College of Arts and Sciences Department/Unit Diversity Plan 2009-2010 Department/Unit: ________History__________ ______ I. Identify at least three key diversity initiatives for your department/unit keeping in mind the stated goals of the A&S Diversity Plan Initiative and related Goal Seek to increase cultural diversity among the department faculty Strategies Continue to seek to recruit faculty from underrepresented groups, and women Tactics/Action In all searches, including for replacements in existing lines employ traditional department practices of widely advertising in national media; working to insure that as far as possible, the short list contains a Assessment / Measurement Reporting Schedule Each search After each search committee chair will report how the job was advertised and will complete Affirmative Action office reports on the search Responsible Person(s) Search committee chair Expected Outcome Faculty culture that welcomes and respects diversity representation of people from different cultural groups and women; working with Dean’s office to place ads in listings that reach out to faculty from underrepresented groups, and women Seek to recruit, retain, and graduate a more diverse student body a) Increase efforts to reach out to potential students from underrepresented groups, and women a) Participate in Universitysponsored recruiting events, in particular those that target traditionally disadvantaged groups, students of color, and women Chair will work a) Annual at end of with undergraduate fall semester and graduate advisors to track numbers of identifiable minority and female majors and graduate students. b) Increase communitybuilding activities b) At recruiting b) Chair will functions highlight prepare flyer on departmental course such course a) Chair, undergraduate advisor, graduate advisor b) Chair A welcoming and stimulating departmental environment. within the department Expand curricular opportunities for students to engage in the study of diverse cultures a) Add faculty with specializations that can contribute to more diverse curriculum in the US field while maintaining faculty lines that enable the department to introduce students to diverse world cultures offerings on diverse offerings. cultures c) Initiate monthly c) Chair and adhoc brown-bag committee discussion among faculty and students on connection between historical events and contemporary issues b) List of c) Office staff community building events will be kept in the department annually for review a) Add faculty lines in US Women’s History and Latino/Southwest Borderlands history in order to expand our offerings on subjects of gender and ethnicity in the US context a) Chair will report a) Chair annually on the status of these lines and once they are filled will report the course offerings created by faculty in them. a) Assessment of this goal will depend on whether the department receives and retains these lines. Opportunities for students to explore the history of diverse cultures around the world and in their own community. b) Expand opportunities for student research and engagement in the local community b) Continue to offer students courses on diverse global cultures by maintaining lines in non-US fields c) Create a department culminating experience in which students conduct individual research through capstone courses or thesis projects. d) Expand internship opportunities b) Measurement of this goal will be a tracking of the number of students engaged in internships or in independent research projects b) Annual b) Undergraduate advisor, public history director, chair and office staff II. How will your unit increase diversity among faculty, administrators, staff and/or students? Initiative and related Goal Strategies Tactics/Action Assessment / Measurement Reporting Schedule Chair will report annually on status of this effort until both lines are filled Seek to diversify the faculty through hires in new lines Seek to recruit applicants from underrepresented groups and women for new positions, and/or applicants who specialize in the study of underrepresented groups and women Seek new positions in US Women’s History and Latino/Southwest Borderlands history; follow traditional department procedure (described below) to insure diverse applicant pool The measurement or assessment will depend on whether the department is granted these lines. Successfully filling these positions will be the measure of filling this goal Continue to seek to diversify the faculty through replacements in existing fields and lines Continue to seek to recruit diverse pools of candidates for all searches. In all searches, including for replacements in existing lines employ traditional department practices of widely advertizing in national media; Each search At the end of each committee chair search will report how the job was advertized and will complete Affirmative Action office reports on the search Responsible Person(s) Expected Outcome Chair Two new lines filled with faculty offering courses on gender and ethnicity in the US context Search committee chair Faculty culture that welcomes and respects diversity Seek to diversify the department’s student body working to insure that as far as possible, the short list contains a wide representation of people from different cultural groups and women; working with Dean’s office to place ads in listings that reach out to faculty from underrepresented groups, and women Seek to recruit a) The best way to increased numbers attract students to of students from become history underrepresented majors is to offer an groups, and women. appealing slate of courses with the potential to interest students in the history of diverse world cultures. In order to enhance the a) Chair will work Annually at end of with undergraduate fall semester. and graduate advisors to track numbers of identifiable minority and female majors and graduate students. Chair, undergraduate advisor, graduate advisor A welcoming and stimulating departmental environment department’s offerings, seek to hire additional faculty in US Women’s history and Latino/Southwest borderlands history while maintaining lines with responsibility for diverse world cultures. b) Participate in University sponsored recruiting events, in particular those that target traditionally disadvantaged groups, students of color, and women students. b) At recruiting b) Chair will functions highlight prepare flyer on departmental course such course offerings on diverse offerings cultures. III. If applicable, how will your unit increase curricular and programmatic diversity, and cultivate inclusive pedagogy? Initiative and related Goal Expand curricular opportunities for students to engage in the study of diverse cultures Strategies Tactics/Action Assessment / Measurement a) Add faculty with specializations that can contribute to more diverse curriculum in US field. a) Add faculty lines in US Women’s History and Latino/Southwest Borderlands history in order to expand our offerings on subjects of gender and ethnicity in the US context. a) Assessment of this goal will depend on whether the department receives and retains these lines. a) Chair will report Chair annually on the status of these lines and once they are filled will report the course offerings created by faculty in them. These will be added to the flyer of offerings on diverse cultures b) Maintain and fill faculty lines that enable the department to introduce students to diverse world cultures. b) Continue to offer courses on diverse global cultures by maintaining and filling lines in nonUS fields. b) track number of courses cross listed or included in area studies curriculae b) Annual c) seek to