Department Name:
Career Development Center
Houchens Building LL03/04
Phone Number:
Web Site:
Director’s Name:
Leslye Erickson
Number of Staff:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2012-13
academic year
Staff Diversity:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2012-13
academic year
Staff Type
Full-time Professional/Classified Staff:
Part-time Professional/Classified Staff:
Graduate Assistants:
Student Staff on Payroll:
Student Interns:
Practicum Students:
Staff with Disabilities:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2012-13
academic year
A. Mission:
No. of Staff
Please include the most recent version of your department’s mission statement.
The Career Development Center must support the mission, academic programs and advancement of the institution.
Within this context, the primary purpose of the Career Development Center is to assist students and alumni in
developing, evaluating, and/or implementing career, education and employment decisions.
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Please include a three to six sentence narrative that captures the essence of your
department’s services, programs and activities.
B. Department Overview:
The UofL Career Development Center operates as a centralized Career Center consisting of a
main office with satellites to all schools and colleges of the University, with the exception of the
Business School, which operates their own Career Center and The School of Engineering,
which manages their own Co- Op program. A Career Coach is assigned to work with the
students, staff and faculty of each of the schools within the university, including Engineering and
Business. Their role is to provide self-exploration, career exploration, experiential education, job
search, employer development and graduate school exploration guidance and resources to their
assigned school or college.
C. Strategic Goals (12-13) &
Major Accomplishments:
Please list your department’s strategic goals from this past year and address the
progress towards achieving each goal and/or major accomplishments and activities with
respect to each goal.
GOAL #1:
GOAL #2: Expand Alumni Career
Services Program as a way
to indirectly increase
GOAL #3: Shift delivery of student
services to focus on career
exploration phase of career
development process in
support of Flight Plan
strategically used our students, staff, faculty,
facebook, linkedin, professional associations
and our alumni connection to develop new
employer contacts ER
Created and implemented an employer
development plan for each school/college
Expanded On-campus Employment Program
(FWS and Part-Time On Campus)
Actively marketed Cards Career Link to
Actively marketed Cards Career Link to
Actively solicited alumni to participate in Career
Fairs, mock interviews, career spotlights,
etiquette dinner, cards career link Everyone
Created and managed a coordinated linkedin
Coordinated all internal and external calendars
to advertise upcoming career events
Hosted two part-time fairs
Hosted fall graduate school fair
Hosted one large full-time fair
Hosted two engineering fairs
Hosted Veterans Fair
Worked with Alumni office to target seniors and
offer the Successful Senior Seminar
Created Orientation Presentation with
orientation to CD Process as main message
Deliveredorientation presentation to all
incoming freshmen
Evaluated orientation presentation and update
for next year
Migrated CDC appointment process from
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GOAL #3:
GOAL #4:
Improve job related
knowledge and skills of all
staff with special emphasis
on improving technology
GOAL #5: Document all related
policies and procedures
relative to new service
outlook to grades first
CDC Career Coaches used grades first to
record all counseling notes
Career Coaches met with all freshmen students
to review CCN results and ensure their
interests, skills and values are in line with their
choice of major and career goals
Offer Career Decision Making course through
Arts and Sciences – GEN 201
Career Coaches worked with Gen 101 classes
in their areas to offer/include a class on career
decision making/choosing a major
Created process in support of academic
advising to identify and target major changing
students and students at academic risk
Increased student awareness of Cards Career
Navigator and Cards Career Link
Obtained student record access, grades first for
career coaches
Increased number of graduate student career
Created and managed a coordinated facebook
Supported majors fair
Offer and Team Teach with A&S Advisors Gen
201, 202
Revised Career Coach Goals to encompass
new focus – meet with each coach to complete
revision and discuss how this will affect their
Conducted Staff Retreat to kick of fall semester
and welcome new GA’s
Introduce staff and train on the use all newly
added on-line resources/tools
Revised policy and procedure document with
emphasis on Budget management, front desk
processes, appointment scheduling, Cards
Career Navigator, Grades First
Please add more space for goals as your department’s activities warrant.
D. Points of Pride (2012-13):
Short Title
Cards Career Navigator
Please list three to five ‘points of pride’ for your department from the past year. This can
include initiatives, programs or recognitions.
