EDU 6540
Title: Project-Based Science Curriculum: STEM
Professor: Dr. John D. Hunt
Credit Hours: 3 semester hours
Box 4009
Clinton, Mississippi 39058
I. Course Title:
EDU 6540 Project-Based Science Curriculum: STEM
II. Prerequisites:
Graduate standing.
III. Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to present various science projects appropriate for
grades 4 -8 grade classrooms. These projects support the STEM initiative
proposed by the U. S. Department of Education and the National Science
Foundation. On August 9, 2007 the President signed into law H.R. 2272, “the
America Competes Act” or “America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully
Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Activities.” Recently
developed curriculum frameworks (i.e. national standards) will serve as a
backdrop for learning about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) in upper elementary and middle school science. STEM concepts will be
used in this course to highlight science project-based learning. Authentic
assessment and evaluation practices will be used in the design, construction, test
phase, and completed product of each project. The role of the upper
elementary/middle science teacher as an agent of change will be considered as
an important issue of systemic reform in science education.
IV. Rationale:
The role of the elementary and middle school teacher in understanding how to
motivate and keep students engaged in learning continues to be a challenge
because of the emphasis on ALL children doing well on science state-wide
assessments. The authors of numerous research articles continue to stress the
importance of inquiry learning as a teaching strategy to be used in classrooms.
Teacher leaders need to understand the issues involved in new federal initiatives
in school reform, the development of a multicultural curriculum, the use of
standards-based curriculum, and the connection between curriculum and
assessment. Completion of this course will provide graduate students with ample
skills and knowledge to actively participate in developing and in engaging in
STEM type project-based activities in any 3-8 science curriculum initiatives at the
school and/or district level.
V. Learner Objectives and Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the learner should be able to:
A. Recommend an appropriate Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics (STEM) project-based experience for school reform at the
district level. (INTASC -1,2,3,4,5,6)
B. Provide professional development/learning for school districts in the area
of STEM project-based science curriculum instruction. (INTASC -10)
C. Demonstrate how different authentic assessment strategies can be used
in any STEM project-based science curricula. (INTASC-8)
D. Demonstrate how the Mississippi Science Framework can be used with
any STEM project-based science curricula. (INTASC -7)
E. Develop an Understanding by Design (UbD) project-based STEM lesson
by using standards and goals found in the Mississippi Science
Framework. (INTASC -1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
F. Develop a number of STEM project-based activities in the physical
sciences for the 4-8 grade science curricula. (INTASC-7)
G. Master how to design, build, test, complete and implement a STEM
project-based science activity in grades 4-8 classrooms. (INTASC-1)
H. Apply Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
(INTASC) standards to any STEM project-based curricula used in this
course and/or in their classroom. (INTASC-7)
Write reflections, which include a summary of what was learned in class,
how the learner feels about it, and if/ how the learner will apply this new
information in their classroom. (INTASC-9)
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC)
Standard 1: The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and
structures of the discipline(s) he/she teaches and can create learning experiences that
make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.
Standard 2: The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can
provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social and personal
Standard 3: The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to
learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.
Standard 4: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to
encourage students' development of critical thinking problem solving, and performance
Standard 5: The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation
and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction,
active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Standard 6: The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media
communication techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in
the classroom.
Standard 7: The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter,
students, the community, and curriculum goals.
Standard 8: The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment
strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social and physical
development of the learner.
Standard 9: The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the
effects of his/her choices and actions on others (students, parents, and other
professionals in the learning community) and who actively seeks out opportunities to
grow professionally.
Standard 10: The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and
agencies in the larger community to support students' learning and well-being.
VI. Academic Integrity:
It is expected that a student attending Mississippi College will be scrupulously
honest. Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, and falsifying information, will
be regarded as a serious offense subject to penalties outlined in the Mississippi
College Tomahawk or Policy 2.9. Copies of the Tomahawk are available in the
Office of Student Affairs, Nelson Hall room 212 or can be viewed on .
VII. Course Topics:
The significance of using Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
(STEM) project-based physical science activities in grades 4-8 and the
potential effect of this curricula on student scores on state mandated science
Authentic assessment of student learning.