cross list more courses with WGS, PAS, SCHG and other Reporting Schedule Responsible Person(s) b) Chair and office staff Expected Outcome Expanded number of courses explicitly addressing issues of gender and ethnicity in the US context; maintained curriculum introducing students to diverse world cultures. appropriate departments Initiate students into their own research on diverse US and world cultures Expand opportunities for student research and engagement in the local community d) work to increase departmental involvement in area studies programs a) Create a department culminating experience in which students conduct individual research through capstone courses or thesis projects. b) Expand internship opportunities in local institutions, in particular those that enable students to encounter the history of diverse cultures in our Measurement of this goal will be a tracking of the number of students engaged in internships or in independent research projects Annual Undergraduate advisor, public history director, Chair and office staff Increased number of student research projects and internships community IV. How will your unit improve the satisfaction, retention and graduation rates of students from under-represented groups? Initiative and related Goal Enhance student satisfaction Strategies Create welcoming and stimulating departmental culture Tactics/Action a) Improve communication about department and history related events updated web page and student face book pages, or appropriate new technology as it arises b) Host monthly brown-bag lunch discussion between faculty and students on connection between historical events and contemporary issues c) Expand Assessment / Measurement Reporting Schedule As departmental Annual culture is not measureable, this goal will be assessed through an annual accounting of communitybuilding events sponsored by the department Responsible Person(s) Chair with assistance of Phi Alpha Theta advisor, undergraduate advisor and office staff Expected Outcome Student engagement in departmental community opportunities for informal student engagement in history through film series and other events sponsored by Phi Alpha Theta Retain students from underrepresented groups, and women a) Seek to increase course offerings on diverse US and world cultures d) In each case seek to schedule events and topics with eye toward emphasizing the history of diverse world and US cultures a) Add faculty lines in US Women’s History and Latino/Southwest Borderlands history in order to expand our offerings on subjects of gender and ethnicity in the US context. To the extent possible track numbers of continuing majors and graduate students from underrepresented groups, and women Annual Chair, undergraduate advisor, graduate advisor Stimulating intellectual environment that retains student interest b) maintain existing lines in non-US fields b) Increase opportunities for student research and community engagement c) Create a department culminating experience in which students conduct individual research through capstone courses or thesis projects. d) Expand internship opportunities in local institutions, in particular those that enable students to encounter the history of diverse cultures in our community Seek to increase the Enhance student number of advising and graduates from mentoring underrepresented groups, and women Set up corps of volunteer mentors among faculty in the department to whom undergraduate advisor can refer students for additional advising and mentoring Adjust questions on Annual exit surveys to assess mentoring opportunities and results Undergraduate committee; chair Enhanced student flow through the major toward graduation V. How will your unit create or maintain a welcoming environment in which diversity, social justice and provision of academic opportunity are intrinsic values? Initiative and related Goal Strategies Create an inclusive and welcoming departmental culture Enhance community building activities that engage students and faculty in shared exploration of historical subjects and their relevance to contemporary events Tactics/Action a) Improve communication about department and history related events through current technology such as updated web page and student face book pages, or appropriate new technology as it arises b) Host monthly brown-bag lunch discussion between faculty and students on historical topics related to contemporary Assessment / Measurement Reporting Schedule As departmental Annual culture is not measureable, this goal will be assessed through an annual accounting of community building events sponsored by the department Responsible Person(s) Chair, office staff, with support from Phi Alpha Theta advisor and undergraduate advisor Expected Outcome Stronger sense of community and shared exploration of the history of diverse cultures events c) Expand opportunities for informal student engagement in history through film series and other events sponsored by Phi Alpha Theta Create a curriculum that introduces students to the history of diverse cultures and the history of efforts to achieve social justice a) Expand course offerings on gender and ethnicity in US context and on diverse world cultures d) In each case seek to schedule events and topics with eye toward emphasizing the history of diverse world and US cultures a) Add faculty lines in US Women’s History and Latino/Southwest Borderlands history in order to expand our offerings on subjects of gender, a) Assessment of this goal will depend on whether the department receives and retains these lines. Chair will report on status of this goal annually until it is achieved Chair A set of courses that promotes and understanding of the history of diverse world cultures and the history of efforts to achieve social and ethnicity in the US context. justice b) Continue to offer courses on diverse global cultures by maintaining lines in non-US fields. c) Seek to cross list more courses with WGS, PAS, SCHG and other appropriate departments b) Track number of courses cross listed or included in area studies curriculae b) Annual c) Track number of students in individual research projects and internships c) Annual d) Increase departmental involvement in area studies programs b) Expand student opportunities for individual research and community engagement, in e) Create a department culminating experience in which students conduct particular in ways that explore the connection between historical events and the importance of diversity and social justice individual research through capstone courses or thesis projects. f) Expand internship opportunities in local institutions, in particular those that enable students to encounter the history of diverse cultures in our community VI. How will your unit ensure that its administrators, faculty, and staff take advantage of diversity education opportunities provided by UofL? Initiative and related Goal Increase faculty awareness of diversity education opportunities Strategies Improve two-way communication about diversity education opportunities Tactics/Action a) Circulating email notices and post flyers in department about opportunities b) Make announcements at department meetings promoting value of diversity educational opportunities Solicit suggestions for diversity education opportunities and forward them back to the diversity office Assessment / Measurement Assess faculty awareness of opportunities and suggestions for programs. Reporting Schedule Annual Responsible Person(s) Chair Expected Outcome Enhanced faculty awareness of and utilization of diversity education opportunities Encourage graduate students, term appointees and parttime faculty to participate