College of Arts and Sciences Department/Unit Diversity Plan 2009-2010 Department/Unit: ____Urban & Public Affairs_(UPA)_____________ ______ I. Identify at least three key diversity initiatives for your department/unit keeping in mind the stated goals of the A&S Diversity Plan Initiative and related Goal To create a Diversity Committee to Oversee implementation of this Diversity1 Plan Strategies To ensure that this Diversity Plan becomes operational within UPA by systemically and effectively documenting progress toward accomplishment of the Unit Diversity Tactics/Action To create a Diversity Committee of administrators, faculty, staff and students to meet at least semi-annually to continuously monitor and oversee implementation of Assessment / Measurement Successful implementation of components of the Diversity Plan Reporting Schedule Annually Responsible Person(s) Diversity Committee and Department Chair Expected Outcome Create a diverse UPA which links vision, commitment and action and makes diversity a part of everyday business at UPA The Arts and Sciences Definition of Diversity provides, in part, that “we understand diversity to refer to the multitude of differences between individuals and groups where those differences possess social meanings that are relative to specific historical contexts. Thus, a commitment to diversity in our historical context in which some individuals and groups have been systematically marginalized or excluded compels special attention to the categories of race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, national origin, sexual orientation, ability, age, and religion. Valuing diversity demands a commitment to the inclusion and equitable treatment of all, but in our historical context with special focus on members of these marginalized and excluded categories. Diversity must be understood relative to our historical metropolitan, statewide, national, and global contexts. At the University of Louisville, the concern to create an inclusive and equitable educational environment centers on Kentucky’s historically underrepresented and marginalized groups, with a special focus on African-Americans. This should not be understood, however, to exclude a concern with other dimensions of diversity found within the University and the metropolitan community. 1 1 Plan this Unit Diversity Plan To promote rigorous dialogue and create a climate of diversity acceptance about diversity among administration, faculty, staff & students Promote a UPA dialogue that creates a culture that values open examination of diversity in a civil and respectful manner and that creates of climate of diversity acceptance To monitor, report and evaluate all diversity efforts To create a comprehensive system for all To utilize guest speakers, special forums, student speakers series, and training sessions by the Human Resources Department to establish a open dialogue on critical diversity issues; annual diversity climate survey to be developed and administered by the Diversity Committee to administrators, faculty, staff and students The Diversity Committee will develop a Successful UPA Reporting of annual Diversity climate for diversity survey results Committee and acceptance and Department Chair tolerance Creation of a UPA climate that fosters a culture of cooperation, positive interaction and inclusiveness free of discrimination Successful implementation of components of the Progress toward the Goals in the Unit Diversity Plan 2 Annual Diversity Committee Report Diversity Committee and Department Chair responsible persons to document their efforts to attain diversity goals systematic monitoring, reporting, and evaluation program for all diversity related goals and activities outlined in this Diversity Plan Diversity Plan II. How will your unit increase diversity among faculty, administrators, staff and/or students? Initiative and related Goal Strategies To seek to increase To reach out to the diversity among potential faculty the faculty ranks. members representing diversity Tactics/Action In all searches, including replacement in existing lines, employ departmental practices of widely advertising in national media, including with the American Society of Public Assessment / Measurement Results of searches 3 Reporting Schedule After each search Responsible Person(s) Search Committee Chair Expected Outcome Increase in faculty diversity To seek to increase To reach out to diversity among the outlets for faculty ranks. minorities and females. Administration; working to insure that, as far as possible, the short list contains representation of people from diverse, underrepresented groups Advertise in Results of searches minority-oriented outlets such as Black Issues in Higher Education and The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education; Obtain address lists such as the Minority & Women Doctoral Directory and send direct mailings to qualified individuals listed; confer with the 4 After each search Search Committee Chair Increase in faculty diversity Conference of Minority Public Administrators To seek to increase To reach out to diversity among the appropriate faculty ranks. minority and female groups for recent doctoral graduates. To attend Results of searches appropriate professional meetings, including the Conference of Minority Public Administrators, to identify possible female and minority candidates; to develop a working list of possible female and minority candidates To reach out to For junior-level Results of searches female and minority positions, telephone candidates from directors of selected selected, doctoral programs appropriate doctoral to identify qualified programs. candidates and telephone or write to those candidates After each search Department Chair