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (Knowledge,
Disposition, Performance) and Mississippi Science Framework Standards.
STEM project-based physical science activities (wave machine, ultrasensitive electroscope, a generating tube machine, a snow-proof challenge,
pasta vehicle, levitation, a pasta tower, a gum dispenser, etc.) including
design, building, testing and perfecting them for use in grades 4-8.
Individual differences.
Multicultural curriculum addressed by using STEM project-based (PBL)
science curricula and a little of problem-based science curricula.
5E Model (Model promoted by NSTA) of Science Lesson Design using STEM
project-based science curricula.
VIII. Instructional Methods:
A combination of direct instruction, independent, small and large group
activities, independent projects, group projects, and library research will be
used in this class. Every student will be required to write a research paper
and make an oral presentation on selected readings and library research.
IX. Department of Teacher Education and Leadership Mission Statement:
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Department of Teacher Education and Leadership at
Mississippi College is to provide collaborative, integrated professional educator
preparation which is field-connected and focused on teaching and learning:
based on best practice which is driven and assessed by high national, state and
local standards which will develop reflective practitioners with the appropriate
knowledge, dispositions and skills to lead the 21st Century educational enterprise
in America. (Conceptual Framework page 2 paragraph C.)
Information Literacy: What is information literacy?
Mississippi College has adopted the definition of information literacy put forth by the American
Library Association.
“To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when
information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use
effectively the needed information.” (ALA Presidential Committee on
Information Literacy, Final Report, 1989).
In addition, “information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common
to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It
enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more
self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning.” An information
literate individual is able to:
1. Determine the extent of information needed
2. Access the needed information effectively and efficiently
3. Evaluate the information and its sources critically and incorporate
selected information into one’s own knowledge base.
4. Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
5. Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of
information, and access and use information ethically and legally.
(Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, Association
of College and Research Libraries, 2000.)
At Mississippi College our information literacy program – U-Research –
progresses from basic handling of information to increasingly complex initiatives
that exhibit a command of a subject. Information literacy skills and
competencies can be transferred across disciplines and applied throughout life.
Mastery of the competencies enables a user to employ discipline appropriate
methodologies to conduct research and scholarly inquiry effectively and to
discriminate that information appropriately.
Adopted by the Mississippi College QEP Development Committee March 23,
X. Assignments:
Students in this course will be required to complete the following assignments:
A. Teacher/Student written 5E STEM lessons
B. Small Group & Independent STEM Projects
C. Research Paper on a Selected Topic
D. Class Participation
STEM activities for Grades 4-8
Project-Based Learning Experiences
We will attempt to do a few of the following STEM PBLs from the below list:
Air-Driven Pasta Car
Propeller driven pasta car
Solar powered pasta car
Matchstick Rocket Launcher Ballistic Machine STEM Media
Steam Driven Candle-Powered Boat STEM Media
Gum Dispenser
Ultrasensitive Electroscope
Simple Generator
Wave machine with PVC pipes
10. Whirlycopter Toy
11. Paddle Boat
12. Umbrella
13. How much water transpires from a tree? Project Learning Tree activity
14. How big is your tree? Project Learning Tree activity
15. Pollution Search, Project Learning Tree activity #36
16. Air Plants, Project Learning Tree activity #28
17. Trebuchet
18. Catapult
19. Toothpaste Dispenser
20. Water Pick for Flossing
21. Air-Driven Rocket
22. Solar Cooker
23. Retriever
24. Burglar Alarm
25. Parachute Release Device
26. X-Wing Starship
27. One-Way Traffic Design
28. Paper Airplane Launcher (Data collecting and Graphing)
29. Marshmallow Cannon
30. Device for wheel chair person to shut-off and open taps/cupboards
XI. Evaluation:
Grades will be assigned on the following basis:
95% - 100%
90% - 94%
85% - 89%
80% - 84%
77% - 83%
70% - 76%
Below 69%
XII. Additional Course Information:
A. Attendance and Participation:
In the Mississippi College General Bulletin: “Class attendance is an
essential part of college education, and students are expected to attend
regularly and punctually all classes and laboratories for which they are
registered” (Graduate Bulletin, 2003-2004, p. 32). Students are expected
to attend class, to carry out all assigned work on time, and to complete all
written exams in the time period designated. College policy regulates
class absences and no credit can be given for a course in which a student
misses more than 25% of the class periods. See the 2003-2004
Mississippi College Graduate Bulletin p. 32 for specific information
regarding penalties associated with attendance regulations at Mississippi
College. If you miss four (4) classes meeting one (1) time per week a
student will receive a grade of “F” (p.32). I record the absences in
banner each week and after four absences banner will record an “F”
grade. Excused absences include funerals of relatives, personal illness
as verified in writing by a medical doctor, and prior permission from
Tardies and early class departures count toward the number of absences
so students should plan to arrive on time and remain until the end of the
class period. If a student does arrive late, it is his/her responsibility to tell
the instructor at the conclusion of the class period to be sure records are
changed. Two (2) tardies will be counted as one unexcused
If the student misses more than the number of class periods specified in
university policy and believes that there are reasonable explanations for
the absences, he/she may appeal the absences to the Dean of
Education. Students may obtain a Student Absence Appeal Form from
the Dean’s Office.
