BIO 410 and BIO 5410 Human Gross Anatomy Course Syllabus

BIO 410 and BIO 5410
Human Gross Anatomy
Course Syllabus
PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION CAREFULLY. The complete syllabus and other information will be found
on Moodle.
Undergraduate Prerequisites: Completion of BIO 305 or 306 AND completion of a 5-hour
course with a grade of a B or better.
Graduate Prerequisites: Graduate Standing AND must be currently enrolled in the MS Medical
Science Program
Credit Hours: 8 semester hours
Auditing this course is not allowed. You may not enroll in the course as an audit and you may
not change from for credit to audit.
Technical Standards: Students need to have sufficient motor and sensory function to be able to dissect
cadavers for the full duration of the assigned laboratory meeting times.
Dr. Beth Barlow (Course Director)
Phone: 601- 925-3972
Office: Hederman 104
Dr. Hanna Broome
Phone: 601-925-7354
Office: Medical Sciences Building 215
Dr. Stephanie Carmicle
Phone: 601-925-3872
Office: Hederman 211
Dr. Erin Norcross
Phone: 601-925-3936
Office: Medical Sciences Building 214
Ms. Amber McKenna
Phone: 601-925-3300
It is extremely important that you check your MC email. Communication will be conducted via this email
Course Details…………………………………………………....…………………………………………………………………………...…2
Lab Safety…………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….8
Instructions for Gross Lab…………………………………..….…………………………………………………………………….……10
Lab Requirements……………………………………………….………….…………………………………………………………………11
Care of Cadavers………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………...14
Cleaning Schedule……………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………….16
Lab Statement…………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………….18
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
Methods of Instruction
The lecture component of this course will consist of overhead notes, PowerPoint presentations, clinical
descriptions, illustrations of major systems, and outside reading. Students are responsible for all notes
in the note packet even, if they are not covered in the class. Students are also responsible for all
discussions that take place during the lecture class and assigned readings as well as any additional
information added to the notes in class. Students are required to know the clinical boxes in all required
texts. Some lectures are prerecorded. You are responsible for all material in the prerecorded lectures.
NOTE: If needed, lectures outside of class time may be given (including Saturday lectures). Some lectures
will be recorded. It is up to the student to learn this material.
The lab component of the course will consist mainly of the dissection of cadavers. Students are
responsible for all material listed in the yellow boxes of the dissection manual. In addition to the
structures on the wet cadavers, students are also responsible for bones and associated structures which
are listed in the dissection manual (white and yellow sections) and all structures on the joint models.
Preserved cadaver material may also be used on the exam. Students will be responsible for all structures
listed in yellow boxes for preserved cadaver material. Students are also responsible for structures (listed
in lecture and lab) in radiographs found in all required books and the cross-sections found on the DVD.
Models will be assigned. Students are responsible for all structures from lecture and lab on these models.
Additional objectives may be added during the semester. Please see the dissection schedule for more
Classroom Policies
Cell phones are not allowed out in the classroom after class begins. They are to be kept
in your book bag, purse or pocket. They are not allowed on the desk or in your lap.
Before class begins, turn cell phones OFF.
Audio recording of lectures is permitted. Videotaping lectures is NOT permitted.
Touching a cell phone after an exam is passed out will result in a zero on the exam and
you may face consequences for cheating which can result in expulsion from MC.
Recording, video or audio or the taking of pictures during the review of quizzes and exams
is NOT permitted.
Violations of the above will be considered in breach of our honor code and will go onto your permanent
Violations of the above may result in expulsion from the course or program. Any violations will be
reported to any graduate or professional school to which you will apply. Touching a cell phone or other
electronic devices other than the calculator that was provided to you is NOT permitted.
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
Grading Policies
1. All lecture exams are comprehensive. Each exam will include material from the following:
lecture notes which includes the written notes and anything that is added in class,
including any additional information (written and/or spoken).
clinical correlations from Gray’s Anatomy, BRS book 7th edition, Grant’s Atlas and Grant’s
Dissector. ALL clinical correlations are comprehensive on each exam.
