Consumer Behavior Test #1 Study Guide Chapter 1 Chapter 6 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 5 Trends Customer satisfaction Touch points 2 research approaches Basic Consumption Process Consumer orientation Ways of doing business Approaches to consumer behavior Chapter 2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Consumer Value Framework (CVF) 2 Types of Value Total Value Concept Market Segmentation Perceptual Maps Customer Lifetime Value Chapter 3 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Learning Consumer perception Consumer perception process Cognitive organization Just noticeable difference Implicit and Explicit memory Factors that get attention Chapter 4 1) Comprehension 2) Sensory memory 3) Four mental processes that help consumers remember 4) Social schema Chapter 5 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) What drives human behavior Classifications of consumer motivations Consumer Involvement Types of involvement Cognitive appraisal theory Emotional involvement Pleasure principle Materialism Competitiveness - Conspicuous consumption VALS – eight groups Self concept in consumer behavior – ideal self vs. actual self vs. social self, vs. possible self, etc. Chapter 7 1) Functions of Consumer Attitudes (4) 2) Hierarchy of Effects 3) Behavioral Intentions model 4) Elaboration Likelihood model 5) Message appeal Consumer Behavior Test #1 Study Guide RESTAURANT RESEARCH SCENARIO Insight Research, a marketing research company, has been hired by a national chain of family restaurants to help them better understand their customers and how to serve them better. The restaurant chain has several competitors competing for the same type of customers and has experienced sales declines in the past few years. Researchers go “under cover” and pretend to be customers so that they will fit in while they observe the interactions between customers and the wait staff. Then they write a report of their interpretations of what they experienced personally Ex while pretending to be a customer as well as what they saw regarding interactions of other customers with each other and with the employees of the restaurant. Some example conclusions drawn were that the employees were not especially attentive to the customers and that customers were overheard as saying they didn’t intend to come back. Some researchers also noted that the food was not very good, and they saw several customers send orders back. Refer to Restaurant Research Scenario. Which of the following is the best reason why this restaurant chain should be concerned about customer satisfaction? a. because all restaurants should be concerned about customer satisfaction b. because treating customers well is the concern of all businesses c. because the marketplace is competitive and the restaurant is dependent on repeat business d. because serving customers well is just the right thing to do e. because other restaurants in the marketplace are offering price discounts and delivering superior customer satisfaction Refer to Restaurant Research Scenario. When customers interact with the wait staff, what are these interactions called? a. moments of truth b. interactions c. process nodes d. touchpoints e. performance evaluations Refer to Restaurant Research Scenario. Which research approach is Insight Research using to better understand this restaurant’s customers? a. quantitative b. selective c. secondary d. focused e. qualitative Example question: Customers pay money for products they believe will satisfy their needs and wants. This transfer of money for goods or services is best described as exchange. a. benefit gratification b. consumption c. transformational marketing d. exchange e. consumer behavior