B. Student Assistance
Early Alert System
Mississippi College has adopted the practice of finding students early in
the semester who may be exhibiting behaviors that could ultimately have
a negative impact on their academic progress. These behaviors are often
called “red flag” behaviors and include, but are not limited to, excessive
absences, poor test grades, and lack of class participation or evidence of
non-engagement. Identifying these behaviors early gives the instructor
the opportunity to raise the “red flag” on behalf of a particular student so
that the student can take the appropriate action to redirect his/her
progress. The system alerts the student, the student’s advisor, and the
Office of Student Success.
These messages are intended to help a student recognize an area of
concern and to encourage him/her to make some choices to improve the
situation. When a student receives an Early Alert message, the student
should quickly make an appointment to talk with his/her professor about
the situation. Also, students can make full use of the Office of Student
Success to set academic goals and connect to campus resources.
C. Students with Disabilities
In order for a student to receive disability accommodations under Section
504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, he or she must schedule an
individual meeting with the Director of Student Counseling
Services immediately upon recognition of their disability (if their
disability is known they must come in before the semester begins or make
an appointment immediately upon receipt of their syllabi for the new
semester). The student must bring with them written documentation from
a medical physician and/or licensed clinician that verifies their disability. If
the student has received prior accommodations, they must bring written
documentation of those accommodations (example Individualized
Education Plan from the school system). Documentation must be current
(within 3 years).
The student must meet with SCS face-to face and also attend two (2)
additional follow up meetings (one mid semester before or after midterm
examinations and the last one at the end of the semester). Please note
that the student may also schedule additional meetings as needed for
support through SCS as they work with their professor throughout the
semester. Note: Students must come in each semester to complete their
Individualized Accommodation Plan (example: MC student completes fall
semester IAP plan and even if student is a continuing student for the
spring semester they must come in again to complete their spring
semester IAP plan).
Student Counseling Services is located on the 4th floor of Alumni Hall) or
they may be contacted via email at . You may also
reach them by phone at 601-925-7790. Dr. Morgan Bryant is director
of MC Student Counseling Services.
C. Speed Library Hours
Monday – Thursday 7:45 AM – 12:00 PM
Friday 7:45 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday 12:00 Noon – 5:00 PM
Sunday 5 PM – 10:00 PM
D. Class Communications:
John D. Hunt
Office: Room 400A, Lowrey Hall
Cell Telephone: (729) 232-1976 (Call me, anytime, I always have my cell phone with me.)
Twitter: JHuntDr
YouTube MC STEM Institute Media!
STEM: Ping Pong Ball Popper
STEM: Match Rocket Launcher
STEM: Chromatography Lesson
STEM: Reusable Sanitary Napkins
STEM: “Snack Attack”
STEM: Gummy Bear Wave Machine
STEM: Current Generator Tube
STEM: Missile Launcher
STEM: Soda Can Steamboat
STEM: Cola Can Steamboat
STEM: Milk Carton Steamboat
E. Tutoring Information
If you need tutoring, my tutoring schedule is posted on my office door. I
have a tray mounted on my door for any information or requests you
need, just place your request in the tray and I will attend to your concern.