2. All lab exams are comprehensive. You will be asked to identify tagged structures on the following:
cadaver structures (both wet and preserved cadaver structures)
radiographs--radiographs are found in Gray’s Anatomy, BRS book 7th edition, Grant’s
Atlas and the dissection manual. Radiographs include the cross-sections in the above text
cross-sections –These are found on the DVD that you need to copy. These begin on the
2nd exam. The number of questions on the lab exam may vary from exam to exam.
The number of questions on the lab exam may vary from exam to exam.
3. Quizzes will count 5% of your final grade:
A. Every Thursday at 9:25 AM, a comprehensive lab quiz will be given. Missing a quiz for any reason
will result in a zero for that quiz. The format of the quizzes will be identifying structures. This
information is cumulative and will end with the material from the previous week’s lab. This may
include, but is not limited to, photos of cadaver structures, models, and radiographs. Your 8
highest quiz grades will count toward your quiz average. If you accumulate more than 8 perfect
lab quizzes, then each additional perfect score will add one point to your final lab exam score.
B. Every Tuesday 9:25 AM, a comprehensive lecture quiz will be given. Your 8 highest lecture quiz
grades will count toward your lecture quiz average. If you accumulate more than 8 perfect lecture
quizzes, then each additional perfect score will add one point to a lecture exam score. Missing a
quiz for any reason will result in a zero for that quiz. The format of the quizzes may be single or
double True/False, multiple choice, short answer and/or fill-in the blank. The quiz material is
cumulative and will end with material from the previous week’s lecture material and any other
material assigned by the instructors.
4. Lab attendance and participation.
Attendance and completeness of dissection will count 5% of your final grade. You are expected to be
in lab on Wednesday, Thursday AND Friday afternoons from 1:00 until 5:00. Unexcused absences
or early departures may result in your lab grade being lowered. Unexcused absences will result in a
loss of points for the day of the absence. More than 3 unexcused absences may result in your final
lab grade being lowered. Excused absences will require official documentation of the reason for the
You must complete the day’s dissection assignments before the BEGINNING of the next lab.
Incomplete dissections and sloppy dissections will result in a loss of points.
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
5. Graduate students will be given 2-3 scholarly review papers to learn. Undergraduates will be given 1
scholarly review paper to learn. An exam will be given on the content of those papers and the score
on that exam will constitute 10% of your final course grade. Exam date is TBA.
6. The National Board of Medical Examiner’s Gross Anatomy Board Exam will be given May 5. The time
is TBA.
If you score in the 50th percentile or higher on the Gross Shelf Board Exam AND earn a grade of a C
or higher in the course for the semester, your grade will be raised by one letter grade. Example, C to
B; C+ to B+; B to A, B+ to A.
7. There will be four exams. All exams are comprehensive:
Weighted exam scale
Exam 1—February 5 at 1PM – (7.5%)
Exam 2—February 26 at 1PM – (12.5%)
Exam 3 – April 1 at 1PM — (22.5 %)
Exam 4 – Lab final on April 22 at 1PM and Lecture final on April 30 at 8:00AM – (37.5%)
Undergraduate Grading Scale
A 85.00-100%
B 75.0-84.9%
C 65.0-74.9%
D 60.00-64.9%
F 59.9% and below
Graduate grading scale
A: 85.00-100%
B+: 80.0-84.9%
B: 75.0-79.9%
C+: 70.0-74.9%
C: 65.0-69.9%
D: 60.00-64.9%
F: 59.9% and below
Lecture starts at 9:25 AM (TR). Excessive tardiness may result in loss of exam points. Strict adherence to
Mississippi College's class attendance policy will be followed. Any student whose absences, whether
excused or unexcused, exceed 25% of the class meetings will receive a grade of "F" in the course.
