Chapter One: Shaping Your Health

Chapter One:
Shaping Your Health
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The Millennial Generation
• Current “traditional” aged students
 Ages 18-24 years
 Born between 1982 and 2000
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Developmental Tasks of Early
Forming an initial adult identity (who am I?)
Establishing independence
Assuming responsibility
Broadening social skills
Nurturing intimacy
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Related Developmental Tasks of
Young Adulthood
 Obtaining entry-level employment
 Developing parenting skills
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Developmental Tasks of Middle
1. Achieving generativity—giving back
Contributing to the collective good
Traditional way in which people repay society
2. Reassessing plans of young adulthood—
one’s original goals and objectives
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Developmental Tasks of Older
1. Accepting changes of
2. Maintaining physical
3. Establishing a sense of
integrity—a sense of
wholeness concerning
life’s journey
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Roles and Their Reciprocal
Relationship to Developmental
 When we assume a role, we also assume
the behaviors/ responsibilities that
accompany that role
Ex: The formation of an initial adult identity can
impact the ability of a new graduate to obtain
employment and vice versa
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Traditional Definitions of Health
• Concerns
 Morbidity: pertaining to illness and disease
 Mortality: pertaining to death
• Episodic health care
 Seeking medical treatment when ill or injured
• Preventive or prospective medicine
 Identifying risk factors and high-risk health
behaviors to lower the risk of illness
 Empowerment
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Health Promotion: Personal and
Collective Empowerment
• Individually oriented
• Group oriented
• Wellness
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Individually-Oriented Health
• Individual focuses on personal goals—may
overlap with risk reduction for chronic
• Focus on fitness, social interaction, and
healthy lifestyle
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Group-Oriented Health Promotion
• Community places emphasis on a group
centered concept to promote
• Empowerment: The nurturing of an
individual’s or group’s ability to be
responsible for their own well being.
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• A process intended to aid individuals in
unlocking their full potential through the
development of an overall wellness
• Emphasis on lifestyle
 May not focus on mortality and morbidity
but in practice shares many risk-reduction
activities with health promotion approaches
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Healthy People 2020
Two main goals:
1. Increasing quality and years of life.
2. Eliminating health disparities in areas
such as gender, race, ethnicity,
income, and education level.
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Why Behavior Change Is Often
• Several factors influence a person’s desire to
change a health behavior—the person must
1. Know the behavior is associated with a health problem
2. Accept that the behavior increases personal risk for the
health problem
3. Recognize that risk-reduction intervention programs
exist and can be effective
4. Believe the benefits of the new behavior justify the
change in behavior
5. Feel that significant others will be accepting of such
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Stages of Change
• Prochaska et al. (1994) identified the following
six stages people go through in changing health
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Multiple Dimensions of Health
Physical dimension
Emotional dimension
Social dimension
Intellectual dimension
Spiritual dimension
Occupational dimension
Environmental dimension
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A New Definition of Health
• A view less centered on the concepts of
morbidity and mortality
• Two areas of differences to focus on:
1) The role of health (process of transitions)
2) The composition of health
– Intrinsic resources
– Extrinsic resources
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A New Definition of Health
One’s ability to use the intrinsic and extrinsic
resources related to each dimension of
health to participate fully in the activities
that contribute to growth and development,
with the goal of feeling a sense of wellbeing as one evaluates one’s progress
through life
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Chapter One:
Shaping Your Health
© 2013 McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved.