ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 Department Name:

Department Name:
Student Affairs Development
SAC W302
Phone Number:
Web Site:
Director’s Name:
Glenn Gittings, Ph.D.
Number of Staff:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2012-13
academic year
Staff Diversity:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2012-13
academic year
Staff Type
Full-time Professional/Classified Staff:
Part-time Professional/Classified Staff:
Graduate Assistants:
Student Staff on Payroll:
Student Interns:
Practicum Students:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2012-13
academic year
A. Mission:
Staff with Disabilities:
No. of Staff
Please include the most recent version of your department’s mission statement.
The University of Louisville, Division of Student Affairs Development Office provides divisionwide support in the areas of fundraising and external relations. The Student Affairs Development
Office is dedicated to establishing new gift programs and supporting current initiatives of the
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division through the establishment and cultivation of relationships with student groups, friends,
parents, alumni, foundations and corporations. The office is charged with directing, guiding, and
leading the division’s private fund raising activities and is responsible for the development efforts
of the departments within Student Affairs. Ultimately the Division of Student Affairs
Development Office develops philanthropic support to promote and enhance programs and
activities offered to UofL students. This office is also responsible for all efforts, programming,
and communication to UofL parents through the Parents Association.
B. Department Overview:
Please include a three to six sentence narrative that captures the essence of your
department’s services, programs and activities.
The department serves a variety of purposes within the division of Student Affairs.
Housed within the department are the following areas/roles: Student Affairs Development
Efforts; Parents Association; Assessment; and Student Affairs external relations. The
development efforts and external relations are attained through establishing new gift
programs and supporting current initiatives of the division through the establishment and
cultivation of relationships with student groups, friends, parents, alumni, foundations and
corporations. The Parents Association serves parents through a dedicated monthly
newsletter, facebook page, and website and will grow into a more full service area over
time. The assessment component is accomplished through the eventual coordination of
division-wide assessment results allowing information to be utilized for strategic planning
and direction.
C. Strategic Goals (12-13) &
Major Accomplishments:
Please list your department’s strategic goals from this past year and address the
progress towards achieving each goal and/or major accomplishments and activities with
respect to each goal.
Place Student Affairs giving initiatives on
GOAL #1: the Annual Fund solicitation calendar.
We were able to place 2 funds (SRC and SGA) for
solicitation through the Annual Fund that resulted in
$2,535 of support pledged to those initiatives.
Gift account was established and effectively utilized
in the University’s Phonathon calling as a specific
initiative for donors to give towards. We also hosted
a Young Alumni SGA Reunion at President
Ramsey’s home.
We received commitments from Toshiba ($75,000)
and Qdoba ($10,000) for naming opportunities within
the SRC
Working with Churchill Downs, PNC Bank, Individual
donor, and UPS on opportunities
Travelled and met with successful Parents
Associations from other schools (UT Knoxville, UK,
LSU, WKU) to learn structure and techniques to
execute this goal. We have also been completing
The goal would be to have at least 3
funds which are solicited through
Advancements Annual Fund program
using phonathon/direct mail/e-mail
GOAL #2: Establish SGA Building Our Nest Fund
and campaign. The campaign will
include annual fund solicitation, SGA
specific event, and possible direct
cultivation of major gift donors
GOAL #3:
Directly solicit corporate and individual
donors for the SRC. Goal includes
Naming rights opportunities and annual
fund solicitation opportunities.
GOAL #4: Establish a philanthropic function of the
Parents Association. Goal would include
a Parents Fund, Parents Council,
possibility of membership dues, annual
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benchmarking research on membership costs from
other Parents Associations at institutions across the
fund solicitation of parents and possibly
direct cultivation of major gift
GOAL #5:
Develop structure to collaborate with
Career Services to engage corporate
relationships. Goal being to create a
atmosphere that begins to work with
corporations that utilize Career Services
and working toward sponsorship efforts
either in-kind or through monetary
GOAL #6: Define and move forward with the
component of assessment with the role
of Director-Special Programs. Provide
actual direction toward assessment
collection activities. Begin utilizing or
collecting division-wide assessment data
for strategic purposes.
Through collaboration with Career Services, we have
established sponsorship support levels for
companies called Cards Career Sponsorship
Worked with LeapFrog to establish a career Services
intern to train on social media techniques to then
utilize for Career Services
We also have established the initial structure for a
new annual internship program with Mondelez Int’l.
We have scheduled routine meetings to begin
collecting information to create an annual calendar of
Student Affairs Assessment. This calendar, when
complete, will be combined with the new 5-year
schedule of Department Reviews, as well as a
collection of the types of assessment within the
division to create an overall Assessment document
for the division.
Please add more space for goals as your department’s activities warrant.
D. Points of Pride (2012-13):
Short Title
West Plaza Brick Campaign
Data enhancements for
Parents Association Outreach
Please list three to five ‘points of pride’ for your department from the past year. This can
include initiatives, programs or recognitions.