You are expected to be in lab Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 1:00-5:00. Excused absences must
be documented. If you miss due to an illness, you will need a doctor’s excuse. If you miss for other reasons,
bring some type of official documentation. Unexcused absences will result in a loss of participation points
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
for the day that you miss. Leaving early for unexcused reasons or arriving late for unexcused reasons will
result in a loss of participation points for that day.
Three unexcused absences will result in your final lab grade being lowered by one letter
Three unexcused “tardies” and/or unexcused early departures will count as one
unexcused absences.
Reviewing exams
Students will be given one opportunity to review an exam they previously completed. During the review
period (the date will be announced), students will be given the answer sheets only. The questions will be
reviewed on a PowerPoint presentation.
During the review:
Students are not allowed to write any information.
They are also not allowed to record any part of the exam (including photos, audio
recording and video recording and any other recording of info). Cell phones and other
electronic devices must be turned off and put away.
Students must return the answer sheet following the review. Failure to return the answer
sheet or writing/recording information from the exam will result in a zero on the exam
and students may be reported as having cheated on the exam.
Students will not have the opportunity to review the exam at a later date.
Violation of this will be considered a violation of our honor code and will go onto your permanent
record. This may result in expulsion from the course or program. This violation will be reported to any
graduate or professional school you apply. Touching a cell phone or other electronic devices is NOT
Missing an exam
Missing an exam due to an unexcused absence will result in a zero for that exam. “Excused” absences are
granted solely at the discretion of the professor. Typically, an excused absence is defined as an absence
due to personal illness, or death of a relative. You must have a letter from your physician before an
excused absence is granted (e.g. due to illness). Make-up exams for the LECTURE EXAMS (ONLY) will be
given on dead day in May.
Missing a lab exam
A missed lab exam with an excused absence will result in the final lab exam grade replacing the missed
lab exam grade. Lab exams cannot be made up.
Gross Lab
See guidelines and lab statement for details. Briefly, taking photos of the cadavers, models and/or bones
is NOT permitted under any circumstances. Taking photos of cadavers, models and/or bones will result
in an “F” in the course. Removing cadavers, models, and/or bones or other lab material from the lab at
any time is not permitted. Violations may result in expulsion from Mississippi College. This violation will
be reported to any graduate or professional school to which you apply. Other rules are listed on another
page. Violation of any of these rules may result in an F for the course and/or expulsion from Mississippi
College and will be reported to any graduate or professional school to which you apply. You are expected
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
follow all lab rules in the attachment to syllabus. Failure to follow these may result in an F in the class
and you may be subject to disciplinary hearings.
Academic Integrity
Mississippi College students are expected to be “scrupulously” honest. Dishonesty, such as cheating or
plagiarism, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of College documents, records or
identification, will be regarded as a serious offense subject to severe penalty, including, but not limited
to, loss of credit and possible dismissal. For further information on plagiarism and cheating, see the
Mississippi College Bulletin.
Please note that using any type of electronic device during an exam and during quizzes will constitute
cheating. If you have an electronic devise during the exam or quiz, you may subject to the penalties set
forth by MC. Additionally, if you are caught cheating, this information may be passed on to the
professional school to which you are applying.
Gray's Anatomy for Students, 3rd ed., by Drake, et. al.
Cranial Nerves in Health and Disease, by Wilson-Pauwels, et. al.
Board Review Series, Gross Anatomy, 8th Edition by Chung and Chung
Grant’s Dissector, 15th edition by Tank
Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy by Agur and Dalley
Nasco’s Cross-Sectional Anatomy Workbook by Sether. This book available free-of-charge
on a class DVD. It is your responsibility to copy the material to your computer and return
the DVD.
SUGGESTED (Any edition of these books is fine.)
Color Atlas of Anatomy, by Rohen and Yokochi
(strongly suggested but get an older edition)
Atlas of Human Anatomy, by Netter
Visible Body Animation (app)
The tutors and their contact information will be listed on Moodle. When emailing them, please put “gross
tutor” in the subject line so they will not overlook your email. Please note that their times/availability
will vary. Do not wait until the week of the EXAM. As always, your instructors are here to help. Please
visit them during their office hours for help or email them for an appointment.
Other information:
Food and most beverages are NOT allowed in the lecture classroom. You may bring water in a clear
bottle with a top on the bottle in the lecture room only.
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
Important Dates
January 18 – MLK Holiday; Day and night classes do not meet
January 19 – Last day to enroll in a semester class (5:00 PM)
January 21 – Last Day to Drop a class with 100% refund.
March 7-13 – spring Break
March 18 – Last day to drop a class – 0% refund
March 28- Monday- Easter Holiday- Day classes will not meet. Night classes WILL meet.
Shelf exam – May 5; time is TBA
Special accommodations at Student Counseling Services
In order for a student to receive disability accommodations under Section 504 of the Americans with
Disabilities Act, he or she must schedule an individual meeting with the Director of Student Counseling
Services immediately upon recognition of their disability (if their disability is known they must come in
before the semester begins or make an appointment immediately upon receipt of their syllabi for the new
semester). The student must bring with them written documentation from a medical physician and/or
licensed clinician that verifies their disability. If the student has received prior accommodations, they must
bring written documentation of those accommodations (example Individualized Education Plan from the
school system). Documentation must be current (within 3 years). The student must meet with SCS faceto face and also attend two (2) additional follow up meetings (one mid semester before or after midterm
examinations and the last one at the end of the semester). Please note that the student may also schedule
additional meetings as needed for support through SCS as they work with their professor throughout the
semester. Note: Students must come in each semester to complete their Individualized Accommodation
Plan (example: MC student completes fall semester IAP plan and even if student is a continuing student
for the spring semester they must come in again to complete their spring semester IAP plan).
Student Counseling Services is located in Alumni Hall Room #4 or they may be contacted via email at: or or by phone at 601-925-7791.
Early Alert System
Mississippi College has adopted the practice of finding students early in the semester who may be
exhibiting behaviors that could ultimately have a negative impact on their academic progress. These
behaviors are often called “red flag” behaviors and include, but are not limited to, excessive absences,
poor test grades, and lack of class participation or evidence of non-engagement. Identifying these
behaviors early gives the instructor the opportunity to raise the “red flag” on behalf of a particular student
so that the student can take the appropriate action to redirect his/her progress. The system alerts the
student, the student’s advisor, and the Office of Student Success.
These messages are intended to help a student recognize an area of concern and to encourage him/her
to make some choices to improve the situation. When a student receives an Early Alert message, the
student should quickly make an appointment to talk with his/her professor about the situation. Also,
students can make full use of the Office of Student Success to set academic goals and connect to campus
This syllabus may be changed in order to meet the needs of the class. This includes exam dates.
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
The following safety procedures are in place to prevent injuries and limit exposure to chemicals:
1. Students must wear long pants and closed shoes whenever they are in the laboratory. Open-toed or
perforated shoes (e.g., sandals, Crocs), shorts and skirts are not to be worn in the anatomy lab.
Students must wear a lab coat when in the lab. You will be asked to leave the laboratory if you are in
violation of this dress code.
2. Use extreme caution when removing a blade from the scalpel, adding a blade to the scalpel and using
the scalpel. Follow proper procedure for removing and adding blades, which includes use of a
hemostat (NOT YOUR HAND) to handle the scalpel blade.
3. Do not carry scalpels (with blades) in your pocket. Do not leave scalpels with blades sitting on your
dissection table. Immediately disposed of used scalpel blades.
4. All used scalpel blades must be disposed of in the provided “sharps” containers. Never dispose of
“sharps” in wastebaskets or garbage cans (see below for the disposal of other waste).
5. Nitrile gloves must be worn throughout the dissection period.
6. Before you leave the lab, remove your gloves and wash your hands thoroughly.
7. Wear eye protection and a mask when working with saws. Wipe your goggles with alcohol wipes
before and after you use them.
8. Use the eye wash when needed.
9. A first-aid kit is found on the table by the instructor cadaver. Here you will find Band-Aids, antibiotic
cream and cortical cream can be found.
10. For cuts, use the following procedures:
Rinse the cut under cool water
Dry the cut
Place a very small amount of antibiotic cream on the cut
Cover with a bandage.
Fill out injury report
Always report cut (no matter how small) to an instructor as soon as possible.
11. All injuries incurred in the gross anatomy laboratory, no matter how insignificant they may appear,
must be reported immediately to an instructor. The instructor will administer first aid and determine
whether the student should be directed to a facility for further treatment. You must fill out an injury
report which is found in the red notebook by the first aid kit. This applies to all injuries, no matter
how small.
12. All injuries, no matter how small, require the student to complete an accident/injury report. This is
found in the red notebook by the first aid kit.
13. If you any reaction in the lab (itching, dizziness, etc.), you MUST report it to an instructor ASAP. If this
occurs after hours, leave the lab and make sure your lab partner is informed. Inform the instructor as
soon as possible.
14. If an injury occurs in the anatomy lab after hours, students should first seek proper medical care and
then report the injury to an instructor as soon as possible. You must fill out an injury report which is
found in the red notebook by the first aid kit. This applies to all injuries, no matter how small.
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
15. In case of an EMERGENCY, use the lab phone to call security. This phone only calls security.
16. If the injury is such that medical attention is necessary and/or the student chooses to be seen by a
physician, the student may do so assuming full responsibility of any medical charges incurred.
17. Students who are pregnant, or believe they may be pregnant, are responsible for discussing
attendance in the gross anatomy lab with their physician. Your physician must clear you in writing
before you will be able to enter the lab.
18. If for any reason your professor feels as though you are a danger to yourself or others, you may be
asked to leave the lab. Reasons for removal include, but are not limited to, students being under the
influence of drugs or alcohol or impaired judgment, lack of professionalism.
Please the Gross Anatomy Lab Statement for penalties for violating these policies.
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
Instructions for Human Gross Anatomy Lab
(Keep this with you in lab.)
See the complete list of rules.
 You must wear the following items when you enter the lab:
 Long lab coat (white and falls approximately at the knee). Wash weekly.
 Long pants (most prefer scrubs). Wash weekly.
 Closed-toed shoes with socks. Wash the socks weekly.
 No CAPS or HEAD APPAREL of any type will be worn in the laboratory.
 Gross anatomy ID.
NOTE: If you are not wearing the proper attire, you will not be able to enter the lab.
 You will need to bring the following items to lab:
• Dissection kit--The MC bookstore has a kit that has been created for MC gross anatomy
students. Please purchase the kit at the MC bookstore.
• Gloves -- nitrile are preferred
• Dissection manual
• Grant’s atlas
• You may want to bring a pen or pencil and paper to take notes.
• You may want to bring other atlases.
• You may bring your notes.
 Do not bring the following items into the lab at ANY time:
• Cell phones
• Computers
• Tablets
• Smart phones
• Other electronic devices.
• Book bags, backpacks or satchels
 Taking photos/videos (or any type of imaging) of the cadavers, bones and models is NOT permitted.
Imaging the cadavers or other structures in any way (photo, video, etc.) may result in an F in the
course and you may be subject to disciplinary actions which could result in expulsion from Mississippi
 ALL activity in the lab is videotaped 24/7 by the security cameras in the lab.
 Your ID will allow you into the lab. You will also need a pin number to enter the lab. You must not
allow someone to use your ID and you must not give out the pin number.
 You must not allow guests to enter the lab.
 Do not prop the door open. It must remain closed at all times.
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Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
 You must read the lab rules and be very familiar with them (know them from memory). Violations of
the rules may result in an F in the course, removal from the course and/or formal disciplinary action
which could result in expulsion from Mississippi College. Violations will be included in all letters of
Lab requirements
 You will not receive a printed list of stated lab objectives. Rather, the structures in your dissection
manual will serve as your objectives. Structures may be added as needed
 You will receive a list of bone objectives. You will need to know the disarticulated bone and structure
 For the dry cadavers, models, and images, you will need to know structures listed in dissections
manual and the structures you cover in class.