Increase in faculty diversity To seek to increase diversity among junior faculty After each search Chair of search committee Increase in faculty diversity 5 to invite them to apply. To seek to increase diversity among junior faculty To seek to increase diversity among senior faculty and allow diverse individuals to be long-term contributing and productive members of the faculty To explore potential for new “growyour-own” program aimed at attracting prospective faculty of color To implement “grow-your-own” program in which outstanding doctorate students are encourage to apply for appropriate faculty position within the Department To reach out to For senior-level female and minority positions, identify candidates from qualified minority ranks of identified and female colleagues. candidates and telephone or write to them to invite them to apply Results of each search After each search Department Chair & Chair of Search Committee Increase in faculty diversity Results of searches After each search Chair of Search Committee Increase in faculty diversity 6 To seek to increase To be inclusive on diversity among the female and faculty ranks minorities on search committees Insure that all search committees include female and minority representation Formation of each Search Committee After each Search Committee is formed Chair of Search Committee Increase in faculty diversity To seek to recruit a diverse faculty Engage faculty of color throughout the University in successful recruitment efforts to attract a diverse faculty by sending them letters asking for information on potential minority faculty members for UPA Use creative methods of financing positions if necessary to attract qualified applicants. Increase of minorities in applicant pool After each search Department Chair Increase in faculty diversity Results of searches After each search Chair of Search Committee Increase in faculty diversity To utilize existing faculty of color to identify potential minority faculty members To seek to increase To offer attractive diversity among the wage package to faculty ranks qualified minorities & females 7 To retain junior faculty members To assist junior faculty members in being successful in the tenure process To seek to increase diversity among the faculty associated with the respective programs in UPA. To become more diverse on a program faculty basis To ensure that To create diversity minority faculty in on key committees UPA and in the respective programs are represented on key committees, such as the various admissions committees To assigned each junior faculty member a senior faculty mentor to assist them in navigating the tenure process Reach out to qualified minority faculty at the University of Louisville to invite them to become members of the degree program faculty. To add minorities to key committees, such as the various admission committees Results of each pre- After each pretenure and tenure tenure and tenure review review, subject to confidentiality of personnel matters Senior faculty Increase in diversity among tenured faculty members Results of Program Faculty Diversity After each addition to the program faculty Program Directors Increase in Program Faculty Diversity Results of Committee diversity After the creation or Program Directors filling of vacancies on key committees Increase in key committee diversity 8 To seek to increase faculty accountability for diversity To increase faculty expectations that encourage faculty to engage diversity To include in the annual work plan each faculty member’s commitment to diversity To provide an To increase To develop understanding of understanding of permanent, written what constitutes proficient teaching, guidelines, proficient teaching, research and service consistent with The research and service Redbook, on what constitutes proficient teaching, research, and service by the Unit Personnel Committee To increase To provide more To publish an transparency in the data related to annual, anonymous faculty personnel personnel decisions list of ratings of policy faculty in the categories of teaching, research and service within the constraints of confidentiality of Results of increase emphasis on faculty to engage in diversity activities as per the Unit Diversity Plan Results of increased understanding of proficient teaching, research and service After each annual Department Chair work plan is prepared, with due consideration to confidentiality issues Adoption of Unit Personnel guidelines on Committee proficient teaching, research and service Increase in emphasis on diversity issues Increase transparency in faculty personnel results Annually Increase transparency in the results of faculty personnel decisionmaking 9 Unit Personnel Committee Increase in understanding of proficient teaching, research and service personnel matters To seek to increase diversity among adjunct instructors To reach out to diverse individuals to be hired as adjunct professors Seek out minority persons to participate in the program as adjunct instructors. Results of faculty diversity among adjunct instructors After each addition of an adjunct instructor Program Directors Increase in adjunct instructors diversity To increase awareness among administrators of the need for diversity in all aspects of their work and to create diversity accountability To evaluate all administrators on their commitment to diversity and provide consequences to leaders who fail to make progress toward diversity goals and positive rewards for significant progress toward achievement of diversity goals To evaluate each administrator as part of the annual evaluation process on evidence of the commitment to diversity Results of annual evaluations, within the constraints of confidentiality of