F. Tuition Refunds
This is from Dr. Howard, VP at MC, “Tuition refunds will not be made to
students who drop a class after the first week.”
XIII. Instructional Materials and Bibliography:
Required Textbook:
No required textbook. Course content will be based on current readings in the field of
researched-based science curriculum materials and references.
Name: ___________
School: ______________
County: ____________
Date: _________
Teacher 5 E Lesson Sample:
What makes a squirt gun squirt?
“YOU MAY NOT (THE LAST TIME) expect to find engineering and squirt guns in the
same sentence. However, like many examples of engineering design, the squirt gun pump
mechanism is uncomplicated, yet elegant, and very inexpensive to manufacture. The squirt gun
may be purchased for a little as 33 cents. The type of pump used in squirt guns is known as a
positive displacement pump. Positive displacement pumps are so called because fluid is trapped
within the pump and then moved through-or displaced- in one (positive) direction. The design is
widely used because of its simplicity and low cost. With only a few moving parts, it is able to
deliver a stream of water, a spray of cleanser, or a squirt of liquid soap. The pumping mechanism
of spray bottles, liquid soap dispensers, and squirt guns are basically the same. The International
Technology and Engineering Educators Association standard,’ A product, system, or environment
developed for one setting may be applied to another setting.’ (ITEA 2002, p. 49) In this lesson, we
will examine how these simple, everyday pumps operate.
Historical Information
The first squirt guns were developed as toys in the late 1890s. They made use of a metal toy gun
with a long tube that was attached to a squeeze bulb filled with water. To operate the gun, one
merely squeezed the bulb. Trigger-type squirt guns were developed in the 1930s and were the
main type of water gun until the 1980s, when Super Soaker types were introduced.
The same pump technology was used for a number of other purposes. While liquid soap had
been around for some time, it was not until the 1940s that the first mechanical dispensers were
produced (Kleinman, 2003). Aerosol dispensers require a compressed propellant and therefore
must be packaged in cylindrical containers, while pump dispensers can be made in any shaped
package. The propellants (chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs) used in aerosol cans in the past were
harmful to the Earth’s ozone layer. In 1979, a liquid soap known as Softsoap was introduced and
immediately became popular. Since 2003, foaming liquid soaps have become the latest fad. They
make use of the same basic pump, but add air to the soap, which produces the foam.
Investigating a Squirt Gun: What Makes It Squirt? (Teacher Background Information)
Safety note: Students should wear chemical splash goggles for this entire activity.
Distribute one eyedropper and a cup of water to each group of three or four students. Only a
small amount of water should be used: 3 oz. (90 mL) disposable cups partially filled. It is also
recommended that student tables be covered with a bath towel. Ask students to see if they can
determine how water is drawn into and pushed into and pushed out of the dropper. Have students
explain in their journals what they had to do to operate the dropper (they must squeeze the bulb
and then release the bulb under the surface of the water). Use this discussion to lead to the
following Explore question: What makes a squirt gun work?
You made need one squirt gun for each group of three to four students. Prior to class time, you
should remove the pump assembly from each squirt gun. This can be done carefully prying open
the two halves of the body of the squirt gun with a slender screwdriver. You made to cut through
the glue holding the molded sides together. Once opened, the pump assembly can be removed in
tact. The squirt gun should readily come apart. Keep the parts from each squirt gun in a clear
zipper-type baggie. If none of the parts are lost or broken, the pumping mechanism can be
reassembled and used over again with another class of students. You may wish to have a few
extra squirt guns available in case some of the small parts are lost.
Have students determine which ends must be placed in the cup of water in order for it to squirt.
One end will draw water in and the other squirts it out of the pump. If students put the squirting
end in the water, the pump will not work. Focus students on trying to answer this question,
‘What makes the gun squirt and how does that compare with how the dropper works?’ The
pumping mechanism is actually made of just a few parts. The trigger pushes in a piston and
compresses a spring. The body of the pump has openings at each end. There are two halves,
one at each end of the pump body, and they are often called check valves. A check valve is
simply a one-way valve that allows fluids to move through in only one direction. There is a tube at
the top of the pump body that leads to the nozzle and short tube at the bottom of the reservoir.