 Structures may be added as needed
 Each lab meeting, you will have an assigned section from the dissection manual to complete. This
must be completed BEFORE you return for the next lab. This may mean that you will need to return
that night to finish dissecting. Do not spend your time learning bone structure during the lab. While
you will need to know the structure, your first priority will be to complete the dissection. You can
learn bone structure outside of the scheduled lab time.
 At the beginning of each lab, the lab instructors will check your cadaver to make sure you completed
the dissection assignment from the previous day and that you made a reasonable attempt to carefully
dissect. Incomplete or excessively sloppy dissection will result in a loss of points. Part of your final
grade will come from the quality and completeness of dissection as well as your attendance in lab.
This is a group grade. Also, unexcused absences will result in a loss of points for that individual on the
day of the absence (see the syllabus for description of excused absences).
 Multiple cadavers will be used for the exams including all student cadavers and the instructor cadaver.
If your dissection is incomplete or sloppy, you will have a difficult time identifying structures. Removal
of structures from your cadaver is prohibited!
 You will need to study multiple cadavers not just the one your group is dissecting.
 Lab exams will consist of identifying tagged structures. The number of questions on the exams will
vary from exam to exam.
 For the exams, you are responsible for:
• assigned cadaver structures
• bone and bone structures
• assigned models
• radiographs from all required books
• cross-sections--cross-sections and the key are found on the DVD which you will need to copy
• radiographs from the text will also include cross-sections
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Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
 There are a few copies of a DVD in the lab. You must copy the contents to your computer (outside of
lab) and bring the DVD back. Do not bring your computer into the lab to copy the DVD.
 All materials, bones, models, saws, etc. must be cleaned and placed in their proper location when you
are finished.
 Please clean all dissecting utensils and place them back in the case. Do not leave them out.
 Wipe all saws or other materials and put them back where they belong.
 You must keep the laboratory clean and neat. This may involve but is not limited to sweeping or
mopping as well as keeping trash picked up and cleaning spills.
 Do not touch models while wearing your gloves. You will transfer whatever is on your gloves to the
 Do not touch the models with a pen or pencil. That will leave marks on them.
 There will be blunt probes that are specifically for use with the models.
 Do not touch bones while wearing your gloves. You will transfer whatever is on your gloves to the
 Do not touch the bones with a pen or pencil. That will leave marks on them.
 There will be blunt probes that are specifically for use with the bones.
 Biohazard bags are for tissue only. Make sure you put your table number on the bag. There are
sharpies in drawers. You do not have to empty the biohazard bag each day. It can sit out for several
days. Empty it when it is about 2/3 full. Tie the top and write your table number on the bag. Put it
in the cold room.
 Make sure you close the cold room door.
 Only body tissue should go in the biohazard bags. DO NOT put gloves, paper, etc. in these bags. If
this continues to happen, your group will lose your daily points.
 Use the red and blue rags to wipe your hands and/or utensils. Take one and put it in your pocket and
use when needed. Do not get body tissue on these rags.
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 Put the rags in the can label “red and blue rags.” Do not put trash in this container.
 Put scalpel blades and other sharp items in the red container labeled “sharps.” Do not put scalpel
blades in the trash. Put the blade wrapper (without the blades) in the trash.
 Put gloves, paper, and other trash in the trash cans. DO NOT put trash in the biohazard bags.
 The TAs and instructors are there to guide you, not find the structures for you. It is your responsibility
to verify all information given to you. If you are told something that is incorrect and you miss it on
the exam, it will still be wrong.
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Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
Care of Cadavers
Human cadaver material is to be respected at ALL times. These were people who graciously donated their
bodies so that you can learn from them. Always remember that and treat the specimens like you would if
they were from your family. Showing a lack of respect or showing a lack of professionalism may result in
an F for the course and you may be subject to expulsion from Mississippi College.