West Plaza bricks have included two full installations now and are
beginning to take hold in the plaza
Working with Advancement to have the previously submitted lists last
year, actually coded into the Advancement system which would then
allow for prospect lists and event invitations to be created.
Creating multiple tools that now provide more resources and awareness
of the Parents Association, including, but not limited to: Parent Guide;
Parent promotional brochure, tablecloth, and banner used for
display/awareness at events; large increase in Parents Association
Facebook page; Proud parent t-shirt to establish a “brand”
Inclusion of Student Affairs
gift accounts in Annual Fund
Ended the fiscal year with the inclusion of SGA and the SRC in a
Phonathon targeted calling which produced more than $2,500 in pledges
Fryberger Reception Growth
Modified the reception this year to include Parents and Alumni which
dramatically increased attendance and engagement within the event
from around 25 to more than 80 participants.
SRC Naming Opportunity
We received commitments from Toshiba ($75,000) and Qdoba
($10,000) for naming opportunities within the SRC
Parent Welcome Tents
Proud Parent t-shirts
The Move-In Day Welcome Tents have grown and become an
established and valued piece of move-in day
T-shirt sales through move-in day, Welcome Week, & Family Weekend
have demonstrated that this is becoming a solid consistent branding
effort for the Parents Association
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Please add more space for additional points of pride as warranted. .
E. Collaborative Efforts:
Short Title
Fryberger Parent/Alumni
Freshman Orientation
Welcome Week
Student Send-Off Events
Fall First Look Programs
Family Weekend/Parent
Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department has
collaborated with one or more other University and/or community partners.
Hosted a reception in conjunction with Greek life & Alumni Association
prior to Alumni night at Fryberger that included greek alumni, campus
administrators, Fryberger planning board
Collaborated with an external relations role to connect Lexmark
corporation to volunteerism and discus future sponsorship. Also
included integration of almost 20 Lexmark employees into the ISLP trip
to Cebu.
Collaborated with Admissions and presented to all parents/families at all
freshman orientation sessions in conjunction with Alumni Association
Collaborated with First Year Initiatives and Alumni Association to offer a
multitude of Parent focused activities (Parents Welcome Tents on MoveIn Day, Parents Info Station, Alumni BBQ)
Collaborated with Admissions and Alumni Association to host student
send-off receptions for incoming freshman & families after freshman
orientation throughout the state (Somerset, Madisonville, Lexington,
Northern KY)
Cooperated with Admissions to attend the larger prospective student
events throughout the state
Collaborated with Dean of Students Office and Student Involvement to
plan Family Weekend activities, lunch, and Parent of Year ceremony.
Please add more space for collaborative efforts as your department’s activities warrant.
F. Continuous Improvement:
Please list areas which have been cited (either through formal or informal assessment
and evaluation) as requiring additional attention.
1. Cite a SINGLE area,
program, service or function
that was identified through a
formal assessment (i.e.:
focus group, survey,
tracking, etc.) as needing
improvement or warranting
additional attention.
Inclusion of a specific topic in information provided in all modes of
2. Which assessment
mechanism(s) (i.e.: focus
group, survey, tracking, etc.)
assisted your department in
identifying the need for
Survey to Parents Association Mailing List
3. Specifically, what did the
assessment’s findings reflect
that resulted in
enhancements to this area,
program, service or
Helping Parents understand advising process for their student
4. What has your department
done/plan to do to address
The plan to address this included a multi-layered approach. The first
step included providing a specific button on the Parent’s Association
website for Flight Plan, which links them directly to the Flight Plan site to
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this area, program, service
or function? Please be as
specific as possible.
G. Diversity & Inclusion:
explain more on the advising process. The second piece was to layer in
more frequent communication each month on the facebook page with
information on Advising and Flight Plan. The third step was to include
information on advising in the newsletter during times that their student’s
would be scheduling advising appointments, as well as consistent
information on Flight Plan in the newsletter. The final step to increase
awareness was to include Academic Advising links and information in
the annual printed Parent Guide that is distributed to parents.
Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department undertook
that supported diversity and inclusion
Short Title
Please add more space as needed.
H. Professional Development:
Please describe professional development activities your staff participated during
2012/13 (i.e.: committee work, recognition, leadership roles, conference attendance
and/or presenting at a conference).
Serve on the UofL University Assessment Committee
Serve on the UofL Flight Plan Education & Marketing Subcommittee
Serve on the UofL Orientation Advising Committee
NASPA Student Affairs Fundraising & External Relations 2013 Conference Planning Committee Member
Collaborated with LSU, WKU, & UK Parents Associations to evaluate, highlight, and learn best practices for Parent/Family
Emcee/Planning Committee Member 2013 Veterans Symposium Conference
Attended ACPA, NASPA, NASPA Student Affairs Fundraising & External Relations Conference, Student Affairs
Assessment Conference
Hosted UofL Alumni Socials at ACPA & NASPA
J. Strategic Goals (2013-14):
Please list your department’s strategic goals for the coming year and address efforts to
be made towards achieving each goal. NOTE: Goals should be specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and timely.
