Race and Ethnicity

American Life
Name _______________________________
Mr. McCreary
Unit 1: Race and Ethnicity
Part 3: Minority, Racial, and Ethnic Groups
1. Properties of minority groups usually include:
a. _______________________ treatment
b. Distinguishing cultural ____________________________
c. ________________________________ membership
d. _______________________ or group loyalty
e. ________________________ marriage
2. A Minority Group is determined by _________________________ numbers
relative to other groups in society
3. Minority Status means that a group that may or may not be the majority of
people in a population but who do not share the same _________________,
________________________, and/or _________________________ as others.
4. _____________________________ is a process by which a person
_____________________ or ____________________________ parts of their
own cultural tradition to become part of a different culture
5. ____________________________ is a process by which a group identifies parts
of their culture that are holding them back and ______________________ them
with others that will lead to more _____________________________ outcomes.
6. ________________________________________ is when an action of someone
of authority (police) is based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on
a person’s ______________________________.
7. _________________________________ Laws are a criminal act (violence or
intimidation) motivated by ________________________ or ________________.
To be a hate crime, the act must be criminal - not just an ___________________.