day of your trip: Day# 1 Day #2 Day #3 * If more than 3 days or need of more space, please attach an additional sheet with required information AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES: Page 9 of 10 I hereby affirm that the above information listed is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that there is no liability insurance currently provided by CWU for the club or its participants in personal motor vehicles. I further acknowledge that all participants have signed both an Insurance Waiver and Health Waiver and that our group leader has picked up a copy, read and understood the “Club Insurance Handbook”. We acknowledge that there may be inherent risks associated with our trip and agree to not hold Central Washington University, any of its entities or the ASCWU-BOD responsible for any losses of life or property that may be incurred as a result from our trip. Travel Leader: ____________________Signature_______________________T.A.#______________ I have reviewed the above travel authorization and believe it to be in compliance with Club Senate and University policy. VP Clubs and Organizations: __________________________________ Date: __________ NOTE: ANY CHANGES OR UPDATES MADE TO THE TRAVEL ITENARY SECTION OF THIS FORM ARE TO BE MADE BY CONTACTING THE CLUB SENATE TREASURER. Page 10 of 10 Description of Event A written description of the event and how it will benefit your members. * If the request is for a guest speaker or advertising, explain the purpose and whom to pay. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________