EDU 301 Name __________________________________ DEVELOPING THE PERSONAL CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AN EMERGING PLAN FOR CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: A QUESTIONAIRE Interview a veteran teacher(3+ years) of your choice using the questionnaire below. Note his/her responses and turn in this assignment on ___________, September ___. Grade level ________ Name ____________________________________________________ I. Plans Before the First Day 1. Describe your classroom with respect to the physical room arrangement and organizations, and the positive and caring classroom community that you aim to create. 2. Describe communication you initiate with your students and their families prior to the first day of school. 3. Describe characteristics of your classroom that signal to the children that it is a friendly and safe place to be. 4. Describe how you get to know the children and what you do to help the children get to know you and each other. II. The First Day 1. Describe how you greet the children when they arrive for the first day. 2. Describe the rules or procedural expectations that you have in place and how they are presented to the children 3. Describe how you have children contribute to these rules/procedures and expectations. 4. Describe your classroom procedures for: (choose 10) a)taking attendance/absences b)making up missed work and instruction c)assigning helpers for class responsibilities such as taking care of pets, plants, the calendar, and so forth d)bringing toys, plants and pets into the classroom e)collecting notes, money, and forms f)distributing and collecting papers and materials g)eating and drinking in the classroom h)going to the bathroom i)late arrival and early dismissal j)movement in the halls k)storing personal belongings l)using the class sink m)using the pencil sharpener n)using the teacher’s desk o)using the water fountain p)using other materials and equipment q)wearing hats and other articles of clothing in the classroom r)what to do in an emergency situation s)when a visitor comes into the classroom 5. Describe the morning opening and afternoon closure; Tell about a teaching activity (20 minutes) you use for the class in case of an early release procedure for students, bell changes, or other interruptions. Tell 1-2 short activities you use during brief periods of time when needed during the first 2-3 weeks. III. Managing the Curriculum 1. Describe how you help the children with their organization and assignments. EDU 301 Name __________________________________ 2. Describe your homework (responsibility/papers) expectations. Answer these questions: Is there homework? How much and how often? Are parents and guardians informed? If so, how? What is your expectation of their involvement? Is there a school homework hotline? 3. Describe your procedure for incomplete, unacceptable, or incorrect student work (and for a recovery option). 4. Describe ways you provide comments, feedback, or corrections in student work. 5. Describe ways you use marks of some sort --- grades, value works, figures, and so forth. 6. Describe ways students are rewarded for their group work, how you assess group learning, and how you access individual learning from group work. 7. Describe the student portfolio expectations and indicate where the portfolios are stored and when the students work on them. 8. Describe your plan for communication with parents/guardians. IV. Maintaining Classroom Relations and Personal Behavior 1. Describe how you bring an off-task child back on task. 2. Describe how you tell students what is/is not an appropriate level for classroom noise. 3. Describe how you signal a need for hands, and when, if ever, it is okay to call out without raising hands. 4. Describe how you indicate your support for appropriate student behavior. 5. Describe how you discourage inappropriate student behavior. 6. Describe your order of behavior intervention strategies. 7. Describe how you signal for attention from the class. 8. Describe how you respond when two errant behaviors are happening simultaneously at opposing locations in the classroom. 9. Describe how you position the desks/furniture to maintain positive classroom relations. V. When the Going Gets Tough 1. Describe your pattern of escalating consequences. 2. Describe how you deal with disrespectful, inappropriate comments from students. 3. Describe how you respond to remarks that are sexist or racist or that stereotype people in inappropriate and cruel ways. 4. Describe how you respond to serious and dangerous student behaviors. 5. Who is the one person you can go to for support?