T h e

The History of New Mexico
Grade 9
Mrs. Thur
Course Objective: This semester, we will embark on an epic journey of adventure and passion, war and peace,
discovery and innovation. We will meet proud warriors, cowboys, scientists, and artists. We will explore how
New Mexico contributed to the events that gave shape to the Nation and the world as we know it today.
In this class, we will examine the history New Mexico. In order to respect the different abilities, skills
and ways of thinking represented in our class, we will approach New Mexican history from a variety of
viewpoints, incorporating political, economic, social and environmental factors. We will consider how issues
such as class, race, gender, nationality and other relationships of power have affected our lives and the lives of our
ancestors. Approaching history in this way will allow students to explore history in a number of different ways
and from multiple perspectives, and to discover that there are two (or more) sides to every story. Finally, this
course will also focus on critical thinking skills, asking questions and finding answers, and acquiring new
knowledge through readings, discussions, groups and individual projects and written exercises. This IS a
standards based class and I have every confidence that each and every one of you have the ability to be very
successful if YOU so chose.
Melzer, Richard and Charlene Reyes. (2012). The New Mexico Journey. Gibbs Smith Education, Layton, UT.
Other texts will be incorporated into the course. You will have to use your computer to access many of these texts
and will most likely have to check out books from the library. Please make sure you have access to these resources.
Materials: For this class you will need:
 Binder (1.5”, 3-ring), looseleaf paper
 Dividers (5): Labeled for each of the New Mexico Standards
 Blue, Black, and Red or Green INKPens
 Highlighter
 Ruler
 1 package of 4x6 index cards
 Tracing Paper
Guidelines for Success: This classroom is a learning community that is ruled by RESPECT. (One of my biggest pet peeves
is when I hear someone say “I don’t give respect until I get it- if that were the case, then no one would respect anyone!!!)
Once any person steps into this classroom, they become a member of our community, and all members of this community are
expected to respect one another in every way. What does this mean?
- Respect my position as the teacher of this class and your fellow students
- Respect for property: if it’s not yours, don’t touch it without permission. This classroom belongs to our
school. You will be expected to maintain a clean and organized environment, and you will be responsible for
cleaning up your own messes.
- Respect for other people’s time, ideas and feelings
- When a person is talking, others will respect their opinions (even if you disagree) and their right to speak
without being interrupted and listening to each other’s ideas and actively questioning – with respect. I
treat you with professionalism and I expect you to acquire professional behavior.
- Inappropriate or disruptive behavior, language and clothing are disrespectful to the teacher, our learning
community and our school.
- Finally, have respect for yourself (and all the rest falls into place!!): Make yourself proud, give 100% effort
every day in everything you do.
Classroom Procedures:
- Entering the Classroom: Enter with respect and readiness. Find your seat. Take out the necessary materials and
begin the assignment on the board. If there is no assignment on the board, take out your notebook and wait
quietly for directions.
- How to listen, ask and respond to questions: Wonderment and asking questions is the key to understanding and
discovery. Be respectful of all thoughts and opinions. If you have a question that is directed toward me, the
teacher – always be aware of the situation. During dialogues and discussions, wait your turn and raise your
hand or add your thoughts when another person is finished stating their idea/question. When one person is
speaking (teacher/student) be respectful and wait your turn to add your thoughts/ideas. Students are welcome to
approach me during working-time with any questions, but as usual, wait your turn and be respectful. I am also
available by appointment before and after school and during lunch. Just email me, drop me a note, or stop by to
talk to me about when is a good time to meet.
Turning in assignments: Each class will have a designated box/basket in a clearly marked location. When your
assignment is complete, put it in the basket for your class unless instructed otherwise.
If you are gone for a parent verified absence or excused school activity, you have 48 hours in which to
submit assignments missed. Prior notice assignments do not apply to this rule. Prior notice assignments (1 week
advance notice & this is when I inform via website, lecture, etc. NOT when YOU “find out” about the
assignment) are due on or before the original due dates.
