MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE MUS 252 – Worship Ensembles Dr. Lewis Oswalt (Aven 322; ext. 3446; Oswalt@mc.edu) Description This course introduces the church music student to working with musical groups other than choirs in the local church setting. This includes handbell groups, vocal and vocal/instrumental ensembles, and church orchestras. It meets two hours per week and carries two hours credit. Prerequisite: sophomore standing; declared church music major or instructor’s consent. Rationale The work of the church music director involves leadership of groups other than traditional choirs. This leadership requires knowledge of literature, instrumentation, and rehearsal/performance techniques for these ensembles. Objectives The student will: 1. Learn to lead volunteer musicians in a variety of groups and settings within the local church. 2. Develop skills in planning and leading effective rehearsals for each group. 3. Consider creative ways to employ a variety of musicians and musical groups in corporate worship. 4. Examine contemporary music methods and materials which apply to corporate worship in the 21st century. Methodology Class sessions will consist of lecture, discussion, and practical applications, including simulated rehearsals and corporate worship events. Students will be videotaped and critiqued as they provide leadership in rehearsals and services. 1 Academic Honesty Students are encouraged to work and study together, but all exams and work turned in must be entirely the student's own. A grade of zero (0) will be given for work which does not meet this requirement. For further information, refer to the current Mississippi College Undergraduate Catalog. Class Attendance Class attendance is vital and the student should plan to attend every class meeting. A student may have 3 unexcused absences without penalty. Beyond that, the student will lose 3 points each for the 4th, 5th, and 6th unexcused absences and 5 points for each unexcused absence beyond the sixth. Points will be deducted from the total number of points accumulated throughout the semester. Texts/Resources The Art of Worship: A Musician’s Guide to Contemporary Worship, Greg Scheer The Message in the Music, ed. Woods and Walrath Requirements Assignments and projects will include handbell skill development; rehearsal plans for various church ensembles; preparation of needed musical scores, notated modulations/transitions; and appropriate flow charts for worship service musicians. Evaluation/Grading The student will accumulate points for each assignment, quiz, and exam, as well as for preparation and attendance. These points will be totaled at the end of the semester. Grades will be assigned according to the student's percentage of the total number of points available, according to the following scale: 92% and above = A 2 84-91% = B 76-83% = C 66-75% = D below 66% = F 3