annual reviews After each annual evaluation, a checklist that a commitment to diversity was part of the evaluation Personnel Committee, Department Chair & Dean Increase in being fully committed to diversity in talk and in actions and in creating a work environment where administrators are held accountable for cultivating an environment of diversity 10 To seek to increase diversity among faculty administrators Enhance diversity of UPA professional and administrative (P&A) and classified staff positions To acclimate each new employee to a culture supportive of diversity To reach out to bring diverse individuals into administrative roles Pursue diversity among faculty administrators through new hires when possible or by grooming faculty for administrative roles Actively seek a Ensure that the diverse pool of Human Resources applicants for Department research and other advertises all staff positions positions as affirmative action positions and insist that Human Resources provides a qualified, diverse applicant pool Actively orient each To conduct new new employee to a employee climate and culture orientation that supportive of includes diversity diversity and addresses each individual’s role in creating a Results of faculty diversity among administrators After each hire or promotion for an administrative position Department Chair Results of P&A and After each hire for a Supervisors classified staff P&A or classified Person with hiring diversity staff position authority Results of After each hire for a understanding of P&A or classified the climate employee supporting diversity 11 Increase in administrator diversity Increase in P&A and classified staff personnel diversity Supervisor – Person Increase in positive with hiring culture supportive authority and of diversity Department Chair welcoming and inclusive UPA climate To evaluate each employee on commitment to diversity To evaluate employee in a manner that reflects UPA’s commitment to diversity Enhance diversity of UPA professional and administrative (P&A) and classified staff positions at all levels Actively promote qualified diverse P&A and classified staff at all levels To include in annual evaluation a factor that strongly encourages employee to value diversity in the workplace by evaluating commitment to diversity Develop skills of existing staff so that a diverse set of internal candidates is available for promotion. Results of annual evaluation within the constraints of personnel confidentiality After each cycle of annual evaluations Results of P&A and After each P&A classified staff and classified staff diversity at all position is filled levels 12 Department Chair and Supervisors Increase in staff’s commitment to and accountability for diversity Supervisors Increase in P&A and classified staff personnel diversity at all levels To retain P&A and staff employees at all levels within the Department To develop an exit interview process to identify opportunities for improvement in retention of P&A and classified staff employees of color To promote P&A To encourage and classified staff existing P&A and members to classified staff increase diversity at employees of color all levels to seek appropriate degrees for advancement To conduct exit interview for each P&A and classified staff employee to determine if some issue exists related to diversity inclusion To encourage employees of color to take advantage of tuition remission and provide release time for P&A and staff employees to participate in campus credit classes Results of exit interviews on diversity issues After each P&A and classified staff position is vacated Supervisors Increase in P&A and staff personnel diversity at all levels Results of degrees earned by P&A and classified staff employees of color After each P&A and classified staff employee successfully completes a credit course Supervisors Increase in P&A and staff personnel diversity at all levels III. If applicable, how will your unit increase curricular and programmatic diversity, and cultivate inclusive pedagogy? Initiative and related Goal Strategies To increase curricular emphasis on relevant diversity issues in a Offer an appropriate range of courses addressing social policy issues Tactics/Action Assessment / Measurement To encourage each Inclusion in the professor, where the syllabus of relevant course is relevant, diversity issues to include in the 13 Reporting Schedule Annual review of each syllabus Responsible Person(s) Program Directors Expected Outcome Increase in the study of diversity issues global community To increase each program’s integration of diversity issues To increase knowledge and understanding of the perspectives of underrepresented groups relevant to minority and female concerns and address diversity issues where relevant to the subject matter of each course. Provide for program reviews to include diversity integration in the curriculum Provide for classes to include the perspectives of underrepresented groups syllabus appropriate entries on minorities and women to create dynamic classroom environments and effective instruction on diversity Integrate diversity expectations into the program review process for each program of UPA Increase opportunities for gaining knowledge of the unique history and perspectives of underrepresented groups by curricula enhancements that emphasize the minority and female experience; amend the student Include diversity as an issue for each program review Program Review report for accreditation for each program Inclusion in lectures Administration of the minority and the student evaluation female experience in each class as it relates to a particular issue 14 Program Directors Increase in diversity issue integration within each program Department Chair Increase