EoC for Biology, Targeted Standards.

EoC for Biology, Targeted Standards.
The content standards addressed on the Biology EoC exam.
Scientific Method
Essential parts of an investigation. )Hypotheses, variables, controls, collect data,
evaluation, new hypo if necessary).
Appropriate tools, eg microscope, balances.
Convey data, charts, graphs (line/bar), slope=rate
Cells, Structure, Function, Biochemistry and Information Processing.
Students should know the function of major cell organelles.
DNA-genes/traits, Plasma Membrane-osmosis/diffusion, Mitochondria-ATP,
Chloroplast-sugar, Ribosome-protein.
Cell size lab
Students should recognize an organelle by sight.
Know the formulas for Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration. [Emphasize the
recycling of matter, e.g. Carbon, and the one way path of energy.]
Respiration produces ATP for cell use.
Photosynthesis produces glucose/sugar, oxygen.
Know the four organic molecules and their monomers.
1. Carbohydrates/ sugar/ glucose/ energy.
2. Protein/ structures & enzymes/ amino acids/ levels of structure-primarysecondary-tertiary-quaternary.
Protein structure is changed by the environment, pH, temp./salinity.
Enzymes are protein that cause chem. reactions. [recall lock/key] or structural parts
3. Lipids/ fat/ energy storage.
4. Nucleic Acids
Matter and Energy in ecosystems
Define matter and energy
Energy flows from the sun -> organic molecules -> environment.
Food chains, food webs-removal of a species affects all of the web.
Energy pyramids, 10% rule for moving from level up to the next.
More available energy at the bottom.
Energy flows (high quality to low-heat) matter is recycled.
Biomass pyramid, pyramid of numbers-trophic levels
producers-1st order consumers, 2nd order consumer, tertiary consumer.
Herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, detritovore.
Decomposers recycle the matter back to producers.
Autotrophs and heterotrophs.
Water and carbon cycle.
EoC for Biology, Targeted Standards.
Interdependent Relationships in ecosystems:
Species interactions:
Mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, symbiosis, predation.
Biodiversity is the many different types of organisms, more diversity = healthier,
and more able to survive environmental change
Man is changing the environment so biodiversity is being affected by: Habitat
destruction, global warming, monoculture, pollution, reversible/non-reversable.
Graphs population growth patterns-exponential and arithmetic.
Interpolate and extrapolate values.
Carrying capacity, graph
Natural Selection and Evolution:
Evidence, fossils, DNA similarities, homologies.
3.5 billion year earth—prokaryotes—then eukaryotes—then multicellular—etc.
Natural selection……..know the steps which are……Species have variations; produce
excess offspring; limited resources like food; creates a competition within the
species “a struggle for existence“; The organisms with the best traits: survives
Survivors reproduce -> new population has best traits
Unequal survival based on the environment
N.S. explains many phenomena, fossils, homologies, chemical similarities (insulin)
If the environment is changing the population can change, EVOLVE, with the
environment. Adaptations.
Have an example in mind like desertification.
Population graphs, age structure, population cycles.
Agriculture represents artificial selection where man selects for desired traits.
Fossils, homologies Cladograms
Inheritance and Variation of traits: [how traits are passed on.]
Structure of DNA
Nucleic Acids/ DND/ RNA/ nucleotides/contains genetic code-for protein synthesis,
is passed to next generation.
A-T, C-G,
mutation = change of DNA (or a gene) may lead to change in a species.
Causes. U.V., radiation, (WIPP e.g. might be mentioned)
DNA -> RNA -> Protein
Decode the table 237 BSCS blue
The translation lab and table. (Code AUG = methionine)
Sexual reproduction (recombination, unique) good in a changing environment
Asexual (clones) good in a non-changing environment.
EoC for Biology, Targeted Standards.
Traits are passed on from generation to generation.
Punnett squares and make crosses and predict the results.
Example 1:2:1, 2:2, 4:0
Homozygous, heterozygous, P generation, F1 and F2 generations.
Dominance, recessive-[tall-short] sex linked-[colorblindness], incomplete
dominance-[red-white-pink], co-dominance-[A, B, AB, O blood type]
Pedigree interpretation,
Chromosomes contain genes that represent different genetic traits.
Meiosis-Non-disjunction, mitosis, recombination
Gel electrophoresis and interpretation