When you begin to dissect, remove the terry cloth over the area you are working with. Keep
the cloth over other areas and keep the cloth wet. You need to keep the smaller cloth over
the face unless you are dissecting that area. The face dries out before other areas so keep
the cloth moist. If the face dries out, it may not be possible to rehydrate it. It will be very
difficult to dissect.
If the cloth is dry, you can pour the liquid containing fabric softener over it.
You will want to spray all of the cloth with fabric softener while dissecting. If the tissue seems
dry, spray it with fabric softener. Pay attention to areas not being dissected.
During Dissection
 At the beginning of class, once a week, empty your drain bucket at the beginning of class.
 Follow the dissection manual unless instructed otherwise.
 Study the bones and joints after you have dissected. The dissection must be complete before
you return to the next lab. Bones and joints are easier to study outside of class than to
complete the dissection.
 You will want to spray all of the cloth with fabric softener while dissecting. If the tissue seems
dry, spray it with fabric softener.
 Place skin, fat, etc. in the bucket with the biohazard bag. DO NOT PLACE TISSUE IN THE
Upon Completion of Dissection for That Period.
 Bathe the cadaver in fabric softener. Spray lightly with wetting solution.
 Make sure the small cloth covers the face.
 Cover the cadaver with the terry cloth.
 Pour fabric softener over the entire terry cloth if needed. Make sure the bucket is under the
drain pipe.
 Spray the fabric with the wetting solution. This will prevent mold growth.
 Cover the fabric with the plastic. Tuck the edges of the plastic under the cadaver. This will
reduce water loss and help keep the cadaver moist.
 Take the bag of tissue out if half full, wrap the top in masking tape or tie it off. Write your
table number on the bag. Place in the cold room. You only need to do this when the bag is
about half full. Do not let it get too full or it gets too heavy.
 Make sure you place the tissue in the bucket with the biohazard bag. (ONLY TISSUE)
 Place used rags in the blue garbage can labeled “dirty rags”
 All other trash (gloves, paper towels, etc.) should be placed in the blue trash cans.
 CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN. This includes sweeping and mopping your area well.
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The organs are placed in plastic bags. Make sure they are wet with fabric solution and sprayed
with the wetting solution.
Other Comments
If fat tissue gets on the floor, it will be slippery. Clean the floor with spray bottle labeled Krud
If your spray bottles run out of fluid, there are large containers by the sinks that you can use
to fill your spray bottles.
There are other cleaners for general use.
There will be containers with fabric softener that you can use to pour fluid over the cadaver
if needed. If the buckets are empty, make more. Put a capful or two in a bucket and fill with
The floor is very slippery when wet. Be careful. Do not fall. Place a “wet floor” sign where you
If the temperature in the lab rises above 67°F, please inform a faculty member ASAP. If
this happens when faculty are not present (late at night, week-ends, etc.) call security at 601925-3204 and inform them. Then send an email to Dr. Baldwin ( and to Dr.
Barlow (
How to make fabric softer solution
15 | P a g e
Pour 1-3 capfuls of pure fabric solution into the containers by the sinks. You can use this to
bath your cadavers and fill your spray bottles. Do not put concentrated fabric softener in your
spray bottles. It will clog them up.