Develop Proposal to determine Parents Association structure (dues based vs. non-dues
Directly solicit corporate and individual donors for the SRC. Goal includes Naming rights
GOAL #2:
opportunities and annual fund solicitation opportunities
Complete divisional assessment document used as a guide of assessment utilized within
GOAL #3:
the division and a timeline of assessment activities each year
GOAL #1:
GOAL #4: Increase amount of Student Affairs gift accounts included in Annual Fund Phonathon
Increase marketing efforts of the West Plaza Brick Campaign to increase exposure and
drive more brick gifts
Increase Parent offerings in Family Orientation, specifically possibly offer opportunities on
GOAL #6:
Day 2
Develop a more robust Family Weekend that includes possible event at the football
GOAL #7:
GOAL #5:
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Please add more space for goals as your department’s activities warrant.
K. Learning Outcomes:
List your department’s 2012-13 programs, activities or initiatives that were designed to
support the Divisional Learning Outcomes listed below.
1. Division of Student Affairs
Learning Outcomes
2. Identify programs, services
and activities planned to
address these outcomes:
Students will learn to be responsible global citizens. This will be
demonstrated through service to campus, community, and others.
Students will learn about campus services and activities supporting
their retention and graduation. This will be demonstrated through
student's knowledge of campus services, personal development
opportunities, and increased utilization of campus services and
Students will learn Cardinal traditions and develop a sense of purpose.
This will be demonstrated by familiarity of campus traditions and
increased participation in campus signature events and ceremonies.
Students will learn critical thinking skills. This will be demonstrated
through RSO training, SGA retreats, leadership skills training, and
Engage Lead Serve Board etc.
1… Worked collaboratively with Student Affairs Leadership team to develop the
Student Learning Outcomes
2… Worked with Institutional Research to enhance, improve, and develop
Student Affairs divisional Student Learning Outcomes.
3… My office’s functionality centers around external relations with Parents,
Alumni, & Donors therefore my activities do not directly engage students. But
we do now offer the Parent Guide which provides a basic understanding of
Cardinal traditions.
3. How did you plan to
measure attainment towards
the outcomes listed above?
L. Community Service and
Civic Engagement Activities:
Short Title
Sugar Bowl Service Project
Final Four Service Project
List community service or civic engagement initiatives, programs or activities your
department undertook during 2012-13
We completed a cooperative community service project in New Orleans along
with Florida during the Sugar Bowl. Volunteers to helped build an urban garden
in the city’s Ninth Ward through the project, an official part of bowl festivities.
Activities included shoveling, planting and cleaning up trash at the site. We
ended up with volunteers that ranged from students to alums and even staff.
We worked with Sankofa, which is a nonprofit organization working to revitalize
New Orleans' Lower and Upper Ninth Ward communities by educating
residents about the importance of growing and eating healthy foods and
increasing their access to fresh produce
We completed a cooperative community service project in Atlanta during
the Final Four. We ended up with volunteers that ranged from students to
alums and even staff. We included all participating schools the men’s
NCAA Final Four basketball teams and the Women’s National Basketball
Association’s Atlanta Dream. Representatives from UofL, University of
Michigan, and Atlanta Dream—aided by Hands On Atlanta— worked with
Lift Up Atlanta to sort and package clothing and supplies for homeless
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M. Assessment Planning:
1…Annual Summer Parents Survey
List assessment activities
planned for 2013-14.
N. Issues and Challenges:
1…Structural difficulties in implementing a dues based Parents Association
List issues or challenges you
anticipate your department
addressing in 2013-14.
2…Tepid economic climate and competing interests (Nelligan marketing) for
Corporate philanthropic support of naming opportunities in SRC
O. Department Scholarships
Please list any student
scholarships provided by your
department during 2012/2013
Please Attached These Additional Materials to Your Report
P. Performance Metrics
Total Professional Staff - 2
Parent Communiqué Newsletter Website Total Pageviews –
Parent Communiqué Newsletter Website Unique Visitors – 2,025
Parent Association Website Total Pageviews – 6,181
Parent Association Website Unique Visitors – 4,380
Parent Association Facebook Fans/Likes - 900
New Development Funds Collected – $170, 603.84
Student Affairs donors - 700
Parents Receiving Newsletter Mailing List for 2012-2013 school
year –4,336 (Does not include new freshman orientation
New Parent Email Registrants from 2013 Freshman Orientation –
Parent Orientation Participants - 1,963
Q. Organizational Chart
S. Staff List
Professional Staff – Alex Jenkins, Department Assistant
Student Staff – Wes Bevins
Please submit this annual report by Wednesday July 31, 2013.
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