A major difference between the squirt gun pump and the rudimentary pump of the eyedropper is
that the dropper takes in water and expels it through the same end. When the bulb is squeezed,
some air is forced out of the dropper. Therefore, the pressure in the dropper is reduced; when the
bulb is released under water, the higher atmospheric pressure forces water into the dropper. In
the late 1800s, squirt guns were similar to a dropper in that there was a bulb that was squeezed
for its operation. The squirt gun pump is a mechanism that moves water through itself in only one
direction. It draws water in one end (when the trigger is released) and expels it through the nozzle
end when the trigger is depressed. How does this work? Let’s consider the process step by step.
The first time the trigger is depressed, air is forced out of the pump. When the trigger is released,
the spring forces the piston open and the pressure in the pump is reduced. This causes both the
valves to move toward the pump body, which causes the upper valve to seal against the body
pump. The water entering the pump body pushes up the lower valve. The water remains in the
pump until the trigger is pulled again. When the trigger is depressed, the pressure in the pump is
increased, forcing the top valve (opening it) and pushing the lower valve down (closing it); the
water is then forced out of the nozzle. Therefore, when the trigger is pulled, the top valve is open
and the bottom valve is closed, but when the trigger is released, the top valve is closed and the
bottom valve opens. Releasing the trigger repeats the process, filling the pump with water again.
After students taken apart the pumps, discuss their ideas regarding how the flow of water differs
in an eyedropper and in a squirt gun pump. Ask students if they can determine the flow of water
through the pump. Challenge them as to the purpose of the valves. At this time you may
introduce vocabulary such as valve, piston, reservoir, and nozzle.
Students should have little difficulty determining the purpose of the piston, reservoir, and the
nozzle, but this may be their first investigation of a valve.
Provide each group of students with the pumping mechanism from a liquid soap dispenser or
spray bottle. If you reuse a cleanser bottle, make sure that it has been thoroughly rinsed. Empty
bottles can also be purchased at most dollar stores for approximately $1 each. Students should
conclude that although they look a bit different, these pumps function in the same way as those
found in squirt guns. They all have some type of piston pump, a reservoir of liquid, a nozzle of
some sort, and two valves. The valves may differ-you may have a flap, a disk, or other shapes.
Note that once a device has been engineered, it can often be used, with minor changes, for many
other purposes-in this case, everything from squirt guns to soap dispensers to spray bottles. You
can ask students to find examples at home and share the results of this type of scavenger hunt
with the class. Another principle of engineering also shown here is that designers have been able
to make many everyday devices with very few moving parts and for low manufacturing costs.
Students should be able to make a sketch of the critical parts of their pumping mechanism from
the Extend stage. They should label and indicate with arrows the flow of liquid. Each sketch
should include a reservoir, a pump with a spring and piston, a nozzle, and two one-way valves.
A basic principle of engineering is to apply known technology to new applications. In this lesson,
students investigate several uses for inexpensive positive displacement pumps. They also have
the opportunity to try to invent their own use for such devices. This encourages students to
become curious about how even simple things around them function. This curiosity may be the
first step for students to develop an interest in engineering as a possible career.” (Moyer, R. & S.
Everett, pp 109-113)
International Technology Education Association. 2002. Standards for technological
literacy: Content for the study of technology. 2nd.ed. Reston, VA: ITEA
Kleinman, M. 2003. New life in the handsoap. Soap and cosmetics, a Chemical Week
Associates publication, February.
Moyer, R. & S. Everett. 2012. Everyday Engineering: Putting the E in STEM Teaching
And Learning. Arlington, VA: NSTA press
THIS IS AN --------
Name: ____________
School: ______________
County: ______________
Date: _________
Student Response Sheet
Investigating a Squirt Gun: What Makes It Squirt?
In this activity, you are going to take apart a squirt gun to find out what makes it squirt
and compare it with an eyedropper.
Safety note: Wear chemical-splash goggles for this activity.