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
Cleaning schedule
Each week one table will be asked to sweep and mop the entire room. You will need to mop either in the
morning or after lab. It is difficult to mop when the room is full. You will also need to check to see if the
trash needs emptying. Remove trash bags, tie off the top and place them in the hall. Put a new bag in
Week of
16 | P a g e
Table number responsible for cleaning room that week
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
Human Gross anatomy – Spring 2016
Gross Lab
 Human cadaver material is to be respected at ALL times. These were people who graciously
donated their bodies so that you can learn from them. Always remember that and treat the
specimens like you would if they were from your family. Behavior that is disrespectful of the
cadavers will not be tolerated. Showing a lack of respect or showing a lack of
professionalism may result in an F for the course and you may be subject to expulsion from
Mississippi College and will be reported on all letters of recommendation.  Any derogatory, disrespectful, offensive or nonprofessional comments made about the
cadaver on any social network (Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or on any
Internet site will not be tolerated.  Any behavior disrespectful of the cadavers observed by a student shall be reported to a
professor. Failing to report disrespectful behavior may result in disciplinary actions.  Taking photos/videos (or any type of imaging) of the cadavers, bones and models is NOT
permitted. Imaging the cadavers or other structures in any way (photo, video, etc.) may
result in an F in the course and you may be subject to disciplinary actions which could result
in expulsion from Mississippi College.  I understand that all activity in the lab is videotaped 24/7 by the security cameras in the lab.
A recording of the videotape is also made.  You may not invite guests into the lab. Only those students who are enrolled in Human Gross
Anatomy may enter the lab.  A minimum of two persons must be in the lab at all times. A student CANNOT be in the lab
by themselves at any time. If there are only two persons in the lab and one wishes to leave,
then the other student MUST also leave.  You are to report any person who is in the lab and who does not have a MC badge displayed.
Please report this to any biology faculty or to security.  At no time is a student to let another student in the lab. If someone knocks on the door to be
let in, you must ignore them. If a person is supposed to be in the lab, then they should have
the appropriate card and code to gain access to the lab. NO EXCEPTIONS. If a student
violates this rule, they will be subject to expulsion from the course and formal disciplinary
action may be taken, which will be reported on all letters of recommendation. Remember,
everything in the lab is being videotaped. 17 | P a g e
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
 No cadaver material, bones, models or other lab items are to leave the laboratory. All items
should remain in the laboratory at all times.  No food, drinks, chewing gum are allowed in the laboratory.  White lab coats and long pants as well as closed-toed shoes and socks are required apparel
in the laboratory. Lab coats and other apparel are to be laundered weekly.  Opened-toed shoes, thongs, sandals, or flip-flops are unacceptable footwear in the
laboratory. Socks must be worn with all footwear.  No CAPS or HEAD APPAREL of any type will be worn in the laboratory.
 You must wear your special Gross Anatomy ID in the laboratory. You may not enter the lab
without this ID.  Your MC ID will allow you to enter the lab. You will also be given a pin number. You will need
both to enter the lab. Do not allow someone to use your ID. Do not give the pin number to
anyone.  Tissue scraps (fat, skin, etc.) are to be disposed of in the bucket below the table.  Used scalpel blades are to be disposed of in specially-marked red plastic containers located
at the sink and elsewhere in the laboratory. These containers will be labeled “sharps.” DO
CONTAINERS.  Cadavers are to be covered when not being dissected. During dissection, cadaver must not
be allowed to dry out, therefore students must apply the proper solution periodically,
several times per hour. It is your responsibility to keep the cadaver wet.  It is your responsibility to care for the cadavers all times.  Do not bring the following items into the lab at any time:
Cell phones Computers Tablets Smart phones Other electronic devices. Book bags, backpacks or satchels  You may bring notes and your anatomy books into the lab. You will also need a pencil or pen
and notebook paper. 18 | P a g e
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016
 Keep the doors closed at all times. Do not prop either door open.
 The laboratory will be open 24 hours, 7 days a week during the course. All lab rules apply at
ALL times. The privilege of working in the laboratory outside of scheduled lab sessions will
be permitted as long as students conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect
the property in the laboratory as well as follow all rules.
 All safety protocols must be followed to ensure the safety of each student in the lab. Violations of any of these rules may result in an F in Human Gross Anatomy and you may be
subject to disciplinary action which could result expulsion from Mississippi College. These
violations will be reported to any graduate or professional school to which you apply. I have read and understand the rules and all associated penalties. My signature indicates my
willingness to abide by all rules and accept any penalties that may result from failure to adhere
to the rules.
____________________________ ______________
Date 19 | P a g e
Gross Anatomy Spring 2016