in the study of diversity issues. To encourage students to take the elective course, Equal Opportunity and the Workplace To increase understanding of multicultural issues and to introduce in all students a comprehensive understanding of the interactions of different groups across history, cultural and society evaluation form to include a question about diversity perspectives taught in relevant courses To broaden the To provide copies understanding of of the syllabus for students related to Equal Opportunity social, political, and the Workplace economic and legal to students who are aspects of equal planning their opportunity and respective class diversity schedules To provide Promote and increased increase opportunities for opportunities for enhanced awareness study abroad of multicultural experiences for issues and foster an students, including appreciation of the students of full range of human underrepresented experience among groups students Increase enrollment in the class Equal Opportunity and the Workplace After each registration cycle Inclusion of diverse After enrollment in students who each study abroad participate in study program abroad programs 15 Student Advisor and Program Directors Faculty member in Charge of Study Abroad Program Increased understanding of students related to social, political, economic and legal aspects of equal opportunity and diversity Improved multicultural understanding To increase understanding of multicultural issues and create pedagogical diversity To provide increased opportunities for enhanced awareness of multicultural issues and foster an appreciation of the full range of human experience among students To increase faculty scholarship on issues of diversity To provide opportunities for faculty research on issues of diversity to generate new knowledge about diversity and its impact by encouraging, supporting and rewarding diversity research Expand the presence of international scholars at UPA; support and expand student participation in international study and internships by encouraging students to apply to relevant programs To develop a fund within the Department to which faculty can apply to receive funding for research projects related to the scholarship of diversity Participation of international scholars at UPA and of students in relevant programs After each relevant event Inclusion of diversity as part of faculty research agenda After award of each Department Chair grant from the fund 16 Program Directors & Student Advisor Improved multicultural and global awareness Improve the scholarship and the amount of faculty research on diversity issues To increase improved facultystudents relationships, especially among students representing diversity 2 For faculty to work more closely with students, including students who represent diversity For the Student Advisor to offer to each new student in the Master of Public Administration (MPA) and in the Master of Urban Planning (MUP) the opportunity to work with a Faculty Mentor who oversees the student’s progress and provides career advise throughout the student’s academic career2; to add this item on offering a Faculty Mentor to the lists of required activities of the Student Advisor Increase in working After the admission relationship and of each student rapport among faculty and students This faculty mentor is in addition to the student advisor and does not duplicate the work of the student advisor. 17 Program Directors, Student Advisor & Faculty Mentors To improve faculty/student working relationships IV. How will your unit improve the satisfaction, retention and graduation rates of students from under-represented groups? Initiative and related Goal Strategies Tactics/Action Assessment / Measurement Increase Student Diversity Actively recruit minority students Attend recruitment functions for minority students Registration of minority students Increase student diversity Actively recruit minority students Registration of minority students Increase student diversity UPA publication will reflect the Department’s commitment to diversity Obtain mailing lists of potential minority students and send direct mailings Include in all UPA publications, such as the admissions, new student orientation and program brochures, the Department’s commitment to Registration of minority students 18 Reporting Schedule Responsible Person(s) Expected Outcome After the formation Program Directors of each new class of & Admission students Committee Members After the formation Program Directors of each new class of students Increase in minority students After each new student publication Increase in minority students Department Chair & Program Directors Increase in minority students diversity Increase student diversity Increase student diversity Increase student diversity and an inclusive and nurturing environment Actively seek funding for minority students Seek out scholarship and assistantship funds for qualified minority applicants Utilize networking Hold an annual to increase minority social event in students which current student and alumni bring potential student applicants, with emphasis on minorities Provide any student Review each originally rejected rejected student’s with a pathway to relevant test scores achieve admission and grade point average to recommend steps the student should take to attempt to gain admittance Awarding of scholarships and assistantships to minority students After scholarships are awarded and assistantships are selected Registration of minority students After the formation Student Advisor of each new class of students Increase in minority students Registration of minority students After each admission Increase in minority admissions 19 Program Directors Program Admissions Committee & Program Directors Increase in minority students Increase retention and graduation of minority students Utilizing mentoring Increase in minority student representation in leadership positions in student organizations Increase in minority students through scholarships Expand access for student leadership positions Actively seek scholarship funding for minority students such as retaking of tests or taking additional coursework Establish effective mentoring programs for advising and supporting graduate students of color by regular meetings with the student advisor, faculty advisor, and established graduate research assistants Identify and encourage minority students to apply for offices in student organizations To approach private donors to create a scholarship fund for underrepresented groups within the Increase in minority After the formation students of each new class Student Advisor and faculty members who are assigned graduate assistance ships of at least second year students Increase in the number of historically underrepresented students who graduate from UPA Increase in minority After each student student officers election cycle Student Leaders and Program Directors Increase in diversity among student leadership positions Increase in the number of scholarships awarded to minority students Department Chair and Program Directors Increase in diversity among student body; increase in the number of scholarships 20 After funds are secured and after each scholarship is awarded student body; individual and corporate fundraising targeting alumni and friends of UPA V. accepted by historically underrepresented students How will your unit create or maintain a welcoming environment in which diversity, social justice and provision of academic opportunity are intrinsic values? Initiative and related Goal To incorporate diversity as an element in all academic, informational and social events. Strategies Tactics/Action Foster and sustain a pluralistic, inclusive environment that empowers all member of the UPA community to achieve their highest potential without fear of prejudice or discrimination To use academic and social events as programming to empower all members of the UPA community to be fully engaged; to bring in diverse speakers for any guest speakers series; to ensure that diversity is represented at all UPA events, such Assessment / Measurement Attendance and participation and speakers selected for all academic, informational and social events. 21 Reporting Schedule After each relevant event Responsible Person(s) Program Directors & Student Advisor Expected Outcome Creation of a pluralistic, inclusive environment. as orientation and other informational and social events. Provide a safe, secure, hospitable and nondiscriminatory environment for all who study and work at UPA. Develop a culture of nondiscrimination and inclusion of all representations of diversity of people, programs and ideas Have the Human Attendance at the Resources relevant events. Department train all faculty and staff in the creation of a culture of inclusion; have the student body attend a mandatory guest lecture on the importance and the creation of an inclusive environment, 22 After each relevant event. Department Chair Creation of environment of non-discrimination and inclusion. VI. How will your unit ensure that its administrators, faculty, and staff take advantage of diversity education opportunities provided by UofL? Initiative and related Goal Strategies Tactics/Action Assessment / Measurement Participation of all administrators, faculty and staff in diversity training Have all administrators, faculty and staff engaged in diversity training Attendance of all administrators, faculty and staff at annual diversity training with mandatory sign-in sheet After each annual training Department Chair Increase in understanding of the importance of diversity Evaluation of all administrators, faculty and staff on sensitivity to and tolerance of females and minorities Evaluation of all administrators, faculty and staff on diversity issues Have the Human Resources Department present a mandatory, annual diversity training event for all administrators, faculty and staff Have as a factor on each annual evaluation the support of each administrator, faculty and staff person of the commitment to diversity by providing concrete examples of how the individual has promoted diversity, including implementing the duties assigned to each of them in this Diversity Plan Increase in successful implementing of duties related to improved diversity environment After each annual evaluation (respecting the confidentiality issues related to personnel issues) Supervisors and Personnel Committee Increase in diversity activities 23 Reporting Schedule Responsible Person(s) Expected Outcome Participation of all administrators, faculty and staff in diversity lecture by guest academic Have all administrators, faculty and staff engaged in diversity training To increase professional development related to diversity Have faculty participate in national and regional symposia and conference on diversity Have annually a noted academic provide a presentation/lecture on a current issue related to diversity; make attendance at the presentation/lecture mandatory Within budgetary constraints, allow faculty members to attend national and regional symposia and conferences on diversity issues in addition to current travel funds allotments Increase in understanding of current issues in diversity After each annual lecture Department Chair Increase in understanding of current diversity issues Increase in understanding of current issues in diversity After attendance in each relevant program Department Chair Increase in understanding of current diversity issues 24