Completed our first year of the Cards Career Navigator initiative.
Successfully served 2700 freshmen during orientation presentation and
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685 freshmen through the individual counseling process.
Interview Stream
Using Interview Stream the mock interview program has grown to
include engineering, speech pathology, nursing, communications, sports
administration and music.
President of CPAK
Matt Real elected incoming president of CPAK
ACPA Career Dev
Matt Real selected to serve as the Chair of the Career Development
Commission for ACPA
Please add more space for additional points of pride as warranted. .
E. Collaborative Efforts:
Short Title
Cards Career Navigator
Interview Stream Usage
Federal Work Study
Professional Presentation to
Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department has
collaborated with one or more other University and/or community partners.
Working in collaboration with Academic Advising created idea for Cards
Career Navigator and began the design of the freshman program
Education continued to grow and expand our ability of conducting mass
mock interviews with students with the introduction of Interview Stream –
an on line practice interview module
In collaboration with Financial Aid staff, completely edited and updated
the FWS postings within Cards CareerLink to ensure that the information
posted is up to date for incoming students – Summer 2012
Becky Clark co-presented with staff from the Nursing School and Dental
Hygene on the benefits of advising and career working together to serve
students at the professional association NACADA
Please add more space for collaborative efforts as your department’s activities warrant.
F. Continuous Improvement:
Please list areas which have been cited (either through formal or informal assessment
and evaluation) as requiring additional attention.
1. Cite a SINGLE area,
program, service or function
that was identified through a
formal assessment (i.e.:
focus group, survey,
tracking, etc.) as needing
improvement or warranting
additional attention.
To date we have not done a formal assessment of the Career Development Center .
Assessment has been delayed to give the newly re-created center a chance to become
established given that it is only 4 years old (officially opened with a full staff Jan 2008)
and then experienced a major set back (August 2009) due to a flood. We are currently
scheduled to conduct our first ever formal assessment of our area during the Fall 2013
2. Which assessment
mechanism(s) (i.e.: focus
group, survey, tracking, etc.)
assisted your department in
identifying the need for
3. Specifically, what did the
assessment’s findings reflect
that resulted in
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enhancements to this area,
program, service or
4. What has your department
done/plan to do to address
this area, program, service
or function? Please be as
specific as possible.
G. Diversity & Inclusion:
Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department undertook
that supported diversity and inclusion
Short Title
Cardinal Covenant
Porter Scholars
Specialized Retention Program for economically disadvantage students.
Career Development Center provided individualized career assessments
and interpretations for all incoming cardinal covenant students.
Specialized Retention Program for African American students. Career
Development Center provided individualized career assessments and
interpretations for all incoming Porter Scholar students.
Please add more space as needed.
H. Professional Development:
Please describe professional development activities your staff participated during
2012/13 (i.e.: committee work, recognition, leadership roles, conference attendance
and/or presenting at a conference).
Matt Real
President, CPAK
Chair, ACPA Career Development Consortium
Debra Mayberry
Financial Literacy Committee Member - University of Louisville
African American Alumni Council
James Brown
Great Places to Work Initiative-Professional Development Committee
Cardinal Newspaper Advisory Board
Student Affairs Professional Development Commission on Diversity & Racial Equality (CODRE)-Chairman Student
Chair of CODRE
Department of Public Safety Advisory-Vice Chair
Shaun Rayhill
Professional Development Committee
Becky Clark
Orientation Advisory Committee - ongoing (meets monthly beginning November through May)
Welcome Weekend Advisory Committee - ongoing (meets 3 or 4 times per year) University Assessment Committee - ongoing meets 4 times per year
Undergraduate Council - ongoing scheduled monthly but actually meets only about 6 months per year depending on need
Leslye Erickson
Provost 21st Century Leadership Committee
Secretary, Big East Career Consortium
AARCO Retention/ Graduation Committee
2nd Year Experience Committee
I2a Committee
I2a Sun Grant Review Committee
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J. Strategic Goals (2013-14):
GOAL #1:
Please list your department’s strategic goals for the coming year and address efforts to
be made towards achieving each goal. NOTE: Goals should be specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and timely.
What: Increase employer awareness of our graduates’ capabilities and
participation in on-campus recruiting, career fairs, job postings,
advertising possibilities and information presentations.
Why:To offer our students and alumni more and a broader selection of parttime, full-time, coop and internship employment opportunities at UofL.
GOAL #2:
What: Increase student awareness and use of the programs and services
offered by the Career Development Center.
Why: Because it is the responsibility of the Career Development Center to
ensure that students are informed about career development, to teach
career management skills and to provide part-time, full-time and coop and
internship opportunities for UofL students and alumni
GOAL #3:
GOAL #4:
What: Increase faculty and staff awareness of the Career Services Office
Why: Because faculty and staff are one of the best source of student
referrals to the Career Development Center
What: Improve job related knowledge and skills of all staff with special
emphasis on improving technology skills
Why: Because there is a direct correlation between staff knowledge, their
skill level and their ability to provide quality career advisement to the
students and alumni of UofL.
What: Improve data collection on career program/services and outcomes
Why: To benchmark program/service participation levels and effectiveness
What: Increase technology (print, audio, video, computer and internet)
GOAL #6:
resources available and used by students, employers and staff.
GOAL #5:
Why: Because the ability to utilize a variety of technology resources is a
critical career management tool for todays’ students and alumni
GOAL #7:
What: Improve data collection on career program/services and outcomes
Why: To benchmark program/service participation levels and effectiveness
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Please add more space for goals as your department’s activities warrant.
K. Learning Outcomes:
1. Division of Student Affairs
Learning Outcomes
List your department’s 2012-13 programs, activities or initiatives that were designed to
support the Divisional Learning Outcomes listed below.
Students will learn to be responsible global citizens. This will be
demonstrated through service to campus, community, and others.
Students will learn about campus services and activities supporting
their retention and graduation. This will be demonstrated through
student's knowledge of campus services, personal development
opportunities, and increased utilization of campus services and
Students will learn Cardinal traditions and develop a sense of purpose.
This will be demonstrated by familiarity of campus traditions and
increased participation in campus signature events and ceremonies.
Students will learn critical thinking skills. This will be demonstrated
through RSO training, SGA retreats, leadership skills training, and
Engage Lead Serve Board etc.
2. Identify programs, services
and activities planned to
address these outcomes:
1… Cards Career Navigator –through assisting students to make the
connection between their academic areas of study, their major and their career
choice, we will improve retention.
3. How did you plan to
measure attainment towards
the outcomes listed above?
1… Pre and Post- test assessments of their career direction/satisfaction,
increase in retention rates measured over a period of time (many factors will
contribute to this simultaneously making assessment a challenge)
L. Community Service and
Civic Engagement Activities:
List community service or civic engagement initiatives, programs or activities your
department undertook during 2012-13
Short Title
None to date
M. Assessment Planning:
1… Continue to collect and report monthly staff reports
List assessment activities for 2013-14.
2… Continue to collect and report monthly performance metrics
3… Post on the web the results of our graduate follow-up data collected through
senior surveys
4…Collect program evaluation feedback for presentations, workshops, career
spotlights, events etc. and develop process for analysis of feedback
5…Create and implement pre and post appointment career decision/satisfaction
assessment for all freshmen CCN appointments
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N. Issues and Challenges:
1… Trying to do more with a shrinking and already inadequate budget.
List issues or challenges you
anticipate your department
addressing in 2013-14.
2… Trying to deliver on our Cards Career Navigator Program, which we know
will cause demand for services to outgrow our staff capabilities by year two of
it’s implementation
3… Trying to fill the gaps in staff created by the VSIP Program in the next
annual cycle
O. Department Scholarships
1… None to date
Please list any student
scholarships provided by your
department during 2012/2013
Please Attached These Additional Materials to Your Report
P. Performance Metrics
Please attach your updated Performance Metrics for 2011-12. Additions welcome.
Q. Organizational Chart
Please provide an up to date organizational chart for your department (electronically in
whatever form you prefer).
S. Staff List
Please provide an electronic list of student staff who were employed by your department
this year that includes their UofL ID number. This can be generated by PeopleSoft.
Please submit this annual report by Wednesday July 31, 2013.
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