1. Cover your work area with a towel or newspaper. Use the materials from your teacher, fill
and empty the dropper to see if you can determine how it works.
2. What must you do to fill it with water? What must you do to empty the water?
1. Examine the pumping mechanism from the squirt gun. What must you do to fill and empty
the pump mechanism in water?
2. Carefully take apart the pumping mechanism without breaking the pieces. Try to
determine how each part in the system works to draw water in and squirt it out.
3. Make a drawing of your findings to show how the squirt gun pump operates. Use arrows
to show the flow of water.
1. Make a drawing of the eyedropper. Use arrows to show the flow of water in and out.
2. How does the eyedropper differ from the squirt gun?
3. What do you think the small parts at the top and bottom of the body of the pump are used
1. Observe the pump your teacher has provided. For what was your pump used?
2. Is the pump more like the eyedropper or the squirt gun?
3. Does the pump have any valves? If so, where are they located?
4. Brainstorm other uses for the positive displacement pump. Describe what task your
invention accomplishes.
Draw and label the pump and the flow of liquid. (Moyer, R. & S. Everett, p.113)
XIV. Proposed Class Calendar:
STEM overview
STEM # 1
(Pasta Car –Air
Driven Pasta
Due Date
Select a STEM activity #1
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12) Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 -14)
*Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity
*Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
Video – step-by-step
production of pasta car
1 due 02/1/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
Video – step-bystep production of
pasta car
Select a STEM activity #2
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13-14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
Video – step-by-step
production of pasta car with
a propeller
2 due 02/8/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
Video – step-bystep production of
pasta car with a
STEM # 4
STEM # 5
(PVC Wave
Select a STEM activity #3
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
Video – step-by-step
production of a ultrasensitive electroscope
3 due 02/15/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
Video-step-bystep production of
an ultra-sensitive
Select a STEM activity #4
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
Video – step-by-step
production of a current
generating tube
4 due 02/22/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
Video step-bystep production of
a current
Select a STEM activity #5
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
5 due 02/29/16
STEM: Teacher
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
Video – step-by-step
production of a PVC wave
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
Video step-bystep production of
a PVC wave
Continuation of STEM
activity #6
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
Video step-by-step
production of a device a
wheel chair person needs
to shut off and open
6 due 03/14/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
Video step-bystep production of
a device a wheel
chair person
needs to shut off
and open
Select a STEM activity #7
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
7 due 03/21/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
STEM # 6
(Device for
Wheel chair
person to shutoff and open
STEM # 7
( A Gum
STEM # 8
(Choose an
activity from
Page 6)
(Choose an
activity from
page 6)
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
Video step-by-step
production of designing and
building a gum dispenser
Video step-bystep production of
designing and
building a gum
Select a STEM activity #8
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
8 due 03/28/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
Select a STEM activity #9
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
9 due 04/4/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
STEM #10
(Choose an
activity from
page 6)
STEM # 11
(Choose an
activity from
page 6)
STEM #12
(Choose an
activity from
page 6)
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
Select a STEM activity #10
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
10 due 04/11/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
Select a STEM activity #11
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
11 due 04/18/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
Select a STEM activity #12
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
12 due 04/25/16
STEM: Teacher
lesson and
Student Response
Sheet for each
STEM #13
(Choose an
activity from
page 6)
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include in the
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
Select a STEM activity #13
Search Internet for
information on selected
activity, and make notes
Think – What materials do I
Write the 5E Teacher
Lesson activity (sample on
page 10 – 12). Take
pictures of each step with
iPhone and include.
Write the 5E Student
Response Sheet (sample
on page 13 - 14)
Pre-drawing – top and side
view of selected activity*
Scaled drawing –top and
side view of working
13 due 05/2/16
Teacher lesson
and Student
Response Sheet
for each lesson
Meeting at Dr. Hunt’s home
* Mail to an electronic copy of 5E STEM PBL lessons including Student
Response Sheet
* Hard copy of 5E STEM PBL lessons for teacher 1-13 bring to Dr. Hunt’s house on
* Hard copy of 5E STEM lessons for students 1-13 bring to Dr. Hunt’s house on 05/2/16
Sign a STEM lesson release statement!