If you have any missing assignments beyond the 48-hour submission time period (for any reason), you may
still turn in your assignments. However, you will only have 2 weeks after the assignments' original due dates in
which to submit them. In addition, these LATE assignments will only count for a maximum 50% of the original
scores you would have received had the assignments been on time. Assignments that are turned in Regardless
of the Reason will ONLY receive ½ the credit that would have been earned. After the 2-week time period,
no late assignments will be accepted for a grade. If an assignment is turned in after the two week period it will
be noted in the gradebook. It is NOT mandatory that I accept UNVERIFIED absence work.
Your work will be returned to you or to the “out” Folder in the classroom. It is the student’s
responsibility to check for returned work. It is also the student’s responsibility to keep all
materials related to class in order to prepare effectively for assessments.
What do you do at the end of class? I, the teacher, will dismiss you from class. The bell does not dismiss
you. On the rare occasion that we finish early, you will be expected to sit quietly until you are dismissed.
When I dismiss you, but ALL textbooks back on the shelf and walk quietly and politely out of the room.
Classroom Rules: See Student Handbook for complete classroom rules
 Cell phones and iPods: Under no circumstances should I ever see your cell phone, iPod, music player,
headphones, video games or any other electronic device. I like to listen to music and talk /text with my
friends too, but school is not the appropriate time. Put away your iPod, cell phone or any other electronic
device before you enter the classroom. You should never be allowed to answer a call or text IN class – no
matter who is calling or texting you. If there is an emergency and you must make or accept a call during
class, you may speak to ME about it. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please
consult the student handbook. Under SPECIAL circumstances, you may use your phone to take photos of
the boards or my agendas, or use your headphones for projects, HOWEVER, permission by ME must be
 Seating: You will have an assigned seat in this class. Please sit in that seat. Your seat assignment is based
on what location in the room will provide you and those around you with the best learning environment
possible. Undoubtedly, some students will be unhappy with their assigned seat. For some students, sitting
with or near friends can be a powerful learning tool. For others however, friends in the classroom may be
distracting or even disruptive to the environment. Try to remember that your seat assignment is ultimately
to improve your academic performance and I have the training and knowledge to make this determination.
 Cheating: If you are caught cheating, you will receive a zero for the assignment, assessment, ect. If
cheating is a chronic issue, a discipline referral will be made. You are in high school and I expect academic
How You Will Be Graded:
 Learning Standards – 50%
 Practice – 10%
 Assessments – 20%
(Tests , Quizzes)
 Modules – 10%
 Class Participation –10%
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = 59% and below
Tardy Policy: Don’t be late. It is disruptive to class, disrespectful to me, the teacher, and to our learning community at
large. If you are late you will be required to go to the office for a pass. If tardiness becomes a problem disciplinary action
may be taken.
Where do you find assignments if you are absent? You are responsible for getting assignments if you are absent.
Assignments are posted in MULITPLE places, on my website, on the agenda board, and your friends may have written it
down. Being absent does not excuse you from work – you are still responsible for all assignments whether you are in
attendance or not. If there is an emergency, please provide the necessary documentation/notification to the front office.
Restroom/Food and Drink Policy: You have ample time to use the restrooms, get a drink of water and visit with your
friends between classes, during lunch. Go on your own time, not during class. Emergencies will be handled on a case by case
basis. Chronic behavior will not unless there is medical direction given by the nurse. Food IS NOT ALLOWED in the
My Pledge to You: As your teacher, I promise to work hard to provide each and every student the instruction and
support they require to become a successful student. I promise to be honest, trustworthy, reliable and fair. I also
promise to give all students the respect they deserve as unique individuals with different and important abilities,
and to create and facilitate a learning environment that is stimulating, safe, challenging and compassionate.
However, in order to ensure success for every student, an equal commitment must be made by you, the student,
and by those supporting our students. Together, we can make the impossible possible, and do something
Mrs. Thur
Syllabus – NM History
Please return this form, completed, no later than August 22.
Student Name (please print):________________________________________________
Student Signature:___________________________________________________
Parent Name (please print)__________________________________________________
Parent Signature: _________________________________________________________
Email address:______________________________________________________
Phone number: _____________________________________________________
*By signing here, you state that you have read and agreed to all the policies, guidelines and principles
outlined in this document.